Windows Server And Clients Using Hardware Router And Switches
Centralized User Authentication
Discuss about the Windows Server and Clients Using Hardware Router and Switches.
A company named “JKL” requires a setup a LAN for the main office located in Melbourne and other office situated in Sydney. The two offices have three different departments named as Operations, Finance and Marketing. All stuff which is of these departments must have their separate organizational units or in short form OUs. Clients are in requiring of some technologies and system that must be implemented in their LAN. They are further discussed below.
Central Authentication Service or centralized user authentication or commonly called in short as CAS is protocol for web that is designed is such a way that it allows a user to sing on into a number of services or application with his o her credentials entered once. It also helps various web based applications and programs to authenticate any person or user while not getting any sensitive information of the person for example password. Many computer programs which have the CAS word imprinted justifies that the implementation of the technology is being present. A person can take advantage of this system and make networking and accessing databases much easily. It saves time and makes computational work smarter. This is a protocol and as every protocol it contains parties like web browser of client user, web program try to get permission for authentication. It also gets in back end works programs like database server which is not having its dedicated HTTP system but interacts with web program. The system works in this way, when a client or a user enters an application or program the program or the application instantly moves into CAS. After that the CAS checks and confirms the user ID and password fir the respective selected department. After validation of pre inputted credentials the CAS goes back to the user or client and it gives a service ticket then the system checks the ticket for secure information and proceeds to provide access without the loss of security. CAS only allows users or clients to access protected sensitive data. CAS also allows multi grade authentication service via proxy address. A coordinating service with presence of back-end system can only like a database, data serve, mails ever can only join the Centralized user authentication protocol service. A widely used example of CAS in our daily life is mail web client and mail web server. By implementation of this technology the company will have a better security system which will protect from hacking and threats. Along with this “JKL” company will have a better database management and accessibility system installed in their computer and network platform. Among various types of CAS server features most will be extremely vital for “JKL” company making the move more efficiently and technically upgraded. CAS was one tier once and now we can experience multi program authentication system. CAS is made numerous key components including many frameworks and made it workup to satisfy needs of users and clients.
IP Addresses from a DHCP Server
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or shortly called DHCP is a general network protocol having function in internet protocol networking. This protocol is being commanded by DHCP server which divides network specification parameters like IP addresses for interface system and application services. A router or a domestic gateway must be activated to make a DHCP server. This server makes computers to ask permission to get IP addresses and network configuration on its own, decreasing the requirement of network administrator or a computer user to manually adjust the settings. Without the dynamic host configuration protocol every network connected device will have to be manually registered on the IP address. This eliminates a lot of time and it is a perfect time saving solution for people looking for smart networking. DHCP can modify and fully control the TCP/IP settings making it extremely powerful protocol to be used in the entire chain of networking technologies.
As of modern time a wide range of places are adapted to this DHCP server system maintaining the network architecture properly. It is based entirely on the client-server architecture. When a user on a computer or any device connects to the network, the DHCP user program sends a permission query to request necessary data. Any type of DHCP server can respond this request. Since the DHCP server handles a ton of IP addresses and data information about user specification like default gateway, name servers, time servers, domain name. The response of the request can be executed in many ways and it depends on what type of data the client computer asks and need. On that basis the DHCP server will send specific information for each user requesting data. On vast networks which are consisting of numerous links, a single DHCP server may work for the entire network when guided by DHCP support agents situated on the inter joining routers. Such agents transport messages between DHCP servers and the users using DHCP which are located on separate subnet. This makes one for all usage and reduces investment over multiple network control protocols and helps to maintain and service it in necessary. So in this way all computers will request and acquire their IP addresses from the main DHCP server and will make the networking efficient and fast (whatismyipaddress, 2016).
IIS or also known as Internet Information Server is a vast web server designed by Microsoft for usage with Windows NT family. It has support for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP and NNTP. With Windows NT companion this web server it contains set of programs or application for creating and controlling web sites, a search engine, and assistance for writing web based programs that access databases. Windows NT have very light integration of IIS and makes faster web page moving. Basically IIS setup is a setup that includes a user or a company to maintain several web pages and also they can accommodate a wide range of database integration with proper management of them. Web program developers can code and execute programs and make them present in their web pages and IIS is being used for it (Techtarget, 2016).
Separate IIS Server Setup
Microsoft added special abilities for server administrators designed in a unique to ask to Internet service providers (ISPs). It contains a single work page from which all services or programs and users or clients can be controlled. It is created to be hassle free to add parts as quickly that is not initially installed. The administrative windows can be modified for access by clients or users. Internet Information Server (IIS) is one of the most active web servers from Microsoft which is used to host and give Internet-based programs or applications to ASP.NET and ASP Web programs. A web server is responsible for giving a feedback to requests that come from clients. When a request arrives from user to server IIS takes that request from clients and carries it out and sends information back to clients. Internet Information Server (IIS) has its dedicated ASP.NET Process Engine to manage the ASP.NET request. The process of configuring an ASP.NET program depends on version of IIS the program is running on as far as compatibility issues are taken. Internet information server contains a bundle of applications for creating and controlling Web programs, search engines, and help for coding Web-based programs which access databases such as SQL server. With IIS, a computer can be turned as a web server serving vital databases and provides the ability to create and apply ASP.NET web programs on the server. Users or clients can also set security for a dedicated website for specific clients and computer in order to secure it from unauthorized access or from hacking. Newer models of IIS hold a bucket of security features that protects from back door breaching and many more resulting is a secure database empowerment in the entire internet. Thus it is very much reliable in day to day usage. And it will help the company to host a website very likely (Techtarget, 2016).
A dedicated file server is required by the company which will have a number of measures to protect data and only authorize limited and appropriate users to access it. In computing and storage technology, a file server or network storage server is a computer connected to a networking system that holds the major ability of giving a area for shared disk permission of access, like shared storage of computer data (such as information files, dll files, media files, programming files and many more) that can be accessed by the computers that are connected to the same computer network. The word server indicates the work of the hardware in the client–server model, where the users are the computers using the storage. A file server is not designed to do computational and processing jobs, and do not run any programs for its clients. It is created solely to activate the storage and repossession of data while the computation is passed out by the computers. A file server can be committed or not as it depends of user requirement and condition. A dedicated server is considered purposely for exercise as a file server, with computers connected for modifying files and databases as per requirement of clients or users. File servers may also be distinguished by the process of accessing it (Turnkeylinux, 2016).
Separate File Server
Internet file servers are usually utilized by File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or by HTTP, but are unlike from web servers which usually give dynamic web content along with various static files. Those servers which are on a LAN are generally used by SMB/CIFS protocol for Windows systems or NFS protocol for UNIX systems. Database servers, that give admission to a collective database through file device driver, are not considered as file servers as they can require Record lock. Since the base work function of a file server is storing data on drives, technology has been developed to utilize many disk drives jointly as a group, making a disk array. A disk array usually has an amount cache which is very fast and volatile and the storage supports as well as advanced functions like RAID and storage virtualization which impact the performance vastly making the speed reaching the peak possibly. Normally disk arrays boost level of ease of use by using disused components additional to RAID, such as power equipment. Disk arrays may be consolidated or virtualized in a SAN. With file server the “JKL” company can store their required data to be stored and can be accessed from network at any moment of time (Searchnetworking, 2016).
Using a router and a switch the users in the Sydney are connected to that of Melbourne. Dedicated hardware is responsible to make it possible to make a connection between two very long distances and also maintaining the connection stability. A network switch or switching hub is a computer networking hardware that connects devices jointly on a computer network, by using packet switching technology to accept process and advance data to the target device. Unlike less technologically upgraded network hubs, a network switches transfers data only to one or many devices that require accepting it, rather than distribution of the same data out of each of its ports. A router is a networking hardware that transmits data packets between many computer networks. Routers carry out the traffic directing work on the Internet. A data packet is usually transferred from one router to another throughout the networks that compose the internetwork until it arrive its target node. The working way is like, switches form a network and routers connect to networks. A router links computers or workstations to the Internet, so users can distribute the connection. A router acts as a correspondent, choosing the superlative path for information data to travel so it’s received rapidly. In this way a long distant connection is being established with the help of routers and switches alongside with an extreme length of cables and little more necessary hardware. This enable two offices to be connected and share data and access too when required by respective client or user of the department. And this keeps workflow through network more fluidly (Cisco, 2016).
Cisco, 2016. What is a Network Switch vs. a Router? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 October 2016].
Searchnetworking, 2016. file server. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 October 2016].
Techtarget, 2016. IIS (Internet Information Server). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 October 2016].
Turnkeylinux, 2016. File Server – Simple Network Attached Storage. [Online] Available at:
whatismyipaddress, 2016. What is DHCP? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 08 October 2016].