Viability Of Catholic Charities For Partnership With Government In Poverty Alleviation Program
Overview of Catholic Charities
Charities forms the part of live for individuals that are in need of every day basics. A smallest contribution donation can create a large impact on the life of those people and community as a whole. Donating to charity provides assistance to our community with the better place to live by helping the people to that may not else have the access to them. In context of the current report the discussion undertaken is determining the viability that whether the Catholic Charities is fit for the government partnership or not. An in depth analysis relating to the history of the organization and evaluating the present service platform of the chosen non-profit organization the report will be putting forward the notion of government partnership in its venture.
For close to 75 years Catholic Charities has served the network of providing food, clothing and shelter to individuals ranging from all the phase of life and religious background. Catholic Charities also encourages and promotes social justice by serving as the voice for poor and those that are vulnerable. The Catholic Charities on yearly basis help and generate hope for more than 82,000 people so that they can create a better life for themselves and their families. Catholic Charities has been accredited by the Council on Accreditation and Better Business Bureau and was also the recipient of 2015 BBB Pinnacle Award for the Non-profits (Shapely, 2016). Catholic Charities works to reduce the poverty in the America and offers hope to needy people that are in need and unites with others in service. The company mission is to offer service and to advocate for the justice in social structures by calling the entire church and other people to do the same.
According to the latest figures obtained it is found that more than 800 Catholic institutes are spread across the world. Evidences from the latest report suggest that there less number of non-profit organization that are as popular as Catholic Charities of US (Wells & Caraher, 2014). The Catholic Charities services ranges to large group of people. The details concerning the list of service provided by Catholic Charities are stated below;
Immigration and Refugee Service:
Catholic Charities for more than 100 years have been providing services to immigrants and refugees that would help them in overcoming the barriers that helps in impeding their adjustment to life in US.
- Catholic Charities helps the refugees in resettling in the US by offering interpreter services, employment training, job placement and counselling service (Jones, 2017).
- Providing immigrants and refugees an entire variety of community service disaster assistance, childcare, older service and accommodation.
Disaster Relief:
Catholic Charities supports the disaster response and recovery effort with the direct help such as home building, health care service and other forms of program that would enable a long term disaster recovery (Thane, 2016).
- Catholic Charities measure the needs of the disaster survivors and then work with them over a long term period to fulfil their needs.
- Catholic Charities provides immediate relief during disaster which includes cash assistance, food, water, personal care supplies and other necessary items.
Services Provided by Catholic Charities
Family Child and Senior Service
Catholic Charities offers services to adults, families, children and communities. The services include;
- Offering life-enriching adult education course that included computer literacy, parenting and strong family relationships (Mastromatteo & Russo, 2017).
- Providing skill education to prisoners and retuning citizens to reduce the recidivism and supporting their transition to life outside prison.
The proposed program is directed to serve the distressed people of rural US. Because of the inadequate availability of amenities to these people places are unable to deal with the current course of expansion from additional parts of the nation.
The current report is based on determining whether it would be viable for the Catholic Charities to join hands in the latest initiatives of reducing poverty in America. During the recently concluded year more than 2.6 million Americans have fallen below the poverty line with the total amount of 46.2 million people living in poverty (Hong, 2014). At the 200% of the central poverty level, the rate of poverty in US would be 30%. The government is willing to come under the partnership with the Charitable organization for non-profit organization since they have wide network reaching the needy people that can help the government in implementing their poverty alleviation program.
The government has come up with the Supplement Poverty Measure to better gauge into the poverty conditions in America (Boyd et al., 2017). The target government program computes the poverty threshold differently, by taking into the consideration the real data on customer expenditure for food and shelter. The supplementary Poverty Measure takes into the considerations the impact of all the major federal programs on the rate of poverty. This represents that the government can exactly obtain the figures how many people are have been reached through this program and what would have been the rate of poverty if the government did not implemented program (Jenkins, 2014). Through advocacy and support network the increased state level public expenditure at the federal government would lend support to Catholic Charities in this joint venture.
The target government engagement includes;
- State Government Subsidies
- Federal Government Expenditure
- Public Fund Raising
The proposed budget section will be highlighting the probable cost that would be incurred in potential tie up with the government program. As it can be evidently witnessed from the table 1 the program would be requiring $42,500 USD for the administrative purpose. An addition cost on hiring professionals for work will be required. A transportation cost will be occurred for shifting the personnel from one place to another place across the state and it is estimated to incur $3,500 on transportation.
Incoming source |
Particulars |
Master budget |
Funding |
Trust Funds |
Other sources |
Fees & sales |
Sub total |
Balance |
Amount ($) |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Administration |
42,500 |
12,000 |
14,000 |
0 |
15,500 |
32,500 |
6,900 |
Personnel |
75,000 |
24,500 |
32,500 |
14,500 |
27,550 |
77,500 |
4750 |
Travel |
52,000 |
12,500 |
22,000 |
3,500 |
32,750 |
3,500 |
22,500 |
Training |
1,15,000 |
62,000 |
65,500 |
13,750 |
0 |
1,11,750 |
-3,250 |
2,84,500 |
1,11,000 |
1,34,000 |
31,750 |
75,800 |
2,25,250 |
30,900 |
Evidences from the above table provide that a cost of $115,000 on training will be incurred as the program will be hiring new employees that would sum up the total budget of $284,500. As depicted by from the table a sum of $111,000 USD will be obtained through public funding and another $134,500 will be generated through trust. Another revenue sources such as annual subscription and sales would be obtained through Catholic Charities membership. This would sum up around $2,25,250 and a sum of $111,000 will be required from government.
Ever since the introduction of Catholic Charities it has been performing charitable activities to reach wide range of people in US. With the help of services such as disaster relief, immigration and refugee service and senior service has turned out to be popular in numerous regions. In respect of present context Catholic Charities wants to join the government program of poverty alleviation program which would be considered as the ideal decision of Catholic Charities. A wide variety of service by Catholic Charities would help in reaching the rural areas of US. This proposed budget would help the government in applying the programme sufficiently.
Reference List:
Boyd, S. K., Hendricks, J., Lewis, D. W., & Cooper, J. (2017). Google, High School Programmers, A Team from SCU, and Catholic Charities: Service Learning in Silicon Valley.
Hong, Y. S. (2014). Welfare, Modernity, and the Weimar State. Princeton University Press.
Jenkins, B. E. (2014). Developing action strategies to alleviate problems associated with poverty: A case study of Catholic Charities (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).
Jones, K. (2017). Government or charity? Preferences for welfare provision by ethnicity. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 66, 72-77.
Mastromatteo, G., & Russo, F. F. (2017). Inequality and Charity. World Development, 96, 136-144.
Shapely, P. (2016). Medicine, Charity and Mutual Aid: The Consumption of Health and Welfare in Britain, c. 1550–1950. Routledge.
Thane, P. (2016). The foundations of the welfare state. Routledge.
Wells, R., & Caraher, M. (2014). UK print media coverage of the food bank phenomenon: from food welfare to food charity?. British Food Journal, 116(9), 1426-1445.