Untapped Indonesia: Exploring The Beauty Of West Sumatra

Indonesia’s Tourism Potential

Discuss about the Tourism Development and Community System.

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The research is based on the title of the Untapped Indonesia: West Sumatra. Indonesia is famous as the world’s largest archipelagic country composed of 17,508 islands including 9,638 unnamed islands and 6,000 uninhabited islands. Indonesia is full of diversity of customs, languages, religions, regional clothes, dances, musical instruments, and others to support tourism in Indonesia(Judisseno, 2015).  There are thousands of islands in Indonesia that reflects the diverse tour and incredible beauty. The Indonesian government is even determined to make Indonesia Tourism Industry as the number one Income producer in 2019 (Judisseno, 2015).The research focuses on vital factors which influence the rate of Tourist in West Sumatra. It has been stated by Kunzmann, (n.d.), there are more than 80 islands and reefs within 56 km of padang which is the capital of West Sumatra. There are various places which can attract tourists towards West Sumatra but due to some specific reasons, tourists prefer for Bali. These reasons are more advertisements of Bali than West Sumatra, active volcanoes and access of natural disasters.

The objective of this research is mentioned below:

  • To identify the factors responsible for why people get attracted towards Bali in comparison of West Sumatera.
  • To raise people awareness about West Sumatera mainly in term of marketing ways.
  • To assess the different ways that attracts tourists towards Bali in comparison of West Sumatra.

The scope of this research is to explore the tourism management in Indonesia as there are many places over there to visit. The research would highlight the reason of not visiting Bali than West Sumatra.

Marketing has a significant role in the process of the development in various industries. There is a requirement of effective marketing strategy otherwise it may lead the organization in to adverse condition (Baker, 2014). A solid marketing strategy is vital for any kind of businesses to create a brand, maintaining loyalty and attracting new customers (Jaworski, 2018). The hospitality industry is equal to other industry as executives and marketing mangers in this industry devotes a lot of time to create brand awareness. It is necessary for the hospitality industry to utilize the different approaches to increase the customers for a variety of season. There are many places in Indonesia that attract number of tourists. It has been found that the scope of tourism has broadened and includes all aspects that can sustain the tourist to attain the resources and society (Crotts, Mason and Davis, 2009). The system of Indonesia has been formed over time by the economic resource base of an archipelago with number of islands. It has been stated by Cholik, (2017), that Indonesia’s government has focused on some destinations of Indonesia such as Bali, Jakarta, West Sumatra and Southeast Sulawesi to enhance the number of tourist in such places.

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Factors Affecting Tourist Rate in West Sumatra

Bali is attractive place for number of good reasons as it is considered as the highest tropical tourist destination in the world. It has been analyzed that millions of visitors have had an incredible experience in Bali and they are ready to come back to re-live the experience of different palaces of Bali (Gundersen, 2016). Bali is well known island of Indonesia which situated in middle of the world’s largest archipelago. It has colourful ceremonies, rich traditions, unique culture and breathtaking nature which make it different from its neighbours. It is the most attractive destination for Australians due to closer (Bali, 2017) There are many things to do in Bali for tourist such as, traditional dance, diving, trekking, cycling, surfing, shopping, water sports activities and many more which attract various tourists to visit this place at least at once (Bali, 2017). The culture of this place is different from other and affordability is the major thing while deciding about tourism. Bali is the destination which provides various striking places within budget of the tourist (Frost and Hall, 2009).

West Sumatra is a region of the Indonesia that lies in the coast of the Island of Sumatra. This place is mountainous and categorized by three valleys. There are active volcanoes and lovely lakes which may attract number of tourist to see the beauty of nature. It has been analyzed that most friendly population are living at Minangkabau land (Lipoeto, Agus, Oenzil, Masrul, Wattanapenpaiboon and Wahlqvist, 2001). It is also considered as the home of various majestic natural surroundings such as valleys, beaches, national parks, canyons and mountains (Lipoeto, et. al., 2001). Dodds, Graci and Holmes, (2010),  stated tourism is the component of the study of man away from his common surrounding which reply to the needs and the influences of him. Sumatra is also attractive destination with heaps of beauty. There are various places in West Sumatra that can grab the attention of people such as Pagaruyung Palace, Lake Maninjau, Sianok Canyon and many more. Along with that there are various points of waterfalls, islands, bodies of water and museums.

Although, it has been found that Sumatra is not as much visited place that much Bali. It is because on Boxing Day 2005, a marine earthquake rocked the northern tip of this place that brings enormous wall of water over 50ft high which speed was approximately 150km an hour. It damaged the huge range of property and population of the low lying region. It gave disastrous result with whole towns wiped clean off the map. At that time, generations of families killed. It has been found that there is still visible damage in the term of broken house, ruins but this place is again trying to come in the back form of beauty (Cholik, 2017).

Reasons Why Tourists Prefer Bali Over West Sumatra

There are various reasons behind choosing Bali over West Sumatra instead of having same interest of destinations in both places. However, West Sumatra has various islands that can create a centre of attention of the tourists but it cannot be done in an adequate manner due to lack of known about its beauty to the people and proper marketing for hospitality industry. As per Ormond and Sulianti, (2017), safety is the vital concern of tourist when they began their journey for specific place. In the context of West Sumatra and especially, Banda Aceh is considered as the dangerous because of it being a largely Muslim area. It has been analyzed that this place has significant impact of war or fighting between communities. There are still randomly attack of quarrelling between government and the Banda Aceh Independence league. However, West Sumatra has similar places, mountains and attract of destination for the tourist who prefer Bali but due to safety reason, tourist avoid to explore West Sumatra (United Nation, 2009). On the other hand, Bali is concerned with full of safety where people can enjoy without any risk (Sutawa, 2012). It can be the major reason to choose Bali over West Sumatra for visiting the beauty of nature in Indonesia. However, Government has taken various steps to keep safe lives, infrastructure and beauty of nature in West Sumatra, Indonesia (United Nation, 2009). There is another reason of culture difference butthe culture of West Sumatra is different for other province where education is highly valued in the Minangkabau culture. The rate of literacy is higher of West Sumatra in Indonesia. Tourists are unaware about the culture of West Sumatra as citizens of it have high degree of respect to the visitors (Lipoeto, et. al., 2001).

It has been found from various researches that West Sumatra has attractive places as Bali but is it not famous due to lack of marketing for hospitality industry. West Sumatra has implausible beauty that can distract the attention of tourist from Bali to West Sumatra. Tourists are attractive towards Bali due to unawareness about the beauty of West Sumatra. It is vital for them to know about the various places, mountains and things to do in West Sumatra. The changing landscape of West Sumatra has created a number of vast waterfalls. It has beautiful waterfalls such as Anai Valley Waterfall, Baburai Waterfall, SarasahGadut Waterfall and NgungunSaok Waterfall where people can spend an amazing time with their dear ones. The western coast of Sumatra is home to a landscape that is plagued with volcanoes. As per Kunzmann, (n.d.) The huge majority are quiescent, this place will still propose a challenging hike and prize to efforts of people with beautiful views from their heights. The bodies of water can pull towards people to explore all the beaches that would normally be inaccessible. According to (Achmad, 2013), Lake lodge has an amazing panorama of the archipelago which is situated approximately 461 meters above sea level. Clock tower is considered as the landmark and symbol of the city Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Apart from that Anai Valley tourist magnetism is the symbol of tourism in the province of West Sumatra.

Strategies for Enhancing Tourism in West Sumatra

People are unacquainted about the magnificence of West Sumatra’s destination places and it is done because of lack of marketing in the hospitality industry. It is integral for the tourism companies in Indonesia to use various strategies of success such as research, awareness, promotion and relationship. As per Dev, Buschman and Bowen (2010), tourists choose hospitality services and destination places for a variety of reasons. It is vital for the tourism management of Indonesia to provide the various perks and facilities and provide the services what buyers look for. It is necessary to do depth research for finding the factors which make consumers to opt a specific hospitality services. It is required for the tourism management to take the customer feedback so that improvement can be done with the issues of visiting West Sumatra. According to Dief and Font, (2010), awareness is the major factor of marketing in the hospitality industry because if potential customers do not aware about the services or places, they cannot purchase or visit. Social media marketing is the effective approach that can enhance the awareness of people and put huge influence on online customers. There are various marketing strategies for the hospitality industry such as customer insight marketing, digital presence & social media and Email Marketing.

Travellers are considered as the lifeblood of the tourism industry that is why it is required to be focused around the needs and desires of the travellers. The guide should be made about West Sumatra where all depth information about the attractive places should be mentioned. It should be included high professional photos of selected destination which will certainly influence tourists(UHURU, 2018).

Travellers will have a lot of questions about the destination before visiting first time. A discussion platform will increase the enthusiasm of tourists and their questions will be answered in an adequate manner (UHURU, 2018).

The entire online world is stirring towards video as it covers huge information in less time. West Sumatra has various lakes, mountains, museums, Islands and waterfalls which should be covered under videos. It will enhance the attention of customers towards West Sumatra.

One of the best ways to differentiate West Sumatra from other competitors is by emphasizing the new and adventurous things. Unique event and important fun around place should be revealed infront of people to make them aware about the beauty of West Sumatra.

The role of tourism marketing companies in enhancing the awareness of people towards West Sumatra is huge. It is essential to connect with tourism marketing companies so that tourist get all facilities at one place with full of information about the destination.

Thus, it is apparent that Bali has major points such as attractive culture, various destinations with safety and easy accessibility to increase the number of tourist for this place in comparison of West Sumatra. It is because people are unaware about the beauty of West Sumatra that offers various attraction factors to visit this place than Bali.  It is cleared that safety concern is important for the tourists to visit which West Sumatra unable to provide (Lindquist, 2009). Marketing is essential component for increasing the awareness of people towards West Sumatra.


It can be concluded that there are various places in Indonesia to visit. This research has been described the comparative analyses between Bali and West Sumatra with clear understanding. Base of differences have been defined to make effective dissimilarity between Bali and West Sumatra. Bali is the province of Indonesia that has many attractive places to visit such as mountains, lakes, water activities and many more. The research has shown that West Sumatra has many fascinating places similar to Bali but it is less acceptable for visiting by tourists due to some safety reasons. The government has taken steps to prevent the environment of West Sumatra. It has been found that people are unaware about the beauty of West Sumatra that is why it is required to make it famous by adapting various strategies of advertising. The role of marketing strategy is huge to develop the awareness about West Sumatra to people. Various methods have been described to increase the popularity of West Sumatra in comparison of Bali.

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