Using Information Systems To Enhance Efficiency Of Keepmoat Organization

The Keepmoat organization – An Overview

The Information System is the system that is responsible for the storage of the information and the collection and the storage of the information. The information system is also responsible for the organization of the data or the information. The information system procedure may be helpful for the carrying of the various operations in the business. The information system is often used for the various important decision making process in the business. There are various kinds of information system (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The various forms of information system may involve the systems supporting the transactions, the system carrying out the decision making in the organizations, the learning and the knowledge management systems. The database management systems are also a form of the information systems. The information systems are responsible for the carrying out of the tasks that is not possible for the human brain to carry out. These tasks may involve the various large complex calculations, the various number of processes that is going on or the management of the large amount of information. 

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The organization that  has been chosen for the report is the Keepmoat organization. The organization has been chosen as the organization makes use of the information system technology. The Keepmoat organization is responsible for the management of the various construction that takes place in the United Kingdom. The other section that is present in the organization is the regeneration. The name of the two sectors of the Keepmoat organization is the Keepmoat homes and the Keepmoat regeneration. The Keepmoat home section is responsible for the construction of the various homes and the buildings of the United Kingdom. The Keepmoat regeneration is for the regeneration of the homes or the offices that are damaged or may have to be constructed in a new manner. The Keepmoat organization has built around more than thirty thousand homes and there are still homes that are being built. The homes that are built by the company have a smart design and the design is innovative and new. The company builds all type of homes and of all designs ranging from the two bedroom homes to the detached homes. The homes have separate design and are innovative in nature. The Keepmoat always builds the home keeping in mind that the best quality of the materials are used for the building of the homes. The homes built by the Keepmoat is built using the high performance material and the homes have the latest technology of the heat insulation and the sound insulation (Keepmoat 2018). The wirings that are used in for the housing is the modern parts. Thus, there are no extra costs spend on the repairing of the houses. Even the kitchen and the washroom that is designed by the organization is also smart and are well- designed with all the basic requirements. The homes are designed in a manner such that the home have enough space and have enough storage space for everyone. The homes are designed in such a manner that there are enough open spaces available in the homes.

Challenges Faced by Keepmoat

The aim or the goal of the organization is to provide the best quality homes, which have a unique design and well structured homes. The problems that the organization has to face may be the to provide the best quality material at a low cost. The organization has a reputation and it cannot compromise with the quality of the goods. The obtaining of the goods at the cost that is quoted is a tough task. The organization has a large number of projects. The designing of the rooms and creating the structure of the building required skilled personnel. The company faces a tough challenge in this sector. As the organization has a large number of projects it may not be possible for the organization to provide the best employees at work for all the projects. This may lead to the compromising with the quality of the work or the productivity of the work. These are the challenges that the organization has to face. As a result of which the organization should look forward to the hiring of the more number of professional who are innovative in the designs and the work that is done by those professionals.

The organization makes use of the information system for the smooth working of the organization. There are various tools that are involved under the information system. The first tool that is used under the information system is the FMW, which is the Financial Manager’s Workbench. This is responsible for the making of the calculation and the creation of the budget of the organization. There is a particular budget that needs to be created for the organization at the start of the year (Brandon et al. 2017). The projects obtained by the organization have to present the cost of the requirements necessary for the projects. The calculation of the profit or the amount that needs to be earned to reach the break- even point of the project is also calculated by the information systems. There are various transactions that are made online. From the payment of the buying of the raw materials to the taking of the payment from the client there are financial calculations involved. All these calculations are done by the information system tool, FMW. Transaction information system is a part of the information system, which is responsible for the carrying out of the various important transactions of the projects. The information system is also responsible for the making of the calculations of the cost that has to be paid to the employees of the organization. Such complex calculations is not possible for the human brain to do. This has to be done by the smart systems.

Information System Tools Used by Keepmoat

The database management system tool is another tool that fall under the category of the information systems. The database management tool is the most important tool as it is responsible for the storage of all the information that is present. The database of the organization stores the information about the various clients who are dealing with the organization. The information about the location and the other personal information about the client is stored in the database of the organization. The database is also responsible for the storage of the information about the cost of the projects and the structure and the design that is to be implemented for the particular client. The use of the information system in the database helps in the maintaining of the database in an organized fashion. The information systems information helps in various ways. The information system helps in the updating of the status of the project in an organized manner (Bevans, Ross and Cella 2014). The technology displays the date in the database when the project has to be completed and provides notification regarding the same. The database is also maintained in order to store the status of the project that is completed and the project that is in progress. There are a large number of information that is stored in the database. The data stored in the database has to be managed. The use of the information system has to be made in order to manage the large amount of data. Having such large amount of data may make the database crash. As a result of which these data and information has to be managed in a proper manner. The use of information system has to be made in order to manage these data.

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The next tool that can be made is the decision making tool. The various decision of the Keepmoat organization can also be made by the information system. The information and the communication technology (ICT) is the part of the information system. The information system can refer to the previous data on a particular topic for putting forward the solution. By this process the important decisions can be made by the help of the decision making technology. Keepmoat has to make the various decisions regarding the design of the buildings that has to be made. The design depends on the location of the building and the structure of the building. The land on which the building is to be erected also defines the structure and the design of the building. All these decisions are made based on the information systems. The information system may either use the concept of machine learning, which will contribute to the providing of the solution based on the previous solutions or scenarios (Van Der Aalst, La Rosa and Santoro 2016). By the comparison on the previous scenarios the best possible solution is put forward. The other decision that needs to be taken is the decision of the amount that needs to be quoted for the particular project. This also can be done by the information system as the calculation of the raw materials has to be kept in mind during the calculation of the profit. Based on the calculations of the investments, the amount of that needs to be set for the project to earn the required profit.

FMW – The Financial Manager’s Workbench

The information system can be implemented based on the requirement of the business. The information system can be implemented to the business for the storage of the large number of information and the data of the organization. The information system may be applied to the collection of the data in a single place and organizing the data in an efficient manner. This will allow the organization to maintain the important data in an efficient manner. In business the storage, collection and the maintenance of the data is an important factor, which contributes to the prediction of the performance of the organization in the near future. These data may be used for the future work of the organization. The data may be used by the organization for performing of the analysis of the performance of the organization (Power, Sharda and Burstein 2015). These data are compared with the preset year data for checking if the organization has made more profit as compared to the previous year. The sectors where the organization had a down graph can be checked from the data analysis and these sectors maybe improved in the future. The use of the information system can be made in the other sectors of the business as well. Information system serves the purpose for the various calculations that is not possible for the human brain to perform. In business it is important to quote the value of the project in order to get the project. For the success of the business it is important that the quotations are mad properly. For the proper making of the quotations the use of the information system may be made. The information system may be used for the making of the calculations, which are related to the quotations. While making of the quotations the profit should be calculated keeping in mind the cost of the raw materials and the other investments that may be involved (Tahri, Hakdaoui and Maanan 2015). The calculation have to be made on the basis of the projects that were conducted and the data and the information that is stored regarding the project. All these calculations on the basis of the large number of data may be made by the information systems. The other calculations that maybe involved is the calculation of the budget. The budget calculation may involve the inclusion of the various projects round the year. Here also many complex calculation have to be made and the use of the information system have to be made for making the calculations more effective and efficient.

Database Management System Tool

The Keepmoat organization has been using the information system for the making of the various important decisions in the organization. The Keepmoat makes the use of information system for deciding which projects should be accepted and the projects which should be rejected on the basis of the previous data of the organization. All this is done on the basis of the decision that is made by the information system. The use of the information system is also made by the Keepmoat Regeneration sector, which on the basis of the statistics provided by the information system decides which parts of the building has to be repaired and the parts which does not need the regeneration (Samigulina and Shayakhmetova 2015). The use of the information system helps in providing the knowledge about the parts that should be used for the fixing of the parts. The Keepmoat organization has a reputation for the quality of the work that the organization provides. The use of the good parts for the construction is important for maintaining the reputation of the organization. The use of the information system can be made for the identification of the quality of the parts that will be used for the project. On the basis of the reputation of the client and the price that will be provided the project is accepted. The use of the information system can be made for the checking of the background of the client as the use of information system will be helpful for the providing of the information related to the client.

The weakness of the system may involve that the use of the system cannot be  made for the new kinds of projects. The information system may not be able to provide the information about the design that needs to be made on a type of the land that is new to the system. In this case the information of the new type of conditions is added to the database of the system. The use of the information system cannot also be made in the case of the situation which has not arisen before (Ab Rahman and Choo 2015). The use of the information system is made for the transactions also. However, the network through which the transaction will be made may be hacked by the hacker. The information system does not have the capability to stop the network from being hacked. The information system does not have the capability to store the information regarding the events of the organization from where the raw materials are bought. All these are the weakness of the system that is used at Keepmoat, which needs to be overcome for having a better experience of the information security.

Decision Making Tool

The information security is an automation process. However, the complete dependency on the automation process may prove to be a risk for the organization. The decision making process that is done by the information systems cannot be trusted. The managers should be viewing the decisions that are made by the information system before finally applying the decisions. The mangers are the main person who are responsible for the handling of the information system (Arvidsson, Holmström and Lyytinen 2014). The communication of the technology is important for the organization. The information and communication technology is important for the organization and the communication of the technologies or which technologies have to be used is decided by the people who are present in the top position of the organization.


From the report it can be concluded that the use of the information system has changed the working of the world. The information system concept is applied to the various business round the world. The Keepmoat organization makes the use of the concept of the information system for carrying out its business. The use of the information system has given a competitive advantages to the various organizations. The use  of the information system can be made in the various fields to  do the work in an easy manner.  


Ab Rahman, N.H. and Choo, K.K.R., 2015. A survey of information security incident handling in the cloud. Computers & Security, 49, pp.45-69.

Arvidsson, V., Holmström, J. and Lyytinen, K., 2014. Information systems use as strategy practice: A multi-dimensional view of strategic information system implementation and use. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 23(1), pp.45-61.

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Brandon, T.G., Becker, B.D., Bevans, K.B. and Weiss, P.F., 2017. Patient?Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Tools for Collecting Patient?Reported Outcomes in Children With Juvenile Arthritis. Arthritis care & research, 69(3), pp.393-402.

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