Using Gibbs Model Of Reflection To Reflect On Attitudes And Impact Of Subject On Nursing Practice
Task 1: Reflecting on attitudes towards cultural diversity
The presented analysis is regarding the study of various models as well as frameworks. The utilization of Gibbs Model of Reflection, ABCD cultural assessment model, REM framework as well as AHPRA National Standards for RNs, were indulged within this study for presenting a clear reflection of the various subject matters and the was mainly formed upon these aspects. This is basically asort of reflective study where various issues are taken into consideration to provide an overall perspective. The study is mainly based upon the three various activities stated in the main body.
The first segment is upon the cultural diversity of individuals where racism has overpowered the culture of Barbaria. The second segment is based upon the nursing ideologies of the students in an institution. Additionally in the third segment the description of type 2 diabetes patient’s situation with their and their family’s behavior on the issue.
Task 1:
Description: I personally observed by seeing this movie is that the black ncolonizers used to conduct a unequal attitude towards the white community. This disempowered the community and led them to poverty, depression and government inaction. Moreover, the white community was strongly exposed to indifference due to indifferent attitudes and biased treatments of the black community in Babakiueria. I have observed the fact that the attitudes, rituals and cultural beliefs of the white community were observed as meaningless and violent. In addition, the black community classified and differentiated the white community concerning on their untrustworthiness, lazy and lack oof intelligence (Cunningham, 2018).
Feelings:It was a pathetic feeling for me to see the less qualified lifestyle of the white community. The white community was identified as the minority of the society and they were treated as per their skin colour. I was surprised to see that the white community was treated as the people from backward class and they were treated brutally by the black community. It wsa pathetic feeling for me to see the white people were just the entities of skin colour habving no right and ethical and moral values in society.
I saw that most of the aboriginals were reluctant in showing minimum respect to the white people. The majority of aboriginal people that possess implicit powers suppressed the individuality of the white communities.On the contrary, it is also notable that the black communities are also brutally treated in the white community dominated societies and they also feel the same social distinction. (Graham &Stamler, 2013).
Task 2: Discussing the impact of the subject on nursing practice
Evaluation:I think it is unconstitutional for the government officials to distinct people according to the skin color and act in favour of the dominant community. The police showd a partial behaviour and treated the majority in favourable way inmmordre to save them the jurisdiction procedure. It has become trend to provide illegitimately favourable treatment to the dominant community. According to me the jurisdiction of Barbaria wasunhelpful towards the white people because they were part of the dominant community. Thus there is sincere requirement to redevelop the jurisdiction system. (Hinton & Nagel, 2012).
Analysis:The black community also gets illegally unfavourable treatment in the white dominant nations. I think the trend reflects that the social status, skin colour and ethnicity are the parameters to judge the freedoms and actions of the community. They treat the individuals as per their color, status, culture, and race. Through equality or equal treatment and freedom of actions would enable the individuals prosperous (Fonseca, 2012).
Conclusion: Fair treatment must be prevailed in all the communities. As per my opinion, unfair treatment and biasness are the largest hindrances for social development and this must be rectified with haughtiest priority.I would have been at least trying to influence others not to treat others in this manner and everyone needs to be treated as a human being (Kerpan, Humbert& Henry, 2014).
Action plan: The Australian government should enforce strong anti-discriminatory laws all around Australia and they must notice the progress and effectiveness of the law. Moreover, aboriginals must be convinced about the importance of ant discriminatory practices and there must be agendas to educate the aboriginals on ant discriminatory practices.
Task 2:
Description: I have conducted a speed date concept with the nursing students in their respective classes as per the AHPRA nursing standards of RN. This was particularly conducted in the 5th week where questions were asked by me regarding the personal information of the apprentices. This discussion was done in the presence of each and every student and evaluation of every student’s background was analyzed very clearly.I have conducted this session maintaining the ethical guidelines of REM framework that denotes the respect of ethnicity and cultural diversity of the aboriginals (Supplemental Material for Psychological Predictors of Cultural Diversity Support at Work, 2017)
Feelings:I have the confidence to know the diversification of the aboriginal culture. I felt that I asked the questions to all the apprentices in a friendly manner what the others missed.After the session, I analysed the significance of diversity in the aboriginal culture.
Task 3: Embedding UTS GA and National Standards for RNs into the reflective essay
Evaluation:The outcomes of this session were mostly positive as it provides information for every individual regarding the ideologies of their cultural individuality under REM frameworkand the main purpose for selecting this field. As per my consideration, I was nofavorable or negative because this session was productive for the students as well. The students also get to know about each other through this session (Cleland, 2017).
Conclusion: The individuals that were involved in this session was also benefitted and had the positive experience as they also now possess a broader perspective of all the students presented in the session.I would effort to make additional support to gather more information regarding nursing standard and the ethics of nursing standard practices to improve experiences. (McDonald, Bailie, Grace & Brewster, 2010).I would rather focus upon the job-specific skills rather than generic skills.There is a need to incorporate ideal testing techniques in order to evaluate better assessment.
Action Plan:Student assessment is the necessary step to monitor the activities of the studentsproperly. However, the faculties of the nursing department must have to rewspect and show due reverence to the aboriginal culture. The faculties of the nursing department could also conduct various types of assessments in order to know their students in a better way. But they have to keep it in their mind not to take this assessment towards critical areas of students living and should respect their personal subject matters. They could also make the environment of assessment more friendly or approachable by adding some interesting evaluation methods.
Task 3:
The attitude of family individuals: As per the assessment our team has outlined the fcat that type2 diabetes adversely affected the patients behaviour and she lacked the interest to join the assessment.Hence, her daughter explained likes and dislikes of her motherHowever,she was found uncomfortable while answering the body mass and body weight of her mother.
Beliefs:In this difficult situation when an individual is dealing with type 2 diabetes and having the leg ulcer, therefore walking is a significant issue. The patient, and her family was under stress and their children were not properly looked after due to the situation.We have not asked anything inappropriate regarding their cultural,which they have respected. According to our concept,the strength to face this disease comes from the patient’s family and their support to overcome the health issues (Screening for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, 2013).
Context:The patient and her family, where both lived in the city area for almost major part of their life. The kids of the patient were also born as well as brought up in the same place.The financial situation of the patient’s elder son was moderate. Therefore they do not have a problem in order to fund her medical services. The experience of the patient is very unpleasant due to the lack of ability to walk properly due to leg ulcer and type 2 diabetes (Tedmanson& Guerin, 2011).
Task 4: Supporting the discussion with relevant literature
Decision-making style: The patient’s elder son made the majority of decisionsuse to take the medical related decision of his family.Therefore, it is very clear that her son is considered as the head of the family as he is the only one who is indulged in an occupation. The patient’s son has the responsibility to take care of the family and required medication facilities for the patient were also provided by him.
Environment:Ethical nursing is crying requirement for the patient band she must be observed with effective care and proper medications. The patient’s both the children were not able to provide sufficient time in order to fulfil the health requirements of their mother.Nevertheless, the patient’s daughter initiates the overall care solely (Usher, 2011).
YC example 1(Simulation)
Under the YC, I think the most prominent part of nursing practices is to hire nurses by simulating the accountability of the candidates. Under the Australia legislation the nursing candidate must meet the ethical nursing standards. The caregivers should not have criminal history, should have English knowledge and have experience in professional practices.
YC example 2(card game)
Card game is another example of YC practices. I think this is most effective method to teach the nursing caregivers a comprehensive education regarding ethical nursing care practices.
YC example (Babakiueria movie)
Babakiueria movie is another YC example that depicts the rule of dominant community of aboriginals over the white Australian community. This shows a gesture of discriminate treatment of dominants over the white Australians. This film is significant in terms of showing the discriminate behaviour in the nursing care practices.
In the above study, we have tried to present a picture of diversity in this world by considering various aspects. Through a diverse perspective, we have made an effort in order to portray the issues as well as complexity related to a particular diversity. How these diversities are affecting our society and ideologies were clearly acknowledged in this analysis.This also gives an idea about the individuals that are greatly influenced by these issues and how their life hassignificantly changed (UTSHealth, 2016). The significance of diversity is very crucial in today’s world as our workplace, country and educational institutes are gradually increasing with more and more diversities and consist of diverse ethnic, racial and cultural groups that need to be respected.
Cunningham, C. (2018). Health and wellbeing of Indigenous adolescents in Australia. The Lancet, 391(10122), 720-721. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(18)30470-7
Graham, H., &Stamler, L. (2013).Contemporary Perceptions of Health from an Indigenous (Plains Cree) Perspective. International Journal Of Indigenous Health, 6(1), 6. doi: 10.18357/ijih61201012341
Hinton, R., & Nagel, T. (2012).Evaluation of a Culturally Adapted Training in Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing for the Alcohol and Other Drug Workforce. ISRN Public Health, 2012, 1-6. doi: 10.5402/2012/380581
Kerpan, S., Humbert, M., & Henry, C. (2014).Determinants of Diet for Urban Aboriginal Youth. Health Promotion Practice, 16(3), 392-400. doi: 10.1177/1524839914557862
McDonald, E., Bailie, R., Grace, J., & Brewster, D. (2010).An ecological approach to health promotion in remote Australian Aboriginal communities. Health Promotion International, 25(1), 42-53. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daq004
Tedmanson, D., & Guerin, P. (2011). Enterprising Social Wellbeing: Social Entrepreneurial and Strengths Based Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing in “Remote” Indigenous Community Contexts. Australasian Psychiatry, 19(1_suppl), S30-S33.
Usher, K. (2011). Indigenous higher degree research students making a difference to the Indigenous health agenda. Contemporary Nurse, 37(1), 102-106. doi: 10.5172/conu.2011.37.1.102
UTSHealth. (2016). The REM Framework.
Cleland, S. (2017). Double diabetes: the cardiovascular implications of combining type 1 with type 2 diabetes. Practical Diabetes, 34(6), pp.210-213.
Fonseca, C. (2012). Nursing Care Indicators to Nursing Homes. Journal of Nursing & Care, 01(03).
Screening for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. (2013). Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 37, pp.S295-S297.
Supplemental Material for Psychological Predictors of Cultural Diversity Support at Work. (2017). Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.