Understanding The Significance, Objectives, And Challenges Of Cyber Security For Businesses

Project objectives

What Is The Concept Behind Cyber Security?

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What Is The Importance Of Cyber Security For Businesses?

What Are The Various Challenges Of Cyber Security For Business?

Cyber security is an advanced technology and processes that are specially designed for security of networks and computer programs for safeguarding them from any kind of unauthorised accessing. In recent times, the crimes related to cyber and digital world has enhanced a lot because of which many big business ventures have suffered a big loss. Therefore, various organisations have now taken security issues very seriously (Ericsson, 2010). They believe that with a number of avenues that can be profitable for business, there are greater chances of risks as well. The present report will make an effort to understand the significance of cyber security for protecting the data from any type of theft and unauthorised access (Wang and Lu, 2013). Besides this, certain objectives will be determined that can aid in focussing over major issues and challenges regarding the topic. In addition to this, the research will be based on secondary data collection process for gaining a thorough knowledge of selected topic.

The present research has been undertaken for addressing the latest issue related to Cyber security. With the help of this research, major issues that are faced by many big and small companies have been highlighted (Liu and et.al., 2012). Apart from this, several objectives will be made that can help in moving forward in right direction. Along with this, the objectives will also provide a structured form to entire research and assist in reaching at a concrete conclusion. Thus, the major objectives that have been set in present study are as follows:

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  • To develop an understanding about the cyber security
  • To analyse the importance of cyber security for businesses
  • To evaluate various challenges of cyber security for business

The use of internet and online work has become an important part in business without which many tasks are not even possible to accomplish. Although, this has helped in making work a lot more easy, but with this comfort it also brings many troubles. Generally, those firms who use to share their networks through cloud computing face major issues related to cyber crimes. This increases the risk of data theft which can result into great losses for that organisation (Hahn and et.al., 2013). Therefore, current project has selected the topic related to cyber security which at present is the most significant subject to be discussed. Here, an attempt has been made to develop a detailed knowledge for entire topic along with various challenges that can be posed in business entities. Moreover, the mentioned topic has been selected as it is one of the latest issues at present which must be addressed to resolve serious issues of data theft.

Project scope

According to O’Connell, (2012), the present era is composed of fierce competition in each sector where each small to big organisations are trying to get large share of market and substantial profits at any cost. In such scenario, the issues related to cyber crimes have also enhanced that increases the issues related to data security for business. However, it is crucial to make concrete arrangements for providing high end security to significant data of companies. The cyber security provides a developed process and technology which aids in protecting the data and networks from attacking and any kind of damage. As per Baumeister, (2010), the present corporate world has become developed where paper works are done less and all important data and information are saved in electronic form. As a result, the likelihood of data theft and system attacks has become more frequent. The magnitude of cyber security is greater than before due to the increase in the cyber violations of the business administration that can be only alleviated with the aid of well-built cyber security Thus, with the advancement in technologies, risks related to business have also become more common that is imperative to be addressed properly with greater priority (Benzel, 2011). Therefore, it is crucial to establish cyber security for information system of companies that can deliver the basic level of security to significant data files. The Big data is widely used in many business enterprises for developing valuable strategies and providing enough security for data.

The significant data and information are saved in databases of the organisation which are required to be protected by effective cyber security. In the views of Pfleeger and Caputo, (2012), the cyber security is significant for safeguarding all types of information saved in a system. There are some ways like social security numbers, passwords and codes that can be helpful in securing the information on a system. Besides this, it is advised that these passwords and codes must be changed on regular intervals for enhancing their security and reducing the chances of hacking or theft. Besides this, nowadays companies use to store their entire information on centralised system at one place. Therefore, it is important to protect this information system with high tech security as its unauthorised access may result into a major loss. Rowe, Lun and Ekstrom, (2011) state that the cyber security is not only a safe screen against cyber attacks, but it is also an improved way of protecting mobile data and cloud environment. In the atmosphere of greater risks to data and information, role of cyber security becomes considerably significant than ever. This also helps in ensuring security of data to employees so that they can work with greater interest.

Understanding cyber security

It is apparent that cyber security is important for securing the data and information; many companies still see it as a mystery due to its versatile attributes. As per Sommestad, Ekstedt and Holm, (2013) there are a number of business ventures who are continuously working for the development of cyber security concept. Many of the multinational corporations have studied the concept of cyber security and have successfully understood the challenges regarding this. Thus, they recommend that these issues and challenges are necessary to be addressed on priority to make it more effective for business. The foremost issue in this regard is evident in the form of malwares. These malwares are malevolent software that can multiply the viruses in system and can crash entire processing. These malwares enter through mails and other similar programs because of which it is essential to have cyber securities with defenders and firewalls. Ericsson, (2010) says that another challenge is related to USB encryption where any external device attached with system increases the risk of transferring data from system to external device. So, it is essential to protect data by proper encryption for ensuring data security and safety. Similarly, other challenges in this regard are data loss, emergency response, protection against mobile device management. Among these, issue related to mobile device management is the latest one which requires effective security system. For ensuring safety in this regard, it is crucial to configure devices in an efficient way. Moreover, different issues faced at present by many business organisations advices to enhance the cyber security systems. According to Liu and et.al., (2012), there are different vendors and licensed firms that give protection against different malwares and other cyber related crimes. Among these, some of the chief vendors are Kaspersky Lab, Intel security, IBM security, Symantec etc. All of these challenges lay an emphasis that cyber security must be enhanced by companies to take its most of the advantages.

As per the objectives developed in previous section of this report, certain questions have also been framed. By framing these questions, major goal is to put entire study on a right track by moving forward towards the right direction (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). Thus, primary questions are determined on the basis of hypotheses and some secondary questions have also been framed.

H0: Cyber security is not significant for the business organisations.

H1: Cyber security is significant for the business organisations.

Importance of cyber security

H0: The cyber security does not involve any challenge for business corporations.

H1: The cyber security involves challenges for business corporations.

The research design is a way according to which entire research study is structured for developing a better understanding. This attempts for implementation of various research tools so that data collection and its analysis can be performed in a right way to get true results (Vaioleti, 2016).

Research design: The above report has been presented in the basis of qualitative method of research. As per this, the entire study is based on observation method where established researches have been referred. The further studies have been made on descriptive type of research that explains entire concept of cyber security and its relevance in present time (Flick, 2015).

Sampling: It is a procedure which is adopted to perform the study on particular number of subjects to get results in a structured form. Here, specific number of samples is referred so that study can be performed on them easily (Geerts, 2011). Here, it is evident that there are a number of organisations who provide cyber security to the system therefore, to get precise results, 3 major vendors have been selected for study purpose. These firms are Kaspersky Lab, Cisco and Symantec. Apart from this, the method of snowball sampling method has been adopted which aids in making a connection or link to link for further researches.

Designing: The current research study has been accomplished as per the qualitative method of research (Miller and et.al., 2012). In this report, secondary data collection has been given a major preference where analysis is done in the way of thematic analysis. In addition to this, primary questions have been framed which are evaluated on the proving the hypotheses.

Data collection: In above research, method of secondary data collection has been adopted for which various books, journals, research articles, company reports and online materials have been referred. On this basis, various concerned information has been included in the research (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015).

Reliability and validity: The reliability and validity in a research report is an essential factor that must be maintained by researcher. The reliability is a constituent which makes sure that the performed study is able to generate consistent results each time when assessed by applying similar instrument and methods (Geerts, 2011). Thus, it gives a surety about entire study undertaken to make it more reliable. On other hand, the validity is an element of research which delivers authenticity to entire research.  Thus, on the basis of these two factors, entire research can be taken as reliable and valid study.

Challenges in cyber security for business

Limitations: It is very common to have certain limitations while performing a research study that makes the scope of performance limited. Same case has been faced while developing the current research as well. The foremost limitation is very broad range of topic cyber security which is very vast to be studied completely. Thus, the entire study has been made concise by addressing major points to be understood (Snyder, 2012). Apart from this, another limitation was concerned with sampling process in which 3 major companies have been selected. To attain the reports of these organisations for collecting relevant data and information was a complex task. In addition to this, to complete such a vast topic in allotted time period was also very challenging. Thus, the present research has some limitations mentioned above besides which entire study has been made with complete dedication.

The overall activities and measures which will be undertaken to conduct the research are mentioned as under:

Task Name





Business research

13 wks

Thu 8/10/17

Wed 11/8/17


   Evaluating market

1 wk

Thu 8/10/17

Wed 8/16/17


   identifying and defining the problem

1 wk

Thu 8/17/17

Wed 8/23/17


   Drafting aims and objectives

1 wk

Thu 8/24/17

Wed 8/30/17


   Anlysing and evaluating past researches

2 wks

Thu 8/31/17

Wed 9/13/17


   Choosing data collection method

1 wk

Thu 8/31/17

Wed 9/6/17



1 wk

Thu 9/14/17

Wed 9/20/17


   secondary data collection

2 wks

Thu 9/21/17

Wed 10/4/17


   Data analysis

1 wk

Thu 10/5/17

Wed 10/11/17


   Finding solution to research issues

1 wk

Thu 10/12/17

Wed 10/18/17


   Draft submission

1 wk

Thu 10/19/17

Wed 10/25/17


   Improving as per feedbacks

1 wk

Thu 10/26/17

Wed 11/1/17


   Final submission

1 wk

Thu 11/2/17

Wed 11/8/17



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Snyder, C., 2012. A case study of a case study: Analysis of a robust qualitative research methodology. The Qualitative Report, 17(13), pp.1.

Sommestad, T., Ekstedt, M. and Holm, H., 2013. The cyber security modeling language: A tool for assessing the vulnerability of enterprise system architectures. IEEE Systems Journal, 7(3), pp.363-373.

Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015. Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.

Vaioleti, T.M., 2016. Talanoa research methodology: A developing position on Pacific research. Waikato Journal of Education, 12(1).

Wang, W. and Lu, Z., 2013. Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges. Computer Networks, 57(5), pp.1344-1371.

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