Wireless Application Transport And Security
Task A
a) Understand the requirements and implementation of transporting wireless applications within an office environment.
b) Compare and choose wireless technology for any given situation.
c) Discuss and give advice on QOS and traffic issues within an ISP including configuration requirement.
d) Discuss issues concerning the implementation of converged data and voice within a wireless environment networks.
e) Comprehension of basic security issues.
In the company XYZ, there is a need to analyze that these wireless warehouse are mainly setup for the communication to the wireless and the network operating requirements. The communications are seen to be channeled through the central call manager and then through the relaying. The operator has been set with the wireless warehousing of the Basic Signaling set of BSS for the voice and data communications. The wireless routing has been able to setup the DHCP server to handle the calls with the external network and the IP phone system, which dials some other external base of the customer with the proper IP address and the communicator.
The wireless routing strategy is important, as it will help in connecting to the customer through the wireless systems. The retention routing system will help in calculating the risks whether the customers are leaving. The calls could be easily prioritize depending upon the requirement along with adjusting the routing strategy and the messages. The indication could be easily seen in the analytical reports where the current routing is set as the effective retention rule. The routing of the calls to the last agent will help in assuring the contact centers with the technology to facilitate the call routing. This will also assure the follow-up calls, which are important to handle the best prospect of routing. The arrangement is integrated to the call routing and the cross-selling scenario in the queue where the messages are seen to be customized to any particular customer. The wait time is for the promotion of the newer product and the multi-channel queuing process. The routing across has been important to incorporate the business facilities.
With the reliability and setup of the sensor modes, the reliability of the data with the end-to-end delays has been set for the real time and delay sensitivity approach. The packet loss ratio and the end-to-end help in setting the nodes with mobility along with handling the quality of service with consumption of energy. The wireless routing could be possible through the multi-hop routing where the single hop could help in increasing the throughput with the efficient network approach with reliability of data applications. The applications set for the wireless routing strategy are mainly connected to the enforcement of disaster recovery with distributed computing, crowd control, search and the rescue. The major strategy has been set to scale the population with addressing the multimedia communications with interactive traffic and a higher quality of service, which is implemented through hierarchical routing and on-demand routing.
Task B
The issues with the UDP occurs when the services could not be obtained through the port, as it needs to be functioned appropriately. There are changes in the allocation of port of the DNS server, when there is installation of security update. The service conflicts are likely to be seen in the multirole servers, which offers an additional role of DNS functionality. There are certain problems related to the security with the running on the port with the security service. The service is seen to be vulnerable with the hacking as it exploits the system thereby, allowing the remote access, overflow etc. The security of the UDP connection is based on handling the TCP connections with the additional communication ports.
For the UDP, the Cisco Call Manager provides the use of the connections, which are intra-cluster for the communication with the external applications, and setup of devices. The entire configuration is based on Access Control List (ACL) and the quality of service (QoS) on the network when there is an IP communication solution implementation. In order to troubleshoot the one way voice calling messages, there is a need to make sure that the IP routing has been enables on the Cisco IOS Gateway. There is a need to check on the basic IP reachability in order to verify that the data has been appropriate for the media termination configuration of the points. This will bind to the H.323 signaling on the IOS Gateway and routers. The check is mainly on sending the receiving all the important supervisions to verify the configurations based on the Cisco IOS gateway.
The major problem of TCP use in wireless networks is the loss of the wireless links and other hand-offs. There are loss wireless links where the TCP cannot distinguish in the congestion and error loss. The misunderstanding of the error loss has been considered to be congestion loss where the TCP sender back off the performance degradation. The functionalities depend on handling the reliable system with the in-order delivery of the packets to the applications. This also includes the congestion control along with avoidance of the mechanism functions. The TCP needs to be tuned with the wired network where the loss in packet is mainly due to the congestion issues. This is because the error rates have been fixed in the wired networks, which are negligible. The error rates in wireless networks are set to an order with the large magnitude. Here, the packets are seen to be dropper with corruption over the entire wireless link to control the congestion mechanism, when the sender kicks with the reduction in the size of the window and decrease in the throughput.
Part C
Considering the problem, Cisco has been working on the network to properly implement the solution for the sender, receiver, wired network as well as the wireless network. There is a need to also focus on the implementation layer, MAC Layer that makes the wireless links more reliable through the use of the link level ACKs or the TCP layers with the awareness of the wireless losses. The guidelines for the configuration are when the commands are enabled to cache the IP address and the UDP port information for handling the logical channels. This also prevents the RTP stream from the application layer with reduced CPU utilization.
For the extending of the signal from the wireless router, there is a need to focus on structuring the company ABC in the way to assure the effective wireless routing. The technology names beamforming helps in directing the signal of the router to the wireless clients, which help in setting a better performance. The interference with the signal help sin setting up the router, which needs the software, updates with improved performance. The Ethernet link and the wireless is helpful in setting the Extended Signalling Set (ESS) with one router to the other as shown in the figure.
Hence, this will improve the connectivity along with extension to the warehouse mobile PCs with the help of IP communicator and the cube clients. There is a possibility to handle the support through the wireless distribution system, which allows in setting the connection over a wider range. This works in the form of two modes where there is a point-to-point link, which does not need to allow for the connections to wireless clients. The mode is important for the handling of network. The wireless repeating is where the signal is seen to be repeating and the wireless clients could easily join. The WDS is set as a through the dedicated wireless range extender. This helps in setting and connecting through the original network and the main network is seen to be out of range. The dedicated wireless helps in handling the latency and solving the problem of speed. The wireless network with the device help in the attaching to the access points with the strongest signal set. Another way to extend the signals is through setting up the router as a repeater, which is through the Powerline or some Ethernet adaptors. This is possible through the use of custom firmware, which allows in handling the performance with SSID, security settings and the IP address. The boosters are mainly for the extension in the larger area with the extenders (called repeaters) for the extension and boost up of the signal range. The technology carries the network data over the entire wiring with the setting of the wireless networks, through SSID for the extender and router.
The basic signals (BSS) could be easily handled in the Company XYZ, through the use of the wireless router, which helps in connection to the warehouse network, the server of the company and the external customer base, which has the phone and communicator. The basic signals are transmitted to the call manager with the TFTP and the DHCP server with the setup of external network through which there is a possibility to set the efficient connections. The Access Point are mainly for the use of extension of WiFi range with Wireless Access points. The wireless communications are mainly helpful in speeding up the throughput and offers a higher coverage of signals. There have been wireless sensor networks to handle the collection of data with formulating the clear user displays with decision making functions. The system has been set up through the technology with digital signals. The major advantage is the signal regeneration, which propagates through the air medium, thereby, encountering the noise, or interference, which change the signal waveform. The digital signals are set to correspond with data rate where the transfer of the data is mainly through the wireless network. The data rate helps in sending data from one point to other, which also directs to the higher throughput rate.
As per the observation, there are problems of the Radio Frequency waves to pass through the network. The major issues, which could be seen, are the radio interference, electromagnetic induction, the problems of the cable and the antenna problems. The radio interference is mainly for the operation of the 2.4 GHZ band of Cisco WLAN. The other transmitters can easily use this for handling the same frequency. The spectrum analyser has been important for determining the activity of the frequency where the carrier busy test has been important for setting and generating the different frequency activity. The WLAN will help in handling the test show, which are operating on the frequency with respect to the running of the tests. There is a need to determine about how the equipment can operate along with handling the system radio interfaces on the client with the access points or the bridge interference. The CRC and PLCP errors are also due to the RF interference where there are APs, bridges and the clients to assure the higher chances of the errors. Hence, for this, the electromagnetic interference has been operating to the WLAN, which affects the reception and signal transmission. The isolation is mainly to minimise the effects of EMI along with supplying the conditioned power to the WLAN equipment set. The cable problems are considered to be the major source of the radio communication problem over long distances. Hence, it is important to make sure to handle the signal strength at a lower range. The problems of antenna calculate the maximum distance with line of Sight and antenna placement. Due to the nature of the propagation of radio wave, there have been devices with some omni-directional antenna to communicate. The reasons for reduced signal strength is the problem in the used radiation pattern where there are higher gain omni and lower gain omni antennas.
Considering the setup, there are issues related to the small warehouse glass metal walls and the floors, which impacts majorly on handling the communication distance with increased throughput. There I a need to focus on handling free space dissipation which is only possible through the router with the extender that will spread the signals through a larger distance.
The wireless activity for the IEEE 802.11 standard for handling the WLAN solutions are through the de-facto standards. The operating speeds of the system are mainly through enabling the wired system with handling system performance through the use of temporary connections. In office, WLAN has been important to provide the solution without any need for the permanent wiring setup. This provides the cost saving and help in the changes without any rewiring. These standards are important for operating the different frequency bands, which makes it helpful for handling the raw data rates to a level of 600 Mbps.
The standards meet the different features along with the 802.11b for the WLAN. This helps in handling the data rates through the use of a modulation scheme, which is for supporting the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum. This is important for the modulation technique of the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), which use the 5GHz band. For the increase of speed, there was a ratified offered through the allowed bandwidth rate.
The WLAN networks are infrastructure networks and adhoc networks, which are important for providing the hotspot to provide the cost savings in the office. The backbone wired network is connected to the server with the hold of access points to control the cell. The Access Points have a range of primarily 30 and 300m, which depends on the Access Point location. The Ad-Hoc network is set to form the wired connections with no Access Points to enable the peripheral to control the network.
There are 802.11 use of the Ethernet protocol and Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance to handle the path sharing factors. This is with the use of providing higher data speed and reduced vulnerability to interference. For the WLAN access, the firewalls can easily provide the accessing control with VPN termination. The firewalls have a spare capacity with the secured new network. The WLANs have been for the extra bandwidth, which depends on the VPN processing and placing the demands on the firewall. The best option is to provide a gateway for the wireless LANs, which has DHCP address for inspection of packets at the MAX address and the user levels. This enforce and provide the SSL portals for easy visitor login and the VPN tunnel persistence. The 802.11 has been able to handle the authentication and encryption where the shared key authenticable is enabled through association to AP. The wired equivalent privacy (WEP) has been for setting the RC4 cipher in order to handle the data encryption along with authenticated stations.
This is applied to the extending authentication protocol to LANs wired and wireless to define the messages with the backend authentication servers. The encryption keys are supplied through the authorised stations as per the session basis.
There have been issues related to the passive attacks to decrypt traffic of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) which are based on the statistical analysis. The attacks have been to inject the newer traffic from all the unauthorised mobile stations with the decryption of attack. These are based on the tricking of access points with the dictionary build attacks. The major problem is the problem of the clients in the wireless network for the longer time period. This is called as security vulnerability. The shared keys are able to handle the wireless networks with small and clear text to initialise the key stream by RC4 algorithm. It is tough to use the two keys to encrypt every bit of information send. This is used for the encryption of all the information. Hence, for the recommended change, there is a need to use the WPA2 for handling the secured password with the internet traffic. There are problems of the authentication methods, which leads to the concerns, related to the security strength. The approach has been focusing on the authentication, access control and replay prevention with message modification detection and message privacy along with key protection. The key used has been for the message modification detection where there is a need to prevent the tampering along with integrity check value.
The wireless technology set is important to take care of the entire voice and the data communications in the warehouse that are through the database server of the company. The entire system helps in handling the system protocol with the TFTP and DHCP server to manage the network with IP communicator with cube client as given in the figure. This is also helpful to analyze the request of any customer and he is able to connect with the company partner in order to integrate a contract center platform with the remote agents.
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