Understanding Sustainability And Resource Efficiency In The Workplace

What is Sustainability?

Environmental sustainability is the maintenance of ecological balance in societal equity, economic growth and environmental conservation. Environmental sustainability can thus be broadly classified into three classes. Economic sustainability which deals with the economy’s ability to support a defined production level indefinitely, environmental sustainability which deals with the environment’s ability to support extraction of natural resources indefinitely and social sustainability which defines the capability of a social system like an organization to function indefinitely in peace and harmony. For our current and future survival, all the three pillars should be strong, otherwise the whole system will be unsustainable. This can be achieved through sustainable work practices which are activities that minimize environmental degradation.

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Vinidex Company has ensured efficient use of resources by reducing consumption of energy. It has reduced on the electricity usage by introducing alternative energy saving techniques thus saving on production costs. They first replaced the old molding machines with new ones that use less energy as compared to the old ones.  They also installed automatic switches that went off during day time. Other energy efficient products like analysis of life cycle to determine efficiency of energy use in piping operations and their remedies were implemented.

The input raw materials were used to the optimum through recycling of wastes. The huge wastes emanating from the production activities were re-cut and re-processed to produce new pipes. Such pipes were again implemented in the waste management stage in the construction of sewer as well as drainage facilities. Through reusing and recycling, Vinidex Company was able to reduce accumulation of wastes and as well generate money as other recycled material was sold to other external contractor.

Proper waste management was another strategy of ensuring efficient use of resources. Solid wastes in form of metal and cardboards were segregated in different bins and sold to external contractors. Used oil was also tapped and sent off for treatment. By doing so, Vinidex Company was successful in ensuring that the workplace was a safe place thus ensuring sustainability.

Measure and record current usage of resources using appropriate techniques

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Quantitative analysis can be employed to assess if the raw materials are wasted in any way. It will mainly involve sheet metal which is a raw material. The quantity of the input metal is first noted and its value recorded. The next step is to assess if the output which is the assembled product meets the cost of processing operations. From that, it will be easier to know if much of the waste is due to large metal off cuts. The output assembled product should relate to the amount of input in a way.

Importance of Sustainability

Power, which is a resource can be monitored by continuously comparing the real and apparent power. The power factor should be around 0.98. Thus any deviation would mean misuse of energy.

Labour is another essential input. It can be assessed by comparing the output to the number of people involved in that stage. Optimum outputs should be set for every stage of production by comparing the outputs and the man power involved.

Identify workplace environmental and resource efficiency issues

Installation of power meters and log in systems. The meters provide a means of measuring the amount of current used by the machines. The log in systems like the logbooks then provide a means of tracking energy use thus giving a direct measurement of energy use.

Using energy balancing techniques. They enable calculation of how much energy is used and how much is wasted. For instance, in the lighting system, the transformer can be bypassed to reduce heat and wiring losses thus increasing energy efficiency.

Circuits can also be installed and linked to the main distribution board. Such circuits allow for easy extrapolation of graphs when it is difficult to ascertain the source of excessive loads from the machines.

Identify and report workplace environmental hazards to appropriate personnel

Emission of toxic chemicals from the industry is the major environmental hazard. Such chemicals are released during production processes like from the use of cutting agents and surface treatment chemicals. They can cause illness or breathing difficulties while flammables like petroleum can start fires. To prevent such health hazards, workers should be provided with personal protective equipment. Containers used to store such chemicals should also be placed in protected areas where they cannot be stumbled over. Workers should also be instructed to quickly clean the spill before it spreads.

Emission of toxic gases is the second environmental hazard. Such gases include greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds. They usually emanate from the vehicles from within the industry as well burning of fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. Planting of more trees can help in improving the air quality of the environment as they absorb carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen. They also help in reducing the ozone gases thus regulating the planet temperatures to favorable levels. In some towns, trees are planted in the residential areas neighboring towns so as to absorb sound thus helping in reducing noise pollution.

Non-degradable wastes from the production process in form of metal wastes form the third environmental hazard. They cause environmental degradation by causing land contamination. Such metals could also cause cuts if they are not handled properly.

Principles of Sustainable Development

Industrial effluents also contribute much to environmental pollution. Wastes from water that is used in cleaning metals as well metal surface treatment chemicals form the industrial effluents. Such spills have negative environmental impacts like causing ecological damage thus making such areas inhabitable for fauna and flora.

Chemical management will also ensure best use of the natural resources in meeting basic human needs while maintaining their regenerative capability. In case of a minor chemical spillage, quickly clean the spill before it spreads. In case of a major chemical spillage, a licensed waste contractor should be called to clean up the spill and dispose the absorbents. The spills can also be neutralized if possible then the cleanup residues should be collected and disposed. Containers used to store such chemicals should also be placed in protected areas where they cannot be stumbled over. Workers should also be trained on safety in case the chemicals are flammable.

In our case study, Edstein improved their business performance by reducing power consumption in their compressed systems as well as lighting. They employed use of a power factor corrector which continuously monitored real to apparent power. They also cut down the use of water by harvesting rain water from their roofs. To comply with the environment, the Edstein organization reduced their wastes by recycling their wastes. They also have paperless systems to minimize on wastes generated.

An environmental department within the organization should be formed which is solely concerned with environmental sustainability. Issues arising within the plant should therefore be reported to the same department.

The water regulations act should also be adhered to. This will ensure that the company comply with the regulations. The acts of government listed below should be followed

  • Ownership of water resources act- all resources must be well vested to ensure compliance
  • Regulation of water resources act- the government has stated out clearly on better practices to be used in water management.

Follow enterprise plans to improve environmental practices and resource efficiency

An environmental management system comprises of processes and processes which help an organization to reduce their environmental impacts and boost their operating efficiency. It has policies, requirements, responsibilities and controls. In its implementation, it involves planning the environmental policies, carrying out procedures, doing internal auditing and finally implementing the corrective action.

In the case study, the Illawarra have managed to reduce their electricity consumption by using their energy resources efficiently. They automatically shut down their computers and lights at 10:30 pm when leaving their offices. They also educate people on ways and importance of conserving power.

Make suggestions for improvements to workplace practices in own work area

The best way to create a green office is to re-use and recycle, use water sparingly by turning off the taps when not in use, cutting unnecessary travels, reduce the electricity expenditure and use ecofriendly products like using renewable resource. A green manufacturing plant can be created by updating their facilities to ones with lower power rating thus saving on energy, reducing wastes through resource saving production design, recycling eg recycling papers to make composite manure, lowering production costs by turning off electronic equipment and creating green jobs which reduce emission of greenhouse gases. Such activities contribute to sustainability by reducing environmental degradation and by conserving resources for future generations.


Environmental sustainability is no longer a choice, it is a necessity. This is because human beings cannot maintain their quality of life of being human without interacting with the environment. We should all yearn in promoting environmental sustainability by participating in work practices that sustain our environment. For our renewable resource, extraction rate should not exceed regeneration rate, for non-renewable resources, depletion rate should tally with their renewable substitutes and for pollution, waste generation should not exceed the environment’s rate to absorb. By so, we could have sustained our environment for our own good and that of our future generations.


Australian government through Commonwealth Department  of industry Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary and Education.: Video Energy efficient sources of data.

The protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO) https;//www.epa.nsw.gov/legislation/Actsummaries.htm#poeo.

Department of Environment and Conservation. (2005). Case Study A.

Manufacturing Skill Australia. (2012). Case Study B.

Edston Creative Stone. (2011). Case Study C.

TAFE Illawarra proves every Little bit counts. (2011). Case Study D.

Participate  in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices. (2017). Course notes

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