Wireless Outdoor Network

Proposed System:

Describe about the Wireless Outdoor Network?

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In the current proposed system we are developing the network diagram for outdoor wireless devices where every person can use the resources of this wireless network. As now a days new upcoming technologies are over coming so we need to develop a wireless network based on the same. This wireless diagram will for all the users based on the accessibility of this network to all the users from the all surrounding system of this wireless devices. In current proposed system we are using some advanced features related to all the wireless devices to give better performance to the users to use this wireless network. Mainly these wireless network diagrams are using in most of the organizations for to give wireless network signals to the users for the access of existed network around the organization. Mainly in the most of the multinational software and hardware organizations they are using this concept of wireless network maintenance, because in the many of the multinational organizations there is a wide space of area and we need to transmit to every corner of this organization these wireless signals. So for this requirement we are need for the development of wireless network.

According to the wireless network concept there is a limited space to every devices for to transmit the wireless signals, so we need to deliver the signals to the all the users and network uses of the organization needs. Again this wireless signals depend on the capacity of the devices which are using for the development of this wireless network. Because when we go to the outside wireless signals transfer there might be difference in all of the network diagrams for to transfer the network signals to every corner of the usage.

In the proposed system outdoor wireless network we can even transfer the data over the network without any physical connection, means by using the wireless connection of the network from any point of the organization to any other organization and again this can be depend on the same network devices capacity, because we can transfer data even storage capacity of this network devices. So we can transfer the network signals of the data transfer to one place to another place by using this proposed system outdoor wireless network structure.

In the current proposed system also contain the same like every network diagram development phases.

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Those are like as listed below:

  1. Business Requirements
  2. Architecture or Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing

The above three are main phases for every network diagram development and any other development of the project which is related to any software or any other hardware projects and in most of the multinational as well all local organizations are using the same phases for whole development of the network diagram development or any other development. We can observe even in all of the development centers the same like phases.

We will discuss these all phases in the below;

In the business requirement phase we need to collect the business requirements which are need of the development of the given project. Given are the main required topics and concepts of the business requirements while developing the network diagram.

Business Requirements:

Those are as listed below:

  • Applications for which all need to support this outdoor wireless network diagram.
  • Environment, like in which all the environments this network diagram and wireless signals should transfer from one point of location to another point of locations.
  • We should be known of coverage area of this wireless network signals.
  • While developing the outdoor wireless network diagram for the any requirement of the organization we must be knowing of who is maintaining these network diagram and as well we must be knowing of the start and end users of this network diagram structure.

These above requirements of the business need to be consider for the development process of the outdoor wireless network diagram.

And in the below listed are rest requirements which can be manageable while developing the outdoor wireless network or we can manage after completion of the development process this outdoor wireless network diagram. We can add these requirements to the network diagram structure by the type of versions for existed structure of the network.

These are the listed below requirement which can be manageable:

  • We must be knowing of the devices of the clients which is using, because based on this network devices only the dependency of the network signals transfer, because based on the capacity of the network devices only we can receive the signals of the wireless signals. And even if these devices we can change after the completion of the wireless network structure according to our requirement.
  • Based on Existing infrastructure of the wireless network we are developing the net proposed system design, so we must cover all the requirements of the new proposed system.
  • First we can develop the wireless network structure without any security and we can add this security feature later version of the development. As even security is main factor for the any wireless network because we need to protect our data from the un authorized users.
  • One of the main most important requirement is funds for the development of the wireless network diagram. And it can be manageable as this funds even depend on the cost of the network devices and many factors such as security. As we are managing these factors in the development of the wireless network even we can manage of this funds as well.
  • And we need to develop any development process with in the some limited time frame. Here in this project development also we need to develop the wireless network with in the limited schedules. And like this can also manageable with the additional versions of the wireless network structure development process.

The main phase of the any development process is design phase as here we are developing the overview of the outcome for the current running project.

Here we need to create one over view architecture of the current running system and as well we need to create one more over view architecture diagram for the proposed one also. Because based on this all the other factors of the wireless network are depend. This will give most of the output factors of the proposed wireless network development process.                         

Figure 1

As we shown in the above diagram outdoor wireless network can be connected from one place to other with the wireless signals and giving the results for transferring the data over the any transmitting channel and this can be done using the concept of the multi nodes through which data is transferring. As we shown in the above diagram we are transferring the signals of wireless mode from one point of location all the other locations for the accessibility restrictions. And even we can see in the below diagram about the architectural design of the network in a mode of wireless where signals are transmitting from one end point to all the other end points and transfer data to all over the usage for the users with the security.

Figure 2

Like these the wireless network diagram usage also different from one mode of user to another mode of user access. For example as we shown in the above diagram the wireless network signals transformation is different from mobile users to the business users and as well home users.

Table 1:



Number of Hosts


Subnet Mask


































Table 2:



IP Address

Subnet Mask

Default Gateway









































For development of this wireless network diagram we need require of one platform where we can easily develop the structure of wireless network where easily transfer the wireless signals as well data over the wireless network. We need all the requirements of the project here only while developing the wireless network diagram. We need a clear communication from every point of the location to all the other, because while transferring the data from one point to other point there should be no delay and there should be no disturbance for data transfer as well.

While developing the wireless network structure for the outdoor requirement we need to use more complicated and costliest network devices so that quality of the data while transformation from one point of place to another point of place. Even this is the main factor which we need to consider for the development of any wireless network.

In the proposed system we are developing the wireless network according to use as in the outdoor of the any organizations or any other usage we need to test the same wireless network design as per requirement of the outdoor system whether this network design is working properly or not. We need to provide some of the data to the network design diagram and then we need to check whether is this data is transferring to the end with the successful rate of bits. If this is not happen then we need rework on the development process of the wireless network design. So that we can rectify the errors which is happened during the phase of development and the main function in the testing phase is, we need to test the given network design whether we are receiving the correct output from the wireless network or not.


We need to test the development of the wireless network design whether we are receiving the all the required mandatory requirements of the mentioned requirement phase of business needs. Like even we have two types of business requirements that are one is mandatory requirement of business which we need to cover without any delay and one can be manageable requirement need. That is which can be manageable means which can be used after the development, these manageable things are adding like by the version type to the developed wireless network diagram. These are the main factors which we need to consider even we can miss out the manageable things during the first time development phase because this can be vary according usage of the development process but we should not miss out the required hard point requirements like Applications which this wireless network should be support and the environment for which this wireless network should be support.

These all the factors we need to test during the phase of testing in the proposed system. If any one of the requirement is not matching with the requirement of the proposed system then we need to rework on the same and we need to make it as should be match with the proposed system as well needed.

In this deployment process of wireless design we are going to deploy the developed proposed wireless network design to the clients so that they can be used the same developed wireless network design for their usage of the associated users. Even in the deployment process we need to achieve all the requirements of the users for the usage in their regular daily usage. As this can be used in the final delivery of the project and this is main important process for the after development of proposed system.

This phase is directly communicating of the clients and their high business level manner, because this is the main path for communicating of the users with the channels of the delivery channels and most of the deployment of the wireless network design to the all required one. Deployment of any project which is related to the wireless network we should be in a manner that we need to provide the all requirements which we have done in the development process of this wireless network design. So this deliverables will be need of all the requirements phases and all the needs of business processes for any development process while during the process of deployment whole process of stages. So that this can be used in all of the project development phases from anywhere in the existed process of delivery things in the wireless network design of the any development process in the wireless network design.

4.1 Development Model:

Here we are developing the development model of the project approach which is related to the given project development phases. Here we are approaching one of the major path for the development of the this approach in order to develop the project in the wireless mode of network and then this can be used in anywhere of the same entire network this is one of project approach in any of the projects for the development levels of the approaches.

Table 1: Device Interface Number of Hosts Subnet Subnet Mask

Outdoor wireless network we need to develop a model like where everyone can access the developed network in a easy manner and with the all security related issues of the major points covering for the development process in wireless network design of any other development process. There are many networking devices which is using for the outdoor wireless network design those are like models numbers are Cisco Aironet 1570 series, Cisco Aironet 1530 series, Cisco Aironet 1500 series and also Cisco Aironet 1552s series like these are the number of devices which is using for the development model of this approach in order to give more better resulted output of the outdoor results of this wireless network design.

There should be normal level of approach in order to meet the success of the developed model of the outdoor wireless network design and then this can be used in the real time environment of network access in the common usage from all across points. So that there is a limitation of the all of the users in the world. Because this wireless network design is like one of the major important factor of the sharing of any data over the network as well sharing of any official information to all of the users in the existed same network. This network data be used in anywhere of the place in the current environment for their usage.

Current project development process of the wireless network there should be limitation of the data access in between all of the users in the entire network regarding all of the security related functions and any other related functions, like that we need to configure our proposed system. Because the main important task after the development process we need to configure the developed outdoor wireless network according to requirement of the business needs in the existing process of development in the outdoor wireless network design process.

Every developed outdoor wireless network diagram there should be configuration settings as per the process of the in order to transfer of any data from any point to any other point of the data. and there should be some normal and default configuration settings which will come along with the developed configuration system which can be used in all the network diagram settings for sharing of any information over the network. This can be used in the any of the user over the all of network users and can be using the same data from the entire network sharing so that this data can be used from all of the network sharing users.

And even more over these configuration settings are needs to done according to manageable manner this can be used in the business needs of requirements this is used in the all of the network sharing diagram. As we are having in the requirement phase for the two types of business requirement and those requirements should be in a manner of one is mandatory one and the second one is manageable one so for those settings also can be manageable one. So that we can configure those settings according to the requirement of the manageable settings from the configuration process as by default one. So these configuration settings are manageable one according to required requirement of the proposed business system needs in the order of any project network sharing system.

Table 2: Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway

In this project approach phase of communication management is like from where we need to provide the communication channel agreement for the wireless communication in the network diagram design according to the phases of the network. There should be communication from every node in the network diagram to every node from the all other nodes in the route path from information structure phases. This is one of the major important phase as well because we need to communicate with the business requirement needs to the all the phases of the network diagram design for data transfer.

Communication in the network diagram should be like every node of this network diagram should be communicate and participate with all the other remaining points. Every node in the diagram is like in order to provide the all the rest communication channels. According to business needs and then according to the requirement of the project approach we need to develop the network wireless structure so that we can proceed for the communication channel and then we need to use the all the process of business needs.

Wireless network means we need to share the date over the network by without having any of the physical needs of the connection settings. So this communication management can be done according to requirement of the given process. Then we can also create one separate channel in between these communication channels of the network and as well all the node of all the requirement phases as mentioned and provided in the above of this document.

The given process of the business needs or requirement is we need to change the requirements of the business as per change in the manageable requirement of the business. This change should also be like the same manageable change management change in the entire provided requirement network. Again these changes are providing the maximum number of output for the requirement process.

If we are changing any requirement process of the business need we need to change the design of the network as well in sometimes but this should not be the same for the entire situation because there should be only limited number of changes in the network diagram changes. Because if more than this limited number of changes are happen in the network diagram then there will be only limited number of wireless network design structure as well so the cost of the change of wireless network design structure cost will be more. Then we need to more manage these changes in the development process of the wireless network design in the outdoor system.

Changing the any of these details will be leading the major management problems of the business needs so that this can be indirectly or directly leading to the any of the other changing settings or any of the network design in the project approach in the proposed system. We need to manage all these processes for the requirement phases.

We need to test our developed project in the project approach in this phase whether this will work in a manner of that there should no errors after the time of required usage in the any of the communication system. This testing phase also should be in a manner of that all the requirements of the required features of the business need of the proposed system plan approach in the current system of the project plan so this can be used in the anywhere in the approach system of the project network design for wireless system in the outdoor configuration settings, like some default configuration settings from the required requirement of the testing this can be used in the development phase as well.

The testing should needs according the requirement of the business needs in the project plan in the network plan of wireless network structure. Business plan approach and then this can be used in the any of the existed approach rules from the project of the wireless network diagram design structure. Testing of this wireless network sharing system also need to be done based on the same requirement phases. So this is will testing will be having more than all the testing phases like unique testing and black box testing and unit testing.

Those testing phases are like as listed below:

  • Black box testing
  • White box testing
  • Unit testing

These all phases are using in during the testing of meeting of requirements according the phases of development process system.

Finally we need to prepare a final documentation of the given outdoor wireless network design network project so that this documentation can be used any of the time with the changes of the exiting or proposed system developments. So that this can be added more advantage for all of the development process of these outdoor wireless network design system according to the new business needs of requirement process.

Document should be in a clear manner of the picture so that every process any wireless network diagram then we will be using in all of the design structure. This documentation produce all the requirement process then this can be using in any of the design in the development process. All the business needs should be change according to the requirement of the business then this requirement changes should be done with in the very limited process of the changes in the many of the changes requirement changes in the existing and as well as proposed system of the development process. Documentation will give all of the over view of the given project outdoor wireless network diagram development. We need to change the requirements when ever we need to use the new changes in the upcoming outdoor wireless network design or any new versions are adding to this development process of the structure to this documentation. So that this will give more advantage to the any one who is going to use this network diagram design in the later process.


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6. Todd Lammle(2007), “CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide”,Indiana, Wiley Publishing Inc.

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10. Alan Holt, Chi-Yu Huang(2010), “802.11 Wireless Networks: Security and Analysis”,London, New York, British Library Cataloguing.

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