Understanding Your Learning Style And Personal Development
Background of the personal development analysis
Reitz et al.(2014) are of the viewpoint that the personal development has become the new catchphrase of the contemporary world and the individuals are constantly required to upgrade the skill sets or knowledge that they have. As opened by McAdams (2015), the process of personal development helps the individuals to acquire the kind of skill sets which are likely to enable the individuals to have better chances of gaining success.
More importantly, for the effective use of the tool of personal self-development the individuals are not only required to have a thorough understanding of the key competencies of their character or more adequately the strengths or the weaknesses of their own character(Luan et al., 2017). This in turn provides the right kind of information to the individuals through which they can develop the weaknesses of their character and also fortify their key strength points (Specht et al. 2014). This is important not only from the perspective of the academic as well as professional development of the individuals. This report will undertake a personal development need analysis of mine using the personal development plan that I formulated and other related aspects.
Background of the personal development analysis
Soto and Tackett (2015), have argued that the primary goal of the individuals during their academic career should be to gain as much knowledge as possible and also to understand the things that are being taught to them in the most effective manner. I would like to say that these two are my major goals during this phased of my academic career. However, as the results of theVAK learning styles reveals the fact that I am an auditory learner which means that I am more likely to learn things in an effective manner by listening to the Lecturer rather than watching the things that are being taught to me.
I would like to say that this acts both as a strength point as well as a weakness for me. For example, since the educational system of the contemporary times has been designed in such a manner that focus is being placed on the various lectures that are being given by the Lecturer. In this regard, the auditory learning styles which suits me is likely to help me to understand these lectures in a better manner(Hutteman et al., 2014). On the other hand, it is seen that the contemporary Lecturers are increasingly resorting to the use of presentations and other kinds of visual aids for teaching in the classrooms(Luan et al., 2017). This in turn acts as a weakness for me since as the results of the learning styles reveal visual style of learning does not support my learning abilities.
Strategic Learner
The above-mentioned strength and weakness of mine are likely to affect the job roles that I am likely to perform in the professional world as well. For example, in the contemporary business world it is seen that the various kinds of visual aids are being utilized during the conference and other kinds of meetings. This, however, is likely to act as a challenge for me since I am an auditory learner and not a visual learner. However, at the same time, I would like to say that the meetings wherein just auditory systems are being used for cascading important information would suit my style in a much better manner.
Strategic Learner
Willingham, Hughes and Dobolyi (2015), are of the viewpoint that the contemporary individuals need to have a thorough understanding of the different learning theories and learning styles and at the same time they should be able to understand the kind of theory or style which is most agreeable with them. This is important since having a clear idea regarding the theory or style which is most agreeable with them will not only help them to learn things in a much better manner but at the same time explore different branches of education as well in an effective manner(Olson, 2015).
As already mentioned, I am an auditory learner and at the same I would like to say that I prefer the independent style of learning rather than the dependent style of learning. I personally believe that the independent style of learning gives me to opportunity to explore new things in an independent manner and find out the correct methods in which things ought to be done in the most effective manner on my own.
According to Kolb’s experiential learning theory (ELT), articulated by David A. Kolb (1984), there are four different kinds of learning styles, namely, diverging, assimilating, converging and accommodating (Kolb 2014). I personally believe that out of the above-mentioned kinds of learners I belong to the category of diverging learning. As opined by Anderson (2016), the use of diverging learning style requires the individuals to look at the problems or the things that are being taught to them from a different angle and at the same time try to understand or solve them.
This, however, requires the individuals to have a strong imaginative capability and at the same time be able to cope up with the auditory style of learning in the best possible manner(Olson, 2015). As already mentioned, I am an auditory learner and I would also like to say that I have a strong imagination which help me to comprehend the contents which I am hearing into visual representations of the same in my mind. It is on these grounds that I would say that out of the four kinds of learners I belong to the category of diverging learners.
Skills analysis
Cognitive theory of learning or more commonly called by the name of Cognitivism was articulated by Jean Piaget (Anderson, 2016). As per this theory of learning, “a child develops cognitive pathways in understanding and physical response to experiences” (Willingham, Hughes and Dobolyi 2015). This theory articulates the fact that the students are likely to learn things in a much effective manner through the various lectures of their professors and the course work materials rather than visual instructions(Luan et al., 2017). Thus, I would like to say that the precepts of this theory are applicable to me since I myself being an auditory learner find that the lectures of the professors and the course work materials are more helpful for me rather than the visual materials that are being used for education.
As per Honey and Mumford’s theory of learning styles there are four different kinds of learning styles, namely, activist, reflectors, theorist and pragmatist(Olson, 2015). Specht et al.,(2014) are of the viewpoint that using the pragmatists learning style, the individuals can place the theories or the things that they have learned in the context of the practical life or the real-world life.
I personally believe that I belong to the category of the pragmatist learners since I always try use the things that have been taught to me in the everyday or the real life. Furthermore, I am of the viewpoint that this learning style would help me to apply the theories or the concepts that I would be learning during the entire course of my academic life into the field of the different jobs that I would be performing in the latter part of my professional life.
Skills analysis
As opined by Reitz et al.(2014), the transferrable skills are the ones which are not only relevant as well as important and at the same help the individuals to attain the right kind of development across their academic, social and professional lives. For example, the students require research skills, learning skills and others to attain success in their academic life(Soto and Tackett, 2015). On the other hand, to attain success in the social sphere the individuals require the skills of effective communication, emotional intelligence and others(McAdams, 2015).
Furthermore, the transferrable skills that the individuals require to gain success in the professional world are effective communication, time management and others(Hutteman et al., 2014). I would like to say in this regard that the transferrable skills that I have include effective communication, time management, research skill and others. I believe these transferrable skills which I have gained over the years are likely to help me to achieve success not only in my social or academic life but at the same time in the sphere of my professional life as well.
Luan et al.,(2017) are of the viewpoint that there are various methods that the individuals can use to gain an effective awareness regarding themselves, namely, meditation, psychometric tests, effective planning advice of friends and family members and feedback at work or educational institutions. In this regard, I would like to say that I regularly take feedbacks from my professors to know whether I am making progress or not and also to know the aspects on which.
I need to make improvements. In addition to this, I also make it a point to regularly consult my friends and family members regarding the course of action that I need to follow. More importantly, recently in order to gain an effective understanding of the key competencies of own character I have undertaken various psychometric tests like Big Five Personality Test, Gallup’s test and others. In addition to this, as per the results of these tests and feedbacks given by my professor, I have prepared a personal development plan which will enable me to overcome the weaknesses of my character in an effective manner.
To conclude, the notion of personal development has gained special prominence within the cannon of the contemporary and enables the individuals to overcome the weaknesses of their character and to fortify their key strengths. However, the individuals in order to effectively develop the key competencies of their character are required to have an effective knowledge regarding the strengths as well as the weaknesses of their own character. It is precisely here that the various learning theories or styles and also the psychometric tests become especially important. These leaning theories or styles and also psychometric tests offer insightful information to the individuals regarding the key areas of their personality on which they need to undertake development.
Anderson, T. (2016). Theories for learning with emerging technologies. Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications, pp.35-50.
Hutteman, R., Hennecke, M., Orth, U., Reitz, A.K. and Specht, J. (2014). Developmental tasks as a framework to study personality development in adulthood and old age. European Journal of Personality, 28(3), pp.267-278.
Kolb, D.A. (2014). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press.
Luan, Z., Hutteman, R., Denissen, J.J., Asendorpf, J.B. and van Aken, M.A. (2017). Do you see my growth? Two longitudinal studies on personality development from childhood to young adulthood from multiple perspectives. Journal of Research in Personality, 67, pp.44-60.
McAdams, D.P. (2015). The art and science of personality development. Guilford Publications.
Olson, M.H. (2015). Introduction to theories of learning. Routledge.
Reitz, A.K., Zimmermann, J., Hutteman, R., Specht, J. and Neyer, F.J. (2014). How peers make a difference: The role of peer groups and peer relationships in personality development. European Journal of Personality, 28(3), pp.279-288.
Soto, C.J. and Tackett, J.L. (2015). Personality traits in childhood and adolescence: Structure, development, and outcomes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(5), pp.358-362.
Specht, J., Bleidorn, W., Denissen, J.J., Hennecke, M., Hutteman, R., Kandler, C., Luhmann, M., Orth, U., Reitz, A.K. and Zimmermann, J. (2014). What drives adult personality development? A comparison of theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. European Journal of Personality, 28(3), pp.216-230.
Willingham, D.T., Hughes, E.M. and Dobolyi, D.G. (2015). The scientific status of learning styles theories. Teaching of Psychology, 42(3), pp.266-271.