Value Of High Performance Management For HRM In HPO

HRM characteristics in HPO

Explain the value of high performance management.

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The units depicts the value of high performance management is very absorbing at can be utilized in our day to day pursuits in my organization. I can utilize the information to predict my future moves and I hope it will be prospective when my career will move to a more professional dimension. The classes that I took in this context had motivational value and that is why I am submitting the journals to notify what I have learned. 

Human resources management is said  an effective part of management as they recruit potential candidates who will be assisting fulfilling organizational goal (Phillips, 2013). The lecture about the importance of human resources management in HPO showed the attributes that I can utilize in real business.

  • The targets they set are very ambitious and well acquainted with organizational development
  • Strong sense of purpose is projected through external and internal value sharing
  • Employees are engaged into discussions
  • They align strategies to understand the goals and then co relate that with external demands for prosperity
  • Monitor the environment and react adequately
  • Goals which are consistent and planned out strategies
  • Their primary and ultimate goal is to serve the customers
  • Performance measures are clarified to the employees and they are motivated to work together to fulfill their target
  • They maintain their ethical standard and to use skills and performances of employees to provide solution to the customers
  • Collective decision making

From the journal published by Hendry 2012, I learned how organizations focus only on the administrative side of the discipline and fails analyze the strategic perspective. The significant thing that I learned from that human resources manager should not be resilient to changes. The practice of changing the organization builds or destroys an organization.          

Module 2 actually showed me the capacity of a leadership to affect the organizational behavior and I am thinking of use it in my next assignment.  I have learned from the journal published by Wagner III & Hollenbeck 2014 that in an organization leadership plays an intrinsic role in motivating the employee. This has aided me to develop a clear idea as to how organizational behavior changes under different leadership.

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  • HPO have leaders that truly care about motivating employees to get better productivity and performance.
  • They are more enthusiastic in growing bond with the customers rather than stakeholders.
  • They show encouragement to the employee for taking part in strategy designing and decision making
  • They are responsive to customer appeal and make changes according to them.
  • HPO leaders think out new strategies to emerge out with new business opportunities.
  • Balance long term and short term to define their potential
  • Adopt specific strategies which will lead the organization to the top most position
  • Implement robust techniques to meet the demands of the customers
  • Apply certain strategies to set the company apart
  • Create a learning organization

Change in environment of leadership can bring positivity in the organization (Greenberg & Colquitt, 2013). This study will assist me in my future profession as HR professional.

While venturing module 3, my idea about the new ways of working are cultivated. The lectures that I attended for module 3 elucidated the need of accepting metamorphosis. The journal published by Galegher, et al., 2014 helped me to learn the techniques that will an organization to develop.

  • They empower people and encourage them to take decisions and actions inside an organization.
  • They substantiate core values that are strong and meaningful.
  • Cultural openness and trust is created.
  • They are community centric in their attitude.
  • Stimulate change in the environment.
  • Train harder to gain market potentiality.
  • Increase scope for their organization.
  • Risk taking is compulsory.
  • Realize their benefit in order to understand the change that is taking place in the market.
  • Unfreezing of the employee by communication process..
  • Training employee to increase productivity.

Through Delbridge & Sallaz 2015, I have learned that change is inevitable and an organization has to pass through several phases. This will help me with my future job as HR professional to interact with employees if my organization opts for changes.

A problem, which is taking place today, is not possible to solve by the level of thinking that had been created years ago. From Hatch & Cunliffe, 2013, I gained extensive knowledge in how to work in an organization and utilizing new ways to increase adaptability in market place with the help human resources professionals.

  • Designing of descent reward and incentive structure.
  • Measure the market with constant communication with the customer.
  • Develop people to be resilient.
  • Aligning employee behavior with company values
  • Monitor environment and respond to it
  • Value customer relation.

Leadership, culture, and risk management in HPO

I am surprised that vitality of HR has been denied in past years. HR plays a descent role in collecting data to improve existing product of the company and also about the necessary changes that the enterprise should implement. Journal by Zahra & Nambisan 2012 assisted me to understand that business organization needs to acknowledge the role of human resources in business or it will be left behind in the competition of the market.

I earned the most important lesson from this module that is about risks. In the journal by Gallati 2015 it is discussed that there are many questions that can arise like what can go wrong in an industry and what happens if a corporation confronts the faces risks.

  • Problem is identified.
  • Problem is assessed.
  • Risk of project changes in every stage
  • Organizational behavior has changed largely, so the organization has better capability in terms of risk managing.
  • Implement more effective strategies to resist mishap.
  • Take risks in secured and protective way.
  • Take certain steps so that they can measure failure and control it before it gets ungovernable.

The lessons taught by my lecturer on this module have given me clear perspective about the problems that may arise in an organization. As discussed in Lam 2014, organizations have to have effective risk managing team. A new product launch also has it risk economically and politically but I think in this age of technology one should not be afraid of risk because potential strategies and functional technical team can sort out the risk factors of a company.

This module enlightens about the fact that an organization needs to avoid making unreasonable statements. I have learnt from Slack 2015 that accomplishment is enough to illuminate people about the service that the organization really wants to provide.

  • Numerical flexibility
  • Design thinking
  • Positioning matters in order to succeed in market place
  • Wage flexibility of the workers
  • Have flexible mind sets
  • Have flexibility in resources influences the speed of change
  • Different strategies to develop long term plan.

Distinctive competence is the process by which an organization achieves advantageous strategies (Klingebiel & Rammer, 2014). I am definitely going to implement the use of scope to assess the range of the market and it will help me in distribution of resources in effective way. This module has helped me in gaining knowledge that strategy alone is not effectual without tactics. Objectives can be achieved by effective designing better use of resources and deploying the whole process in tactical way. Rational decision making is very essential to control cost.

The information that I got from Module 7 are helpful as it discusses about the business models that are used to achieve goals in business. The lecturer discussed about the importance of business model in module 7 and sited the important points that structure the business model.

  • Customer segmentation is necessary step.
  • Value propositions for initiating the manufacture procedure of a product
  • Channels for distribution and communication and sales are very important aspect in business
  • Customer relationships are essential to know the market condition.
  • Manage the revenue streams
  • Use key resources wisely
  • Focus on the key activities
  • Value key partnerships
  • Needs to define cost structure

Attributes of business model helps in setting target and achieve objectives continuously (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2013). I found it very important because it defines the sense of purpose both inside and outside of the organization. I will definitely recommend the organization that I will be working on to concentrate more on customer needs and supply chain management. This is a strategic method to understand how the customers are responding to the service provided by the organization. Importance of cost reduction and brand status can largely affect the target crowd and I want to ensure after studying Business Model Generation byWorkforce Planning

Strategic management and business models in HPO

Workforce has high importance in business. While I studied this in module 8, I was thrilled to witness the necessity that workforce has in an organization. The lecturer conspicuously explained to me the role of management in choosing workforce. Again in this planning the role of human resources management is effectively discussed.

  • Available talent is allocated correctly
  • Costs of labour is minimized
  • Suitable amount of employee
  • Employees that are talented retained
  • Seek employees who are fit for the organization purpose
  • Competitive and hard working individuals are the target
  • Idealistic individuals who think work is the motivation of life
  • Loyalty receives the ultimate priority

Qualitative and quantitative measures are the focal point that an organization depends on in order to find better employment (Dychtwald, Erickson & Morison, 2013). Alertness of human resources manager is vital about the external forces. I have found in this study how employment is affected as child labor, immigration changes and part time jobs are proliferating.  Increasing use of technology is also affecting the workforce as the company is terminating employees to reduce the rate of expenditure. I want to prioritize both technology and workforce the organization I will be working in as Inforhm’s workforce planning defines the operational value of both in an organization.

I have always thought business is all about time but in module 9 interpreted that business is all about making money. So extending the supply chain beyond borders with the help of outsourcing seems best way to develop business. From Willcocks  & Cullen 2013 I learned how outsourcing can reach people with company’s product and can acquire economic value beyond one’s knowledge.

  • The human resources manager decides the employment rates of the external labours
  • Graduation is a compulsory degree that an employee working for an outsourcing company
  • Checking national and regional demographic profiles for assurance of outsourcing
  • Embed workforce planning in business planning procedure
  • Forecast the future developments of the organization.
  • Collect meaningful data to study the customers of target area.
  • Multiplying of consumers.

Organizations are now able target international markets with the help of outsourcing. I have learned that outsourcing has helped in reducing the expenditure that they had to bear earlier to expand their power beyond their territory.  Power of negotiation is well handled by the service agents and organization can control the customers in an effective way with the help of this technology but how safe this technological venture really is? I think this is very risky as confidential information of a company may get disclosed and reputation can get spoiled as some competitor for their own benefit spread rumors about the company.

I learned the importance of control on management in module 10. Control is the disciplining of organizational activities so that the target element of the performance remains in the limit of acceptability. Bureaucratic theory proposed by Max Webber has aided me to know how control can enhance the performance of a company and can give perspective of the position it will achieve in the future.

  • Operations control is the process for metamorphosing of resources into products or services
  • Financial control is controlling of resources financially
  • Structural control defines the components of the enterprise and serve their intended purpose
  • Strategic control illuminates the success that organization strategy is gaining in each level.

From Jelali 2012, I have understood that budgets can be very misleading as budget making is not a flaw less process. Analyzing the ratio can be an effective tool and I will use it assess to see how well my company is performing. Systematic control can lessen the rates of error made by human. Calculating the factors that gave rise to a certain event and reacting in accordance to that can reduce the risk of failing.

Workforce planning in HPO

Knowledge management is another criterion that needs to be assessed in an organization. My lecturer shares his knowledge with me and departs valuable notifications that have helped in my course of study. Similarly, in organization also sharing of information and data related to work is vital. Journal by Jones & Sallis, 2013 apprised me how learning can enhance the storage of knowledge.

From my module I have learned that there can be two types of knowledge:

  • Explicit knowledge is tangible and can be accessed easily
  • Tacit knowledge is not assessable and cannot be shared if one does not wish to
  • There three types of capital human, structural and relationship
  • Codification and personalization are the two ways of storing knowledge
  • Knowledge is storing of information and idea
  • Records and information are stored in form of data

Knowledge is a weapon that helps an individual to gain unattainable objects. Through journal published by Hislop 2013, Codified knowledge is easily accessible as it is stored in database and anyone who knows how to access database can operate the knowledge. I have understood that social interaction can expand the knowledge span and it assist in systematic problem solving in an organization. Like I am acquiring knowledge my teacher and friends, in knowledge management one can expand his knowledge by learning from the others.


All the above 11 modules have increased the stock of my knowledge. This study will definitely assist me in ameliorating the ways of the organizations that in which I am going to work.


Delbridge, R., & Sallaz, J. J. (2015). Work: Four Worlds and Ways of Seeing. Organization Studies, 36(11), 1449-1462.

Dychtwald, K., Erickson, T. J., & Morison, R. (2013). Workforce crisis: How to beat the coming shortage of skills and talent. Harvard Business Press.

Galegher, J., Kraut, R. E., & Egido, C. (2014). Intellectual teamwork: Social and technological foundations of cooperative work. Psychology Press.

Gallati, R. (2015). Risk Management & Capital Adequacy.

Greenberg, J., & Colquitt, J. A. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of organizational justice. Psychology Press.

Hatch, M. J., & Cunliffe, A. L. (2013). Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford university press.

Hendry, C. (2012). Human resource management. Routledge.

Hislop, D. (2013). Knowledge management in organizations: A critical introduction. Oxford University Press.

Jelali, M. (2012). Control performance management in industrial automation: assessment, diagnosis and improvement of control loop performance. Springer Science & Business Media.

Jones, G., & Sallis, E. (2013). Knowledge management in education: Enhancing learning & education. Routledge.

Klingebiel, R., & Rammer, C. (2014). Resource allocation strategy for innovation portfolio management. Strategic Management Journal, 35(2), 246-268.

Lam, J. (2014). Enterprise risk management: from incentives to controls. John Wiley & Sons.

Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2013). Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.

Phillips, J. (2013). PMP, Project Management Professional (Certification Study Guides). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.

Slack, N. (2015). Operations strategy. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Wagner III, J. A., & Hollenbeck, J. R. (2014). Organizational behavior: Securing competitive advantage. Routledge.

Willcocks, L., & Cullen, S. (2013). Intelligent IT outsourcing. Routledge.

Zahra, S. A., & Nambisan, S. (2012). Entrepreneurship and strategic thinking in business ecosystems. Business Horizons, 55(3), 219-229.

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