VPN Technologies For Securing Information Of Contemporary Organizations
Importance of VPN for contemporary organizations
This report focuses on the aspect of use of VPN based technologies for securing the information of contemporary organisations. The Virtual Private Networks would help for the offering of wide range of solutions in order to establish a secure mode of network based connection. The VPN enabled technologies are largely implemented within the use of many big organizations. The various forms of advantages that are offered by VPN enabled technological solutions within the organizations are that they help in the savings of various incurred costs by the organization, scale the network availability within the organization and maintain the proper level of security measures within the organization [1]. As different large scale organizations help in the surfing of web based technologies, hence they become vulnerable to the exposure of the private information. Hence, to protect the organizations from their data to become vulnerable to various forms of attacks, there should be proper methods of VPN enabled technologies for securing the confidential information of the organizations.
Ensuring the Communication of the Browser with the Right Server – There are different kinds of web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari that are ranked as the top network based applications on the internet platforms. These are mainly used for basic browsing of the internet and also serving various other needs that would also include online shopping and also performing various other kinds of online transactions [2].
The web browsers and the web server work together in order to function together as a systems of client and server. In the networking based systems of the computer, the client-server is one of the best standard method that would be useful for the designing of much number of applications in which the data would be stored in several central locations. There are numerous client based web browsers that would be able to request data from the same server or website. These request could happen from the same server at different times or can come simultaneously. The systems of client-server would handle such kind of requests based on any server [3].
(Fig 1: Depiction of the Verification of Communication between Browser and Server)
The web browsers and the distributed servers are able to communicate and transfer information with the help of a wide range of protocols that are guided by TCP/IP. The HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol could be defined as one such protocol, which is regarded as the best form of standard protocol that mainly supports the request put forward by the browser or client systems. They also handle the responses provided by the servers based on the gained requests. The web browsers depend on DNS systems in order to work with the URLs that are able to specify that the browser would be communicating or asking request for information from the right server.
Role of VPN in supporting the security of businesses
Working of Digital Signatures and their Role in Authentication Process – Digital signatures are much of the form as handwritten signatures and are unique. Whenever a person would sign a digital document, the signature would get created with the help of the private key of the person. The underlying mathematical algorithm would work in the form of a cipher and would create data that would match with the originally signed document. This would be known as hash and would be useful for encrypting the data. The resultant data that is encrypted is known as the digital based signature. They play a major role within the authentication processes as they would be able to recognize the authenticity of the person who would be signing the document [4].
(Fig 2: Details of Digital Signature based on a Web Browser)
Verification of Information shared by Server to the right Client – The SSH is a kind of cryptographic keys that are mainly used to authenticate the information shared by a server. A private and a public key are generated prior to sharing of information with the client. Whenever the client would ask for some form of information, the server would ask for the proper kind of proof, which would be the proper kind of private key. After the process of verification, the server would permit the client in order to connect without any kind of password. Some of the common discussed methods for the purpose of verification are safe browsing, 2-step Verification and Security Check-up [5].
Confidentiality and Integrity – The SSL makes a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption for the purpose of ensuring the privacy of a certain message. During the process of SSL based handshaking, the SSL based server and client would agree upon an algorithm of encryption that would be supported by a share form of secret key. This secret key would be used only for a single session. The entire set of messages that are transmitted between the SLL based client and server would be tightly encrypted with the help of a key and algorithm [6]. This would be extremely useful for the purpose of ensuring that the message would remain in its private form even if they get intercepted. The Secure Sockets Layer makes use of high range of algorithms based on cryptographic techniques. As SSL ensures the asymmetric encryption during the transportation of the secret key, there would be no such problem of distribution of keys. The integrity within data is provided by SSL by the help of calculation of a form of message digest. The proper use of data integrity makes use of hash algorithms [7].
Use of VPN based technologies for securing information
The SSL connection would initiate with a handshake. This handshake would be able to determine the type of cipher suite, which would be used in order to encrypt the communication. It would also ensure the verification of the server and would be able to establish a secure mode of communication [8].
Role of symmetric encryption and hash algorithms in SSL communication – Symmetric encryption is one form of single key that would be majorly used for the purpose of encryption and decryption of data, his form of encryption is shared among the sender and the receiver. In the methods of digital system of encryption and during the process of SSL handshaking, the Symmetric based algorithm would make use of single key for the purpose of performing encryption and decryption of the message. The use of symmetric encryption would be mainly to encrypt the data and thus decrypt them during the process of SSL handshake [9].
A cryptographic hash function would be able to convert the long data inputs into a form of a fixed length value based on output. These hash functions are primarily used within different kinds of security protocols such as SSL applications, which mainly depend on the integrity of data. Some of the applications where the hash functions are widely used is cryptocurrency. These different kinds of cryptocurrencies make use of hash functions in order to update a blockchain technology with several forms of newer blocks for the purpose of verifiable and secure mode of transaction based on data [10].
Migration of Anti-Replay Attacks in SSL Communication – The anti-replays are a form of sub-protocol of IPSec. The primary goal of anti-replay would be to avoid the hackers for the purpose of injecting and thus be able to make different kinds of changes within the packets of data that would be able to travel from one source to another destination of information. The anti-replay protocol employs the association of unidirectional security for the purpose of establishing a secure mode of connection between any two nodes of the network. Whenever a secure mode of communication would be established, the protocol of anti-replay would make use of the numbers based on the sequence of packets in order to defeat the replay based attacks. The anti-replay based attacks are one of the major form of infiltration within the networks that would have many form of harmful effects. The anti-replay attacks are majorly used for the purpose of compromising the SSL sessions, perform various forms of fraudulent transactions based on chip-based credit card. They are also being used to compromise within the SSL sessions [11].
Digital signatures and their role in authentication process
In the attacks based on anti-replay, the hacker might make a wide form of usage based on the packet sniffer in order to intercept with the data and thus be able to retransmit the data. With the help of this kind of process, the hacker would be able to imitate the particular entity that would send the data originally.
(Fig 3: Depiction of Web Browser Showing Symmetric Encryption and Hash Details)
Based on the above discussion, it could be concluded that the security of web based transactions are an important aspect that should be taken into deep consideration. The internet is a form of public network, which is prone to various forms of attacks on the information systems. This report focuses on the right form of communication between the web browser and the server. It also discusses the need of digital signatures and the various aspects based on authenticity and confidentiality. The aspect of integrity and confidentiality is a matter of high concern in the recent times, which should be highly ensured within the SSL based communication. Hence the ensuring of security within these aspects should be taken into consideration for dealing with the various issues related to the internet platforms.
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