Understanding The Bio-Psycho-Social Model Of Care And Erikson’s Theory: A Case Study On Liam

Understanding the Bio-Psycho-Social Model of Care

Discuss about the Incorporating Primary and Secondary Prevention.

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From a large number of years, it was seen that professionals used to follow the biomedical model of care. The biomedical model of care is mainly the traditional approach that mainly concentrated on the physical as well as the biological aspect of the specific diseases as well as conditions. However, this approach to care was severely criticised by the modern researchers. This is mainly because the modern researchers are of the opinion that only caring for the biological symptoms may not result in high quality life of the individuals as the social and psychological determinants have the power to disrupt the quality of life of patients. Therefore, the model of care that should be considered by the healthcare professionals in the present generation is called the bio-psycho-social model of care. This model of health mainly attempts in addressing the broader influences on health that are mainly seen to include the social, cultural, environmental as well as the economic factors rather than focusing singularly on the diseases symptoms (Hennigsen, 2018). In the assignment, the individual professionals should apply the bio-psycho-social model of care by which the different determinants of health of the client would be recognised and accordingly interventions should be provided for providing high quality care for the patient.

Psychologist Erik Erikson has developed a model on psychosocial model of development   that mainly depends on the eight stages of development. This stages help in clarifying the developmental challenges that are faced by different individuals at different times in the lives of the people (Liu & Tsasis, 2017). One of the most important stages that need to be discussed in relation with the case study is called the stage number 4 or the Industry versus inferiority. It is mainly based on the moral virtue of competency. This is mainly seen to occur among the age between 5 and 12. It is indeed seen that children at this stage will be earning to read as well as write, do sums and thereby conduct many things of their own. Teachers are seen to take many important roles in this time in the life of the child as they help the child to teach specific skills. In this time as well, the peer groups of the child are seen to gain greater significance and thereby become a major source of the self esteem of the child (Darling-Fisher & Leidy et al., 2015). The child are mainly seen to feel the need to win the approval by exhibiting the different types of competencies that are valued by the society and thereby begin to develop a sense of pride as well as accomplishments. It is mainly seen that at this stage, that id the children are encouraged and reinforced for their initiative, they begin to feel industrious. They feel competent as well as confident in their ability for achievement of goals (Hiller, Guillemin & Delany et al., 2015). If the initiative is not encouraged or if the teacher as well as the parents restricts the child, the child starts feeling inferior. He starts doubting on his own abilities and therefore, may not reach the full potential.  When such child cannot develop a specific skill, they feel that the society is demanding like being athletic. This may make him develop a sense of inferiority. This theory can be well applied to that of Liam’s case. Liam was seen to not participate with the school boys when they used to play soccer. He is mainly seen to practice soccer with his own football when no one is looking at him. This says that he is suffering from some forms of inferiority and is not able to be competent enough like his peer groups as stated by Erikson (Gibbs, 2017). This has created a negative feeling about himself and therefore he tries his best and never misses his practices. He actually wants to develop the skills of soccer so that he can come competent with other. When some friends come to talk with him, he gets excited and happy and talks with them gaily. This shows his feeling of needs of acceptance as he feels inferior to the others (Hennigsen, 2018). This has affected his ability to mingle with all and take part in activities with other children like school excursion, swimming and others.

Erikson’s Theory and Liam’s Situation

A number of factors can be stated to be the main contributing factors for such conditions of Liam. The first issue is his condition of obesity. From the height and weight provided by the case study, the BMI of the patient is calculated which comes around an approx of 30.62. This shows that he is obese. Researchers have found that obesity affects lives of children in various negative ways (Dimitrova, Hatano, Sugimura, & Ferrer-Wreder et al., 2018). They not only increase the risk of chronic obesity in the adult stage but also expose such individuals to different types of disorders. These may include diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, hypertensions and many others. Also, sleep apnoea and various types of breathing problems while sleeping also occurs. Such children are also seen to isolate themselves from other children of the age mainly due to bullying or feeling ashamed due to the body image. Therefore, this might be one of the reason why Liam may feel inferior or feel ashamed due to body image and therefore do not try to mingle with other children until they themselves show interest in talking with Liam.

Another point that can also be stated to have contribution to the situation of Liam is his socioeconomic condition. From the various cues collected in the case study. It can be seen that he is coming from a background of low socioeconomic condition or that his carers are not educated enough to help him maintain his school year requirements (Dunkel & Harbe, 2017). Several instances can be given to support the situations. It is seen that although he comes in clean clothes on the first day of the week, but his clothes become dirty at the ending days of the week. This means either there are not help at his home who is helping the child by providing clean clothes for school might be due to unavailability or may be due to lack of resources to provide clean clothes. This might be also due to because he does not have several set of clothes that he can change and wear every day. Moreover, the teachers have also noticed that he has limited number of books and other school accessories that also show the economic condition of his guardians with whom he lives. The lack of education and health literacy can also be stated as the contributor from the sides of the guardians (Malone et al., 2016). They are seen to provide him money to buy fast foods that are another contributor to the development of obese conditions in children. Therefore, his guardians do not possess this health knowledge and therefore they provide him with money to buy such food. Another factor may be that fast foods are cheaper and easier to afford in comparisons to fresh foods that needs to be cooked. Therefore, it can be stated that the all these factors might have resulted in poor social, psychological and biological health of the child and therefore, he is leading a poor quality life of a child.

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Contributing Factors to Liam’s Situation

Children are seen to face stress daily. When a child is seen to cope up with the age appropriate stress successfully, it helps in the building of the confidence in the children. Again on the other hand, it is seen that unrelenting as well as inappropriate stress not only overwhelms children but are also seen to disable them. Such stress are mainly seen to undermine their emotional as well as intellectual health and even physical fitness. When the stress is seen to be unmanageable, the brain if the child is mainly seen to release particular stress related hormones (Newman & Newman, 2017). In case of the child named Liam, it was seen that the conditions of obesity, financial constraints at his house or even lack of proper parental guidance had created enough stress in him that was making him vulnerable to different emotional outflows. When the bullies of the school irritated him about his body image and his being friends with girls, he could not tolerate the stress, resulted in loss of emotional self-control, and exhibited an impulsive behaviour of pushing the leader of the bullies on the ground. Researchers are also of the opinion that hormonal chemicals realising during excessive stress in children prevents information from being processed in the brain and thereby interferes with the learning ability of the child (Flattum et al., 2015). Therefore, one can link with schooling difficulties of Liam with excessive stress affecting his earning ability. Often researchers are also of the opinions that stress children experience their muscles of the body to become chronically tense that leads to backache as well as aches in neck and shoulder (Chorousas, 2016). Therefore, might be due to this stress, the child is seen to prevent himself from swimming or excursion activities. Emotion is another important aspect that associates with the health of every child. A good relationship is always based on the feelings of trust, security as well as love between the caregivers and the child and nurturing these values are essential not only for having healthy relationship with the child but for also helping in cognitive and physical development of the child. Researchers are also of the opinion that children many become more involved with their pees with the age group of 8 and 11 but the child still needs to feel that his parents are responsive to his needs (Diehle et al., 2015). The children should feel that there are emotional supports to help him guide and support him. These have positive outcomes on the health of the child who feels happier. Liam was said to state that he did not want to talk about his home that shows that he had no emotional support from his home and this might have affected him mentally and had contributed to his feeling of insecurity and inferiority.

Effects of Stress on Children

The main therapy that can be applied for the child would be family centred therapy. Families are mainly considered a sense of support, encouragement as well as love for the client. However, sometimes relationships within the families comes under strain and family members feel isolated and overlooked for different reasons like financial struggles, separation between couples, loss of employment and any others (Meichenbaum, 2017). When a constant flood of stress hormones takes place, it results in the reduction of the ability of the child to control different types of impulsive behaviour and thereby fail to maintain emotional self-control. In such scenario, family counselling can help the families to come back into normal live and lead a better quality life. Therefore, in case of Liam, his guardians can be summoned to school or the school nurse may visit his house and have detailed counselling with his guardians. The caregivers would be discussed with the issues that Liam is facing and at the same time the nurse should try to understand the cues from the verbal and non verbal communication that takes place. From such cues, she can put forward important interventions that would help the family to support the needs and requirements of Liam or help the family to come back on track and lead a financially secured lifestyle (Dietz et al., 2015). The nursing professionals should educate the caregivers about the importance of balanced diet, use of fresh fruits, vegetables and other items, elimination of calorigenic foods and regular physical activities. These would help Liam to overcome his symptoms of obesity and he will gradually become healthier and overcome his feeling of shame from his body image (Hoelscheier et al., 2015). He would be counselled properly so that he associated himself with the school peers and develop life like other happy children. Moreover, the family can be provided references from where they can access to governmental aides so that they can develop better quality lives.


From the entire discussion, it is seen that children often go through different types of stress in their lives that often become difficult for them to handle. These make them suffer from emotional turmoil as well as impulsive actions. Liam is also seen to suffer from similar such issues in their life. Conditions of obesity along with their economic instability had caused him to suffer inferiority and such developments of feelings are supported by the theory of Erikson. Obesity had caused him to gain weight. He has developed an idea that his body weight is quite high and that the other children of the school would make fun of him. Therefore, he used to keep distance from the other children and did not want to interact with them. He had developed high level of stress for which he could not control his emotions and became impulsive when he was bullied.  Therefore, he pushed the leader on the ground when they were making fun of his ability as well as his boy image with the use of cuss words. Therefore, the school nurse should provide family therapy and provide health literacy to the family so that they can nurture and educate Liam effectively.

Family-Centred Therapy as a Solution


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