Usefulness Of Decision Making Tools And Reflecting On Decision Making Styles In The 21st Century Workplace
Importance of Flexibility in Decision Making
The purpose of the following paper is to develop the idea about the usefulness of the decision making tools in the organization and produce a reflective stance on the decision-making styles. The idea of the personal leadership style will have to be given an overview in the changing concept of the 21st century organizational demands (Mischel, 2013). The managers will need to make the execution of the proper decisions when needed in the workplaces. This factor will surely incur the importance of the personal leadership style of the leaders in the organizations. The effectiveness of the leadership styles will be indicated by the positive results of the tests.
It has to be understood that the turbulent nature of the business has given a special thought to the business organizations to think more on it. This is why the organizations will need to do more planning on gaining the sustainability in the market (Mischel, 2013) I will evaluate some important traits of the leadership qualities through this paper.
- The position based leadership approach is the one where the employees will have to abide by the instructions of the people of the high designations.
- The personal traits will be very much important things to measure the leadership components within me. It will be helpful for me to become a true leader if I have charismatic leadership skills (Northouse, 2018).
- The working style of the decisions will be integral in this process as well.
- The relationship between the leaders of the organization and the organizational practice will play a major role here as well.
I will get better results if I have confidence in myself and improve my skills through the rational thinking process. I always try to handle the difficult situations with a calm mind. This helps me to ease off all my pressures (Fairhurst & Connaughton, 2014). If I approach the situation with the logical approach it will surely be beneficial for me to get the best results indeed.
According to the personality test on the 16 Personalities website, I have been judged as a person with a defender personality. It has been said that the Defender quality of a person is quite unique indeed. The people who are defenders in quality are very generous in work and engage with the work and the people in a whole hearted manner. According to the results, I do possess great analytical abilities (Bolden, 2016). According to the website, nearly 13% of the people are believed to be the Defenders. One of the most important factors in my personality is that I am interested in the charitable social works and the works in medicine and academics. I will discuss about some of the positive and negative sides about my character.
I must say that I am supportive towards all the people in the world. I always tend to share my knowledge and experience with all the people in this universe. I will always for the win-win situations indeed. I am always reliable to others and patient when hearing the issues from the people. I am always much meticulous and careful when I undertake anything under my responsibility (Bolden, 2016). I tend to take a proper and steady approach and decide what to do according to the needs of the situation indeed. I always try to best standard or quality of work whenever I am the given the responsibility.
Assessment of Decision-Making Styles and Tools
I am quite a bit of humble and shy in all the issues and in the organization and I don’t mix with all the people very much. This can be taken as a weakness from the organizational context. I also take some issues or things very seriously that could have been avoided. One of my negative facts is that I am very much reluctant to change. I value most on the various traditions. I am more of an introvert person by my nature.
In the workplace, I always prefer the works to be done without any frictions between the colleagues. I always show the proper teamwork with my colleagues to get the job done within the proper time. I always tend to help my customers directly and talk with my subordinates in a polite manner as well. It is very easy for me to work in the win-win situations. This is where I am most comfortable indeed. I always take the challenges regularly and lead my team towards the organizational success in the best manner indeed. This will really help me to work effectively amidst all the challenges within the organization. I am always very much enthusiastic on the floor and ensure that I can successfully serve my customers by satisfying their needs in the best times. I am less of an intuitive person and more of a observant person.
It can be recommended that I should learn to adjust to the changes that will come my way in the future. This will make me a better leader indeed. I have to be a better listener in my workplace context since it would help me to understand the problems and bring out the proper solutions indeed. As a leader with the Defender personality I should learn to minimize the conflicts that are raised between the employees in the workplace. This will open up my chances to become a true leader and an inspiration to all my people. I should make friends with some of my team mates so I can help them whenever they are overburdened with their work and feel much stress indeed.
The paper can be concluded by saying that no one can learn the leadership qualities through the bookish knowledge. It has to be gained with the constant experience of the leadership practitioners. According to the test results, I have learned that I have several positive attitudes towards leadership but I have some negative ones as well. I have to improve on those fields and become a true leader indeed.
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