Understanding Team Roles At Work For Motivation And Disposition
Describe about the Team roles at work for Motivation and disposition?
Case Overview
I am appointed as the new store manager of a supermarket of ASDA in Ireland. Here I will display my knowledge of different organizational cultures and structures by drawing important theory from staff members. These staff members belong to different racial and cultural background, which needs decision-making style and teamwork that will help achieve the long run and short run goals. The company’s BOD and CEO assign me this new post based on my previous achievements in the Mini supermarket in ASDA in London. I will also apply various motivational theories and management styles to achieve the best results for the activities of our company. In the case analysis, the four important theories we will focus are, understanding the relationship between organizational culture and structure, various management approaches, motivational theories used in the organization and mechanisms required to develop effective organizational teamwork (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011).
The difference between ASDA’s organizational culture and structures in England and Ireland can be analyzed with context to its relationship between its organizational culture and structure. Organizational Structure of any country encompasses its leadership, culture, internal and external environment, etc. Like, every other company ASDA also has an organizational structure, which could be either informal or formal. The organizational structure of the company should provide its organizational hierarchy layout and command chain. The organizational structure of ASDA England and ASDA Ireland are quite similar and both have formal organizational structure with strict regulations and rules. ASDA London has a formalized hierarchical structure with a clear control chain and proper line of execution control (Hitt, Miller & Colella, 2011). In ASDA London, the employees can report to different people as it has multiple decision stage and command level. The hierarchical level is very effective in a diversified and huge company like ASDA. However, the problem the employees in ASDA London face is as they work together they are in the same footing irrespective of their seniority. The employees both old and new are provided with a competitive salary package, which ultimately help in developing efficiency. On the other hand, ASDA Ireland supermarket focuses on strict adherence to official structures and standards. The management in ASDA Ireland is trying to exercise an environment where dynamic decision can be taken. They are trying to reduce the organizational layers between its chief executives and the store managers like us. Unlike, ASDA England, it is relying more on using a combination of both formal and informal organizational structure. The organizational culture of ASDA England and Ireland is quite similar, where ASDA England aims-
Case Overview
To give excellent service to its customers
To maintain integrity
To ensure customer satisfaction
On the other hand, ASDA Ireland aims-
To improve the customer base
To maintain standards in the organization
To meet the customer demands and needs
To carry out fair deals (McShane & Von Glinow, 2012)
Employees’ behavior is dependent directly on the organizational structure- Being the store manager if I m not satisfied with the workforce performance then it is necessary to report it to the top management who in turn will evaluate the organizational structure.
Stronger organizational structure results in better organizational performance- Good organizational structure helps in the empowerment of the store manager who ensure employee motivation and better workforce performance (Moorhead & Griffin, 2012).
Strong organizational culture results to higher performance- ASDA is one of the biggest company in the world, which encounter huge market competition. Thus, it requires a service oriented and strong culture in the organization, which can support it is customer management.
Cultural diversity in its workforce and its importance- The diversity in its workforce can be a challenge for the store manager. However, effective management can help the employees trusting each other, proactive behaviors and risk taking the attitude to create an adaptive culture (Robbins & Judge, 2011).
Maintaining job security- The employees of the organization want proper job security. If the employees have proper job security, then they tend to perform effectively to get the desired objectives and goals.
The workforce of ASDA belongs from the different culture, caste and creed with individual thoughts and mentalities. Therefore, it is important to understand the employees’ requirements and maintain it. A satisfied workforce supported with a comfortable work environment help in fulfilling the organizational goals.
Pay rates- The lucrative pay structure of the company influences its workforce behavior by pushing them to be competitive and enhance their performance (Schermerhorn, 2012).
The effectiveness of the three leadership styles is explained in the context of ASDA and British Airways. The three types of leadership styles are Autocratic, Laissez-Faire and Democratic. Autocratic leadership is defined as the type of leadership style where the leaders will take all the decisions without any consultation with others. The Democratic leadership is defined as the type of style where the leaders consult with the employees and then take the final decision. Laissez-Faire Leadership is defined as the type of style where the involvements of the leaders are reduced to the least with respect to decision-making. In case of ASDA, the main function of the leaders is to provide a superior and unique service to the customers and make the organization a friendly place to work. The CEO of ASDA, Andy Clarke focus on certain things like-
Understanding the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Structure
Provide equal opportunity to employees to show their quality with effective leadership quality.
Maintain a caring and empathetic relationship with the employees.
Maintain proper communication to each level of the company, which includes the senior managers, store managers, and employees.
In ASDA, the top management applies democratic leadership style. In British Airways, the top management previously used an autocratic leadership style, which restricted its performance. However, the CEO, Keith Williams changed its previously used leadership style to a new and democratic approach (Burns, 2012).
Organizational theories use the management practices for the Irish ASDA in following ways-
Weber’s bureaucratic theory
Scientific theories to management
Administrative practice
The management of ASDA Ireland used the administrative theory. The administrative theory is based on several key management principles. The four key principles of the administrative theory are-
Using the administrative theory, ASDA Ireland has applied its principles effectively. It will start with developing an effective plan as per the organizational objectives. As per the plan, all the organizational functions are carried out. The success of the organizational plan largely depends on how effectively it is being executed by the concerned leadership. Finally, control is being made to evaluate the significance of the management principles (Collinson, Grint & Jackson, 2011).
Classical Approach- This kind of approach emphasizes on the structural functions and factors to achieve the desired objectives of the organization. The four key factors of this approach are the labour division, functional and scalar processes like command unity, command chain, authority delegation, etc., structure staff and control span. This kind of approach uses the autocratic leadership style.
Neo-Traditional Approach- This kind of approach focuses on movements of human relations and behavioural approach. It mainly studies motives, group, intergroup behaviours and supervision. It clearly specifies that activities coordination is difficult to have without proper employee cooperation (Kellerman, 2012).
Scientific Approach- This kind of approach focuses on utilizing techniques and methods such as sociology, social psychology, psychology, and anthropology. All these techniques will help the management get things done by the employees and develop the interpersonal skills of the employees with themselves and with the management. It uses the motivation, group relations, individual drives, etc.
Modern Organizational Approach- This kind of approach focuses on defining the organization as the system, and the environmental impact on the organizational effectiveness is considered (Maeda & Bermont, 2011).
Considering three companies ASDA, BP, and British Airways, it can be said that all three British companies use three different management approaches that are-
The Relationship between ASDA’s Structure and Culture Can Influence the Performance of Its Irish Site in Following Ways
ASDA use a combination of traditional and neo-traditional approach, which will help, develop proper coordination between the employees and guide them to achieve the organizational objectives.
BP, on the other hand, uses the modern organizational approach. BP is the second best company in UK. It uses the modern organizational approach, which have helped in developing coordination and cooperation in the company, adapt to any technological changes and adjust its resources as per the market demands.
British Airways used the scientific approach where with effective techniques like motivation, group relations, individual drives, leadership, etc. the company has utilized its human resource successfully (Powell & Koltz, 2012).
Neo-Traditional Approach- This kind of approach propagates organizational structure that is people oriented and will integrate formal and informal organizations. This kind of approach has two factors, which are work group and individual. This will help develop interpersonal relations between the employees and the management. The neo-traditional approach emphasized on informal leadership to the certain extent, developed leadership, coordination theory, and motivational theory to solve the managerial problems.
Modern Organizational Approach- This kind of approach is subdivided into three different approaches, which are-
Contingency approach- It involves in the analyzing the methods that the company can adapt with respect to the technological changes, the uncertainty of decision-making and requirements for innovation.
Systems approach- It defines the organization as an open system, which consists of interdependent and interrelated elements. Some of its features are adaptability, the importance of the human values, coordination and integration of all the subsystems in a total system, etc.
Multivariate approach- This kind of approach focuses on basic business, its structure that involves workflow, authority system and communication, technological factors and its workforce and behaviour (Reed & Signorelli, 2011).
In ASDA, the business process can be re-engineered as per the incremental or technological changes, which depend on the organizational situations, and needs, which can be managed with good leadership. Leadership is comparatively difficult from management this is because leadership mainly focuses on the way a good leader lead its people to achieve the organizational goals whereas a manager focus on achieving the activities of the organization. Some of the approaches followed by leaders of ASDA during any managerial changes are-
Instances when the staffs of the company oppose to any new organizational changes then it is necessary for the leaders to use autocratic style, take firm decisions, and direct the workforce accordingly.
Three Factors That Can Influence Individual Behaviour in the Workplace at the Irish ASDA Are
During any change in the company, the leaders can use the consultative approach, involve its workforce in the managerial process by clearly explaining the changes, and seek their ideas and opinions on it.
Finally, the company can assign the right duties to the right people and use a teamwork approach. Each of the team members will not only understand the changes but also adjust to the changes to achieve the organizational goals (Brahier & Speer, 2011).
Motivation can be defined as the managerial function where the leader or manager motivates its employees to perform in the best way possible. There are several motivational theories, which the company can use, which are-
XY theory of McGregor- This theory uses both the authoritative and participative style. In theory X, the employees avoid working, take any responsibility as much as possible, and thus are subjected to punishment threats. As per theory Y, employees will work effectively, without any external control. They are committed to the organization and take responsibility for solving the organizational problems and achieving organizational success. As per the XY theory, leadership of ASDA should focus on motivating the X employees but it is not true because the Y employee also requires motivation (Davidson, 2011).
Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy- It ensures in fulfilling all the needs of the employees based on its requirements. Maslow’s hierarchy model starts with psychological, safety needs and goes on to higher needs like social and esteem needs. Finally, the self-realization needs are fulfilled. ASDA leadership in motivating the employees also uses this (Leontiev, 2012).
Vroom’s Theory of Expectancy- Along with the Maslow’s theory, ASDA can also use the Vroom’s theory. Vroom ‘s theory focuses on the simple fact that if the employees put more efforts in their performance then it will improve and on better performance they are rewarded with bonuses and incentives on their performance (Maeda & Bermont, 2011).
It is the store manager’s duty to achieve the organizational objectives and goals. The manager can increase the organizational productivity by increasing the productivity of the employees. To get more productive workforce the manager need to motivate them continuously. The manager can do this by applying all the three motivational theorize discussed. As per the McGregor’s theory, employees are differentiated s per their work commitment and responsibility-seeking attitude (Maehr, 2012). Employees, who are lazy, avoid responsibility and require control is needed to be motivated. In addition, the responsible and committed employees should be motivated to perform better. Then the manager can use the Maslow’s theory where the employees will be motivated to fulfil all their needs as per the Maslow’s hierarchy theory. In ASDA Ireland, I being the store manager will apply the Maslow’s theory as well as the Vroom’s Expectancy theory. The Vroom’s theory explains that the employees’ expectation resulted in better performance and expected performance results to better outcomes. In simple language, the employees expect to get better rewards for better performance (McInerney, Walker & Liem, 2011).
Understanding Different Management Approaches
Groups are formed in the organization to attain specific results. The group’s members have pre-determined purposes and specified tasks. Like every other organization, ASDA also has two different groups, which are formal and informal group-
Formal Group- It is the type of group, which are formed by the organization. It can be formed with the objective to fulfill specified task. This kind of groups is created by the organization where every group member work together to achieve the organizational goals. The group member has fixed responsibilities and roles to fulfill in the group. The formal group is further subdivided into command group and task group. Command group is the type of group, which is fixed in the organization, and task group are temporary in nature. Task group is developed by the organization with the objective to fulfill certain specific tasks within a fixed time (Belbin, 2010).
Informal Group- As compared to formal groups, informal groups have the greater impact on the performance of the organization. Informal groups are the type of groups, which are not formed by the organization but are formed using friendship and sharing of similar interests between the team members. Informal groups can be divided into two different groups, which are interest group and friendship group. An interest group is the type of group where employees from different departments share the same interest like sports and politics. Friendship groups are the groups between the group members who are from same age group, a certain type of belief and attitude.
Using the informal groups more, manager of ASDA can ensure the betterment of its organizational structure and improve its business. It helps in developing the work culture of the organization and its performance (Bostock, 2012).
To develop teamwork in Irish ASDA, the manager needs to categorize certain factors-
Maintain open and clear communication between the team members to share information, ask anything and give suggestions and ideas in the company.
Develop trust between each member of the team, which will help ASDA take important decisions and promote the new business strategy. It will help the employees share their knowledge and information with each other, which results in organizational success.
The company should utilize its diverse workforce effectively. People from the different religion, age, ethnicity, gender and region will bring in new ideas. Thus, a diverse workforce will help in generating innovative and creative ideas (Hawkins, 2011).
The team should be provided with a perfect leader who will guide the entire team to achieve the pre-set goals. A good leader can coordinate the employees, handle their problems and resolve them effectively.
Some of the Management Practices Used in Irish ASDA Is
The success of the team is largely dependent on its attitude. Thus, to achieve the goals, it is necessary for each member of the team to have an optimistic attitude to their task. This will help them remain upbeat about the task assigned to them and put the best effort to complete the task on time.
Each member should be provided with proper development and training to understand the work assigned to them, and the functions that are needed to be carried out by them (Roper, 2011).
ASDA is using technology to carry out all its activities and thus being the store manager, I should use the technology effectively to improve the productivity. With proper training on the technological changes, our team can be developed and equipped. It can be done by understanding each of our team members and explaining them the benefits of using new technology in our productivity process. It will help us promote trust, coordination, cooperation, team structure, leadership, etc (Wendt, Quist & Lloyd, 2011).
The organizational cultures and structures of the organization are compared and contrasted with the assessment. The relationship of ASDA’s organizational structure and its culture and its effect on the organizational activities are explained. The three factors, which can influence the individual behavior in ASDA’s workplace, are discussed. The effectiveness of the leadership styles used by the companies and use of organizational theory in ASDA is explained. Different management approaches are evaluated and justified. Then the concept of various leadership styles, various motivational theories, and its usefulness in ASDA Irish are evaluated. Finally, the development of teamwork and its rising importance with respect to technology is evaluated (West, 2012).
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