Understanding The Concept And Structure Of Health Care Organizations
Organizational Theory and its Relevance in Healthcare Settings
The organizational ability and capacity refers to the human resources like numbers, experiences, skills and quality as well as the physical and material resources. These resources include machines, building, and land. Other important resource is the financial resources that are credit and money. Sullivan (2013) mentioned that the information resources are also important that include databases and pool of knowledge. The missions of the St. Joseph Hospital are rehabilitation, palliative care, psychiatry for aged, and outpatient services. The vision is to provide the quality care to the patients and make a strong relationship in between the care providers and patients. The goal is to improve the multidisciplinary team to provide the best quality care efficiently. In the assignment, the old hospital structure is discussed as well as the new hospital structure. However, both the new and old organizational structures have some advantages and disadvantages. The assignment focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of the both organizational structures.
The St. Joseph’s Hospital in Sydney had used the classical organizational theory. This theory was invented in the late 19 th century and early 20 th century. In that time, the lager group of workers worked together for the development of the organization. However, Marquis and Huston (2015) mentioned that people faced various problems due to the huge number of workload. The organizational theory helps to provide the key concept of the organization. This helps to provide different perspective to analyze the complicated situation, which can arise in the organization. Sullivan and Garland (2013) mentioned that in St. Joseph’s Hospital, the structure involves the acceptance of different departments in terms of pharmacy, doctors, nurses, and various administrative services. For illustrating the every nursing task, it is classified under the nursing services. The available faculties generally governed the departments. The main task of the managers of the organization was to plan as well as control the workload of the hospital. The theory states that the managers need to motivate the employees so that they can handle the workload. The St. Joseph Hospital was using the Max Weber’s bureaucratic theory, where various factors help to improve the productivity efficiently and effectively. The factors include the hierarchical structure, professional line, rules, regulation, work standards, work standard, ongoing efforts, and operating procedure (Daft, 2010).
With the changes of time, the requirements of people are also changing. As the medical science has developed from the previous time, therefore, the organizational structures need to develop form the previous time. Some of the modern theories include the general systems theory, transactional cost economics, population ecology theory, and complex adaptive theory. As the health care organizations have extremely complex structure with the workload, it is necessary to apply appropriate organizational theory (Marquis & Huston, 2015). For St. Joseph Hospital, the complex adaptive system is appropriate as it helps to develop the phenomena of the interest that is dynamic. Moreover, the theory helps to unfold the events as quick as possible to find out the remedies (Foster et al., 2015). The modern theory helps to the organization to develop their mission so that they can reach to the large number of people to provide the care. Hence, the hospital has the chance to express their organizational goals and purpose more effectively. The structure can identify the positive attributes to manage the patients and consultation for the caring system. The satisfaction of jobs and the patient outcome can be achieved in this way. Hence, this structure is better for the organization that helps to improve thee communication with the patients and collaboration within the team. The key lines of authority and responsibility to attain the organizational goals can be managed by the matrix structure. This can include the executive and matrix managers.
Classical Organizational Theory and its Application in St. Joseph Hospital
Both the organizational structures have some advantages that are discussed in the following section. The organizational theory helps to provide the key concept of the organization. This helps to provide different perspective to analyze the complicated situation, which can arise in the organization. The organizational theory helps to achieve the organizational missions and vision. The managers need to motivate the employees so that they can handle the workload. The organizational theory helped to increase the productivity with the simple techniques. Various factors of the organizational theory help to improve the productivity efficiently and effectively. This helps to develop the universal set of the management principles, which can allow the organization to provide quality care to achieve the target (Van Beurden et al., 2013). The modern organizational theory helps to develop the organizational structure and condition. The basic understanding of the theory can help to develop the professional qualification and help to maintain the challenges with the demands of the stakeholders. The theory helps to unfold the events as quick as possible to find out the remedies. This theory can help the organization to manage the workload and patient load. This theory helps the employees to get appropriate knowledge and skills to develop their experience. The modern theory helps to the organization to develop their mission so that they can reach to the large number of people to provide the care (Sullivan & Garland, 2013).
In the previous time, the lager group of workers worked together for the development of the organization. People faced various problems due to the huge number of workload (Laschinger, Duffield & Read, 2014). This does not help the employees to gain experience, which us necessary for the professionals. Moreover, it does not provide appropriate knowledge to the professional that they can use in the patient care. The classical theory does not help to generalize the situation to the professionals. These cases mainly occur in case of the young, and high technology organizations. The complex adaptive theory helps the professionals to handle the patient load but cannot help to reduce the number of patient who has to readmit in the hospital. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the organizational structure to reduce the rate of readmission. The modern theory does not help the organization to maintain the new developed mission, which can help them to develop the condition and provide the professionals the key ideas (Daly et al., 2014). The theory does not provide the basic understanding of the organizational structure so that it can help to overcome the challenges of the organization. The theory does not provide the professionals the ideas to develop the communication skills with the patients therefore; a big gap occurs that develops the issues with the patient and its family members. It is necessary to meet the requirements of the patients, which are not met. This can reduce the quality of care. Matrix design has few limitations that are the maintenance issues to manage the high cost of the management, improper communication skills of management, and lack of technical information.
From the above discussion, it cannot be said that The organizational ability and capacity refers to the human resources like numbers, experiences, skills and quality as well as the physical and material resources. The organizational theory helps to provide the key concept of the organization. The main task of the managers of the organization was to plan as well as control the workload of the hospital. With the changes of time, the requirements of people are also changing. This theory can help the organization to manage the workload and patient load. Hence, the hospital has the chance to express their organizational goals and purpose more effectively. The modern theory does not help the organization to maintain the new developed mission, which can help them to develop the condition and provide the professionals the key ideas.
Daft, R. (2010). Organization theory and design. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning
Daly, J., Speedy, S & Jackson, D Leading and Managing in Nursing Practice. In J. Daly, M.N. Hill & D. Jackson (Eds.). (2014). Leadership & nursing (2nd ed.). Sydney: Elsevier
Foster, L. A., Wiewiora, A., Chang, A., & Tywoniak, S. (2015, December). How does Complex Adaptive System theory inform Innovation in Complex Project Based Organisations?. In ISPIM Innovation Symposium (p. 1). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).
Laschinger, H., Duffield, C. & Read, E. (2014). Empowerment, leadership, nursing work environment. In J. Daly, M.N. Hill & D. Jackson (Eds.) (2014). Leadership & nursing (2nd ed.). Sydney: Elsevier
Marquis, B.J., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2015). Organizational structure. In Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.pp.260-283). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.
Sullivan, E.J. & Garland, G. (2013) Motivating and developing others. In Practical leadership and management in healthcare (2nd ed.) (pp.134-153). Harlow. U.K: Pearson Education.
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