Utilitarianism, HRM, CPM And Contemporary People Management In Organizations
Overview of Utilitarianism theory
Discuss about the Employment Relations from Perspective Of Resource.
Utilitarianism is a theory that defines the reality of an action. It is termed as the existence of pressure and absence of pain. It is the summation of all pressure that result from any action. It was described by Jeremy Bentham that utility is the sum of all pleasures that is the outcome from an action. It is a type of consequentialism that states the consequences of any action which are standard or wrong and right. Happiness is recognized as the end of humans. It is also termed as the system of ethics to which the right or wrong of an action can be judged from the consequences (Alfes et al. 2013). Their goal is to promote happiness in greater number. Its rule says that an action is correct till it leads to happiness and goodness, and is wrong if it does not lead to happiness. Generally it is characterized by two elements that is happiness and consequentialism.
The full form of HRM is Human Resource Management which is described as a formal system for management for managing people in an organization. The responsibility is divided into three basic divisions such as compensation, designing, staffing. It is a formal system for managing people in an organization and increase the productivity by optimizing the effectiveness of the workers and motivating them to meet the goal. The HRM is also responsible for meeting the issues faced by the workers and meet them accordingly. Their primary target is to acquire, develop and retain the talent, align the working force and become an excellent contributor to the business. The HRM targets to meet the challenges and issues faced by the workers and reduce them as much as possible. They intent to improve the environment of the place as per their possibility and make necessary changes to encourage the workers to meet the target (Wolfswinkel, Furtmueller and Wilderom 2013). They maintain few principles like it is the HR’s responsibility to secure, find, guide and develop employees who has the talent to meet the company goal and become successful by themselves. The HR has to take care that the employees are getting equal chance to show their talent and thus are able to maintain is good relationship with the work place.
Contemporary people management defines a condition where the employees are given higher priority in a working area not because they have power but because the company considers them to be the asset of the company. People management related to the term of creating a working environment that will have special features conducting people management for a sustainable and better management system for the workers in the organization. The term people management to only means to satisfy the workers but also to find out the best qualities in each worker and implement them accordingly. The people management should ensure that they are hiring the desired worker in the company and are sacking the workers who are not eligible to work in the organization (Bastian et al.2013.). They can also conduct special training for the workers who require extra teaching to improve their performance. The CPM is a core center of the company that typically deals with the people management and assures a well framed working structure in the company.
Introduction of Human Resource Management (HRM)
HRM is the management of the human resource in an organization whereas the CRM is the extended function of HRM. Their main aim to improve the skills in the work place and manage the people accordingly. It is the management of new HR practice in an organization that makes sure to manage the contemporary issues and problems that the managers face in the organization. On the other hand Utilitarianism is completely related to the well-being of the workers and employees in the organization. They are concerned about the employee welfare instead of concerning about the work output from the workers. They can be reconciled if they are merged in a sustainable manner that completely follows a mixed strategy that includes target from both the management types (Albrecht et al. 2015). The strategy will be concerned about the workers and as well as the work growth of the organization. They should assure an employee friendly environment and also motivate the workers to meet the target of the company. If the organization is using such strategies then the two system can be reconciled.
The entire system contributes to the organization in a beneficial way. Every organization has a primary resource that is the human resource. They tend to meet the challenges faced by the workers in the organization. They also scrutinize the best quality in the worker and helps to workers to give their best to the organization. They motivate the workers to perform better and give their best to the organization. They try to motivate the worker to give their best to the organization and helps them to meet their individual target as well as the company’s target. The management system has a similar motive to benefit the organization by using skills to motivate the workers, meet their need, and help them to achieve their target and also to improve the quality of the production. The roles of the managers are almost same in these two sections (Cattaneo et al. 2013). It includes both soft and hard resource management. The hard resource management defines the motivation given to the employees to meet the organizational goal and meeting the target of the organization. The soft human resource management considers employees as a subject themselves. It means to meet the employee issues in a justifies manner
There are many organization that are following this method typically and are succeeding accordingly. The organizations that are typically dependent on the employees and production has to maintain such strategies to satisfy the workers and make them happy accordingly. The organizations should make sure that they are following these rules to satisfy the workers. The organizations which seeks for accurate and exact work must also make sure that they are hiring the best workers for the job role. Thus to identify the best skills in the workers the HRM and CPM has to scrutinize the qualities in the workers and place them according to their skills and quality. These management system should make sure that they are managing the entire system accordingly and the employees are satisfied working in the organization. Utilitarianism plays a vital role in managing the employee’s issues and assuring them a well -managed and employee friendly environment in the work place (Patel and Soni 2013).
The skill that is required to participate in this types of management is very clear and transparent. The workers and the managers should not hesitate to speak up whatever they needs to speak. They must make sure that they maintain a clear relation with each other so that whenever there is an issue faced by the employees the workers feel free to communicate with the mangers and seek help from them. The workers must make sure that they are communicating and sorting the issues with the managers and the managers should also make sure they are listening to the grievance of the employees and taking steps accordingly. The reason of grievance should be justifies and no unnecessary grievance should be entertained. The communication between both the sides should be clear and appropriate (Leppink et al. 2014.). The HRM and CPM managers should hold the quality of convincing the employees, scrutinizing their quality, making necessary changes and also handling the situation efficiently.
HRM and CRM are both related to the workers well fare in an organization. The organization should consider the worker as the core source of the organization and thus should maintain them accordingly. If the organization intends to encourage human happiness as it is considered to be an ethical goal then they have to make sure that they are using the proper measures to manage the entire matter in a sustainable manner. The HRM and CPM is concerned about the company goal and targets and motivated the workers to meet the goal whereas Human happiness is concerned about the welfare of the workers (Boxall 2014). The workers should be taken care by the family and at the same time they should be encouraging the workers to meet their goal. An organization cannot only be concerned about the welfare but also should make sure they are also getting a proper outcome from the employees. Thus HRM and CPM makes sure that the employees are treated well and helped by the management system and at the same time they are giving their best output to the company (Karssiens et al. 2014).
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