What Organizational Behavior Indicates

Indication of Organizational Behavior

The Four Major Areas of Organizational Behavior

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Organizational behavior indicates the interface between the organization and human behavior. Organizations are the social systems, and it is a combination of technology and humanity. Organizational behavior audit suggests business settings that facilitate the organization to achieve goals and objectives of the company. However, some of the business analysts have suggested that organizational behavior indicates a human tool for human benefits. In the modern age, a complex set of forces affects the nature of the organization in a particular method. Altman, Valenzi and Hodgetts (2013) have indicated that the organizational behaviors have four major areas including people, structure, technology, and the environment. Organization utilizes enhanced workforces for achieving the goals and objectives of the business. However, the organization follows a particular structure for accomplishing the objectives. Technological advancement facilitates organization to achieve the particular aims of the business (Avolio and Yammarino 2013). Moreover, the external environment influences organizational behavior in an effective manner. Organizational behavior audit facilitates the business to uphold an enhanced work design at the workplace. Most of the time, organizational culture is responsible for the brand enhancement in the global platform. It can be assessed that the organizational behavior audit needs executed for experiencing the profitable outcome of the business.

Organizational behavior has numerous beneficial aspects as it delivers job satisfaction to employees and facilitates to develop work-related behavior at the workplace. In this context, as an organizational behavior analyst, I will audit the organizational behavior of a company. Moreover, I will analyze the different parts of the organization for executing the organizational behavior audit in an effective manner. The researcher has also evaluated several factors influencing organizational behavior audit. With the involvement of the organization behavior audit, the firm will be able to enhance their workability that enables them in increasing the business opportunity in the global market.


Baldwin, Bommer and Rubin (2012) have discussed that Organization behavior is one of the major aspects for experiencing healthy business growth in the global platform. Organizational behavior audit needs to be conducted in the organization for maintaining a particular workflow design at the workplace. It facilitates the company to enhance the productivity of the business in an effective manner. On the other hand, Bolino et al. (2013) have identified that different organizational culture differentiates the business effectiveness of the organization. Through the engagement of conducting the organizational behavior, the company can understand the ultimate goal of the business. Borkowski (2015) has argued that organizational behavior can be contrasted with two components of the business including the human resource management and strategic management. The organizational behavior study facilitates the company to learn about the job performance. On the other hand, the human resource management study highlights the enhanced training program, structure for promoting employee learning. DuBrin (2013) has suggested that strategic management indicates the industry characteristics and products choice, which affects the business profitability.

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Importance of Organizational Behavior Audit for Businesses

Greenberg (2013) has argued that by conducting the organizational behavior audit, the particular company can understand the process of executing the business in an effective manner. Moreover, the organization behavior indicates the systematic study of the nature of the organization. Hogg and Terry (2014) have discussed that organizational behavior audit facilitates in understanding and predicting the control of human behavior in the organization. On the contrary, Jafari and Bidarian (2012) have argued that OB facilitates to investigate the impact of the groups, individuals and the structure of the organization. Organization behavior audit provides the adequate opportunity to the higher management of the company to understand the key development area in the organization. With the engagement of OB practice, the organization can achieve several beneficial aspects. OB delivers the job satisfaction of employees in the organization. Consequently, employees can develop their work-related behavior in the organization. On the contrary, March (2013) has argued that organizational behavior facilities in motivating climate in the organization. Moreover, the organization behavior contributes in building cordial industry relation. Industry relation is one of the major factors for the business enhancement. With the involvement of the effective business relation, an organization can obtain numerous business opportunities in the global market (March 2013). In recent days, it has been seen, most of the organization focuses on collaborating business with others based on effective industry relation.

Miao et al. (2013) have argued that the organizational behavior audit often focuses on the human resource management. OB facilitates the organization to augment its human resource management in an effective manner. Human resource management indicates the most important part of the business, as it contributes company to maintain a certain workflow design at the workplace. Miner (2015) has argued that the organizational behavior is responsible for the enhancement of the productivity in the business. Through the engagement of the effective organizational behavior, the company can obtain a profitable outcome in the business. The organizational behavior audit facilitates the company to understand these major factors that play an important role in business augmentation on the global platform. Moore et al. (2012) have discussed that the organizational behavior not only provides high productivity but also contributes to enhancing the business effectiveness, efficiency, and the organizational citizenship. With the involvement of the organizational behavior audit, the organization can identify the key area for development. Moreover, it works effectively in diminishing the dysfunctional behavior at the workplace. These dysfunctional behaviors including absenteeism, employee retention, dissatisfaction, and tardiness affect the business, and it creates challenges for the organization to uphold a systematic workflow design at the workplace (Morgeson et al…2013). Organizational behavior audit facilitates in identifying the weakness in the business culture. With the development of the organizational behavior, employees can obtain several beneficial aspects including self-development, personality development, human values development, managing stress and achieving mental hygiene. On the other hand, Nahavandi et al. (2013) have discussed that the organizational behavior also contributes to create learning individual and learning organization. Moreover, employees can understand the creative utilization of the emotions along with managing creativity and emotion. Nelson and Quick (2012) have argued that the most beneficial aspect of conducting organizational behavior audit is that the employees obtain adequate motivation for executing the work in an effective manner. With the involvement of the organizational behavioral approach, the particular organization enhances the business opportunity in the global platform (Ostroff and Judge 2012). Consequently, it facilitates the organization to experience the profitable outcome from the business.

The Benefits of Organizational Behavior for Employees and Businesses

By analyzing the outcome of the organizational behavior audit, it can be assessed that the organization enhances its workforce ability by employing effective OB in the business (Pinder 2014). In a recent business report, it has been published that employees obtain job satisfaction in the company due to effective behavioral approaches of the organization. With the involvement of the OB in the business, employees can get the opportunity to communicate effectively with the higher management of the business. Effective communication is one of the major components for obtaining healthy business growth in the global platform. Shafritz, Ott and Jang (2015) have argued that organizational behavior has major outcome including job performance and organizational commitment. Most of the employees have two main motives at the workplace such as perform the job properly and stay in the organization for a longer period. Likewise, most managers have two goals such as maximize the job performance of the employees and retaining good performer in the organization (Van Dijke et al. 2012). Hence, the organizational behavior facilitates the employees and higher management of the company to understand their individual role in the business. On the other hand, Wagner and Hollenbeck (2014) have argued that the organizational behavior Audit is responsible for providing brief knowledge on the business mechanisms. The integrated model of the organizational behavior indicates that the organizational commitment facilitates employees to contribute enhanced performance in the business. Ostroff and Judge (2012) have argued that an effective business mechanism can be maintained in the organization through the implementation of organizational commitment.  Hence, it can be assessed that organizational behavior audit is one of the important aspects of business enhancement in the global platform (Wagner and Hollenbeck 2014). Moreover, the effective OB audit facilitates organization to understand its business mechanism in an effective manner.

Altman, Valenzi and Hodgetts (2013) have discussed different areas of the organizational behavior. Organizational structure is one of the major areas of the organizational behavior. Different organizational structures differentiate the culture of the business. Most of the organization follows the hierarchy organizational structure for executing the business in an effective manner. With the involvement of such organizational structure, the organization can segregate works in the different department of the business. In this context, the organizational behavior audit must examine the organizational structure for identifying the flaws lies within the business. Baldwin, Bommer and Rubin (2012) have discussed that the complex organizational structure creates difficulties of the employees and higher management to execute their job role in an appropriate manner. Hierarchy organizational structure facilitates the organization to uphold a particular workflow design at the workplace.


Bolino et al. (2013) have suggested that organizational behavior audit must investigate the different approaches of organizational behavior including inter-disciplinary approach, human resources or supportive approach, contingency approach, system approach and productivity approach. Among these approaches, human resource or supportive approach is an important aspect of the organizational behavior audit (Borkowski 2015). With the involvement of the effective human resource management, the organization can enhance their workforce in an efficient way. Human resource management plays two major roles including motivating employees for delivering enhanced performance and manages the employee retention policy. In recent years, most organizations have been focusing on the improvement of human resource management, as it is the major aspects of the business enhancement in the global platform (DuBrin 2013). On the other hand, a major area of the organizational behavior depends on the human resource management. Without having the proper human resource management system, organizations are unable to obtain success in the business. On the contrary, Hogg and Terry (2014) have argued that not only human resource management holds the high attention in organizational behavior audit but also the productivity approach needs to be investigated for obtaining profitable outcome of the business. Greenberg (2013) has discussed that the traditional concept of the productivity was concerned with the economic input and output only. However, in the modern age of business, human and social input and output are equally important for the enhancement of the productivity. Organizational behavior audit needs to investigate the business process management for identifying the key development areas. With the involvement of the effective organizational system, the company can enhance its productivity in an efficient manner. Jafari and Bidarian (2012) have discussed the system approach of the organizational behavior, as it plays an important role in upholding a working design at the workplace. There are so many variables in the system that is inter-related and interdependent. The organization must evaluate the impact of the particular system before implementing in the business. March (2013) has described the organization as a social system, and the management needs to understand the importance of social involvement of the business.

The organization behavior audit must investigate the communication process in the business. However, organizational communication majorly depends on different leadership trait. In the participative leadership trait, the employees and staffs can easily communicate with the higher management of the company (Miao et al. 2013). Consequently, it enhances the business opportunity in an efficient way. It can be assessed that organizational behavior audit needs to execute in different areas of the organization including business communication, human resource management, organizational system and productivity.

Organization behavior audit needs to focus on some factors of the each area of the business. For example, the organizational behavior audit focuses on the human resource management of the business. Hence, the external factors of the human resource management need to be investigated for obtaining enhanced business culture. Moore et al. (2012) have discussed the external factors affecting the human resource management. These factors are government regulations, economic conditions, technological advancement, and workforce demographics. The poor economic condition of the organization could create difficulties for the human resource management in executing the work process in an efficient way. Government legislation is another major factor that affects the HRM. Hence, these factors of human resource management need to be analyzed properly for experiencing the healthy business growth in the global platform.

Miner (2015) has discussed that Organizational communication is another area that should be investigated in the organizational behavior audit. Several factors of the organizational communication need to be highlighted. Indirect communication often creates challenges for the employees to transmit a particular message or information to the higher management. Consequently, it affects the business growth. Moreover, in the difficult business situation, the employee could not be able to transmit valuable information due to the indirect communication process in the organization. Another factor of the organizational communication is that the different attitude towards hierarchy and authority of the business (Morgeson et al..2013). Different hierarchy structure includes different types of communication system. Straight hierarchy organizational structure allows employees to transmit business information to the higher-level management. However, the complex organizational hierarchy creates challenges for employees and staffs to communicate with the management regarding their individual work issues. Nahavandi et al. (2013) have argued that conflicting norms for decision-making indicate another major challenge of organizational communication. In the modern age, organizations consider several aspects of the business for conducting the decision-making approaches. Sometimes, conflicting norms in decision-making process affect the business badly as the management is unable to consider a particular decision in the difficult situation. Nelson and Quick (2012) have indicated that some factors of organizational productivity need to be analyzed for enhancing the growth of the business in an efficient way. Organizations face several challenges in enhancing the productivity of the business. Resource accumulation is a major factor affecting the productivity of the business. Ostroff and Judge (2012) have discussed that without accumulating adequate business resources, the organization would not be able to experience the profitable outcome. Business resources include workforces, organization’s capital, enhanced organizational culture, and improved technology, etc. (Pinder 2014). In recent years, most organizations are struggling with the workforce management in the business. Consequently, it affects the productivity of the organization. Hence, it can be assessed that the organization behavior audit must consider these factors of different business’s areas. By investigating these factors of particular areas of organizational behavior, the company will be able to enhance the business opportunity in the global platform. Moreover, these factors influence the organization behavior in the firm.


It can be concluded that the organization behavior audit plays an important role in identifying the business mechanism of the company. With the involvement of the organization behavior audit, company enhances its workflow design in an effective manner. In this context, being an organizational behavior analyst, I have provided a detailed discussion on the organization behavior audit and its importance in the business. The new CEO of the local company may able to understand the key area for development in the business. The rationales for conducting the organizational behavior audit have been provided in a detailed manner. Moreover, the different areas of the organization including human resource management, organization communication, productivity and business structure have been highlighted in the particular study. The researcher provides different factors of each area of the business. Through the engagement of the organizational behavior study, an organization can understand the value of each part of the business. In this context, the new organization must focus on their human resource management for obtaining the profitable outcome of the business. On the other hand, the organization must review their organizational structure for experiencing the profitable outcome of the business. 


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