Why Managers Should Make Effective Communication A Priority In The Workplace

Importance of Effective Communication in the Workplace

Communication in the workplace is considered as the important factor that should be taken into consideration so that activities can be managed effectively. It is investigated that executives should consider communication as an important part as it has been evaluated that effective channel of communication can help the company to attain goals and objectives. if there is effective communication in the workplace then it can be simple for the managers to manage the operations of the company in the right direction. In this paper the emphasis will be given on the problem related to formal communication channel. In this paper the ideas will also be considered which will assist in reducing the overall issues.

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It has been examined that communication in the workplace is important factor. The flow of data can be formal as well as informal. Communication channel is related with the means that can help to transfer the message in a proper manner.  The channel of communication is important so that information can be transferred in a proper manner. There are various sources related to communication which can help to transfer the data. The mode of communication can be informal and formal (Holmes and Stubbe, 2015).

It has been analyzed that channel of communication which is formal is considered by the people who are in management of the business. It is considered as the authorized channel that is maintained so that communication chain can be formed easily and also it assist the company in accomplishing targets. The flow of data that takes place through the formal channel is accurate and also legal. The channel of communication emphasizes on memos, reports, orders and letters that flow up and down in the overall system of hierarchy and it is showcased in front of the public (Allen, 2016).  

There are various characteristics which relates to the communication in the formal manner.  It is examined that formal communication is done between the top management. It can take place in oral and written manner. This is considered the source of the communication which takes place between the top management in the workplace and it is done in the formal manner. In context to this channel of communication it has been seen that there are various drawbacks which can enhance the problem. The drawback is also concerned with the communication which is formal and it also takes into consideration the overall hierarchy of communication.  It is necessary to consider the overall hierarchy which enhances the overall consumption of time. In formal communication the flow of information is limited and there are many operations which consider the data in relation to the stringent practices. The problem which takes place is also concerned with the entire hierarchy related to the communication on the formal basis. The individuals takes place between the higher management and between subordinates that emphasizes on the different organizations (Austin and Pinkleton, 2015).

Formal and Informal Channels of Communication

Benefits that should be considered by the top management as it can help to make the process of communication more effective.  It has been examined that formal communication assists the company in maintaining the goodwill of the company in a proper manner. It boosts the workers who are at top management by emphasizing on the strategy related to decision making.  If communication takes place in the company then it can assist to maximize the level of productivity in the workplace. By considering formal communication it has been seen that the data can be managed which also help to focus on completing the activities in an effective manner (Kramer, 2014).

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The communication is considered as one of the informal and unstructured channels that is not considered by the business but it take place just because of the private and the needs of the society of the person in the workplace. It is examined that data which passes can be informal and also it is not officially accepted. The communication which occurs is concerned with the gossips and rumors.  The chain which is informally related take place within the organization and it can also be considered as grapevine. Grapevine is also controlled by the people who are in the workplace and there are no specific rules and regulations which are followed. It can be seen that information which take place can be transferred through grapevines in a proper manner (Karanges et al., 2015).

There are various features that are concerned with the informal channel of communication. The first aspect is concerned with the informal communication that takes place in the middle and lower level.  This type of communication takes place within the people who are managing the operations of the company. The discussions are sometimes made on the rumors which take place in the workplace. The problem which is concerned with informal channel of communication should be evaluated by emphasizing on the disadvantages in context to the informal channel of communication (Banerjee, Adhikari and Nigam, 2016).

The communication also takes place in the workplace which adversely impacts the overall communication channel. It has been seen that communication do not take place in a proper manner but the communication process takes place between the friends who are in the organization. The problem which can take place in the workplace is related with discipline.  It has been examined that employees emphasizes on the informal communication approach and it can negatively impact the level of productivity.  It is necessary for the managers to emphasize on managing the channel of communication so that it can be simple to attain goals and objectives (Ihlen and Heath, 2018).

Benefits of Formal Communication

There are many strategies on which the managers should emphasize so that communication flow can take place in a proper way. The strategies are downward, upward and horizontal. Strategies can assist the directors to control the entire operations in a proper way so that it can be easy to achieve targets.

This type of communication focuses on the message flow down from the formal chain of command and also it is transferred through hierarchical structure.  It can be stated that the messages flow from the top management of the company to the subordinates. It has been examined that this type of communication is related with the flow of data which take place from higher level to lower level.  This type of organizational structure also assists to attain success in the competitive market.  It has been seen that leaders and managers transfer the data with the subordinates then it can also be known as downward communication (Kwiatkowski, 2017).

The communication which takes place downward assists the employees to have effective understanding of the data which is attained. This type of communication should be considered by the managers so that proper communication can take place in the organization. In downward communication it has been seen that directions are given to the subordinates so that operations can be managed.  Motivation also takes place when direction is offered by the top level management. This should be considered by the managers so that problems can be reduced in the workplace.

In this the flow of information takes place from the line employees to managers or the top management. This strategy should be considered so that effective workplace communication can take place. The advantages are also concerned with the upward communication like feedback and trust.

It has been analyzed that managers should take into consideration the feedback form the workers so that organizational development can take place. This can also assist in maintaining the workplace communication. The advantage is concerned with trust and it is seen that proper communication enhances the trust between the employees and top management and it helps to minimize the hesitation level. This strategy is considered as an effective strategy which can reduce the problem (McQuail and Windahl, 2015).

It is the information which takes place between the people and departments. The flow of information takes place between different hierarchies. This should be taken into consideration by the managers so that it can be easy to accomplish goals.  This strategy also helps to show the direction to the subordinates.  It shows the direction to the employees so that they can give their best towards the activities of the company. It will also help in attaining positive outcome which is beneficial for the company (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014).


By analyzing the report it has been evaluated that mangers should focus on considering proper communication so that it can be to achieve the targets. There are two types of communication channel like formal and informal that that helps to minimize the problems in the workplace. So, it has been conclude that to reduce the issues the managers should emphasize on the strategies which is concerned with upward communication, horizontal communication and also downward communication.  It will help to manage the activities of the company.


Allen, M., 2016. Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal Communication. In Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations (pp. 139-188). Springer, Cham.

Austin, E.W. and Pinkleton, B.E., 2015. Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns (Vol. 10). Routledge.

Banerjee, P., Adhikari, B. and Nigam, R., 2016. Dynamics of workplace communication: A new age model. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 6(12), pp.1-16.

Holmes, J. and Stubbe, M., 2015. Power and politeness in the workplace: A sociolinguistic analysis of talk at work. Routledge.

Ihlen, O. and Heath, R.L. eds., 2018. The Handbook of Organizational Rhetoric and Communication. John Wiley & Sons.

Karanges, E., Johnston, K., Beatson, A. and Lings, I., 2015. The influence of internal communication on employee engagement: A pilot study. Public Relations Review, 41(1), pp.129-131.

Kramer, M.W., 2014. Managing uncertainty in organizational communication. Routledge.

Kwiatkowski, C., 2017. Effective Communication as a Major Key to Successful Organizational Change. Journal of Quality and Environmental Studies, 7(2), pp.22-29.

McQuail, D. and Windahl, S., 2015. Communication models for the study of mass communications. Routledge.

Shockley-Zalabak, P., 2014. Fundamentals of organizational communication. Pearson.

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