Utilizing Clusters And Communication Technology To Enhance Business Performance – Two Scenarios
Discussion of Scenario A
Innovative or creative techniques were adopt continuously by the working environments to bring groups people to work within a firm. The establishment of virtual team has resulted significantly in overcoming globalization. The concept of communication with the team members adopted by the virtual groups on the base of companies activities. This paper is about two scenarios- Scenario A and Scenario B. Scenario A will clearly show the clustering methods to select the key members within the RD&D department to attend the meeting. Whereas, scenario B will describe the well-organized use of Laximancer concept map to assess the connection between various concepts within the firm.
An organization of mid-sized Australian consists of 800 people, 80 people out of 800 were engaged in research, design (RD&D) and development work. The firm is highly focused on recognizing innovative or creative capabilities of the employees who accomplish work of RD&D. The intention of an organization is to utilize the capabilities to treat its business differently from the competitors (Aguwa, Olya & Monplaisir, 2017). To research the innovative or creative capabilities of RD&D, an organization had organized a project that is performing tacitly by the employees to develop their unstructured communication. It is noticed that by accessing email based communication among RD&D employees implied information could be better transformed and accessed into knowledge. The emails of the RD&D employees, as well as connectivity rates and the directions, have been mapped accordingly throughout one week. At last the outcome of the research audit could be evaluate from the RD&D map in the basis of unstructured information evaluate from the employees email.
Every employees and their specific workstation in which they are logged into along with nodes is recognize by the RD&D map (Nerkar, 2016).Different directions are connected through lines and nodes show the connectivity rates and the number of lines into or out of nodes present the intensity of traffic. The project needs an explanation of the decision made and map which is brought together to participate in preparing implicit unstructured information and discuss the content available from an explicit email. The project will use a group based communication technology system to support the meetings between employees and those staff to make implicit information or data explicit. To accomplish the process, resources provided in every meeting room will instruct the group procedure and see that every participant of the meeting rooms participate and cooperate with each surely. Apart from that it will also help the groups in other meeting rooms to create explicit data.
The table shows the nodes and clusters of six RD&D employees those who are selected to attend the meetings:-
SR/No. |
Clusters |
Nodes identified per cluster |
1 |
61 |
5 |
2 |
45 |
4 |
3 |
75 |
4 |
4 |
19 |
4 |
5 |
38 |
3 |
6 |
31 |
3 |
The below table show the key members of clusters those who are selected for the meetings. It also shoes the R, D&D employees as per their meeting room and clusters.
SR/No. |
Rooms |
Clusters |
Key Members Selected to Attend Meetings |
1 |
A |
1 |
Assistant staff member |
2 |
B |
2 |
Research staff member |
3 |
C |
3 |
Technical staff member |
4 |
D |
4 |
Project team member |
5 |
E |
5 |
Production team leader |
6 |
F |
6 |
Usually Technician |
Usually, Clusters help to link more and more objects or numbers together to collect larger and larger cluster of approx. dissimilar components. The selection of each clusters was by grouping a set numbers in the similar group those who are similar to each other. On the basis of segmenting customer portfolio related to transaction behavior, behavioral attributes and demographics. For this particular clustering of nodes, the standard technique is being used is hierarchical clustering, where the data point is nearer to the base point will be same than the data point which is immediate from the base point (Sharma et al., 2010, August).
. To execute the business analysis linkage has been utilized to choose the key members from each cluster to those who will attend the meeting. This technique has been chosen as it is determined it be the stable technique.
By identifying the capabilities of the R, D&D staff members, the nodes in the clusters were selected to distinguish business from their competitors. It is used to identify the capabilities of R, D&D employees on the basis of their innovative or innovative skills that could be applied in the business (Appelbaum, Kogan, Vasarhelyi & Yan, 2017).
The potential of the staff members consists of unorganized information that is available in their emails. Therefore, for this meeting is organized in the meeting rooms for the staff members. From the given information in the emails of the employees the nodes are chosen, that present their rates of connectivity and intensity of traffic. To arrange the meeting with the employees of R, R&D the project will make use of communication technology system. Hence, the selection of the key members those who will attend the meetings is by the help of the clusters.
In the analysis, two unconnected nodes have been used to present the key members those are not included in the R, D&D employees. The fact represented by the two nodes that as the members are not included in the R, D&D work, hence they will not attend the meetings. So there is no need to recognize the innovative or creative capabilities of the unattended members.
The significance of the concepts and the vital relationship between the concepts that is lines and placement is presented by the Leximancer Concept map. The map shows six themes they are communication, management, focus, open, results and customers (Cao, Duan & Li, 2015). Except focused each balloon are connected with other balloons stating the fact that all have some connections with one another in executing a business. It is noticed that the communication balloon consists of two elements team and work. It shows that team and work both are significantly connected with communication to proceed with the work systematically. Map shows that the balloons such as management, open, results and customers, all are connected with communication. Thus, it is clear that to execute a business systematically communication plays an essential role as it is an important tool in making the business successful. In every firm, there must be a communication between a members of group to perform better to proceed with the company’s activities.
The Leximancer content analysis is based on the wide service based organization of Australia which comprises of 200 employees across ten service centers that report to 40 managers. The firm identifies the levels of service support facilitated by their employees. To execute the procedure, they have organized a project that recognizes the responsibilities and role of the service person and perceived support facilitated by the management. A series of telephone and face to face interviews of the management and field employees have been conducted, and interviewers record the final outcome. The map shows a string connection between the concepts such as customer, Managers and communication. Following concepts also have a strong relationship with the elements of communication such as work and team. It is analyzed from the map that the relationship between team members and managers must be strong to deliver excellent work. The final outcome is entirely in the basis of systematic execution of these concepts.
Discussion of Scenario B
From the Leximancer concept survey, it is observed that communication, management, customer, open and results have a significant relationship with each other. Whereas, it presents the truth that the concept of focus is not connected to any of the concepts that state the truth that the management team of the firm is not focused on accomplishing their work. It’s important for an organization of Australia be focused on delivering an efficient quality of work. But as per the concept of Leximancer map, the balloon focused is not at all connected with any other balloons such as communication, management, customers, open and results. To get better results, this will put a great effect on the organization (Murtagh & Legendre, 2014).
As the focused linked is not connected with any of the other concepts, therefore it will be difficult for the firm to execute the organizational activities systematically. Thus, through the observation from the map that the focused concept is no so important among the other concepts and communication seems to be more important among others. Important role played by communication like all the concepts as linked with communication concept as well as with the communication’s elements they are team and work. So, it is observed that in the following concept analysis of business communication plays an important role in formulating the firm’s activities.
The field employees communicate with each other through a meeting, one to one interaction, sending emails, developing a receptive atmosphere, communicating through training, using simple words and body language (Leu, Chiang & Su, 2015). In the form of listening to the team member’s, communication is executed. All the factors help in making appropriate decisions related to the firm to accomplish its business to get outstanding outcome. To lead a better accomplishment of work there should be a better communication between the employees. As the customers usually communicate with the employees regarding their requirements so it is observed that the communication between them is not a high level of communication. The customers are not directly connected with the managers to present their requirements and to provide feedback. Hence, the map shows a low level of connection between customers and managers. Availability plays an important role to accomplish business within the company’s support. To provide the technologies to the customers as per as their requirement, support availability is very much important for them.
Beside that the map stated that the communication between employees and the management which is quite open. Management and employees openly discusses the key problem of the firm and makes an appropriate decision on the basis of organizational factors. Such effective communication is an important to make a relevant decision related to the projects (Cosic, Shanks & Maynard, 2015). If relevant communication does not take place between the management and the field staff then it’s put an effect in the decision making process.
Based in the concept given above it is highly recommended to the management of the firm to accomplish its work properly to achieve the target. The clusters must be selected through evaluate the fact that which nodes are close to each other and have connections. Soft clustering is the method by which a firm could execute its procedure of selecting the key members those who will attend the meetings. The soft clustering method keep all the data into a single node for each customer. It help in identifying the appropriate employees to be selected for the meeting. Moreover, it is determined to be useful method to proceed with the procedure of clustering the nodes.
It is highly urged that the management must have a good connection with all the concepts mentioned in the Leximancer Concept map. It is Important that there must be a strong connection between the concepts such as communication, management, employees, results and customers (Yousef, Chatti, Wosnitza & Schroeder, 2015).
If these methods are not followed appropriately all these concepts can put a negative impact on the results. It is also supported that the field employees and the managers must be focused on accomplish a high quality work to achieve the goals.
In the study, it is seen that to provide better results, virtual groups work together for the firm. The process of decision making by the managers within the organization affects the the working process of the virtual teams. To change management skills and accomplish relevant decision, tools must be used by the managers efficiently. In this paper it is clearly defined about the two scenarios that are based on the organizations environment. Clustering method has been used by a scenario A and Leximancer Concept map used by the scenario B for the analysis of the results.
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