Understanding The Changing Patterns Of Work And Its Place
Factors Contributing to Workplace Change
If we compare present work with the past times work, we will see a huge difference between both not only in nature of work but also in the working pattern (Baillien and De Witte, 2009). Same thing will occur with us in future and our current work and its pattern will not remain same for the future, what every technology and resources we are using today will not be available in future or in same of availability it will be in the reshaped way. Present work is a kind of combination of complex pattern, free from social skills and more team base. The way new innovations are moving faster, there are numerous chances that this world will become fully automatic or technology-based world (Roberts, Demarco and Griffin, 2009).
To understand this changing pattern in the work and its place, Gibbs model is one of the most important aspects for this change transformation. Gibbs model consists of five stages that play a very important role in the implementation of any change in the workplace.
As per my observation, there are many factors which are the contribution in this change transformation of work and its place. Today is the time of competition and in this world of competition if an organization is not competitive enough it will not be able to sustain in this dynamic market (Husebo, O’Regan and Nestel, 2015). Every organization in this dynamic world must have to create a unique identity in order to gain maximum customer base and maximum customer ensures the maximum sales for any organization.
This change transformation is again supplemented with the power of technology and new innovations like real-time operations because they actually force the organization to go for workplace change while considering the future demands of the potential customers (Qualters, 2010). The change in workplace will provide the organization with the necessary opportunities to develop the necessary skill which will help the organization for future development.
I feel that any change is the most important part of this world because it focuses on solving some kind of problem-related to the world. I also feel that it is a way by which business giant want to position their image in the minds of the potential customer that if a person wants to sustain his life with full enjoyment, the person must go through all the stages of the evolution (Willis, 2010). Any person who has been working in traditional work pattern will dislike any change and will try to oppose or resist this change but at the same time, they must not forget that this change is the only answer available for them in case of any queries. Many times the employees are not aware of their workplace change and are directly place to face the new working environment and as a result of this, the employees take a lot of time to adjust themselves in a new workplace or directly give up hope for change.
Feelings about Workplace Change
As per my observation, this change in the workplace will bring all the positive and negative vibes along with it. I personally feel that the positive vibes will be more as compared to negative vibes. If some change is making our work easy at the same time that change will also introduce complication within the current operation along with a lot of capital investment (Manning, Pogson and Morrison, 2008).
Many companies have created new innovation in technology but still, they failed to achieve the market height because they are not able to implement them with correct strategy and timing. This implementation part happened to be one of the main reason by which any organization does not support change in the workplace in their organization because of this failing perception. In this dynamic world, no organization wants to risk their current position to gain some hike in their position in the marketplace because of it the required reputation which will always help any organization to face any kind of external business forces (Jones and Alinier, 2015). Presently business environment is such that once the organization loses its current position will not be able to regain its previous position very easily.
As per my observation, the peoples must focus on the way of finding correct implementation instead of reshaping the new innovation. From many studies, it has been found that half of the change brought in the workplace failed not because of the technology but because of implementing this technology in wrong pattern or style which may have not suited the organization business operation. If an organization will focus more on implementation part they will be able to solve around more than half of the problem automatically and will be able to work on cost optimization process associated with this technology (Trepule and Tereseviciene, 2014). In many cases, it is the cost for which organization usually avoid any change because technology always demands heavy cost in its initial period of time and try to slowly recover all the amount of capital which has been invested for developing and implementing this technology in the business process.
As per my observation, the employees and organization must form a schedule in which the management will focus actions related to the implementation part in workplace change. Management of the organizations must apply three-stage processes in order to make their change related to workplace successful (Hussein, 2018). These three stages are unfreezing, implement change and freeze the process. Many time employees are not made aware about the change in the workplace because of resistance fair but instead of that, the management must be made their employees aware of reasons for bringing this change and how this change in the workplace will help the organization to achieve its main objective along with the development of the employees.
The employees must be given training related to the new workplace instead of putting them directly in the changing environment so that they can gain a taste of this change and try their best to adopt this new environment (Corrall, 2017). Once the employees got habitual to this environment, introduce the change in the workplace and then freeze this process so that it may not return to its previous stage which is the second reason for the failure of any change process. The management must continuously monitor the outcome from this change process so that in case of any alteration the necessary step can be taken.
Due to globalization, the present business marketplace is totally different from previous business market and will also be different in near future. If an organization really wants to sustain in this dynamic market, it must possess some kind of competency which can provide them with an overall advantage on other organizations present in the market. For this, it must go on adopting new techniques in their business operations and it can be only possible if management will be able to implement successful change in their workplace. In this world of survival for the fittest, only that organization will sustain and develop who will learn the art of evolution. Without art of evolution, all external business environment forces will try to press the organization towards the exit door of the marketplace.
Baillien, E. and De Witte, H. (2009) Why is organizational change related to workplace bullying? Role conflict and job insecurity as mediators. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 30(3), pp.348-371.
Corrall, S. (2017) Crossing the threshold: Reflective practice in information literacy development. Journal of Information Literacy, 11(1), pp.23-53.
Husebo, S.E., O’Regan, S. and Nestel, D. (2015) Reflective practice and its role in simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11(8), pp.368-375.
Hussein, H. (2018) Examining the Effects of Reflective Journals on Students’ Growth Mindset: A Case Study of Tertiary Level EFL Students in the United Arab Emirates. IAFOR Journal of Education, 6(2), pp.33-50.
Jones, I. and Alinier, G. (2015) Supporting students’ learning experiences through a pocket-size cue card designed around a reflective simulation framework. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11(7), pp.325-334.
Manning, T., Pogson, G. and Morrison, Z. (2008) Interpersonal influence in the workplace–part two: some research findings–influencing behaviour, personality and context. Industrial and Commercial Training, 40(4), pp.188-196.
Qualters, D.M. (2010) Making the most of learning outside the classroom. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2010(124), pp.95-99.
Roberts, S.J., Demarco, R. and Griffin, M. (2009) The effect of oppressed group behaviours on the culture of the nursing workplace: a review of the evidence and interventions for change. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(3), pp.288-293.
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