User Interface Design: Impact On User Experience And Digital Attention Crisis

Key Points

Interaction is one of the key aspects of human life and it is one of the most frequently used processes by the humans. The interaction of humans extends from verbal to non-verbal and human to machines. The discussed study is dedicated to user interaction, which is abbreviated as UI. User interface refers to everything that is designed in an information device such as the display, keypads, mouse, appearance and others with which a user interacts (Ciolacu and Beer 2016). The information device may be a computing system, mobile devices, applications or any other information system, which deems need for the user’s response for presenting output. In a research conducted by Adobe UI is one of the most crucial aspects that define the use of an Information system for the users (Wang 2018).

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There have been recent movements to limit the impact that technology is having on the individual lives. Tristan Harris, Co-founder of Center for Humane Technology, who is considered to be many things from a philanthropist, entrepreneur and many others raised question over the addition that is caused by the UI and digital world. Harris along with several other Tech and social scholars believes that technology is hijacking the mind of its users (Harris 2016). One of the crucial factors that is leading the addiction of the technology is the UI because it is human nature to get addicted to the things that are comfortable and attractive.

“Is UI design is affecting the users on how they are spending their time? Time well saved, time well spent, time wasted?”

Hence, the discussion above could be summarised to state that time spend by a user on a digital platform is directly proportional to UI of the Platform. Hence, there are certain questions that rises and needs to be assessed so that a proper framework for the UI can be developed so that the use of the platforms are ethical and the human stays in control and is not manipulated by technology. The questions in discussion has been listed as follows:

  1. What is the impact of UI on the users?
  2. Does an attractive and comfortable UI design is making the users addictive towards the technology or is it supporting in leveraging of the technology?
  3. What is the role of skeuomorphism in deciding the user’s behaviour over the use of technology?
  4. What are the changes that can be expected in the UI in context with the current movements that are going for effective and limited use of the digital tools?
  5. Are we designing for a well time spend or well time saved?

The history of UI can be found as early as 1968 when Douglas Engelbart demonstrated an oN-Line System, which reflected an interconnection between multiple computers. The NLS abbreviation for oN-Line System consisted of display, mouse and keyboard. However, Engelbart was not credited for the achievement until late 90’s. The advancement of the Xerox PARC from the Californian research and development company. The development of the WIMP system which is the acronym for Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointer started the age of interaction with the machinery or contrastingly called as User Interface. Xerox Alto was the first personal computer launched which had a display, graphical windows, three button mouse, laser printers and operated Ethernet network. However, the high cost and bulky size of the system lead it to failure. The successor of the Xerox Alto by the name of Xerox star changed the scenario for UI because it was a commercially successful UI and paved way for the further advancement of the UI. Apple followed the path with Lisa but earned success in the year 1984 with Apple Macintosh.

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User Interface

Time to change the visage of technology has come

In the meanwhile, Motorola was progressing with the mobile devices that had only keypads for the interaction purposes. 1992 is possible the most prominent year in the history of UI as Microsoft launched new computers with Windows 3.1 operating system that had a very attractive and smooth UI. The start button, task bar and similar other features eased the interaction between human and machines. Furthermore, in the year 1997 and 1998, Nokia took its step towards capturing the mobile market with attractive features and unavoidable UI. They included clock, calendar, and calculator along with one of the most popular game of all time “Snake”.  Later Windows 1998, 2000, other macOS, and other operating systems with attractive UI paved way for a UI dominated technological world that we are living in today. Windows XP and LCD screen presented by the Samsung for computers and mobiles respectively are considered the milestone for the UI of modern age and it is witnessing continuously from then.

User Interface is everything that is designed in an information tool such as the display, keypads, mouse, appearance and others with which a user interacts (Shneiderman et al. 2016).  The user interface is the most prominent feature that enable decision making in the machines or other digital modes. Even in case of the Artificial Intelligent tools, an initial user input is required and for the continuous learning of the AI tool it is crucial that it keeps on feeding over the data of the user’s activities and decisions so that it can make aware decision. Hence, for proper and kinetic output of any digital component UI is potentially the most crucial component.

User Experience (UX)

User Experience is the term that is often confused with the UI; however, it is a completely separate terminology that comes associated with the UI. UX refers to the attitude and emotions of an individual, post using a particular system, product or service. It consists of affective, experimental, meaningful, and practical along with the valuable aspects of the HCI (human Computer Interaction). It even includes the perception of an individual over the system’s efficiency, ease of use and utility (Monk 2018). User experience in itself is a subjective terminology that cannot be measured in units and is about the individual thought and perception in context to the system. Another reason that there is no unit of measurement for the discussed terminology can be supported by the fact that technology is dynamic in nature and so the use and perception of the users varies with change (Ludolph 2018). Therefore, no fixed unit of measurement for the UX can be developed.

The understanding of the terminology is crucial because it is one of the most prominent factors that would assist in the understanding of the UI and its impact. The positive the UX is for the users while using an UI, the powerful the impact will be furthermore, the UX is also the factor that will decide whether the development in the field of UI is for time well spend or time well saved.

User Experience (UX)

Digital Attention Crisis

Different researchers and scholars have stated that the tech industry has contributed to attention crisis because of ignorance towards “Digital Wellbeing” (Besana et al. 2018). Google in Android has even inducted some tools that are dedicated towards building a digital wellbeing and in the process curbing the smartphone usage (Hayley 2018). ZenScreen has also launched application that is aimed at limiting the interaction of the user and smart devices so that they can master the technology usage (Jose 2018). Understanding of the crisis is crucial because it will assist in gaining an insight into the movement of the UI and how it will be impacted based on the usage of technology and its addiction.

“Nothing can succeed without getting people’s attention…”


Skeumorphism is the concept of design that is dedicated to designing items in such a manner that it resembles its real-world counterparts (Wu et al. 2015). It offers ease of use and high level of satisfaction to the users and hence, is highly used for designing the UI of a digital tool. The discussed factor is crucial because it is one factor, that defines the attractiveness and satisfaction level of the customer.

Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent is a movement that is aimed at shifting what is delivered by the technological firms towards the expectance that is expected by the customers (Pollart et al. 2015). Its motive is to spent well time with the technology rather than seducing the customers into the screen time. The discussed movement is indulging a large audience size and even the big tech giants such as Facebook are supporting the movement. The importance of the discussion is that the discussed movement will define the steps UI development of the future digital tools. Hence, a discussion over the movement is crucial because it is dictating the perception of the people towards UI and will continue to do so in the future.

The term “Digital Attention Crisis” has raised question over the designing of the Information systems, which extends from websites, applications, digital devices and all the components of digital world. As discussed above, Harris along with several other Tech and social scholars believes that technology is hijacking the mind of its users (Harris 2016). He does not oppose the use of technology but believes that the technology should be used ethically and designing of the digital devices or platforms is a key to it. The discussed individual is also leading a movement, “Time Well Spent” that is dedicated towards ethical use of the digital platforms. Even the Facebook who earns most of its income come from the views and the time spent by its users on the platform is supporting the movement (Butler 2018). Furthermore, recently Apple received an open letter where they have been requested that the technology is spoiling the youth and urged for new parental controls. The request is based on the fact that the technology is making the young addictive and they are missing on the opportunities and beauty of the real world. The concern also raises question over the vitality of the technology in human life.

Digital Attention Crisis

Visual UI is not the limit for the technology developers and to offer further ease to the users, the technology firms are now offering Voice User Interfaces (VUI) (Foster 2014). VUI refers to the interaction between human and devices through the use of sound waves that is the verbal interaction. Justin Baker, a UI designer has defined VUI, as “Voice User Interfaces (VUI) are the primary or supplementary visual, auditory, and tactile interfaces that enable voice interaction between people and devices.” The devices are designed to develop use case matrixes that stores the samples of the user and the accent used by them to update themselves and present the outcome accordingly.

Hence, to summarise the above discussion it would be justified to state that the technological firms are investing their time, effort and resources to offer better and enhanced UI experience to its users so that they can become a competitive leader and earn revenue in the process. However, the competitive nature of the firms is citing adverse impact on the users and their individual life. According to Smart (2018), “digital technologies play an increasingly important role in shaping the profile of human thought
and action, and it is important that we understand the role of technologies”. While Jasanoff (2016), in his book have stated that, the technology is changing the society and its way of the thinking, which can be crucial for the future generation.

UI as discussed above is one of the most crucial aspect that derives the customer’s attention towards a product. One of the prime example of the above discussed factor is the case of “Body Ecology”, an online store that deals in diet products (Dayton, Mcfarland and Kramer 2018). The website had a drop- down menu. However, the customers were not satisfied with the menu styling because the drop-down menu offered only texts and no attractive features such as picture or animation was involved with it which h is evident from the image below.

However, with a change in the UI from text drop down menu to product page with lots of images and description below the products increased the revenue of the firm by around 56% in just two weeks (Simpson 2018). The firm still had drop down menu but it is limited to an extend and more detailing have been made making the UI more attractive.

Adverse to the above case Century Hearing Aids, changed their UI to offer library formatting from a detailed product page so that the customers may find ease of searching products. The changes were made based on the finding that one of the most searched product on their e-business was the in-the-ear product, which they were not selling due to low margin. However, making the changes made the “in-the-ear” their most sold product and increased the overall revenue by 300% (Kantorowitz 2017). The reason for the massive surge was based on the fact that the users found ease of searching the products when they are in library formatting and then moving to a detailed product description along with image helped them to gain an insight into the product details. The images attached below refers to the before and after UI of the discussed e-commerce website and how they witnessed change.


Similarly, through introduction of responsive design in Think Tank Photo, added to their revenue by 188% (Wang et al. 2016). The case of Netflix player UI is also one of the case that makes the impact of the UI evident. Other examples are also available to prove that changing the UI to make them suitable for the audience, attracts population that eventually adds to the revenue of the product sellers. Therefore, from the discussion above it would be justified to state that UI have a very powerful impact on the perception of the customer towards the product.

“Designers, are you making people strong or weak? Our lives are made up of a thousand daily choices, and the character of those choices is, in the end, who we become.”

Choices are probably the most defining factor of an individual life. What is important! What the mind is prioritising is a discussion! The consuming contents of the news or spending quality time with some loved ones! The choices mentioned above along with several other needs to be taken into consideration and needs attention. Prioritising technology will compromise time with the loved ones or vice versa (Bakshi 2015). Adjusting to both will have to be compromised with sleep, personal time or any other. Prioritising one thing will be a loss for some other thing, however, where should the time be invested is a choice that is crucial to made. So, as a technology developer especially UI designer it is the necessity of the developers to make certain choices that are in consideration of the human aspect.

“Facebook: We doesn’t want to be arbiter of truth, but it’s

Already the arbiter of thoughts by controlling what shows up in the first place.”

Hence, the question that needs to be answered is Does an attractive and comfortable UI design is making the users addictive towards the technology or is it supporting in leveraging of the technology?

To answer the question the case of Netflix is one of the prime examples, which has witnessed a reformative growth in customer market since, it’s redesigning. The UI of the Netflix is more focused on promoting the content rather than focusing on the UI. According to Lewis (2016), the discussed firm decided to redesign their UI and TV experience so that the customers would find ease of use and accessibility without wondering them to different attractive features. The new sidebar introduced by Netflix is simple but far more intuitive (Molin 2016).  The just playing mentality of the UI is also keeping the user stayed focused on the content rather than other aspects. Auto-play, skip intro button, resume and other similar UI changes have attracted some backlashes but has also be appreciated by millions of Netflix customers.

Hence, from the discussion above it would be justified to state that attractive and comfortable UI is not responsible for attracting people rather the ease of use along with simplicity of interaction with the technology is the key. A simple and intuitive design of Netflix UI is preferred by the customers because it offers them ease of use and with no gap through Auto-play, skip and resume options the users stay focused (Liebenberg et al. 2017). So, as a summary of the findings from the discussion over the cases of Netflix, Century Hearing Aid and Body Ecology it would be justifiable to state that it is not necessary to have attractive UI for keeping the users focused rather ease of use should be the prioritising factor.

“We understood that people had already become comfortable with touching glass, they didn’t need physical buttons, they understood the benefits. So there was an incredible liberty in not having to reference the physical world so literally.”

The IOS software chief gave the above statement when they decided to move from skeumorphism to flat design. The movement of the UI from skeumorphism to flat design has proved to be quite efficient for the developers as people find it more comfortable and refreshing (Martinez et al. 2017). However, one of the fact that needs to be taken in account that the technology addiction has increased over the time. Tetris is considered the most successful game of all time, which sold over 170 million copies until the date (Mohammadi et al. 2017). The reason for success are prominent that includes the health benefits (as several researches have states “thirty minutes of Tetris a day can help increase brain activity and boost critical thought, reasoning, language, and processing skills”), innovation and several others. One of the prime reason was its UI that was skeumorphism in nature and the people related to it (v Kamaruzaman 2016). The success of Final Fantasy series, Pokémon games and other small games that had skeumorphism as their design were hugely successful. The UI of the games have improved overtime however, one of the notable fact is that out of the top ten most successful games of all times eight of them did not have flat UI design and have pursued skeumorphism (Nielsen 2014). Some of the top sellers includes Tetris (Elektronorgtechnica/Spectrum Holobyte), New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo), Pokémon Red/Blue (Game Freak/Nintendo), Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo) and others.

Therefore, to summarise it would be justified to state that the skeumorphism was one of the most prominent features that defined the technological use. Furthermore, it was heavily attractive for the users, which is evident from the number of games that are the best sellers of all time. Furthermore, from the discussion above and as the history reflects that skeumorphism was one of the most prominent reason that developed the comfort of the use and attraction towards the technology (Blouin et al. 2018).  Hence, in summary it would be justified to state that skeumorphism was one prominent factors that developed the perception of use for technology among the users. However, it would be inadequate to state that skeumorphism cannot be hold responsible in today’s era as the tools that is being used for leveraging the technology, though in the initial phase of the technology it did acted as a pedestrian for the leveraging of the technology. In recent time also, the first time users can be benefitted by the skeumorphism for getting comfortable with the technology, which is evident from small devices such as keypad mobiles that are using the discussed UI design. 

“Technology is hijacking the mind of its users”

The discussion in the sections above over digital identity crisis, urge of the parents to Apple for Parental control and other similar aspects have made it evident that the usage of technology is a major concern in today’s era. The usage of technology is driven by different factors and one of the most crucial aspect that is driving the massive usage of the technology is the UI (Oulasvirta and Abowd 2016). According to Samadara Ginige, a designer and developer by profession and passion “Design is everywhere. From the dress you’re wearing to the smartphone you’re holding, it’s design.” Hence, it becomes crucial to understand the role and development of UI in the technology adoption along with the potential development is UI so that the question “What are the changes that can be expected in the UI in context with the current movements that are going for effective and limited use of the digital tools?” can be answered.

The term “zero UI” or the zero user interface is not a very practical consideration since there must be a user interface in some form for the users to access and use digital data over the internet. Some of the most probable user interfaces that might come up because of future innovations are explained below in the following points:

  • Ambient: Ambient or electronic interfaces are environments that are extremely sensitive to the human presence. It has different kinds of components in order to make up for the kind of experience that it gives despite remaining subtle (Oulasvirta 2017). One of the best examples can be seen in the supermarkets wherein the doors of the shops automatically opens when someone approaches them which automatically improves the experience of the users and helps them develop a better impression about the store right in the beginning.
  • Haptic: A haptic or touch interface is responsive to the touches as well as physical contact from by the users in order. The touch actions can act as input to the interface and accordingly it provides with some kind of output for the users. A rumple strip is one of the best examples for the haptic interface wherein the user knows where exactly to pay attention base on their position in the road when they are driving with the help of a small device that vibrates to provide the required notification (Hawlitscheket al. 2016). This is one of the most promising future application of innovations in the user interface technologies for future gadgets.
  • Voice: This user interface helps in the communication of human voice with the computers and other machines through a voice/speech platform that also provides a automatic response to a particular message.  A virtual assistant in an android smart phone is one of the most appropriate examples of this kind of an user interface wherein the phone understand a human question when an users asks a question by bringing the phone near to his mouth. The interface is being controlled by his voice. The users do not have to type in question manually anymore and they can directly ask the questions to the phone assistant. Amazon Alexa is one such technology that helps the users to control home appliances such as powering on and off televisions, home theatre systems as well as air-conditioning and domestic lighting (Fruhling, Raman and McGrath 2015). This helps the users to have greater control over the user interfaces and control them according to their own needs and benefits.

The identification of the user interface of future has enabled in understanding the movement of the UI. The discussion from the above could be summarised to state that the UI is moving towards automation or partial automation where the user does provide input but without investing any additional effort (Jacobs 2018). The development in the UI will enable the users to save their time and effort but will also enable them to invest more time with the technology. The reason for the above made statement could be supported by the fact that users are seeking ease of use and if they will attain more ease of use they will invest more time with the technology in contrast to other aspects (Nakano 2015). However, looking from a different aspect it would also be justified to state that the discussed development is limiting the involvement of user to a limit. The limited involvement will enable the users to perform multi-tasking. The multi-tasking will assist the users to limit the attention of the user towards the technology and it will be more dedicated towards the work that will demand more effort.

Hence, to summarise the discussion in the section above it would be justified to state that the coming age UI designs will enable the users to spend effective time with the technology because of ease of use and limited effort. However, it will also ensure that the time is well spent because of distributed time between multi-tasking. The more time and attention will be invested towards the activity which will demand more attention and technology will not be that activity because of ease of use. The example of supermarket is the prime example to explain this. The person entering the supermarket is more focused on carrying the purchased item rather than focusing on opening of the gate due to sensor and human feet interaction.

 “Really simple UI solves user’s pains in an optimal way saving time and effort”

The discussion in the sections above have made it evident that the UI is one of the most crucial aspects that determine the perception of the users (Liedtka 2015). Furthermore, it has also been identified that the better UI is letting the users spend more time with the technology which is leading to the addiction of the technology. Hence, it is crucial to determine that “Are we designing for a well time spend or well time saved?” The identification of the discussed answer will enable the understanding of the UI designing procedures and might help in development of UI that are efficient and ensures that time well spend.

 “LinkedIn is coming up with a new UI to to keep brands hooked to the platform”

LinkedIn has redesigned its UI by removing all the mirrors, fuss and smoke so that it can attract many brands along with keeping the user base intact. The redesigning has proved to be beneficial for the LinkedIn as the revenue of the platform increased from $2.3 billion in 2017 to over $5.3 billion in 2018 (Almakky, Sahandi and Taylor 2015). However, it would be justified to state that UI is the only reason for growth however; it is also one of the most prominent aspects. The UI of the platform in discussion is cleaner, refined and sleeker. The platform even after redesigning have kept certain aspects from the previous design such as the new conversation window is elegant but has retained the grey discussion for the user and light blue for the colleague (Jung et al. 2018). Furthermore, the clear image of the recipient/ sender is also a benefit that is being enjoyed by the users. However, there are certain aspects that the LinkedIn has kept constant and is undesirable that includes the exploitation of the UX (Ross and Gao 2016). The first and foremost aspect is that LinkedIn does not have any special consideration for UX and even exploits the asymmetry of perception. It sends a pop-up every time an invitation is send to the user however, in reality the sender of invitation had send the invitation unconsciously. The sender of the invitation has responded to the platform’s list of suggestion and an invitation letter had been send to the users (Brenner, Uebernickel and Abrell 2016). Though, it should be noted that the discussed act has been limited because of a clarity of view after redesigning.

The discussion over the LinkedIn and its redesigning is crucial because since redesigning the revenue of the firm has increased however, the time spend over the platform have not been very fluctuant. The user of the platform are almost the same amount of time on the LinkedIn as it was before the redesigning. It should also be noted that The Facebook users spend 35 minutes averagely on a daily basis while LinkedIn users only spend 17 minutes per month. However, with this massive difference in time, the users still trust LinkedIn more than Facebook. There are different factors associated with the time spend on the platform but UI is also one of them. LinkedIn has also been criticised for the similarity that it had with Facebook after redesigning. Another notable fact is that the LinkedIn has been considered more productive than Facebook for users in terms of profession and business as well. Though, Facebook leads in terms of savouring moments, people love to spend time on the platform and is also supporting productive cause for individuals and businesses, but LinkedIn is more trustable for the users.

The basic difference between the UI of Facebook and LinkedIn is that Facebook considers the UX along with UI while on the contrary, the LinkedIn does not provides enough attention to UX and has focus on the UI. Therefore, the answer to the question in discussion would be that the platforms or technologies that are more successful are designed for well time spend and the number of such platforms are extensive such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Smartphones, Laptops and others. However, on the contrary, the platforms such as LinkedIn, Quora, Linux Devices are designed for time well saved.  In other terms, the firms that are focused on designing devices while taking consideration of sales, revenue and UX are designing for the ease of users and ensures that the UI enforces them to spend time on the platform. While the technologies that are developed from the perspective of security, productivity and others are designed without proper consideration of UX and eventually designed for time well saved.  

  1. What is the impact of UI on the users?

UI have a very powerful impact on the perception of the customer towards the product.

  1. Does an attractive and comfortable UI design is making the users addictive towards the technology or is it supporting in leveraging of the technology?

Attractive and comfortable UI is not responsible for attracting people rather the ease of use along with simplicity of interaction with the technology is the key.

  1. What is the role of skeuomorphism in deciding the user’s behaviour over the use of technology?

Skeumorphism was one prominent factors that developed the perception of use for technology among the users. However, it would be inadequate to state that skeumorphism cannot be hold responsible in today’s era as the tools that is being used for leveraging the technology, though in the initial phase of the technology it did acted as a pedestrian for the leveraging of the technology. In recent time also, the first time users can be benefitted by the skeumorphism for getting comfortable with the technology that is evident from small devices such as keypad mobiles that are using the discussed UI design.

  1. What are the changes that can be expected in the UI in context with the current movements that are going for effective and limited use of the digital tools?

The coming age UI designs will enable the users to spend effective time with the technology because of ease of use and limited effort. However, it will also ensure that the time is well saved because of distributed time between multi-tasking. The more time and attention will be invested towards the activity that will demand more attention and technology will not be that activity because of ease of use.

  1. Are we designing for a well time spend or well time saved?

The platforms or technologies that are more successful are designed for well time spend and the number of such platforms are extensive such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Smartphones, Laptops and others. However, on the contrary, the platforms such as LinkedIn, Quora, and Linux Devices are designed for time well saved.  In other terms, the firms that are focused on designing devices while taking consideration of sales, revenue and UX are designing for the ease of users and ensures that the UI enforces them to spend time on the platform. While the technologies that are developed from the perspective of security, productivity and others are designed without proper consideration of UX and eventually designed for time well saved.


The paper in discussion could be emphasised to state that UI is one of the most prominent driving force that enables the adoption of the technology. Furthermore, the adoption is not the limit for the UI but it also ensures that the technology offers ease of use and comfort to the users. However, in the recent time the increase of technology addiction has raised question over the firms and the UI developers. The question that has most prominently being asked by the entities who are dedicated to save humans from the adverse impact of the technology is “Are we designing for a well time spend or well time saved?” The paper has answered the question and in answering the question, different questions have been answered.

The findings from the paper have been determined using different cases such as Body ecology, Netflix, LinkedIn and other UI that have changed the scenario for its users. The identifications reveal that UI is one of the most powerful driver of technology and attracting and comfortable UI is the most dominant force. The discussed impact of the UI started because of Skeumorphism that assisted the users to get comfortable with the technology because the latter gave the users perception of their real-world counterpart. The paper have also determined that the coming age UI technologies will enable the users to time well save. Finally, the identification of the paper has revealed that the technologies developers who are focused on offering people savouring moments and want to earn revenue against it are designing UI for time well spend. On the contrary, the firms that are focusing on productivity and security are designing UI for time well saved. Henvce, in conclusion the designing of the UI is done based on the perception of the developers whether they want to offer productivity or relaxing moments.


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