Weed Infestation Control In Southern Highlands Nsw Australia
Question 1: Assessing Weed Infestation Potential
For the useful assessment of the potential infestation of weed when there are no weeds visible, it is critical to assess it by field scouting.
It is with the help of the Integrated Pest Management, 0.1% has been adopted as the standard maximum tolerance. This is used by leading agriculturists in Australia to determine the tolerance level of the infestations of weeds in soils.
The Pesticides Act 1999 is the essential enactment controlling the utilization of pesticides in New South Wales and is regulated by the New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA). The basic standard of the Act is that pesticides must be utilized uniquely for the reason portrayed on the item name and all the guidelines on the mark must be followed.
For the appropriate control of weed infestations, the four sources of information are the governmental websites by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, the Department of Primary Industries in New South Wales and The Convention on Biological Diversity for Weed Management in Australia.
An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach incorporates preventive and remedial measures to shield pesticides from causing huge issues, with least hazard or peril to people and alluring parts of their condition. IPM is an adaptable, unique technique, which needs refreshing occasionally as data is gotten from the management practice results. It decreases the potential for ground water and air contamination and ensures the protection of non-target species through diminished effect of management activities of pests. It lessens natural hazard related with the pest management by empowering the selection of all the more environmentally generous control strategies
Prevention is the most successful way to cope with plants. If the weed has reached the region and is developed, eradication is far more costly and it is possible that further effort would be required to monitor its further spread and that its effects. The Pesticides Act 1999 is the essential enactment controlling the utilization of pesticides in New South Wales and is regulated by the New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
1. Land clearing
2. Drought
3. Climate change
4. Dry soil
5. Disturbed soil
6. Cyclones
7. Over grazing
8. Habitat fragmentation
Weeds are one of the key challenges to Australia’s natural ecosystem. Significant plant invasions are affecting the environmental composition and equilibrium of ecological ecosystems.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) may benefit plants by facilitating the absorption of nutrients and by improving growth and yield. Some species, such as cereals and legumes, benefit from these mycorrhizae over species not associated with them, such as wild mustard, lamb quarters, wild buckwheat, tame mustard, canola, and quinoa.
The chemical technique involves all use of chemical treatments to dissuade pest of every type. Biological control encompasses the need for live organisms to influence the pest inhabitants. Parasites, plant pathogens and predators are often used as biological control agents. Electromagnetic devices attack the nervous systems of other animals, repelling rats, rabbits, arts and other insects. Simple pest management utilizes natural structures such as nets or plastic sheets to secure crops.
Case Study 1. Weeds Choose two weeds and complete the following form. |
Weed Species 1 |
Weed Species 1 |
Common Name |
Mallow |
Black night shade |
Scientific Name |
Malva neglecta |
Solanum nigrum |
Characteristics of the weeds |
Malva neglecta is a yearly developing to 0.6 m (2ft). It is hardy to zone (UK) 5 and is not tender to ice. It is in bloom from June to September, and the seeds age from July to October. The species is bisexual (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by flies and bees. |
1. An annual variable or short-lived perennial, developing upstanding from a couple of cm tall to 75 cm high. 2. Stems are green to dim purple, often branched and strong growing. 3. Leaves are medium to dim green, pointed and up to 7 cm wide by 12 cm long and oval. |
Potential suitable control measures |
The rabi crop is a suitable measure which is undertaken to control the suitable growth of the plant. |
In order to thrive throughout the soil, the seed not only must remain relevant, but germination must also be avoided till the situations for the establishment and development of the seedling have become good. A sustainable seed may struggle to sprout because of quiescent, dormancy, or both. |
The life cycle and appropriate timing of weed control |
The flowers are borne either by themselves or in groups in the leaf axils and are produced in between early and late-summer. The appropriate time for weed control is at the onset of 6 months. |
A minimum of 178,000 seeds can be produced each year. Seeds germinate well at varying temperatures of 20-30 ° C, with no initial dormancy (99 per cent of seeds germinate in the spring after aggregation and stratification). Seeds kept indoors at room temperature should maintain 27 percent germination after 2 years. The appropriate timing for weed control is at the onset of seed growth into a plant at roughly 11 months. |
Methods of weed dispersal |
Anemochory is a form of wind-assisted weed dispersal technique which is generally observed in this plant. |
Hydrochory is a form of water-assisted weed dispersal technique which is generally observed in this species of plant. |
Choose two growing sites (can be either production or garden sites) that currently grow weeds or have the potential for weeds and complete the following form. |
Criteria |
Site A |
Site B |
Name of Site |
The walkways around streets |
The backyard of a house |
New and emerging weed species (or potential species) in the area |
Portulaca oleracea |
Taraxacum officinale |
Weed characteristics (if present) |
This homely plant is extremely hard to eradicate but easy to harvest. All the leaves, roots, and even the flowers have various edible and medicinal applications. |
This weed’s thick teardrop-shaped leaves have an unusual succulent, mucilaginous texture, similar to a cross between spinach and okra. |
The lifecycle and ecology of a range of relevant weeds in the site |
Dandelions grow from seeds which germinate during the growing season. The plant stays approximately 8-15 weeks in the seedling stage. Dandelions produce a rosette of pale yellowish-green, tiny leaves. The plant develops a deep root, at the same time. |
The production of seeds starts in mid-summer and extends through the end of the growing season. In both tropical and temperate regions the life cycle of purslane is completed in 2 to 4 months. The plants are swiftly blooming and setting seeds, allowing for several generations a year. |
Beneficial organisms in the site |
Green lacewings |
Spiders |
Effects and thresholds on plant health |
NA |
NA |
Economic thresholds for weeds infestation |
The potential crop yield is more than the weed infestation |
The herbicide cost for the pest management is lesser than the potential crop yield |
Aesthetic thresholds for weeds infestation |
It is an herbaceous plant that provides protection for the hepato, anti-inflammatory, and cosmetic ingredients. |
Dandelion provides aesthetic properties by beatifying the area |
Fire hazard thresholds for weeds infestation |
With the inclusion of fire, the plants will die |
With the inclusion of fire, the plants will die |
Effects and environmental thresholds for weeds infestation |
NA |
Dandelion provides aesthetic properties by beatifying the area. However, climate change can affect the growth of the plant |
Weed control methods and timing |
Chemical control at the onset of growth at 6 months |
Physical control at the onset of growth at 9 months |
Potential weed prevention strategies |
Chemical control at the onset of growth at 6 months |
Physical control at the onset of growth at 9 months |
Choose two integrated pest management controls and complete the form below. |
Criteria |
Option 1 |
Option 2 |
Physical methods of weed control |
Burning |
Tilling |
Chemical methods of weed control |
Herbicides |
Pesticides |
Biological methods of weed control |
Bioagents |
Beneficial organisms |
Cultural methods of weed control |
Irrigation |
Fertiliser application |
Strategies for reducing risks to humans |
Using less harmful herbicides |
Using less harmful pesticides |
Strategies for reducing risks to the environment |
Scout routinely and plant into weed-free fields |
Plant weed-free crop seed |
Strategies for reducing risks to other plant or animal species |
Dispose of garden waste efficiently |
Place mulch in soil surfaces |
Factors that affect the efficacy of weed management |
Herbicide performance |
Climate |
The learner must complete and submit the following:
Task |
Evidence required |
Task 1 |
?Written responses to ten short answer questions |
Task 2 |
?Case study one- weeds (must provide images) ?Case study two- growing site ?Case study three- integrated pest management |
Training.Gov.Au, Last modified 2020. https://training.gov.au/TrainingComponentFiles/AHC10/AHCPMG301A_R1.pdf.
Cbd.Int, Last modified 2020. https://www.cbd.int/financial/values/australia-economicweeds.pdf.
Dpi.Nsw.Gov.Au, Last modified 2020. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/123317/weed-control-handbook.pdf.
“Early Detection And Eradication”. Environment.Gov.Au, Last modified 2020. https://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/weeds/management/detection.html.
Jafari-Sales, A., B. Jafari, J. Sayyahi, and T. Zohoori-Bonab. “Evaluation Of Antibacterial Activity Of Ethanolic Extract Of Malva Neglecta And Althaea Officinalis L. On Antibiotic-Resistant Strains Of Staphylococcus Aureus”. Journal Of Biology And Today’s World 4, no. 2 (2015): 58-62. doi:10.15412/j.jbtw.01040205.