Watching Patterns In Australia For Oz TAM VPM Data: An Analysis
Description of the report been reviewed
Discuss about the Watching Patterns in Australia for Oz TAM VPM Data.
Watching is one of the major types of leisure used all over the world. People find so much fulfillment in it because of the advantages it comes with. Our focus in this essay will be the on the Australian citizen. We will be seeking to know how different aspects affect their love for watching. One of the most important strategy that marketers have and should embrace it in a great way is observing their prospective customers interests. It is only when this is done that they can be in a position to tune themselves at a place of satisfying this interests. One of the popular philosophy in marketing is that the customer is the king. This is a direct interpretation that no matter how complex the customers’ desires and interests are, they have to be met in the exact form that they have been projected. Firms and industries that have violated this principle and philosophy can bear witness of the cost they have had to pay. This calls for every business out there to be as flexible as possible for its survival since it’s the customer who has the dictation of its conduct. This, therefore, becomes one of the major reason that firms and industries are conducting countless researches in their areas of domain. With this researches, they are able to come up with comprehensive reports that have actionable findings. In other words, this finding acts like a compass that facilitates the next milestone that the business is to take in the quest for success. This essay will conduct a review on an Australian report on the watching habits as well as making relevant responses to each bit. The report been reviewed is of a research done in Australia whose main aim was to assess how Australians embrace watching and any trend that is emerging in the same. It is the first quarter report to be produced in the year 2017.
In the report read on the Australian video viewing habits, we get to see this the above-discussed strategy been applied in an explicit manner. It is one of the tools that can be used by the creative media in Australia to better their services. This is one of the most comprehensive reports that address the creative media in detail in all the facets that contribute to its success or failure. It starts by finding out the number of families that have screens in their homes and specify which type of screens. It also searches on the number of people that watches these broadcasts in a week. It goes on to analyze the total use of these TV sets homesteads and also viewing on connected devices. The report later uses graphs to show the shape and patterns of watching in the day using devices. Lastly, the report analyzes how watching on laptops and desktops is appreciated by the customers. Ultimately, this would be the information that the creative industry would opt for if improvement in performance was their goal. All these findings will be analyzed in the discussion below.
Things seem to have taken a new course due to the findings made by this report. “Average Australian home now has 6.2 screens; most are internet enabled,” quotes the report on the third page. This is at a good number of 6.2 in 2017 compared to the 6.1 in 2015. What could have caused the change? The answer could only be pointed toward the continual advancement in technology. Internet-enabled devices come with many conveniences and a variety of products that can suit the desires of a customer. Despite this improvement, it is evident that not all the population is incorporated and we cannot just dismiss them since they are important too. Apart from going online, an alternative strategy will be to sensitize the general public of the importance that this package come with. There is also a need for making this new device affordable to all. Some people who do not earn a lot could be locked out because of the monthly billing which at times are too high.
“Nearly 20 million Australians watch broadcast television each week,” quotes the report on the fourth page. Here we get to the number of people that watch the broadcast in a week in the various categories of age. This captures an interesting thing that in the 19.9m people, the majority are kids and old people past the age of 65. This is because this is people found in the houses during the day at that time. These people who are in the working class watch television during the day. These people who are part 65 years are them that have already retired and they have no option but to just sit and watch as this is the national retirement age that was passed in 2017. These raises an alarm as there is a huge gap left in the people who are below the age of 65. The probable cause of this gap probably the immobility of the television sets found in the house. This acts as a wakeup call to the creative media industries to find ways of ensuring even them that are working are also catered for. They can use the strategy of investing in the portable devices such as tablets as they are the only option that can be appropriate. Service providers can also think of programs that can be helpful to the working class group since there are television sets even at the workplaces. Another group that ragging behind is the teen. This could be of how they are acquitted to technology and portable devices (Sugiyama, Healy, Dunstan, Salmon, & Owen, 2008). The strategy for this would include more programs that address their situation and those that catch their interest.
Types of screens in homes
“In prime time, Australians spend 25% of their time with the tv sets doing something other than watching live or playback TV within 28 days.” This is a quote captured on the fifth page of the report. In some years back, televisions were used for watching only and this could not be changed in any way. this report makes some amazing finding of how these have changed to the point that watching which was the main thi8ng people could buy televisions is just but a portion of the purpose. In 117hrs and 30 mins. More than 30hrs are uses for other uses. This has continued to increase and the relevant question at such a point would be why? As mentioned earlier, technology comes along with a variety of alternatives that one can spend his leisure time. This is to conclude that all this revolution is courtesy of the technological advancement in the Australian nation. As indicated in the other uses are the likes of browsing, playing games and playing DVDs and materials recorded earlier. This is an indication that there are other things that are more fulfilling to the customer more than just watching as earlier perceived. This is a very delicate point since you cannot tell them to stop and use the television for the watching purposes only. This is where the marketing strategy are applied (Salmon, Timperio, Telford, Carver, & Crawford, 2005). One of the strategies would be to seek how the programs offered on the television are by-passed by the content in the other uses of televisions. By this, they will be in a position to improve the number of people who use televisions for watching.
“Oz TAM VPM data captures minute by minute viewing of participating broadcasters’ free online ‘catch up TV’ (video on demand) and live-streamed content played to connected devices such as tablets,” records the report on the seventh page. Here the report presents some graphical illustration of how Australian watches broadcastings in a day using different devices that are connected to the internet. This serves as an eye-opener too as discussed in the introduction part. We get to understand the rate at which the customers would opt for a connected device and if so which one in particular. This one of the finding in this report that has so much to be considered as it is no settling down for the choice of devices alone but goes ahead to look into the timings too. On the category side, we see that tablets are the most preferred of all the devices with a percentage of 32% on both weekdays and weekdays. On the other hand, television lag behind with a percentage of 4% on both weekdays and weekends too. When we navigate on categorization as per the timings, desktops are mostly preferred during the mornings, tablets for past 6 pm to past 9 pm and then the television would come later after this. We also witness significant shifting in the percentage of people who use various devices although this is to some of the devices. In the weekend many people opt for their desktops and laptops than in the weekdays. This is from 9% to 11%. The other significant change is on the televisions where we observe more people opt to watch it on the weekdays than on the weekends. This as a whole can be used as a resourceful source of data towards building the industry. For improved watching habits, it would be wise to look for what people opt for at a particular time and look for ways of taking advantages of the same (Sugiyama, Healy, Dunstan, Salmon, & Owen, 2008).
Number of people that watch television broadcasts in a week
“Australians aged 2+ who watched video on a desktop or laptop computer spent on average 13 hours and 4 minutes (13:04) each month in Q1 2017 doing so. Those aged 18-24 are the heaviest
online video viewers, watching on average 22:04 per month on desktops/laptops
while people 65+ spend the least (6 hours).” This is a statement captured in the beginning of the 12th page. Watching on desktops and laptops is one area that is dominated by young people in Australia according to this report. They were watching for an average of 22hrs 4mins in one month. It is very interesting and it cannot be dismissed too without trying to seek the reason as to why. Maybe we can get the answer in the content consumed when all the devices are used. The most popular products consumed are Facebook YouTube and others that are related. In this products such as yo0utube, there is a lot of content that suits the desire of an individual. All that a person needs to do is to search yang his/her needs are sorted. Sometimes the television does not customize some of their programs to suit the needs of the consumers and this would make them feel out of place. Another reason is the use could be the portability of the laptops in a way that you can carry it into a place of comfort. Probably in pursuit of enjoyment in the leisure time, he/she can carry it into the environment of choice such as outside the house, in the bedroom and other more places. Laptops and desktops also happen to be multipurpose in function (Salmon, Timperio, Telford, Carver, & Crawford, 2005). For example, one can watch I minimized screen as they type or research at the same time. This answers the question of why young people. Most of them are in colleges and university and they use laptops and desktop for most tasks. Watching, therefore, comes as an accompaniment. One of the ways to engage even those who are advanced in years is to help them understand that they still can watch in their daily activities such as work. They that are not computer literate can be helped to know the whole process so as to better their knowledge.
As we started by saying, any entrepreneur does not throw his punches in the air. This calls for a proper analyzation in the different facets of the concerned field so as to improve the consumption rate. Our area of interest in this report has been the creative media industry in Australia. As the name suggests there needs to be some creativeness in the way they approach this whole issue by applying relevant strategies that promise them a feature. This report was very explicit as it has displayed how watching is being received by the customers in the market. It has also considered the different factors that contribute to this behavior at a given time. One strategy that could help the industry improve would be the SWOT analysis. This is o0ne of the popular tool in the marketing field that helps firms improve in the area of marketing their products so as to improve the sale at the end. The company industry will begin by first analyzing its strengths and on this area, it should put an emphasis not to drop. It then goes to the weakness area and looks for ways of improvement. The third is the opportunities and in this report, there are some opportunities that have been realized as far as the consumer preferences are concerned. Lastly are the threats realized and here the industry has to ensure they are well protected by sealing all lope holes identified. The findings made in the report should be the guide in this activity.
Cha, M., Rodriguez, P., Crowcroft, J., Moon, S., & Amatriain, X. (2008, October). Watching television over an IP network. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement (pp. 71-84). ACM.
OZTAM, R. T. Nielsen, Australian Multi-screen report. Q1 2012.