Understanding VALS Psychographic Segmentation Survey And Consumer Behavior
The Two Primary Types of VALS Psychographic Segmentation Survey
1.The two VALS Psychographic Segmentation Survey types are;
Primary Type: Innovators
Secondary Type: Achievers
The innovators commonly exhibit all the three primary motivations in different degrees. The members of the innovator group typically prefers taking up information. They are confident enough to experiment new ideas and concepts. They are the ones who make the highest number of financial transaction. In addition to this, it is seen that they are a bit skeptical regarding advertising. Moreover, they have international exposure and also future oriented. They are mostly self directed consumers and have credible believe in science as well as R&D. Innovators are the ones, who enjoy taking up new challenges of solving problems and issues. Moreover, they are mostly receptive towards new technologies as well as ideas. In addition to this, they have the widest variety of activities as well as interests. In simpler terms, it can be said that the innovators are believers, strivers, survivors, makers and thinkers.
The secondary group that is the achievers has the highest resources as well as motivation for achievements. The members of the achievers group typically have an attitude of ‘me first and my family first’. They believe that money is the major source of authority. They are fully committed to their jobs and family. They are fully scheduled, goal oriented, hardworking and moderate. In addition to this, the achievers believe in acting as anchors of the status quo. The achievers are private as well as professional. Most importantly, they are peer conscious. Furthermore, they value technologies to a great extent as they believe that it provides a boost in the productivity level or standard.
2.According to my opinion, VALS profile accurately identifies the factors which motivate my buying behavior. This is because the VALS profiles help in capturing a wide range of the components, which include consulting someone before buying anything, fashion, spending, passion and personal interest as well. These are the strong aspects which help in reflecting the buying decision of an individual. The similar characteristics which I have included are interest in trying out new things and dressing more fashionably than others. Moreover, there are certain factors which I personally believe that the profile does not fit me. This includes the idea that only fools have a giving nature and they give more than what they get. On the contrary, I believe that a good negotiator does not just get the food in the bowl, but the bowl itself. Somewhat, I agree on the fact of learning about history, culture and art. My interests are not narrow and limited.
How Innovators and Achievers Affect Consumer Behavior
The characteristics which are mostly similar are having an interest in the theories. I feel like innovating new things everyday so that I can use them. I love following latest fashions and trends. In addition to this, I like being in charge of any group or team. Moreover, I like to learn about history, culture as well as art. However, I somewhat agree on the fact that I am interested in only a few things. In addition to this, I think that I dress more fashionably and sensibly than others. I also somewhat agree on the fact that the federal government should encourage prayers in the public schools. Even, I would love to mention that I like trying new and modern things. I somewhat agree on the fact that I like dressing in the latest fashions. I like leading others and have a leadership quality. Moreover, I somewhat agree on the fact that there is too much sex on the television in modern days. I always try looking for a thrill and doing things that are in a way different as well as new. However, I somewhat disagree on the fact that people who think too much annoy me. Such profiles do not fit me, including the statement in the Bible that the world was literally created in just six days.
3.Marketers must know the goals and interests of the target consumers. The profile can be regarded as a research instrument which is used to reveal the types of individuals, their characteristics, attitudes as well as behaviors. Majority of the organizations as well as businesses plunge into the social media with the hope of increasing their brand awareness and also acquire a huge chunk of customers. Most of them get disappointed when these tactics does not work out. However, there are several other factors which help in understanding the changing preferences of the modern day consumers. If the marketers want to get the individuals buy their stuffs, they need to gain an understanding of their purchasing decisions. The quality as well as the reputation of the products or brands highly matters in such scenarios. Majority of the consumers prefer doing a research online as well as compare with different options, before buying anything. According to leaked information, it is found that many individuals prefer reading the reviews of the previous customers, before making their buying decisions. In addition to this, people gather information from several sources through Internet or social media. Therefore, it is important for the marketers to create a proper website before luring the consumers to buy their products.
VALS Profile and Buying Behavior
In addition to this, the marketers need to understand the buying power of the consumers before setting the products’ prices and quantity. The ever changing preferences of the consumers depend upon various factors like price, quantity, quality and many others. According to my preferences, the marketers must prefer being simple as I believe that simplicity always wins. The cognitive fluency is a human tendency to prefer those things which are not at all familiar, but easier to understand. I somewhat believe in latest trends and fashion. Therefore, when I visit any shopping mall or store, the marketers should show me something interesting and unusual, which fits my personality. In addition to this, the thing must interest me and easily understandable as well. Moreover, I somewhat agree on the fact that there is too much sex on the television, in modern days. Therefore, if I go to any electronics store to buy a television set, the marketer needs to lure me buy referring to some good points of watching television, barring sex. In addition to this, he/she should mention about some unlimited advantageous plans or benefits, if I buy the television set. Furthermore, I feel that positive experiences matter a lot. If I do not like the behavior of the marketer, then I might end up not buying that particular product. Thus, I feel that these are the factors, which the marketers need to keep in their minds, in order to improve the likelihood of the consumers.
4.Example 1
Once I went to a store for buying apparels for myself. I was not finding anything, which will suit my personality or style statement. I prefer consulting before changing my buying preference. The marketer helped me a lot and showed me some unusual stuff, which I found quite happening. I liked this tactic of the marketer and ended up buying that particular product.
Example 2
At the time, when I went to buy a television set for myself the marketer helped me a lot by making me understand the benefits and advantages of television. In addition to this, the marketers gave me some unlimited benefits and plans, which in turn, lured me to buy the product.
Example 3
The third scenario occurred when I went to buy some material for my high school project. I found the materials at the store, where I visited, a bit overpriced. I was sure of not buying anything from there. However, the store owner started making some valid points regarding the prices of the products and its benefits, which lured me and I ended up buying those products.