Volunteer Tourism And Orangutan Foundations: Segmentation, Targeting, And Positioning
Discover Orangutan Foundations and their Efforts to Preserve Endangered Species of Giant Apes
Prepare a Marketing Report on Orangutan Foundation.
Rise in the volunteer travelers worldwide has increased the charity and other to open for the lucrative offer for the expedition on the highly daunting and intimidating experience of travelling. Orangutan foundations in central Kalimnatan are known its conserving the apes which are on the verge of extinctions. With the rise in the volunteer tourism has created lucrative offer for the foundation to launch the expeditions for the sensational seeker customers. Apart from that, theses traveler are being motivated by the cultural immersion, giving back, seeking camaraderie and bonding opportunities are some of the major examples of the motivators. Segmentation, targeting and positioning process helps the Orangutan foundations to understand their customer base. The Orangutan foundations are targeting 16-40 age groups for the expeditions. Apart from that, by using penetration pricing Strategies Company is able to attract the volunteer travelers. Lastly with various media like Televisions, social media platform like Face book and the twitter are some for the major promotion positioning tactics for the Orangutan foundations.
Tourism Industry is one of the booming industries in Australian economy. In 2012 the Tourism industry has seen up to 5.5% growth in Australian tourism industry which has now become more than $35 billion contributing in GDP (Benson, 2011). In the recent times, volunteer tourism has been one of the most influential tourism sectors which are rising in Australia along with rising the volunteer tourism foundations who are willing to give thrilling and challenging form of expeditions which would be life changing experience for the tourist. One of the major rising foundation is Orangutan foundations who is known for the persevering the endangered mammoth apes and tropical forest since 1999 (Brown and Morrison, 2003). Foundation has organised diverse range of programme for the saving the Orangutan and creating sustainability among the tourist. The study deals with volunteer tourism and Orangutan foundations along with its segmenting, targeting and positioning formula.
Orangutan a foundation is UK registered charity working for saving the endangered species giant apes that are on the verge of extinct. This foundation is established in 1990 in order to raise the awareness among the tourist regarding the Orangutan and its species along with conserving tropical sustainability (Vrasti, 2013). Orangutan foundations are actively promoting the awareness among public, media, governmental organisation, tourist to facilitate the endangered spices. Foundation is also an esteem member of UNEP, UNESCO and pride member of APE Alliance. On the other hand another major purpose of the foundations is to protect the tropical forest habitat and reach maximum places to monitor the present condition of Orangutan and their species along with maintaining the biodiversity and unique forest (Orangutan.org.uk, 2015). Foundations ahs also launched various programme such as Belantiokan Conservative Programme and Saving Apes are some of major strategies that used by the Orangutan foundations.
There are various services provided by the Orangutan foundations to attract the volunteer tourist:
One of the primary functions of the Volunteered tourism is to take initiative to determine the need of the tourists and target the promotion efforts to increase in the continuity in creating the large customer base for the cause (Herbutt, 2013). Orangutan foundations as an tour operators chooses the various models which will serve the best to serve the clients, stakeholder sand the foundations. In 2008, the market for volunteer tourism in Western Europe grew by 5-8% from the previous years which is very good news for the volunteer tourism industry. As the growth in this reason seen because of the number of rising people joining for the tour to the variety of destinations (Page and Connell, 2008). Orangutan foundations basically involve in the short term volunteering opportunities for the tourist and the customers which would like to helps others and live for the cause. Volunteer tourism offers hybrid form of options to meet the demand of tourist by going beyond conservations and traditional form of tourist supply chain (Pineda and Brebbia, 2010).
Join Short-Term Volunteering Opportunities and Explore Challenging Destinations
One of the major services that, Orangutan foundations promises that trip would be the very adventures. There would be various twist and turns while visiting the various tropical forest of Australia, Indonesia and the other Asian destinations (Pineda and Brebbia, 2012). Apart from that, things like making tent, cooking, building places for the Orangutan and creating awareness by educating and teaching the local communities residing behind the tropical forest. Orangutan foundations have taken initiative to raise the fund via charity and promote and protect the natural resources. Apart from that, saving forest would impact on the economy and country richness in natural resources (Brown and Lehto, 2005).
This Orangutan foundations volunteer programme has started in 2000 in Tanjung Puting National Park which located in the central Kalimantan in Indonesia (Voluntourism.org, 2015). The programme promises to be more exciting and more adventurous for the tourist. Volunteer would be able to take porat in the first hand conservation of field work and the individual would be able to see the captive Orangutans in their present habitat (Orangutan.org.uk, 2015). Tanjung Puting National Park is one of the largest remaining populations of Orangutans in the unprotected areas.
challenging destination is another major criteria for the volunteer tourist who are very much sensation seeking. Foundations have chosen various model of expedition to promote and as well as raise the fund for the extinction of the giant apes (Australia, 2015). Challenging destinations creates huge amount of risk and also challenges that needed to be solved in places where the chances of livelihood id nowhere. Orangutan foundations has arranges the Indonesian tropical forest for the most of the tour expedition hc9h gives the tourist to faces the tough situation such as self medicated , taking care of self and others, team building along with making friends and also life changing experience for the tourist (Kelly et al. 2010). The foundations take the tourist for the sponsored running marathon by dressing them like apes in order to create awareness.
fundraising would be another major services which conducted by the orangutan foundations by supporting the range of programmes and innovative ideas like online shopping and merchandising the broad range of products to raise the fund for the cause (Grönroos, 2010). Apart from that, foundations also well into adopting an orangutan to reduce the burden of giving huge amount of fund. This decreases the burden for spending more form the low level and middle age income group (Gummesson, 2009).
as per the Simon Faulkner of Sydney University of technology, feels that, youth are more inclined towards the voluntourists tourism. Volunteering tourist expires at wild life park in Indonesia and Thailand gives the surprise element t the students and the adult’s professionals (Gabriel et al. 2010). The level of dedication serve by the studenst while volunteer tourism is very much surprise package for the Orangutan foundations. As most of the student’s dedications, ability to maintain stay calm at tough condition without complaining is remarkable for the foundations (Voluntourism.org, 2015). The foundations tour operators work on the scrubbing pool, planning new trees, and walking endless towards the encore area of jungle feeding water and food to the apes.
Create Awareness and Have a Life-Changing Experience
This is unique form of travel tours organised by Orangutans foundations which is unique and very much prominent tours that go beyond the bored and conventional form of touring the places (Orangutan.org.uk, 2015). Steppes Travel is form of travel where the Orangutans expert from the foundations would give the insight of the work of foundations and show the life of Orangutans in their natural habitat. This experience will give the travelers beautiful rain forest along with journey with boat along with Sekonyer River. Apart from the ape, other animals like monkeys, various type birds, deer, lizards and leopard would be present (Gabriel et al. 2010). Volunteer tourist would engage in the daily life of wildlife of Orangutans. This would creates the awareness among the tourist about the living way of Orangutans and their foundations purpose of saving the last living giant of the earth who are on verge of extinction.
The motivating factor for the volunteers while taking vacations and leisure are cultural immersions, giving back, seeking camaraderie’s and seeking educational bonding opportunities which would enlighten the volunteers for their lifetime.
The reason for volunteer on vacations helps the individuals to maintain the physical and emotional side along with understanding the local culture and community to gain strong motivational factor. As noted by Leigh (2006), one of the major benefit for the cultural immersions is to get on filed interaction with local community and local people which would bring out the valuable opportunities to understand the life via volunteer work. These parts of volunteering experiences enable the travelers to experience and learn beyond the typical tourism. Apart from that, cultural motivational also help the people to rationalize the lives and living environment of the places. It has been found out that volunteer traveler’s tries to get attach strong value for the seeking and experiencing authenticity of the visited place (Illeris, 2003). Volunteer travelers are also very much keen on learning and have curiosity of the local people and their common traditions that lead to connect with local people in more philosophical way. This helps the volunteer travelers to make strong friendship for the long term between the visitors and host during the expeditions (Foster-Smith and Evans, 2003).
As discussed by Cousins et al. (2009), the other second motivational factor would be giving back and reach out to the insight of the less privileged places. Most of the individuals are very much keen on giving back whatever they have achieved. By spending the time with the local people and the creating the trip with objectives that helps them to work with less fortunate habitat or human rather than pure self enjoyment (Coghlan and Pearce, 2010). These are those people who are objective driven in life. This helps them to give back something to the society which these volunteers have received during their life time. Volunteer tourism is also known as the gateway for being the activists, political participations and opportunity to take part in the social movement.
On the other hand , opined by Coghlan (2005), giving back is term which is promise felt by the achieving in life to return the favour to the unprivileged and unfortunate by bring smile in their face with some generosity. With these favour and help the most of the volunteer to achieve the maximum the satisfaction from the inner self. These volunteer are being selflessly working for the habitat and general people, to gain unselfish and being a part of noble team which would creates positive vibes from the inner self of the volunteer (Brown and Lehto, 2005).
Explore Various Services Provided by Orangutan Foundations
On the other hand, the third motivation factor is seeking the camaraderie which is only achieved in the volunteer vacations. For the well versed travelers, these type of the trips would help them to bring the best of group sans the friendship for life time (Brown and Morrison, 2003). Interacting and meeting with the locale sand communities along with other travelers would give them long term friendship motives behind the volunteer vacations. These focus groups are very much interested in making friends and are looking to add value to their enjoyment for the overall pleasure trip experience (Pineda and Brebbia, 2012). While visiting, working with local members, experts and other expedition’s members is helpful to make them to share their views and the help in building relationship strong bond for last life time. Seeking the camaraderie is one of the sentiments which are very much lucrative for these groups while visiting to the tours.
However, sometimes the experience can also be nightmare for the travelers because of the poor and fighting environment of the places (Pineda and Brebbia, 2010). Individuals choose the volunteer vacations in order to anticipate building new relationship from the volunteer experience. Apart from that, it would be blend of the hard work and determinations with some recreations activities which would creates more of satisfaction level of doing the noble thing (Page and Connell, 2008).
Lastly, another major opportunities for the volunteer travelers is tom learn and get educated by the experience from the expeditions. Another major motivator factor which help the volunteer to gain the knowledge and skills which would they impart to their children, family and friends (Herbutt, 2013). This would help them to learn the less fortunate places and underprivileged model and their surviving tactics which would motivate them to make best use of the existing resources which the volunteer have. This expeditions creates awareness shared in social media site which educate people to stop misusing the natural resources and conserving the natural resources which would again the make the world better place. Apart from that, Benson (2011) opined that, educations and bonding would be increases for the volunteer travelers by raising the social issues and other various communal issues faced during the time of visiting the places. By participating in the educating team and sending message to the underprivileged to maintain healthy living and maintaining sustainability within their habitat which would direct them to self satisfaction and improve their vision of life (Coghlan and Pearce, 2010). This would seek better bonding opportunities with the children. These bonding with children make the learning more effective as they would indulge in achieving the social goals.
Segmentation bases |
Customers segment for Volunteer Tourism for orangatun foundations |
Geographic |
Region |
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific , Australia |
Density |
Rural and Urban (45 million) |
Age |
16-35 age category |
Gender |
Male, females and others |
Income |
High and middle income groups |
Occupation |
Employees and professionals |
Demographic |
Social status |
Working class, Non-working class, Students and teachers (No handicapped is allowed) |
Family size |
Single, nuclear, joint family |
Psychographic |
Lifestyle |
Traditional and moderns |
Occasions |
Regular and other Festive seasons and on holidays (March to June) |
Behavioural |
Benefits |
Learning, bonding with locales and communities and for self satisfaction |
Occasions |
No fixed category |
Segmentation part of volunteer tourism for Orangutans foundations are as given below:
The chosen potential customers are from the Australia, northern America and the Europe in to the volunteer tourism because as the awareness in these nation are very much high in compare to other nations. One of the potential customers is students and college group who are very much interested in these type of research and expeditions (Gabriel et al. 2010). The volunteer are will generally from the Australian for the Orangutans foundations who are willing to raise the fund via creating the awareness via volunteer tourisms. Orangutan foundation has also organizes various programmes like camping, cooking and feeding the apes along with visiting the inner core of the forest (Gummesson, 2009). Along with that, how to sustain in the extreme situations and challenges to overcome of the situations are some of the major part of volunteer tourism within the company.
Help Fund Their Programmes through Fundraising Initiatives
The chosen income group is middle, class, higher class and lowers middle class in order to afford the prices. These income groups are being invited by the Orangutans foundations because of raising the fund sand creating awareness (Gabriel et al. 2010). Although the foundation is known for its charity foundations but selling of merchandise goodies of apes is also one of their major fund raising businesses. The segmentation of Orangutans foundations for the volunteer tourism is also raised by via online participation which would open for the entire citizen for Australia and UK (Voluntourism.org, 2015).
At this phase the Orangutans foundations need to target their customer base who are willing to take financial and as well as life risking while going for the expeditions in the forest of Indonesia (Brown and Morrison, 2003). There is large quantity of the customer base willing to go to the places where the situations are tough and as well as dangerous. The foundations promises to keep safe but camping and cooking along with meeting new people would be life changing experience for the adventurer (Coghlan, 2005).
Sensation seeker: Sensational seekers are those pole are who are willing to sacrifice the luxury for the thrill, and physically tough situation which would create s lots of scope of to rove themselves. Sensation seekers are associated with risk taking personality. These seekers wanted to give something in return to the society after what they have achieved (Cousins et al. 2009). Most of the students are very much sensational seeker who is willing to risk their life to get the best learning and practical on the filed experience of living with orangutan. In general population males are higher seeker of the females (Foster-Smith and Evans, 2003). The target age groups for these expeditions are start from the 16-40 years of age where the individuals are in the peak of childhood and adolescence.
Age group for volunteer toursim |
Targeting (%) |
16-24 |
41.1% |
24-40 |
48.1% |
Above 40 |
11.01% |
Graph 1: Age group for volunteer toursim
(Source: Gabriel et al. 2010, pp-506)
Target income group for Orangutans expeditions
Income group per month of volunteer tourist (Europe , UK and Australia) |
Market shares (%) |
$5000-$10,000 |
34.01% |
$10,000-$20,000 |
28.09% |
$20,000-$35000 |
31.03% |
$35000-$40,0000 |
19.1% |
$40,000-$50,000 |
11.08% |
Above 50,000 |
9.23% |
Service: Orangutan foundations need to look for more new expeditions apart from that Tanjung Puting National Park, Indonesia. With new variety of expedition the mountain climbing along with helping the local communities and the apes would increase the volunteer. As per now, foundation has narrowed down its expedition only to the fixed place (Australia.gov.au, 2015).
Pricing strategies
Foundation should choose the penetration pricing as this will help the foundations to create large volunteer from each and every part of the nations. With low price and high adventurous quality and support the strong cause will attract the large customer.
Figure 1: Pricing strategy used by orangutan foundations
(Source: McIntosh and Zahra, 2007, pp-543)
Place: Place would be school, colleges and the rest of the tour and travel company. Providing flight ticket to the customers and hotel booking to camping in the forest areas along with feeding the orangutan is the major supply chain prices for the Orangutan foundations. Supply chain system of orangutan foundation is given below:
Learn about Volunteer Tourism and the Booming Tourism Industry in Australia
Figure 2: Supply chain system
(Source: Gabriel et al. 2010, pp-520)
Social media: Social media is one of the most influential place to market the products or service. In this noble cause of saving orangutan would be easy for the foundations for their orangutan foundations noble cause. Social media platform like Face book and Twitter helps the foundation to create fan page where the volunteer would automatically be get to know about the foundations (Australia, 2015).
Promoting in Schools and colleges magazines: This is one of the most influential way of promoting the exciting trip for the expedition in the Indonesia which could be very easy way to convince the student to come for the volunteer tourism (Voluntourism.org, 2015).
TV: As per the Austrian bureau of statics, there is more than 19.1 million consumer of TV who regular watches the televisions. This would be one of the major techniques of targeting the customers for the expedition by promoting its advertisement in discovery or national geographic channels (Australia.gov.au, 2015).
From the above study, it has been found that, Orangutan Foundations is one of the primer foundations of saving the preserving the tropical forest which is been formed in 1990. Rise in the volunteer travelers has increased by 2.30% from the previous year. One of the major motivator among the volunteer travelers is cultural immersion where various form of people and from other nations meet at one place. Apart from that, it would be giving back which to return the society whatever little have been achieved by the volunteer travelers. One of the major target markets for the foundations would be sensation seekers and the maximum age limit start from the 16 age group. Lastly, TV commercials and the social media plat for are some of the major promotion tactics.
Reference list
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