Unified Customer Experience Strategy For Grill’d
Grill’d Overview
Grill`d is an Australian native company which came in to existence in 2004. The founder of this company is Simon Crowe and has located its headquarters in Hawthorn, Melbourne. Currently the company is operating in Australia with 125 restaurants and is in the process of forming a special place in the market (Grill`d, 2018). The company belongs to fast food industry and is in the service of offering burgers to their customers. With the help of survey carried out it can be said the company have ample opportunity for their growth and expansion and at the same time the company is also facing lot of challenges related to varieties as well as nutritious quality of the products.
As per survey the main two segments on which the company must keep their focus are adult and youngsters. Both these segment are fond of eating fast food along and are in need of place where they can share their gossips (Hwang, Choi, Lee & Park, 2012). For youngsters Grill`d will provide them a place to eat along with a place where they can enjoy the surrounding environment. While for Adult Grill`d will not only provide them a place where they can get supplementary for their daily meal and it also act as a place for informal meeting along with network forming for their career (Liu & Jang, 2009). Youths are important because they are large in number and adult are also important because they are form the subset of the same youth population.
From the primary and secondary data it can be said that the voice of customer are mainly focusing on two aspects. One is need of bringing varieties in their product and other is need of nutritious product (Klaus & Maklan, 2013). In order to satisfy both these demands of their potential customers, the Grill`d must form a strategy which will ensure the great customer satisfaction related to their demand. The company must introduce two customer experience strategy, one will be product diversification and other will be new product development.
In this strategy the company will introduce diversity in their product which is burger by introducing new varieties in their burger like Bacon burger, Pug burger, Green-chile burger with fried eggs, Minetta burger, Cheddar and onion smashed burger etc which will help in overcoming the demand of different taste from the customer side (Maklan & Klaus, 2011). Earlier the company was providing only one product and as per study present world always need some change after little time because people will start getting bored by this same taste and this can provide opportunity to the rival company to move Gill`d customer towards their side.
Customer Segments
In present world the need of being health has actually become the latest trend and also has attained great heights. This is one of the most important opportunity by which the Grill`d can be able to turn the customer tables on their side by introducing nutritious products (Grewal, Levy & Kumar, 2009). Here the company will consult a Diet consultant which can provide the necessary suggestion related to this NPD. This kind of strategy will not only help the Gilld`s to satisfy on of the demand of their customers but it will also help the company to create a unique image in the minds of the society in which it is operation related to health care. This act will also help the company to convert some good percentage of the population of the city in to their potential customers by sending the message of healthy diet offering.
Customer experience map is basically the process in which customer goes through numbers of encounters while purchasing the Grill`d product. This process is mad of almost four stages: Inquiry, comparison, purchase and installation.
These four stages also decide the business value proportion of any organization because they are totally aligned with the business operation of any company.
In first stage which is inquiry the potential tries to gain as much information it can gather for their use in order to take purchase decision. Here the Grill`d can creat an illusion in the minds of the inquiring person that we are the right choice by using social media as one of the most important tools for their marketing (Wiedmann, Hennigs & Siebels, 2009). This tool will also help the company to increase their target area with the help of its fast and cost efficient advantage. In second stage the person tries to compare the company with the available options. Here the Grill`d can make use of technology like SEO which will help the company to maintain their position among first three list of the Google search. In third stage the company can make use of user friendly sites where the customer will be able to enjoy the ordering service and in final stage the person physically experience the product so the company will provide the high quality standards which are beyond the expectation of the customer. In this will the customer experience mapping will automatically create a business value proportion for the two segments.
CEM strategy is totally based on the customer centric who means it will include the customer demand, wants, desire and business decision related to the operation of the company (Fatma, 2014). With the help of customer maps the company will be able to properly explore the possible encounters faced by the customer from which Grill`d will be able to bring some necessary change in their business operation. From survey it has been highlighted that the customer are satisfied with the service but are in need of varieties in product along with nutritious (Nasution et. al., 2014). Hence Grill`d will focus on these aspect to bring satisfaction in the customers and for any business the most important part is having strong customer base.
Presently we are living in a dynamic world which is full of uncertain changes, so it is not easy to make assumption related to the customer preference related to taste. Hence if the Grill`d has to maintain their position in this dynamic business world, they have to keep innovating new products in their business line and also should maintain health food environment in the fast food business. The company must not only provide the fast service but must also consider the high quality customer experience in their operation in order to better understand the service encounter faced by the customer during their service offering. This will help the company to create a unique image in the minds of the potential customer by working on the healthy diet for the society in which the company is operating.
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Grill`d (2018). About us [online]. Retrieved from: https://www.grilld.com.au/about
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