Unemployment And Housing Crisis For Young People In Australia

Issue defined

It is said that there are many problems within the younger generation of people in Australia. As a matter of fact the stress and pressure on the younger generation is increasing day by day. The younger people are facing more number of problems than what was faced by their fathers or other people of their previous generation. This is because there is a sharp rise in the price of food , lodging and every other services. Apart from this, there is a fall in the employment opportunities that is available to the youngest generation of people. People might think that people are not sufficiently educated or there are poorly skilled graduates, it is because of their incompetency that they are not being able to find good jobs for themselves.

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Issue defined

I think that one of the most major reasons behind this rate of unemployment in Australia is lack of enough full time job opportunities. As per my view there is also lack of proper responsibility on the part of the Government. This is because Government is not providing enough funds for the proper growth and development of sufficient amount of job sectors. On the other hand the rise in the price of the households is also affecting the younger generation of Australia in a bad way. Being a student of one of the Australian university, I have also faced several problems in finding a good, affordable household for me.  I have seen that most of the students are either living in the costly University houses or they have to adjust in some very poorly furnished buildings. This issue is really getting worse day by day.

It is also very tough to carry on job and studies at the same time. Though I and some of my friends started working in order to get a certain source of income, but this did not seem good enough for fulfilling the huge cost of housing. In order to solve this problem more younger people have to be brought into the youth movement. This will help the young people to realize the actual problem and take the necessary steps for reaching to the solution of problem.

Personal thoughts

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I used to think that perhaps there are some problems within the competency level of the younger people or the graduates. It is for this reason that they are not being able to get good jobs for themselves. However after taking part in many of the in class activities I have realized that the problem is altogether on a different level. There is a kind of negligence on the part of the Government. On top of the lack of full time job opportunities the advantages of the economic benefits are not evenly distributed. The companies hiring young people like us must think about making proper increase in the pay scale of the newly hired employees.

I have also conducted several surveys where I included the younger generation of working people. I saw that the increase in their wage is much less than the increase in the pay scale of their fathers or other previous generations. So, there are actually several reasons that are making the younger generation of people quite afraid of the future lying ahead of them. I being one among the same group feel that this is really a very challenging situation that is arising day by day. I have also

Personal thoughts

I have realized that as a youth worker I need to make my peers aware about this impending danger that is growing day by day. I have to make sure that people who are taking part in this youth movement are able to understand their roles and the way they must be looking into the matter.

As an youth worker

Being a youth worker will try to conduct many seminars and campaigns in order to take my voice to the people. I will make sure that we can take our complaints or our concerns to the Government through the help of the University boars. Being a college student I think that it will be easier for me to get the support of per number of people. As I have also been a part of many job environments as part of my internship I know that there are several disparities in the pay scale. I felt that the concern of the Government towards the aged people is good but at the same time they must not ignore the matter of the younger people. They have to realize that the upcoming future lies within younger generation of people. So, it is the duty of the government to five proper opportunities to these people so that they can flourish and move towards a bright and promising future.

I have seen that many students suffering a huge depression right after completing their graduation. On the other hand being an existing student I have seen that life becomes really tough while staying and studying in Australia. I have seen that the major problem that is being faced by the young students like me is the incredible high charge of the housing estates. The students are not even made aware about their housing rights. So, I felt that it is the show is a sheer negligence on the part of the Government. In order to overcome this, the Government has to be much more responsible and include several new curriculums within the University syllabus. This will help the students to know about the undue advantage that is often being taken. I have realized that as a youth worker I will try to explain each and every minute detail of the impending dangers that are lying in front of us. I will also try to bring into limelight the repayment and the investment risks. The mortgage debt that has to be borne by the people (particularly the young generation) is increasing day by day.

Possible solution

So, I feel that the government has to make some or the other arrangements that will help the young people to deal with this particular issue. The measures that can be taken by the Government are either to provide good income opportunities to the youngsters or by lowering the housing price. However I have realized that this is not possible for me or for any youth worker alone to bring about this change. The Government will also take the matter seriously only when there is a mass appeal. I have also realized that the youth work movement will be successful when the young people enjoy the work that they are doing. As I started taking the youth movement classes, I gradually realized that this is actually so important. The young people are to be inspired so that they come into these activities. As a youth worker I believe that there has to be a proper channelization of the motives and the thoughts. Explaining the actual issues and the need to solve them will make things much clearer within the students and they will be able to take up such issues within their concerns.


I have realized that my thoughts underwent several changes after I started looking at all these issues with a broader aspect. I will try my level best to encourage other youngsters to come and join this movement. This will be really helpful as the young minds can produce some very creative, fresh and innovative ideas to solve these problems.


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