Understanding Teamwork, Motivation And Their Theories
What is Teamwork and its Importance
Discuss about the Employee Motivation in Enrichment Centre.
Hu and Liden (2015) opined that teamwork is the collaborative effort of a team towards achieving a common goal or completing a particular task in efficient and effective manner. The members of a team work interdependently towards achieving the common goals of the team. Moreover, teamwork presents the context, where group of people work together in collaboration with each other for achieving the common organizational goals. Teamwork is the practice of working collaboratively with a group of employees for achieving common organizational goals. Moreover, in teamwork, the team members work in collaboration with each other and have their interdependence on each other. However, Choi, Kim and Kang (2017) argued that despite of interdependence, the team members must have their individual skills for better achieving the organizational goals in unique way. Weer, DiRenzo and Shipper (2016) stated that teamwork is the joint activities by the group of people in which the individual interest of the employees is subordinated into group efficiency and unity and harmonized effort. Moreover, the individual skills and strengths of the individual team members are joined together with shared goal for achieving the overall team goal.
Dong et al. (2015) opined teamwork is the cooperation among the group of employees, which is intended towards sharing the ideas and skills for achieving the common organizational goals. However, the willingness of the employees to cooperate with each other stems from the relationship of the team members with each other. Barrick et al. (2015) teamwork is the coordinated and cooperative effort on the part of a group of employees, who work together as a team and through the interest of common cause. However, teamwork needs that all the workers in a team put fair and adequate share to the workload towards accomplishing the common goals of their organization or association. Howard, Turban and Hurley (2016) mentioned that teamwork at the workplace is the joint efforts of the employees, who work collaboratively cohesively for creating a positive atmosphere at the workplace for achieving common organizational goals. The support of the team members for each other is highly dependent on their relationship and individual skills. Costa, Passos and Bakker (2015) teamwork is a collaborative working practice, where the individual employees work together in highly cooperative working environment for achieving the common organizational goals through sharing skills and knowledge. Such cooperative working practice allows the ordinary employees to achieve some extra-ordinary work goal. Jia et al. (2014) teamwork is the process of putting the individual efforts of the employees into the group efforts for achieving the boarder perspectives of overall organizational goals. The team members must have adequate skills and capabilities and their interaction with each other should be flexible for achieving the team goals.
Theories of Teamwork
Sommer, Howell and Hadley (2016) pointed out that teamwork is the joint effort, where a distinguishable set of employees interact with each other interdependently, dynamically and adaptively for achieving common organizational goals. However, the effectiveness of teamwork requires willingness of the team members to share their ideas and skills with each other. Lin, Wu and Ling (2017) opined that teamwork is the interdependent acts of the team members, which converts inputs into outputs through verbal, behavioral and cognitive activities directed towards achieving common organizational goals. However, team members require proper communication among each other for achieving common goals.
Li, Chiaburu and Kirkman (2017) stated that motivation defines the external and internal factors, which stimulate the energy and desire of the employees to be continually committed and interested in a job role for attaining the job goals. Moreover, it becomes the reason for acting and behaving in a particular way. Kanfer and Chen (2016) pointed out that motivation acts as the stimulator for the needs, desire and action of the people, which stimulates the employees to behave in a particular manner and encourage the employees to repeat the behavior. It is generally resulted from both unconscious and conscious factors like intensity of needs, incentives of goals and expectation of individuals and their peers. Anitha and Begum (2016) stated that motivation is the process that initiates with psychological and physiological deficiency or need, which activates or drives the behavior towards a goal. It is always internal to the employees and it is externalized through their behavior. Wang, Waldman and Zhang (2014) pointed out that motivation is the willingness of the employees towards exerting high levels of efforts for meeting organizational goals as well as satisfying some individual needs. It stimulates the willingness among the employees towards performing some behaviors in a specific manner. Moreover, motivation enhances the enthusiasm within the employees towards achieving any particular goal.
According to Boxall, Hutchison and Wassenaar (2015), motivation is the outcome of the processes, external and internal to the individual, which arouses persistence and enthusiasm among the employees for pursuing some source of actions. The process of motivation stimulates the employees towards initiating a particular action. Furthermore, the factors of motivation become the reasons for behaving in a certain way. Grille, Schulte and Kauffeld (2015) mentioned that motivation creates willingness among the employees towards performing at the best of their abilities. However, the stimulus must be aroused for motivating the employees towards achieving the goals. Moreover, motivation is the influence or force, which causes the employees to do some works. As per Idris, Dollard and Tuckey (2015), motivation is the level of desire that an employee feels to perform a particular job regardless of their level of happiness. The employees, who are highly motivated, can be highly productive and engaged in their job role. Hence, motivation drives the employees to work at their best for achieving overall organizational goals. Bai, Lin and Li (2016) stated that motivation is the psychological phenomenon within the employees that encourage the employees towards initiating a particular action. It is simply the willingness of the employees towards exerting best effort for accomplishing any particular job. von Bonsdorff et al. (2015) opined that motivation is the inner state of the individuals’ minds that direct and activates certain behaviors. The process of motivation instigates, maintains and guides goal oriented behaviors within the employees. Kim, Pathak and Werner (2015) mentioned that motivation is the desire, incentives and ambitions, which pushes the employees to take certain action, performing work and accomplishing goals. However, the desires and incentives often depend on external stimulators.
What is Motivation and Its Importance
According to Lo Coco et al. (2016), Dr. Bruce Tuckman invented the theory of teamwork in the year 1965. The success of team is highly dependent on the composition of the team members through the priority behavior. Betts and Healy (2015) further stated that the group linearly progress through five stages of team development process like forming, storming, norming, performing and disbanding. Collaboration and cooperation within the team lead to motivation of work among the team members.
Tuckman’s Theory reflects on the way through which a team tries to tackle task from its initiation through its completion. The theory has explained the five stages of team development process, which are namely forming, storming, norming and disbanding. Each stage of the theory is associated with the challenges that a team may face in completion a job. Raes et al. (2015) opined that the stages of the theory are also associated with suitable strategies for overcoming the issues and enhancing team effectiveness. In forming stage, the team leaders play dominant role in properly assigning the job role and making bonding among the team members. Hence, properly bonding and clear job role leads to motivation for the team members towards working harder in performing stage. In this way, Tuckman theory is linked with the level of employee motivation in organizations.
Tuckman’s theory demonstrates the way of team development through five stages name forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Forming stage is associated with formation of a team intended to work for a particular project. According to Seck and Helton (2014), the team members remain positive and polite in forming stage, where they are anxious and simply excited about the task ahead. In this stage, the team members get the overview about their task. However, Betts and Healy (2015) opined that the team leaders must play dominant role in assigning roles and responsibilities to the team members. Proper assignment of job roles to the expert team member motivates them to master their known jobs. In storming stage, the team members are highly inclined towards conflicting with each other regarding the working style.
Gren, Torkar and Feldt (2017) stated that the team leader must allow the team member to freely share their opinions regarding their working styles. It definitely resolves the team conflicts and motivates them to concentrate on their job roles. In norming stage, the team members start to cooperate with each and their each other’s values. Most importantly, the team leaders provide autonomy to the team members for working independently. However, Betts and Healy (2015) argued that Tuckman model does not demonstrate the way of failure to achieve success or showing outstanding performance. As per Lo Coco et al. (2016), performing stage of Tuckman theory demonstrates the state, where the team members work as unit and show full energy for achieving the common team goal. Independent and autonomous work environment motivate the team members towards performing at their best.
Theories of Motivation
According to Borek and Abraham (2018), Dr Meredith Belbin invented the theory of teamwork in the year 1981. Team role is the tendency of the team members to contribute, behave and interrelate with others through a particular way. According to Kirk-Lawlor and Allred (2017), the success of team is highly dependent on the positive contribution of each team member. Individual team member occupies a particular team role in a team. Team performance improves, while team members identify, share and discuss their individual team roles with each other.
Belbin’s theory is directly associated with creating a more balanced working team for leading team success. As per this theory, each team member can put their best effort and strength, if they are provided with a particular and right team role. Moreover, according to this their each team member plays individual team role for reaching as the ultimate team success (Bosse et al. 2017). These roles are like Resource Investigator, Co-coordinator, Team worker, Monitor Evaluator, Plant, Specialist, Implementer, Shaper and Completer Finisher. Everyone in the team has a preference for one or more roles for behaving in natural way in their team. Hence, right delegation of team role to the right person result in motivation for the team members for performing at their best. Delegation of specific team role to the team members promotes learning opportunities for the team members (Borek and Abraham 2018). In this way, the team members become motivated to work through getting a learning opportunity of playing team role.
As per Belbin theory, individual team member plays individual team roles for leading the team success. Resource investigators develop ideas, explore the available options and negotiate resources on behalf of the overall team. However, they may sometimes be overoptimistic regarding the resource availability for the team. On the other hand, Kirk-Lawlor and Allred (2017) opined that team workers support and maintain the togetherness among the team members for achieving the common team goal. Conversely, such team member can be indecisive in crisis situation that can hamper the team performance. Team coordinator identifies the values of each team members individually and delegates the job roles to them effectively. Yet, the manipulative nature of such team members may offload their contribution of work.
According to Bosse et al. (2017), the team member assigned with plant role are more likely to come up with innovative approaches and ideas from leading innovation in team work. However, any ignorance of incidentals by such team members may result in lack of team effectiveness. Monitor evaluator plays the role of analyzing and evaluating the innovative ideas of other team members for selecting the best idea. Specialists have the special skills and knowledge for maintaining their professional status. Shapers adopt challenging approaches for solving the issues in the team. However, such team members can be influenced by different kinds of provocations. Borek and Abraham (2018) pointed out that implementers actually implement the innovative ideas and approaches into real plan for leading team success. However, Kirk-Lawlor and Allred (2017) mentioned that the slowness of such team members towards responding to new possibilities can result in decreased team performance. Completer Finishers are concerned about ensuring completion of team project in flawless and timely manner.
Tuckman’s Theory of Team Development Process
Anitha and Begum (2016) stated that Michael Lombardo and Robert Eichinger discovered this theory in the year 1995. The effectiveness of team performance is highly dependent on team support for the team from the organization. The success of team and team performance is entirely dependent on the fit of the leader in the team. Various external and internal factors influence the performance level of the team members.
T7 model of teamwork demonstrates the key facets that influence the performance level of the team members. Moreover, the fulfillment of such facets motivates the employees within a team to work at their best. The internal factors like thrust, talent, trust, task skills and teaming skills have huge contribution in leading team success. Moreover, the common purpose within a team motivates the team members to work in particular way. As per this theory, the collective skills of the team members enhance the team spirit towards resolving any complex team job (Grille, Schulte and Kauffeld 2015). Furthermore, the team support from the leaders highly encourages and motivates the employees in the team to work at their best.
As per Belbin theory, the success of team is dependent on five internal team factors and two external team factors. Anitha and Begum (2016) pointed out that the thrust of common team purpose gives the team members clear direction of working and achieving the common team goal. However, the team leaders must be able to allocate clear roles to the team members for directing them towards common team goal. The team members must have adequate trust on each other for working in a collaborative manner. The trust of the team members encourages the team members to share their skills and ideas with each other for collaboratively achieving team goal. Furthermore, Sommer, Howell and Hadley (2016) stated that the talent and collaborative skills of the team members facilitate them to achieve team goal easily. However, the team members must be willing to cooperate with each other for sharing their skills and talents with each other. The team members must be willing to accept the teaming skills and task skills for operating efficiently and effectively for performing as team. On the other hand, Kanfer and Chen (2016) opined that the external factor like team support from the organization enables the team members to perform at effective manner. However, the leadership fitness is also important to encourage a direct the team members in right direction to achieve team goal.
Belbin’s Theory of Team Roles
Richard Beckhard discovered this theory in the year 1972. The success of team is dependent on the structured way developing team. The performance of team members is entirely dependent on the interrelationship among them. Specific goals form the foundation of the team development process and their performance. The team members can perform at their best, while their role and responsibilities are clear to them (Sommer, Howell and Hadley 2016).
GRPI model represents the critical aspects and interrelated aspects of teamwork leading to level of the team. In this way, such factors are directly related to the employees involved within a team. As per this model, clear and transparent goals build the foundation of teamwork. Moreover, clear and transparent goals give the team members proper direction to perform their specific roles. On the other hand, specific role and responsibilities assigned to the team members provide them clear picture about their actual activities. In this way, such clear picture motivates the employees in the team to work in proper direction. Furthermore, this theory has also revealed that proper processes govern the issues in control, communication and decision making process of the teamwork (Boxall, Hutchison and Wassenaar 2015). In this structured and constructive process motivates the team members to work at their best without any issues. Most importantly, the theory has highlighted the importance of interpersonal relationship in team effectiveness, which also motivates the team members towards performing at high level.
GRPI model has focused on the critical and interrelated factors that enhances the effectiveness of team performance and diagnose the issues in the team. According to Sommer, Howell and Hadley (2016), proper goals and mission build the actual purpose of the team. Common, shared and agreed goals give the team members proper direction to work towards meeting the overall team goal. However, the goals and missions of the teamwork should be clear and transparent enough to the team members for giving them exact direction to work. Proper role statement defines the responsibility, task and authority of the team members. In order to work at the best, the members of the team must be able to agree, understand and satisfied with their assigned job roles. Such clear roles encourage the team members to work their best either individually or collectively through getting a clear picture of the team goals.
Furthermore, Kanfer and Chen (2016) opined that structured process act as the governing tool for the teams for overcoming the inefficiencies in the areas of control, decision making, communication and coordination. However, the processes must be structured enough for supporting the team goals through determining the interaction within team. This model looks at team as structure and rationale, rather than having shared emotional value. This theory has most importantly focuses on the interpersonal relationship, where open communication, trust and feedback from the team members create a supporting work. It also encourages innovative and creative contribution from the team members for high level of team performance.
Richard Hackman invented this theory in the year 1987. The level of team effort collective expends the carrying out the team task. The amounts of skills and knowledge have high level of bearing on group task. The design and composition of the team members regulates the team behavior. The interaction of the team members results in high level of team synergy (Kim, Pathak and Werner 2015).
Heckman model of teamwork decides upon the condition and organizational context for supporting the work team. According to Idris, Dollard and Tuckey (2015), specific tasks of the team members provide substantial autonomy to the team members regarding the way of their work. Such adequate autonomy motivates the team members to perform at their peak level. Proper designing of the team members fosters collective effort among the team members towards achieving the actual goal of the team. Kim, Pathak and Werner (2015) pointed out that Heckman teamwork model has highlighted that supporting work environment fosters motivation among the team members. Moreover, rewarding and positive consequence for the excellent team performance motivates the employees in a team to work harder. Apart from that, diverse membership within the team results in group synergy, which generates diverse group ideas and approaches for achieving team success. In this way, Heckman work team model is directly related to employee motivation (Idris, Dollard and Tuckey 2015).
Heckman team work model has demonstrated the condition and organizational context that support the team work. Seck and Helton (2014) pointed out that a high level of relative skills among the team members facilitates each other to perform their job in effectively. Meaningful and challenging job roles give the team members a chance of having proper job outcome. Hence, such jobs encourage the team members to work at their best. Furthermore, clear job role and task provide autonomy to the team members, which motivate them to work at high level. The performance level of the team member is highly dependent on supportive wok environment in their organization. Moreover, rewarding system of the organization always motivates the team members towards working hard. Furthermore, Gren, Torkar and Feldt (2017) opined that equal contribution of the team members is extremely essential for creating a collaborative and enthusiastic team environment. The design of the team and the interpersonal relationship among the team members collaborate high task relevant knowledge to fulfill the overall team goal successfully. The clarity of the performance measurement criteria for the team members always keep them engaged in performing at their best level. However, the theory is less focused on the explanation of team collaboration for leading team success.
Frank LaFasto and Carl Larson discovered this theory in the year 2001. Active team members are more likely to enhance the overall team productivity. Harmonious relationship among the team members leads to collaborative team environment. Togetherness and shared ideas among the team members solve difficult team problems (Grille, Schulte and Kauffeld 2015).
Frank LaFasto and Carl Larson model has focused on five dynamic of team collaboration and team work. Proper fulfillment of such components leads to high level of team effectiveness and team motivation leading to team success. This model is likely to increase the likelihood of the team effectiveness. Selection of cooperative and supportive team members is extremely important for the increasing motivation of the team members (Kanfer and Chen 2016). Harmonious and friendly relationship of the team members results in healthy and collaborative relationship among the team members. Hence, as per this theory, collaborative working relationship is at the core of employee motivation in teamwork. Furthermore, cooperative and collaborative team relationships among the team members enhance their togetherness in solving any team issue (Kirk-Lawlor and Allred 2017). Moreover, the team members are highly motivated to solve even the difficult issues of the team. The theory has also focused on the significance of team leadership on motivating the team members, where the team leaders have proper ability to manage, communicate and organize all the team members.
Lafasto and Larson Model have highlighted the five layers of components for increasing the team effectiveness. In order for the team effectiveness, the team members should be having adequate and relevant skills and behaviors for performing the team task in effective way. According to Grille, Schulte and Kauffeld (2015), the team members should be supportive and open to new ideas for having high level of innovation in the teamwork. However, positive personal style of the team members is extremely essential of creating positive atmosphere in the working environment. On the other hand, Kanfer and Chen (2016) stated that harmonious and friendly relationships among the team members encourage them to be helpful and respectful to each other. Furthermore, the team members also need to be willing to share their ideas with each other for resolving any critical issue in the teamwork. The final decision should be decided on an agreed term for leading best team decision effectiveness. Apart from that, Kirk-Lawlor and Allred 2017 stated that the team leaders should be capable enough towards initiating right action in accordance with the team members for leading team success. In addition, healthy working environment and culture promote commitment for the team members. However, the theory is less focused on shaping the individuality of the team members for leading team success.
According to the research conducted by Hanaysha (2016) it was clear from the literature review section that teamwork, employee commitment, employee motivation, leadership style and employee empowerment has a strong interrelationship among each other. Based on the initial findings, the article presented deeper interrelationship between three factors namely employee empowerment, teamwork, and employee training on employee motivation by particularly focusing the Malaysian higher education sector. Through the statistical analysis it was evident that motivation among employees is derived and dependent on how much they are satisfied. Furthermore, it was evaluated that employee satisfaction is dependent on teamwork, leadership style and the degree of their empowerment on the workplace. Therefore, it is clear that teamwork is one of the main factors that help in constructing effective workforce even in the Malaysian universities. According to the article, it was recommended that in future, teamwork effectiveness will continue to strengthen through effective training and development sessions.
Gharibvand(2012) conducted a research on the Malaysian semiconductor industry to identify the effect of organizational culture and leadership style on employee job satisfaction. The study comprised of data from 180 participants from semiconductor industry in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. This article did not predominantly focus on employee motivation, however throughout the research, it was found that effective organizational culture and leadership style constructs the most favorable teams with high cohesion among the members. Based on the team cohesion, it was found that employee motivation was one of the factors that give rise to job satisfaction. Therefore, from the research was it was evident that employee motivation is created through effective teamwork, which is further dependent on high cohesion among team members. Going forward, it was recommended that organizational culture can be made more favorable if the moderating factors such as employee gender and workplace cities are expanded.
Mansor, Noor and Hassan (2012) conducted a research by focusing on the Financial Institution sector of Malaysiain order to analyze the relationship between job satisfaction, motivational factors, leadership style and reward system. Primary data collection method was selected in this research and the sample of 236 banking staff participated. The analysis was done by descriptive statistics method and by using pilot testing. Finally, it was found that job satisfaction is dependenton motivational factors. On further elemental analysis, it was found that teamwork effectiveness and employee motivation is having a strong relationship.Even thoughthis article focuses more on the impact of employee motivation on teamwork effectiveness, still it has been selected because it has been evident that employee motivation gives rise to effective teamwork, which further enhances job satisfaction. This article also recommended that the banking sector is more influenced through reward and recognition strategies including better leadership styles, however teamwork is less impactful factor than the rest mentioned factors.
The research conducted byOoiet al. (2012), focused on multidimensionality of TQM practices and the data was collected from 129 middle level managers of Malaysia’s ISO 9001:2000 Certified Firms. This research focused mainly on the teamwork, customer orientation and training and development of employees. Each of the factors were found to enhance higher productivity of the employees through better motivation and engagement among employees. Reliability and validity tests were performed by the researcher to identify the interrelationship between variables. It was evident from the research that better knowledge sharing capability was possible through higher teamwork effectiveness and with the progress of time employees become highly motivated to work in such an environment where knowledge is shared across all level of employees. This article furthermore indicated that in future organizations need to increase teamwork as it will help in building better knowledge sharing capabilities.
Narehanet al. (2014) in this article examined the interrelationship between quality of work life (QWL) programs and quality of life (QOL). This study was done by targeting the multinational companies operating in Malaysia, Sarawak and Bintulu. 179 participants from different multinational companies provided their responses. Even though this research primarily focused on the employee work-life, still it was evident that effective teamwork is one of the factors that helps in reducing work pressureamong employees. It has been understood from the article that employees do feel better work life if the members equally contribute and work as a team. Moreover, with effective leadership style and favorable workplace culture, employee motivation becomes more prominent. Therefore, from the research, it is clear that multinational organizations perform better while working in effective team as the work life balance creates higher job satisfaction.
Hanaysha and Tahir (2016) in the research article pointed out that teamwork has high impact on employee job satisfaction. The research was conducted on 242 employees of northern Malaysia public universities. Like all types of industries, the performance of the universities staff is enhanced through teamwork and training. Furthermore, from the article, it was found that employees of the universities are highly motivated to perform if the members of the inter-departments are highly trained as this helps in streamlining the teaching procedure with structural dependencies. In this way through better teamwork, staffs are able to share knowledge among each other, share responsibility, enhance the teaching procedure and build positive workplace culture.
The research conducted by Agarwal and Adjirackor(2016) pointed out that organizational productivity is highly dependent on employee motivation. This research was conducted on the staffmembers of “Kwashieman Anglican Basic School” of the “Accra Metropolitan Assembly”. The independent variables that were considered in the research were teamwork, team trust, reward and recognition and dependent variables were employee motivation and organizational productivity. The data analysis was conducted through quantitative technique and finally it was understood that teamwork and team trust are more influential in triggering employee productivity. This is because employees become highly motivated while working in teams and they are able to share information among each other. Members become dependent on each other and through shared responsibility overall process to deliver learning process gets enhanced. The research also recommended that teamwork needs to be more strengthened and more activities must be added so that so that employee becomes more motivated to enhance organizational productivity.
Musinguziet al. (2018) conducted the research to identify the relationship between laissez-faire leadership, transactional leadership, transformational leadership with teamwork, job satisfaction, employee motivation among the health workers in Uganda. Data was collected from 564 health workers and it was identified that whatsoever leadership style is followed in the healthcare organization, it’s the teamwork that needs to be strengthened so that employee engagement is increased. With series of statistical analysis including correlation and regression analysis, it was finally understood that transformational leadership style helps in strengthening teamwork. On the other hand, effective teamwork is responsible for building the employee motivation and employee job satisfaction. This research proved that teamwork is highly dependent on the type of leadership style that is followed in an organization. Since transformational leadership style creates high cohesion among team members, they are able to express freely and work with higher motivation to deliver better service
Rahbi, Khalid and Khan (2017) conducted the research in healthcare sector of Abu Dhabito identify and analyze the types of leadership styles that are followed in different departments. The contribution of leadership style on employee motivation was analyzed. It has been identified that among the healthcare professionals working in multi-professional rehabilitation organization is highly challenging as motivation is tremendously lacking. In order to meet the changing demands of patients, it becomes extremely difficult for the professionals to work as a team and solve challenges through collaboration and creativity. This article has explicitly highlighted the challenges among health care professionals but at the same time it was evident that due to poor leadership style teamwork is affected and due to this employee motivation is highly impacted.In future, such organizations need to focus on team building so that motivation is increased.
The research conducted by Al Mehrzi and Singh (2016) highlighted the factors that are responsible for employee engagementin United Arab EmiratesPublic Sector. From the research it has been identified that there is high degree of relationship between team, teamwork, team leader, organizational support, organizational culture and employee motivation. This research proved that employee engagement helps in talent management and talent retention for longer term, as it increases employee motivation specifically. Furthermore, it has been analyzed that teamwork is one such factor upon which employee motivation is dependent. The public sector in UAE must focus more on teamwork and team management functions so that higher contribution from the employees is justified. Through unified workforce and high employee engagement, the organizational outcome of UAE public sector can be enhanced.
Fiaz, Su and Saqib (2017) in their research highlighted the impact of leadership style on enhancing employee motivation. The focus was done on the public service sector and it has been found that organizations that follow autocraticand laissez-faire leadership style are less productive than those that follow democratic leadership style. After further investigation and analysis, it has been found that it is the team formation that is dependent on leadership style.Based on the team engagement activities and cohesion among team members, employee feel motivated and associated with an organization. Therefore, from the research it has been evident that public service employees are more satisfied and engaged when democratic leadership style is followed because it directly enhances team engagement.
Jovanovic and Bozilovic(2017) pointed out in their research that it is the management of an organization that helps in building the employee motivation. Organizational culture, leadership style and employee training develop employee behavior, highly motivated staff and creativity. However, it has been analyzed that teamwork is one of the main factors that is directly or indirectly related with each of the independent variables such as culture, leadership and training. From the article, it is prominent that performance is enhanced only if employees are motivated andsatisfiedto deliverhigh quality service. Moreover, it has been found that employee satisfaction is created through cooperation, interpersonal relationships and positive working atmosphere, which is only possible through effective teamwork.
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