Values In Organizational Context – Analysis Of Case Study
Important Values to the Organization
Every organization in the society holds some group of values even if it is not spelled out or recorded within the organization. This values actually leads the organizational perspective and the actions of it. These organizational values help a particular organization to define the beliefs and the culture of its employees and stakeholders (Gehman, Trevino & Garud, 2013). When this set of values is followed by the organizational members, the organization becomes more united and tackles several of issues easily.
Within a particular organization values are very much important because it helps the organization to grow and develop (Bourne & Jenkins, 2013). Values are the core material of any type of organization since proper decision making under suitable circumstances is important and these decisions must reflect the values of the organization. These decisions are basically the reflection of the values which the organization holds and these values drives the organization towards a specific type of purpose. These purposes are the satisfaction of the organizational needs. This organizational value reflects how the organization reflects itself and operates within the global context.
This paper deals with the case study of the ‘Leading an Ethical Corporate Culture? Apply Seven Lessons from the U.S. Marines’ and from the case study key values within the US Marines are highlighted and discussed. As mentioned previously, values are the general sets of behaviour of important individuals of the organization. It is to be ensured that the employees of the organization must follow the same set of values in order to avoid conflicts due to differences in values. These potential values which are responsible for creating the conflict will be also evaluated in this paper.
While considering the organizations like the US Marines, ethics are the one of the most important aspects of it. Unethical behaviour can create damage to the individuals who are engaged with it and can also damage the unit cohesiveness and morale (Kouchaki & Smith, 2014). Thus, the ethics respect to the organization must be learned by the marines. To learn this ethics an ethical culture must be created within the US Marines. This ethical culture consists total seven numbers of lessons and the values are one of them. The US Marines holds various types of values within the organisation and most of them are important to the organization for motivating the leaders. In the following sections these values will be evaluated briefly.
From the case study code of the ethical values are one of the most important values for the organization. These values are given importance because it actually provides some practical sense for the business as it facilitates the process of decision making every day (Brophy, 2015). The process of the decision making is done by clarification of how the organizational members should act in a particular type of situation. A group of some internalized values is able to improve the ethical behaviour of the organization and the individuals of it. In addition, a particular set of values is able to provide the organization a competitive advantage for a long period of time because the values incorporates the power of inspiring the members of the organization. For the organizations there are three core values from the US Marines. These three core values are the commitment, courage and the honour.
Values for Ethics
Commitment is one of the core values of the US Marines. This commitment value within the organization support mutual benefits and a strong relationship (Albdour & Altarawneh, 2014). The commitment within an organization can help to manage the relationships which are very much effective in the areas of conflict management, bonds building, trust building and for interpersonal effectiveness within the organization. Commitment is also considered as a personal thing which is a strong indicator of the persistence, resilience and self-discipline.
Motivating the leaders towards their work is very much important for the organizational success. For motivating the leaders, the commitment is the most important value. The commitment of the leaders towards organization is the level which determines how much the leader is engaged with the organization to fulfil the organizational goals. This value becomes very much important for the organizations because highly productive employee is very much crucial for the organizations and the level of the productivity is dependent on the commitment of the employee. Through the highly productive employee organizations can gain competitive advantage within the market. The commitment of the leaders and the followers or the employees is also important for the organizations in the respect of the employee turnover. Whenever an employee or the leader is committed towards the organization it is generally going to result a lower employee turnover which is profitable for the organization.
The commitment assists to effect a change which is important for the organizations when it is not getting any type of growth (Dhar, 2015). This is because there must be suitable changes with proper commitment that will provide a clear roadmap to organization regarding turnaround from the lack of growth. The commitment value for the organization is divided into some sub-categories. The first one is the affective commitment. The affective commitment towards the organization is the value which refers to the loyalty that the leader or the employees holds. For this loyalty the leaders and the employees are willing to fulfil the organizational goals. The effective commitment value also enhances the job satisfaction of the employees as the employees follow the principles and the corporate objectives of the organization. This category of the commitment produces a supportive work environment within the organization which improves the productivity of the organization.
The second commitment is the continuance commitment. This value of commitment leads to the fact that employees and the leaders believe that the leaving cost of the organization is too high. In this case the employee and the leaders believe that they will not get the same benefits after leaving the current organization. This is actually a typical type of commitment which leads to the fact that employees need to stay in the organization because they have to.
The third one is the normative commitment. This value refers to the fact that employees are committed to the organization because the employee believes that he or she needs to stay out from some perceived obligations (Yucel, McMillan & Richard, 2014). This is the type of commitment in which the employees need to stay in the organization because they ought to.
Commitment Value for Organization
The courage is another core value of the US Marines which is considered the key of great leadership within the organization. The courage is very much vital within the organization because it helps to bring success in an ambiguous, uncertain, complex and volatile type of environment that constantly demands increased speed (Comer & Vega, 2015). These speeds are related with the taking of actions, making of decisions and creation of values to engage with the organization in a meaningful and constructive way. This important value of the US Marines is categorised into six different sections. These are the Physical Courage, Social Courage, Moral Courage, Emotional Courage, Intellectual Courage and the Spiritual Courage.
Physical Courage: The physical courage value of the employees is related with the bravery. The employees who holds these types of values are always ready for taking risks for their organization. In such of the cases the commitment value also works within them. Though the physical courage is important in many cases but it is not the most needed value among the employees and leaders of the organization no organization wants their employees to be in some physical danger.
Social Courage: The social courage value of the employees is about expressing their own thoughts. This is very much helpful for the organization in the sense that everyone will be express their ideas within the organization so that new ideas will be developed. Furthermore, this will help the organization to point out the flaws within the organization as everyone will be able express their ideas.
Moral Courage: Moral courage value is all about doing the right things always. Those peoples who possesses this value will always do the right thing in a particular type of situation even if this is ridicule and risky for them (Pury et al., 2014). In the organizations moral courage helps the leadership by making perfect judgement and what actions need to be taken for a particular type of behaviour. This helps the leaders to identify their responsibilities which is important for any type of organization.
Emotional Courage: The theory of emotional courage value in the leadership states that this is about open feelings to all (Palmer, 2017). Peoples holding this value are generally shares their feeling to the others in a full spectrum, in both positive and negative way. The emotional courage value is all about self-awareness and truthfulness of the employees which are very much important for the organizations. Also, this is related with the self-acceptance and moving out from the self-comfort zone when required by others which are required by the organizations in many cases.
Intellectual Courage: In the theory of the leadership, the intellectual courage value states it is a typical type of value which helps the peoples to learn from the challenges. The employees or the leaders who holds this value are always ready to deal with confusing or difficult concepts and able to struggle to gain understanding of a particular situation or concept. This value of the employees and the leaders are required by the organizations this intellectual courage helps to solve complex structural problem of the economy, environment and the society which are a big challenge for the organizations.
Courage value for the Organization
Spiritual Courage: Spiritual Courage value is the leadership theory which answers the purpose why being here to the employees. This is an important value which the leaders must hold to describe the purpose of the employees within the organization. When the employees have their purposes within the organization, they will be more motivated towards their work which is essential for any type of organization.
In the US Marines the honour is demonstrated as the honourable thing even if there is no one to witness it. When the employees do some type of honourable things solid reputation of the organization is built. In addition, doing the honourable things will create trust on the organization of the consumers and the stakeholders.
According to a study in the Redstone test centre honour is the expression of doing the right thing which will represent the employees and their organizations. The honour value is very much important within the organization because it creates trust within the organization among the employees (Last, 2013). As per the theory of leadership honour helps to define the person which actually defines the organization. The honour value of the employees is a critical success to the organization because it enhances the ingredients which are required for accomplish the mission of the organization. As this will help to focus on the mission, better output will come for the organization. The honour value is also related with the commitment value.
The honour is also an important concept for the organization leaders. A good leader always finds various different ideas for honouring the employees of the organization because it makes the employees motivated to their works which is actually beneficial for the organizations (Dinh et al., 2014). This is because that the honour is considered as the recognition, respect, openness and honesty. In a basic structure of business three main things are focused which are the processes, technology and the culture of the organization. The honour value builds a strong and a proactive culture at the intersection of the operations and technology which are critical for an ongoing success. Honour within an organization support the growth of the business and help to reach the success. Also, the honour builds a sense of fair play within the organization and also, increase the satisfaction of the employees. The honour instils dignity and the pride which are again important for the success for any organization. Thus, honour value is very much important within the organization.
In the above section it is determined how the values of the leaders motivate them consistently and which value of the US Marines seems to be most important for the organizations. While the values are very much important for the organizations for reaching to the success it can also create conflicts within the organization. The prior reason behind values create conflict within the organization is arrival of different types of issues for a same concept (Le Pelley et al., 2015). In most of the cases these conflicts occur between the leaders and the employees or the followers within the organization and the main reason behind this is possessing different values as mentioned previously. This conflict between the leaders and the followers can bring various types of issues within the organization. The ethics of the leaders are controlled by the value of them and these ethical behaviours is the related with the positive outcomes where the unethical behaviours does the opposite job which is the negative outcome. Several of research implies that values can be considered as ethical in the sense of the relationship of leader-follower. Again, this relationship is varied across, culture, individual and situation. This indicates that value is a function of culture and it is possible that the value conflict will arise across different cultures. Thus, in the following sections the values of the leader which can creates problem within the organization will be described briefly.
The value of the leaders creates vision and goals for the organizational success which also inspire the followers (Farndale et al., 2014). What type of vision and goals are created by the leader is depends on the values which the leader is possessing. When the leader is possessing positive values for creating vision and goals for the organization the conflict between the leaders and followers or the employees are less likely to occur. In such situation when the leader is possessing some negative values chances of occurring the conflict is very much high as the leader might be wanted to get the organizational success in some unethical way. Thus, conflict arises in the organization between the leader and the followers regarding the unethical vision and goals.
From the case study of the US Marines it is also assessed that the value also controls the personality of the leader and the followers or the employees. For a successful leader the nature or the personality of the leader must be charismatic type with having a forceful personality. The conflict in the organization also arises due to these personalities as various leaders and followers are having different types of personalities. There are mainly total four types of personalities which are the Dominant Personalities, Conscientious Personalities, Influential Personalities and the Steady Personalities.
Dominant Personalities: The peoples who possesses the value of dominant personalities generally confrontational and direct (Lai et al., 2015). Leaders or followers having this type of values try to address an issue very quickly. This type of peoples is impulsive.
Conscientious Personalities: This type of peoples is set in their ways and they are very much difficult to convince. These peoples take a systematic approach whatever they do.
Influential Personalities: Leaders or the followers who have this type of personalities adapts the team environment as a home. This type of peoples has a very good bonding with their colleagues which helps them works perfectly in an organization.
Steady Personalities: The employees and the leaders having the steady personality are very much predictable and consistent (Eysenck, 2013). They will never cause any type of distraction within the work environment and prioritise the group harmony the most.
Now a clash will definitely occur within these four types of personalities because in a group between the opposite types. In first case when considering the steady personality people and a dominant personality people, conflict will definitely arise as the steady personality peoples will not provide any response to the peoples of dominant traits and vice versa. The steady peoples will be passive while the dominant peoples will be aggressive and this will create conflict in the organization respect of the important decision-making process. Also, there will be a clash between the conscientious people and influential peoples in the organization. This is because the influential peoples are too much impulsive which not perfectly match with the conscientious peoples as they are very much detail oriented. Again, these conscientious peoples will have problems with the other three type of peoples due to the nit-picks which are not needed and by some time slowing down the overall project.
From the case study of the US Marines it has been assessed that the cultural values are important for the leaders and followers. Though this is important to the followers and the leaders these cultural values can cause a huge conflict within the organization because different peoples hold different types of cultural values (Trueba, Jacobs & Kirton, 2014). This type of conflicts occurs when different types of cultural beliefs and values clash with each other. The leader and the follower might be approaching to concept perfectly but the way of approach might be different due to different cultural values. Due to this the leader and the followers interprets each other wrong and an organizational conflict arises. This conflict due to the cultural values can also because of the strong emotions where the issue of the disagreement can be insignificant.
Moral value is also important for the US Marines to work perfectly in their domains which assessed from the case study. Though this is important for the US Marines, these moral values can create conflict between the leaders and the followers within the organization. These moral values occur due to the acting of the disputants that they act within the different social worlds, according to different types of meaning (Mooijman et al., 2017). Also, one of the conflicts arises in the organization due to the trouble of breaking the pattern of interaction within a particular group and that is due to own moral orders of the leaders and the followers. Also, when considering two separate groups, the way of making sense to the life can be different for the groups. In most of the cases, the actions taken by the one group will be considered good to the same members while the members of the other group will consider this as an evil or a foolish action vice versa. This happens totally because of the moral orders of the group members that creates the conflict within an organization.
In the pervious section it has been identified that how much the honour value is important for the organization. Though it is important for the organization, still it is one of the main reasons of organizational conflict. This type of honour related conflict occurs in the organization due to the own belief of the leaders of the organizations (Juth et al., 2013). Within an organization the leaders are liable for honouring a follower or an employee. These decisions are based on the beliefs of the leader. Suppose, two followers or employees performs a similar type of tasks and both of them got the perfect outcome but the leader honour only one of them because that person was the best from the leader’s perspective though the two has got similar type of results. Thus, the other follower may believe that the leader is biased to that person and it will be the reason of the organizational conflict between the leader and the followers.
Ethical value is one of the most important value in the sector of the US Marines. All the mariners of the US Marines believe in same ethical ways of performing the operations which they learned from their training. As all the mariners believe in same ethical value no conflict arises between them but for the other organizations this is not the same case and one of the main reasons behind the arise of the organizational conflict is the ethical values. Ethics is something which is controlled by the values (Lefkowitz, 2017). This conflict does not arise in the US Mariners but arises in the other organizations due to the fact that everyone in the US Mariners believe in the same ethical values because they trained so but, in the other organizations different types of peoples holds different types of ethical values. While the leader is trying to suggest a follower to perform a task in a particular way, it can be unethical way for the follower. So, he or she can refuse to perform that task in given particular way. This is the main reason behind the occurrence of the conflict in the organization. Also, this conflict can arise in the vice versa situation where the leader may find that the follower is doing something which is unethical to him or her.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that different types of values are very much important for the organizations. In this paper the case study of the ‘Leading an Ethical Corporate Culture? Apply Seven Lessons from the U.S. Marines’ has been analysed successfully and from that case study three core values have been determined which are very much important for the organizations. These three values are the core values of the US Marines that are Commitment, Courage and Honour. Commitment is one of the most important value for the organization because it helps to build a strong relationship within the organizations and provides mutual benefits. From the discussion it has been assessed that the commitment is so much important for motivating the leaders towards their works. Commitment to the organizations of the employees is very much beneficial for the organizations because of the low employee turnover. Also, this provides competitive advantage to the organizations in the current market situation. The courage value of the US marines is also important for the organizations because the employees and the leader who holds this value can bring the success for the organization in a complex, ambiguous, volatile and uncertain situation which are extremely important. The third value of the US Marines which is the Honour value is also very much precious for the organizations as it builds a solid reputation of the organization in the market which is extremely important for the organizational growth.
This paper also having a broad discuss about the other values which the follower and the leaders possesses from the values of the US Marines. From the discussion it has been assessed that there are some values, present which can create organizational conflict due to differing values for the same concept. From the case study this these conflicting values are the value of organizational vision and goals, value of personality, cultural values, moral values, honour value and the ethical values. All of these conflicting values are described briefly in this paper and how they are creating the conflict is also discussed. As these conflicting values are also important for the organization, further it must find some way to mitigate these organizational conflicts.
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