Ways Of Disseminating Information On Health And Social Care
Information in Health and Social Care and techniques used
1. what style is used in sending out information? tabloid for instance, (elderly) as headlines.
2. Compare how it was disseminated then. use cinema and talk about the family and how we should live. massage also promote law and order.
The assignment encompasses multiple areas in health and social care and also the accountability of the media. This concentrates on the factor that the media has and is always portraying a key role in the Health and Social Care. The contemporary issues in health and social care lays the current and important issues occurring in the circumstances of the health. Such issues include concerns like elderly care, hospital care standards, government cuts and funding among others. These issues are issues of public interest where there are multiple factors that influence the public debate in such varied matters. An individual also has a responsibility which should be followed too. Thus when printing, putting or divulging anything in mass media every individual should knowledgably take the duty of such concerns because countless damage can be caused to the society for this. This report investigates the information which relates to the health and the issues of the social care. We will discuss how the information relating to the same gives rise to the concerns to the public (Ashok Kumar, 2012).
There are many ways in presenting information to the people on the issues of health and social care. The information on health care is very important because it has effects on the public directly in the society. For example, if a message contains “To be protected from disease…”, such messages can have direct effect on the public. Such messages need to be transmitted in a way that does not affect the society in a bad way. Information needs to be passed to the society in an accurate and secure way selecting the proper medium (Chinn, 2011).
Television, radio, internet, newspapers, banners, posters, cutouts and public advertisements are some techniques to transmit messages to the public. Nowadays internet plays a very vital role in creating awareness among the public on health and social care issues. Reports of public health care are also used for the transmission of messages. Many other aspects like font style, font size, place of the message, etc. are also kept in mind while message is being created to pass on to the people (David Johnson, 2014).
Today media plays varied and significant roles in informing public about the recent happenings in the health care sections. The media plays a role of a mediator by increasing awareness among the people on the current affairs in the social and health care happening around them. The elderly people are the main people who are to be informed about the issues like disease outbreaks, new methods of treatments, new drugs and the advancements in medical because they are not updated with the recent technology. So these section of people needs to be informed and this can be done if the information reaches to them directly. The mandate of information has increased the development of the radio and TV channels, magazines and periodicals especially for the elderly health care and social issues. Thus to acquire a style to inform the elderly can be based on some important media channels by which they can get information without moving from one place to another. Today young generations can access internet and other technological applications to get information which in case of the elderly is not suitable because they are not updated with the developments in this section. So radio, television and newspapers are the appropriate media to transfer important health messages to them. The font style should be big enough to let them read it without any hindrance. If the messages told through television than it should be in scripted in bold and in a slow pace so that they can read. The radio transmission should also be in a slow pace when informing about such issues so that they can listen properly (Egorov, Tsalikova and Razumovskaya, 2015).
Styles in sending information for elderly
A picture says thousand words as we know, and recent developments in medical science have taken up this particular sentence seriously. They are now focusing on pictorial messages to aware the people about health and social care issues. It was always seen that whenever any messages on health and social care was transmitted it came with serious tone proving to be seriously noted. But the current scenario has hanged a bit and now pictures are disseminated to aware people on health and social care. (Hayden, 2012) atated that people perceptions are affected when they receive messages on serious issues on health, these people need high amount of security and safety so they cannot be affected with the type of messages they receive. It should be transmitted to them in a way which doesn’t change their perception that it is a serious threat to their health simultaneously it should be in a way they brings a smile in their lips. The elderly people long for belongingness, so the transmitter of the message should make sure that the messages are carefully given to them. By way of this they have a feeling that the disease or any health issues can be solved. A pictorial medical message can bring back the hope to the elderly people that they can be cured. Today medical science hasdeveloped the transmission of messages through pictures so that the patients from their daily dose of serious health messages can smile by seeing the pictorial health care message. This removes the elderly people from being involved in stress (Hayden, Jeffries and Kardong-Edgren, 2012).
In the present world we see pictures of cartoons displaying issues in the health and social care. It is seen pictures that doctor is saying a patient to have his medicines in a humorous way. (Teston, 2012) claims that seeing these types of humorous pictures the people take the message in a good and also in a serious way. Pictures make the people laugh initially and eventually they focus on getting cured. Pictures do not upset people on issues that concern health care. Serious messages and serious tone of delivering health and social care messages upsets and worries people because they perceive that they might not get cured or else they might suffer with serious health issues. Use of cartoons changes the perceptions of the people which they base on their personal experiences on health and social care (Knoblauch, 2014). Thus these perceptions of the people result in stress which deteriorates their health. The truths in the messages are a perception of an individual in the health care messages. They do not exactly reflect the things told in the message. The people who agree with the message perceive the way they are made aware about it. The cartoon messages make the health and social care message humorous which in turn forces the people to examine the validity of their perceptions that they hold. Even many people may not agree with or appreciate the humor, but the resulting laughter of the people with these issues is a big stress buster for them. If these cartoons which are now portraying the issues in health and social care is decreasing half of the stress and is also promoting relaxation than the people should face the stress of health care with a smile (Knoblauch, 2014).
Pictures used to disseminate
The government plays a pivotal role in transmitting messages on the issues of health and social care. All the messages which are published in the interest of the public from the government are taken seriously and are relevant enough to prove its validity. Health inequalities are also addressed by the government which is duly noted by each medical house and also the public. The media plays a good medium between the government and the public. When any health issue is to be transmitted to the public government uses the medium of television, magazines or newspapers to address such issue (Levey, 2013). Government use inspirational ways to let the people know about the health and social care messages because they have to target an important section of the health behavior which targets every individual and also informs them about the risks of health care. Government together with media has nowadays started campaign to aware every single individual on issues that concern health and social care so that no one is devoid of any information. The government has consistently evolved in providing better facilities in health and social care. The government before transmitting messages has also trained the professionals so that they also inform people in a sublime way and encourage health and social care. Inspirational way of receiving messages brings trust on the government and people listen to whatever the government has to address on issues like this (Levey, 2013).
The issues that occur today and the issues that used to occur previously concerning health and social care were addressed in different ways in different times. But one thing similar in both the eras is that kept the issues reach the people is media. Media has always been an important part to transmit messages on health and social care (Lovell and Lee, 2013). Previously people were only able to stay informed about such issues when they went to the doctors; many people did not have medium like television, newspapers and radio back then (Siviter, 2014). But now things are a bit dissimilar because with the advancement if technology along with people. Every individual have some kind of medium to keep themselves informed. Previously information concerning health and social issues were transmitted through written and verbal mode but picture and cartoons are introduced to channelize the messages to the people. Pictorial format of informing people have also led the reduction of anxiety and stress among the elderly. They smile and relax when they see messages in this mode (Palacios-González, 2014). Media play an important role in informing people on health and social care messages. They influence the attitude and behavior of the people greatly in caring certain issues in this section. Now the government have also taken the aid of sublime ways to address issues on health and social care because they have understood that to expand the life span of the people, they have to inspire them to take the messages seriously and nicely and follow them because issues like this are only published in the interest of the people on behalf of the government (McClimens et al., 2012).
There are multiple contemporary issues still that the people faces on the health and social care sections, which needs to be addressed soon. The media is playing its part to reduce these issues and the government of some countries is also trying to alleviate such issues with the help of the media. The information that is released influences the public to a great extent and change their perceptions so accurate and proper media should be used to deal with such kind of issues in future (Oyelese and Vintzileos, 2012).
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