Virtual Reality (VR) And Augmented Reality (AR) Technology Overview
Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR)
Discuss about the Right of Publicity in Virtual Reality System.
VR stands for virtual reality. In computer technology virtual reality are used to create a simulated environment. Basically VR is used to place the user, inside an experience. User has a ability to interact the 3D worlds. Virtual reality simulates the no of senses. So we can use many senses in virtual reality (Prototypr, 2018). The senses are vision, hearing, touch, even smell also. These artificial world gatekeepers are the computers. Computers are transformed into gatekeepers.
Virtual reality has some limitations. VR experiences are not applicable in poor computing power. HMD stands for Head Mounted Display. In HMD virtual realities are the most immediately recognizable component. Virtual reality systems are mostly similar to the traditions user interface. The little difference is available, about these two components. Display technology is varied for each other (Badni, 2005). We know that human beings are visual creators. For example CAVE is used. CAVE means automatic virtual environments. They are used to display the virtual contents onto room sized screens. The main purpose is fun the people in universities, laboratories, and so on. Emerging hardware and software are used, for future use. Virtual reality based on the concept of Google cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, and Epson Moravia. But they are also players such as Meta, magic leap. They are used to surprise the industries for their new techniques and also the usability’s (Taylor and Moody, 1995).
To make a center stage of HMD, using virtual reality technologies. They are work in living room, office, and many other places. In real time, user’s environment is used to integrate their digital information. Virtual reality is used to create a design, and this design fully based on the artificial environment. Existing environment, fully based on the augmented reality. The addition information’s are stored in the top position. We know that smart phones are in AR applications. In AR applications include GPS. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. Global Positioning System is used to pinpoint the user’s location. GPS are mainly used to compress the detect device orientation. In military applications sophisticated AR programs are used. Sophisticated AR programs are used in machine vision, object recognition, gesture recognizing technologies. Most of the military applications are based on these programs.
“Morton Heilig” was the pioneer of the VR technologies. In the year of 1957 it was created to show the 3-D world to the users. It provides the effects like sound, odor, motions etc. It was known as “Sensorama”.
Limitations of Virtual Reality (VR)
After some years later (1968) a person his name is “Ivan Sutherland” invented the actual model of VR system. It was actually need to mount the device with the users head. That was known as “The Sword of Damocles”.
“The Super Cockpit” was the next notable invention in the VR technologies. During 1980s it was in its peak. This system was developed by “Thomas Furness”. That was developed for the military purpose.
In 1978 a new technology was developed by the “MIT & DARPA” which was called as “The Aspen Movie Map”.
In 1991 “Sega VR” was invented. It has a LCD & Speakers with some lens setup to give the 3-D experience to the users.
A young man “Palmer Luckey” developed the “Enter Oculus” in the year of 2010. It was the most noticeable device in the era.
Now the many companies develop their VR devices like “HTC Vive & Google Cardboard”. Some other companies also carry the research in this field.
First, the virtual reality is very simple. It is a technology used in the industries. But this technology mainly have a contribution in human’s factors in the way of connections and telling stories. In that story telling photography and film making has the important role to the help of peoples (Barfield, 2007). By the way the virtual reality helps to the human. Virtual reality is the first evolving technique in that story telling at the stages of film. And it does not have the control completely what the people will see and when and this kind of technique is very interesting (, 2018). When the person use the headset for the first time they look up right away then side and then they can realize. From these specifications it had some significant for story tellers. And the techniques also had some drawback. Virtual reality is mainly used for eliminating the ambiguity. Some peoples are not convenient to translating words and images into reality. Virtual reality is used day by day as VR engine for architecture and design. Mostly clients have the estimation about struggle people in translating 2D into 3 space and so for that virtual reality helps to translate (Kreylos, 2018). And it also used for designers for better understand about scale and that explanation is also specified in the virtual reality. And augmented reality is most familiar technique in the software development and it has a focus about Google products. Augmented reality is the technique used in computer vision based on such algorithms helps to the real world products in the way of audio, video and graphics. It had the interaction with virtual element to develop a product. Augmented reality shows the information about the products what the field we need like Google glass. And it had the important role in education department. By the usage of augmented reality we can access the real time information. In the translation of text, audio and video it is very useful and it is used in 3D development. In current scenario most of the industries need the augmented reality for the best solution. Virtual and augmented reality is the much needed technology in the industries.
Head Mounted Display (HMD) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Each and every technology that must have a set of rules and regulations, without this that not function in an ethical manner (Virtual Reality Society, 2018). Here we would see about the various principles they are followed while creating the VR & AR technologies (, 2018).
- Instructionally Sensible
- Member Oriented
- Contextually Situated
- Action Oriented
- Consequentially Experienced
- Collaboratively Motivated
- Reflectively Synthesized
The above all are the most needed principle. This principle gives the guidelines in the identification of the needs of the technology (Haptical, 2018). This principle states that all the activities are carried on the process considers the member who involved in the project.
For creating the better VR device the two parameters that are more important. Because the both has the highest impact on the user’s VR experience. First of all we need to give the real world feeling to the user. This was known as Immersion. Here the better 3-D surround sound headsets are developed for that purpose. The Presence and immersion plays a vital role in VR device. So they are the important design factor. While creating the VR design we must consider that both of them.
The other main factor was Visibility, Style of Feedback, and Affordance. They also responsible for the success of the VR device. The VR device must give the real feel to the user. The VR must satisfy the user. For example consider the Game. On this game the user must feel he is the gaming world. For that it must give the open world. When the user goes nearer to any objects on the game that must respond to the user.
Virtual reality is the more interesting way to travel by using the power of technology. By using the headset and motion tracking virtual reality makes the virtual space if the person using that technology. The virtual technology is very truthful technology and knowingly technology for decades. The technology also get updated and changed by current wave of the virtual reality products. Oculus technology has the famous rift, HTC and valve have the friendly vive. And Sony Company released the good PlayStation virtual reality. Samsung Company added a controller to its gear VR in the market and Google aim is to develop the Google card board. The Microsoft hardware products manufactured using that technology. And more new headsets are manufactured using the virtual reality (EON Reality, 2018). These are the various type of the products are developed by who the most popular companies.
Basically HTC vive is a compressive package, in this package include few main components. The main components are headset, two motion controllers, and two base stations. These are defini9g the whole room of VR area. It’s a very good technical device. They are mainly used to track our movements away from your seat.
Emerging Hardware and Software for Virtual Reality (VR)
In earlier system we are using play station for movement. But in current situation motion controllers are more advanced. The Intel core is i5-4590, and GeForce GTX970 GPU. It’s a very costly device. It costs $ 300 more. It does not need to add the motion controller and base station also. So the performance is very effective and the result is accurate. They are using some accessories like motion controllers. These accessories are used in vive tracker. They are used to enable the addition object tracking in 3d space (, 2018).
VR play a vital role in real world and it provide more satisfaction for the users like playing inside the games, living in mars, etc. There are many products of VR occupy the world. It provides more that is not possible in real life and it can be used to do many research and experiments without affecting the real world things, Which means the doing some experiments near the volcano are rarely possible in real world but using VR we can do it in our home and provide the expected results without going to the volcano places, as well as it can be possible to do a research inside the human body and we can see the every cells and network of neurons in the human body.
Using the VR we can do many impossible things and satisfy the people more. And many of the researches are made on the VR and AR to provide the imaginary world and more virtual things to the user purpose.
Many game development companies targeting VR to provide reality games inside the real world to the user point of view and the user expect more rather than simple and 3d views, they want to play it in the real world, VR technology provides such interface to the users.
In this image VR was explained here. In the figure a person who is in her house wearing the VR device. But he feels that he is in deep sea. Because of the picture and sound created by the VR device.
In the below context all the screen shots of our created blog was showed here. All the tabs have the interactive control facility.
Navigate the user to the desired contents and provide interactive design and easy to use form. Navigation system provides feature to access various pages in the website. They are called as navigation bars.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Story Telling
Here the navigation bar was created for our scenario. It has four buttons. By using those buttons user can navigate between the four options available. And they are Home page, Research Page, Examples pages, and About page.
This is the initial page of the website. This gives the link to home page. Here the user can view the pictorial representation of the VR application. Here a person who see the space with the help of VR device.
It provides the information about the Virtual reality in the image format and it has attractive page to access the contents. This page provides two option for users. One is Virtual Reality and another one is Augmented Reality. Here the information’s about the contents are given in pictorial form. The web page has a good pictures, because the picture can able to give the information higher than the words. Because reading text was a boring thing for many peoples.
It provides the research information about the current research on VR and contains links about the research on VR. VR and AR technologies are growing day by day. So the awareness about the current trend in those technologies are very important. So that was showed in the blog.
In this page the user can know about the products of VR. Various current innovations about the VR technology was given in this page. Here a user can able to see the various latest technology VR device and its specifications. In this page the very recent successful product in the VR devices was shown. It was HTC Vive. In this page all the details about the HTC Vive was showed.
This navigation bar provide more information about the Virtual Reality, and its usage, about the products of the virtual reality. It contains such information with one page and Used to learn about the Virtual Reality things in the real world. This contains the interactive design and provide feasible studies about the VR and VR related products.
The analysis and design of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality is done and it contains information about the VR and AR which is about the VR and AR, VR products, how VR used in real world, what the researches are made on the VR/AR. Then the design is attractive and it provides menus and navigation for the user purpose.
Badni, K. (2005). Virtual reality design techniques for web-based historical reconstructions. Virtual Reality, 9(4), pp.215-225.
Barfield, W. (2007). The right of publicity in virtual reality. Virtual Reality, 11(1), pp.69-70.
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