User Interface Design For Local Farm Shop

Interactive Design 1

The report is prepared for the development of the user interface for a local farm shop for designing the interface and testing the usability of the website designed for the organization. Two sets of wireframe prototypes are created for the organization. The wireframe diagrams are evaluated for identification of the problem and further development of the website for attracting more number of customers. The main goal of the assignment is to maximize the usability of the website and make the interaction between the user and the interface simple. The interface is designed such that the user can accomplish the task following the easy steps. Attention is given on the graphics content and the typography for improvement of the look and feel of the website interface.

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The first wireframe is designed for the home page, the second page is designed for the login and registration, followed by the third page of payment. The fourth page is designed for recording the product details and the last page is designed for the product.

The home page of the wireframe is designed with a logo of the company and image for demonstration of the company details or infrastructure. It also contains the about us page and the other products sold by the site. The payment page is designed with the details of the credit card, debit card, paypal and the internet banking options. The product information and the price details are also displayed in the payment page for increasing the transparency. The product name page is created with a detailed image of the product and the description of the product.  The home page contains the images of different types of products and the login option for the users. The user can search specific product from the search option placed in the home page.  

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The first wireframe is designed for the home page, the second page is designed for the login and registration, followed by the third page of payment. The fourth page is designed for recording the product details and the last page is designed for the product.

The home page is created with the images of the product and the login option from the users using the website. The login and the registration page is created and the user can login and register from tis page with all the details of the users. The payment page is created by getting the details of the customer and the product details with a big image of the product followed by other images attached for getting the details of the product in different angles.

Advantages of interactive design 1

The interactive design 1 is created for showcasing all the products in the single home page. The user can see the products according to their category in the home page and more relevant images are used such that the user can view all the contents without wasting time.

Advantages of interactive design 2

The advantage of interact design 2 is that the menu bar can be used for reaching any of the pages of the website. The website interface is designed with a side menu that categorizes the items and makes it easy for the user to find their product. The interface is created by dividing each of the section and loading the elements for development of the web interface design.

Interactive Design 2

Disadvantages of interactive design 1

The main disadvantage identified for the interactive design 1 is that it takes a lots of time for the development of the prototype. More text are used for the interface and it is difficult for the less educated people to navigate through the webpage for finding the right product of their choice.

The main disadvantage identified for the interactive design 2 is that the design is made complex and it is difficult for the non-technical people to surf through the webpage. Images and animations are used for the design and it can cause the web page to take more time for responding against the query of the users.   

Design principle of design 1

User centered design is followed for designing the user interface and a research is made on the requirement of the user for designing the user interface for local farm shop. The different habit of the users should be known to the development team such that the interface is designed for meeting the expectation of the users.  

Design principle of design 2

For designing the second interface the consistency is followed such that the user interface can leave a good impression on the mind of the users using the web interface. Various functionality are included for guiding the users to find their product such that the user does not get lost from the website.    

Usability goal of design 1

The main goal of the web interface design is to keep the design simple such that it can be easily navigated by the non-technical personnel. The effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction is also important for the context of usage of the website interface. Main focus should be given on the targeted group of audience for the development of the prototype of the website interface.

Usability goal of design 2

The main goals for designing the interface 2 design is to help the user to guide them through the web pages. More functionality are added such that the look and feel of the web interface is kept fresh and expand the coverage of users. The errors in the design are eliminated for improvement of the efficiency and memorability of the users. The usability guidelines are established for the development of a high quality interface design for the local farm shop.

Usability experience of user for design 1

The usability experience for the interface design 1 is kept best by providing all the required service to the users with the application of visual approach of the design. The user can search their product from the home page and find the best product sold in the website. The details of the product and the price can be fetched by clicking of the product and relevant images of the product are used such that the user can get the details of the product before buying it.

For the second interface design the some of the users may face difficulty because the design is made complex with more added functionality. The elements in the website are made clear by segmenting the product in different categories and grouping the similar king of products. Proper communication ideas and functionality are added such as the chant function for chatting with the online support team if any problem is faced by the users.  A direct communication can be placed with the support team for any querry against the product and building a loyalty of the customer towards the organization.

The second interface design is selected for proceeding with the interface design because it contains more functionality that the first web interface design. The second design is developed targeting a group of users while the first web interface design is created following the simple design principle such that it can be used by all types of users. The second design helps in building a customer relationship and increases the loyalty of the customer.

A testing is performed for testing the usability and it helps the designer to find the view points and develop the application according the needs of the users. Research is made on the usability problems of the current website design and links are established for establishment of the desired action. Maintenance of the website is also important for up gradation of the current system inspection of the errors in the web design for improvement of the current framework of the organization.


From the above report it can be concluded that with the development of the wireframe mock up design. Two interactive designs are prepared and each of them are compared for finding the best interface design. The design is compared based on the functionality and a balance should be maintained between the visual elements and the functionality and adopt the changing needs of the users using the interface. The user needs must be identified for starting the prototype design of the interface. The list of functionality are assembled for accomplishment of the goals and interviews must be arranged for identification of the user needs and align it for the development of the user interface.

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