Utilizing Behavioral Sciences In The Juice Industry

Defining Behavioral Sciences

During the current economic times, the way in which sellers approach their consumers’ matters a lot. It is even surprising enough to note that two sellers might be selling the same type of a product or a service but the manner in which each of them approaches the consumers determines the success rate in the market (Orcher, 2016). This is contrary to the olden days where the success of a seller in the market dominated by many firms was more of a good luck than efforts. Knowledge of behavioral sciences is one of the few areas which have impacted the manner in which business organizations draw the attention of consumers to purchase products and services (Siddiqi, Mishra & Shafiq, 2015).

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  In its basic definition, behavioral science denotes the various disciplines which deal with the human actions subject, mainly on the fields of psychology, anthropology, sociology and behavioral aspects of economics, biology, law, geography, law, political science, and psychiatry. Behavioral science advocates for an approach more experimental than the one connoted by older term social sciences (Thompson, 2017). Under the bracket of behavioral sciences, this paper will consider how business organizations currently utilize human psychology knowledge in marketing and ensuring customer loyalty. The product to be scrutinized in the case study is an improved version of juice.

     Initially, juice consumers could purchase juice mainly based on the familiarity of the brand and the brand test without giving much attention to the ingredients used in manufacturing the juice. This has however changed in the current times with the emergence of diseases which have been linked with consuming products with high levels of chemicals (Andrews & Johnson, 2016). In addition to that, the importance of maintaining body health has also been emphasized by the health practitioners to an extent that people have changed their initial purchasing behavior which mainly considered the familiarity of the manufacturer and the brand taste while ignoring the ingredients used in manufacturing the brand (Van Ittersum & Wansink, 2016).

     The change from the brand and familiarity-based approach in purchasing juice products is expected to have a huge impact on the fruit and juice industry. This draws from the anchoring theory that stipulates out on how people tend to belief in the information conveyed to them first (Salehinejad & Samizadeh, 2017). For instance, in the case study of fruit juice, consumers are expected to shy away from the juice products which have been manufactured with high chemical levels in fear of the diseases which have been associated with such chemicals like cancer and others. So, having the knowledge on the consequences of taking products with high chemical levels in mind, manufacturers who will be manufacturing juice naturally are expected to entice more customers while those who will maintain the chemical approach in manufacturing juice are likely to face it hard when it comes to securing markets and customer loyalty for their products (Silva, 2018).

Utilizing Human Psychology Knowledge in Marketing

     Also, health reports have indicated that enough intakes of fruits form an important part of a healthy diet which in turn reduces the risk of getting chronic diseases like cancer, stroke, cataract formation, and coronary heart disease. Such kinds of reports have enlightened consumers on the health benefits of frequent fruit consumption in the prevention of esophageal, pancreatic, cervical cancer and bladder problems (Maniatis, 2014). From the consumer perspective, this has come as a blow to vendors who initially used chemicals in the juice manufacturing process as many consumers have become cautious when it comes to purchasing such products

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      Health professionals have come out to campaign on the important role of taking fruits and vegetables and that has entered the public domain with huge impacts making the vendors dealing with fruit juice supply increase their sales contrary to the case before when juice consumers could go for juice without consideration to the health implications of the brands (Tilman & Clark, 2014). For that matter, the perceived knowledge on health value of fruits in our bodies which has circulated in the public domain is expected to change the game in the fruit juice and those vendors who will embrace the natural fruit juice are expected to dominate the market since consumers are likely to shift their attention to the current lifestyle which mainly has its focus on the healthy living.

     Intake of fruits has also been emphasized as one of the approaches to parents which could enable them to raise healthy children. Many of the parents initially could raise their children using the manufactured juice as a supplement for the maternal milk and that has been associated to the increased health issues faced by young children (Ruel et al, 2014). However, with campaigns against this approach in raising children has seen most parents shift from feed the young ones with any kind of but prefer the natural fruit juice. This has additionally seen the vendors who manufacture natural fruit juice obtain favor r in the market and make considerable steps ahead of vendors who manufacture chemically engineered fruit juices (Tavassoli et al, 2017).

     The health value of fruit juice for the sick people has also been presented on the public domain making people embrace it when it comes to taking care of their sick ones. Initially, sick people would be visited with any kind of juice since the knowledge on the side effects of chemical engineered fruit juice had not been revealed (Abbaspour, Hurrell & Kelishadi, 2014). However, with people now having the knowledge on the side effects of chemical engineered fruit juices have made them shift from feeding their sick ones with this kind of juice to natural fruit juices. Currently, vendors who operate near hospitals have testified of their business growth following this kind of revelation.

Shift from Familiarity-Based Approach to Health Implications

     Just like in the case of young children, the value of natural fruit juice in strengthening the older people whose energy has deteriorated following their age has also been emphasized by the health practitioners and embraced in the public domain (Thompson, 2017). Following the enlightenment, people with old relatives, parents or guardians have currently invested in natural fruit juice as an important diet to enable them to keep strong and healthy. This has seen natural fruit vendors expand their businesses since consumers are increasing day I day out. Initially, following the lack of enlightenment and knowledge on the implications of chemical engineered fruit juices could see some of those old people fed on such juices and that has been associated with the high death rates among the old people which were being recorded in those times (Andrews & Johnson, 2016).

     From the discussion above, it comes out clearly that the anchoring  theory that stipulates out on how that stipulates out on how people tend to belief in the information conveyed to them first and how it has played a considerable role in promoting natural juice product. This can be directly linked with the change from the brand and familiarity-based approach in purchasing juice to health implications of natural juice as it concerns to sick people, small children and old people as well (Van Ittersum & Wansink, 2016). Through such enlightenment, current juice consumers have begun to shy away from the juice products which have been manufactured with high chemical levels in fear of the diseases which have been associated with such chemicals like cancer and others (Salehinejad, & Samizadeh, 2017). So, having the knowledge on the consequences of taking products with high chemical levels in mind, manufacturers of natural juice naturally are expected to keep expanding while those who will maintain the chemical approach in manufacturing juice are likely to face it hard when it comes to securing markets and customer loyalty for their products.


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Maniatis, L. M. (2014). A theory divided: Current representations of the anchoring theory of lightness contradict the original’s core claims. Vision research, 102, 89-92. 

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