Understanding SIP, Machine Learning, Bots, Spectre And Meltdown, Visi On, LPWANs, VoIP, Blockchain And Net Neutrality

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

The text discusses how modern CPUs function.  Recently a critical flaw in microprocessor design has been discovered that allows two extremely serious security exploits:  Spectre and Meltdown. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how either of these exploits work.  The resource (and your summary) should focus on what is occurring in the CPU that allows these exploits to occur.

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The main aim of selection of the resource is due to the factor that it gives a direct overview of the concept of the meltdown and spectre and what are the different aspects which are related to the concept.

Meltdown: The attack, which is relating to the meltdown, breaks through the most fundamental isolation, which is between the operating system and the application of the user. The attack majorly allows the attacker to access the memory and indulge into the secrets of the system and other programs and the operating system. If a computer system has a processor, which is vulnerable and executes on an operating system, which is unpatched, it is very much unsafe to work with critical information. This is due to the factor that the hackers can easily indulge into the system and get the vital information. This concept can be applied to the sector of personal computers as well as infrastructure related to the cloud. The attack can be considered very much vital in the working of the network due to the factor that it can directly possess threat into the working of the network. The exploit can directly affect the system, which possess system threat, which disrupts the normal working of the system. There are different types of precaution which can be involved into the concept like involvement of firewall and implementing different security measures into the concept.

Prior to 1985, there were very few Operating Systems (OSes) that used Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).  Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE of these GUI operating systems.  The OS must have been release prior to 1985 so cannot be Microsoft Windows.

The article directly states the concept, which is applicable in the GUI of the operating system. The GUI operating system, which is taken into consideration, is the Visi On, which was released in the year 1983. The Visi Crop Visi On was a short time period operating system but was very much influential in the sector of the operating system program, which was developed by the IBM compactable personal computers, which run on the environment of the MS –DOS. IT can be stated that it was a major influence factor in the development of the Microsoft windows. The main disadvantage of the operating system is that it had a very high system requirement according to the standard of the 1982. The requirement was 512 kilobytes of RAM and a hard disk in that period when IBM did not offer any type of hard disk with the personal computer. The operating system would be working well in new personal computers but the requirement in this case would be a hard disk partition under 15 MB as only the file format of FAT 12 files would be supported and a compatible mouse would be required. The writing of the Visi On would be requiring a Unix environment relating to the development environment. The target system during the development of the Visi On was the high-end PC workstation, which were relatively expensive.

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Machine Learning

Low-Powered Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) are wireless communication networks that are characterised by linking devices over large distances.  Devices (including simple sensors) typically can only communicate at very low bit rates, however, the communication and associated electronics consume very little power.  As such, LPWAN devices can be battery powered and operate independently for many months or even years.  Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE platform or technology that implements a LPWAN.  

the main aim of the report is to take into consideration different aspects which are related to the technology of LPWAN.  The technology which is taken into consideration relating to the implementation of the LPWAN is the internet of things (IoT). If the concept of the internet of things revolution is considered still infancy, it can be stated as an undeniable fact. LPWAN technology can be considered as a history and a turning point in the concept of the networking of the objects whether the citizen and consumer (smart cities, smart homes) or any organisation using the concept (Smart metering and smart industry). Until recent times when it comes to connecting, an object to get the information of the location, status and interact with it a global geographical, national coverage SIM card can be used using the 3G /GPRS network of the telecom. There are many problem which can be faced in this scenario for example difficulty in finding a 3G model, energy consumption problem and large footprint. In order to mitigate the problem the concept of the LPWAN (Low power wide area network) was invented. The concept of the NB-IoT for narrow band IoT has a same concept attached to the scenario in order to obtain the objectives; The NB-IOT offers a solution of connectivity with a throughput, which is of very low power consumption. It offers a bit rate of 20 knits/second.

Voice over IP (VoIP) is a group of hardware and software technologies that allow users to communicate via voice and video over the Internet.  VoIP uses a number of different software protocols, depending on the application.  Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE of these VoIP protocols.

The main aim of the article is to take into consideration different aspects which are related to the concept of the Voice over IP (VoIP) The protocol which is taken into consideration is the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The Session Initiation Protocol can be considered as a signalling protocol which can be used for the concept of maintaining, initiating, modifying and terminating sessions which are in real time that mainly include voice, video and other types of communication. The concept can also be related to two or more end on the IP network. The Internet engineering task force (IETF) which can be used to address the needs of the IP based communication developed the SIP. The concept of interoperability, multimedia and mobility are considered as the drivers behind the SIP’s development. The SIP complements other protocols of the communication for example Read time transport protocol (RTP) and real time streaming protocol (RTSP) which are used in the IP based sessions. The communication, which is related to the SIP, has mainly five attributes, which are user availability, user location, user capability, session management and session setup.  The SIP session may include different types, which may include video conference, internet telephony, and different types of communication, which are unified. The protocol can be used for creating multicast and unified sessions that may not need the initiator. 


One of the many uses of cryptography has been the development of the blockchain.  Blockchains are commonly used as the basis for maintaining the data integrity of crypto currencies, though have many, many more applications.  Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how blockchains work.  Note that the resource should focus on the blockchain mechanism, NOT crypto currencies.

The article is chosen due to the factor that it gives an overview of the concept of the blockchain. The concept of block chain can be considered as a shared ledger that directly stores information relating to any organisation in a distributed manner. The transaction are performed between two people within the concept of the block chain, which are formed by the participant computers. These type of computers provide the power of computing in order to constantly maintain the concept of the block chain. Such types of computers are termed as nodes and each of the node in the peripheral of the network has a copy of the block chain. Technically stating a block chain can be considered as a network of non-trusted peers. Each of the directly references the previous one and consist of data, the hash and the hash of the previous block.  In this concept, the block stores the encrypted details about the parties whose interaction result in the data, which is stored in the block. Each of the block also has a hash attached to it. The hash is generated by means of a text string, which is generated using a mathematical function. The hash can be considered very much similar to the concept of fingerprint, as each of the hash is unique in its characteristics.

One controversial practical application of network traffic management is in the contravention of the principle of “net neutrality”. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what net neutrality is and how its contravention could impact on individual and business users of the Internet.

Net Neutrality and its impact is the main consideration which is taken into aspect in the report. The net neutrality can be considered as a principle which governs the internet server provider to treat different types and all the types of data in a same manner and there should not be any type of discrimination involved into the concept. Under this principle the service provider of the internet are unable too intentionally block any data, which is in the process of execution. They are not also eligible for the slowing down the speed of the data or initiate unwanted charges for the data of a particular website content. One of the best example relating to the violation of the net neutrality is the internet service provider Comcast’s secret concept of slowing of uploads from the peer to peer file sharing application by the use of forged packets. The impact of the net neutrality on individual and business can be in many sectors. Few of the impact sectors are the blocking, throttling, paid prioritization. One of the sectors, which was impacted by the concept, was the E –Commerce, the sector feared that they could end losing the paid prioritization where their services and the websites load slower when compared to the ones, which are running in the internet behemoths. 

Spectre and Meltdown

Information Systems have led to greater and greater degrees of automation in the workplace.  There is currently extensive speculation on which jobs will cease to be performed by humans in the near future.  Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses jobs that are likely to not exist in the future due to ICT based automation.  Note that the resource must clearly link the loss of the job(s) to advances in ICT.

 The article takes into consideration the different aspects which is related to the job loss due to the automation of the technology. In recent times there is a huge loss of business due to innovation in the different sector of working within an organisation. One of the most important sector is the system automation sector. In recent times, updating of the system is manual and does not involve any type of manual activity. Taking into consideration this sector the IT has developed extensively so that the system are kept updated all the time so that intruders cannot indulge in any sort of activity such as hacking and taking control of the computer system. Most the people tend to loss their job because of the online facility, which is available in the sector of updating of the system involved in the working. The innovation in each sector of the working involved in any organisation is gathering importance and the whole concept is being taken to the concept of the internet. This is due to the factor that it would result in less mistakes and faults, which are human, oriented. When a business approach is taken to the concept of the internet, it can be expected that there would be less errors involved in the overall working.

With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come the use of these datasets for machine learning. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what machine learning is and how it is being used.

Machine learning can be considered one of the most vital aspect in the article. Machine learning can be considered as application relating to the artificial intelligence that provides system the direct ability to learn automatically and improve from the experience without being programmed explicitly. The concept of machine learning directly puts focus on the computer program development that can be directly be access the data and it for the concept of learning. The start of the process of learning is done using the concept of observation or data for example direct experience or instruction aiming at looking for patterns of data and make the decision in the future based on the example, which is provided. The focus point would be allowing the computer to learn automatically without any intervention of human being or any sort of assistance from them and accordingly react to the actions. The use of the machine learning can be in the sector of banks, financial service and other business in the industry of finance. They use the concept of the machine learning due to two factors mainly for identifying the important insight in the data and prevent any type of fraud and the insight can identify the opportunity of investment or help investors know when to conduct the trade. 

Visi On

Critical to application development are the languages used to implement the specifications.  Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE programming language that has been developed since 2008.  The resource (and your summary) should include information on the principle uses and features of the language.

The main focus of the selection of the article is to take into consideration the basics of the Pure programming language. The programming language which is taken into consideration is the Pure programming language. The main reason for the selection of the language is due to the factor that it has a high level constructs; it can directly handle activity, which are low level, the programming, which is created, is very much efficient. One of the most important sector, which is involved into the concept, is that the program can be executed in a variety of computers. The main features of the C language is that it is a robust language which involve rich set of build in functions and the operators which can be used to write any type of complex programs. The programming language can be considered to give extensive collection which is related to most important add on. This directly makes the pure programming language easily adoptable for most of the developers and a huge amount of benefit can be achieved from the concept of computation. The system support which is related to the programming language mainly include FreeBSD, Mac OS X and window just to name a few.

While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, they can also result in negative effects and outcomes.  One recent controversy, the propagation of fake news and its influence on elections, has been linked to a type of software called a “bot”.  Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what bots are and how they can be used for disseminating misinformation and affecting human behaviour.

 Bots or internet robots can also be considered as crawlers, spiders and web bots. The bots can be used in two ways one in a good way and one in a bad way. One of the good way in which the bots can be used is the indexing of a search engine, which usually come in the form of malware. Malware bots can be used to gain the overall control over the computer. On the other hand, the bots can be used to disseminating misinformation and affect the behaviour of human being in many ways. The way it basically involve in are gathering of information, relay spam, obtain financial information, capture and analyse the packets, open back door of the computer which is infected, exploiting the back door which is opened by worms and viruses. The bots can be usually used to infect large number of systems of computer. This action result in the computer forming a botnet or a bot network. One of the most important thing which can be stated relating to the bot is that they can go unidentified as a result of which they are not preventive measures which can be taken into consideration.


Operating System Interface Design Between 1981-2009 | Webdesigner Depot. (2018). Webdesigner Depot. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/03/operating-system-interface-design-between-1981-2009/

LPWAN – 5 letters in the heart of the IOT revolution – IOT Factory. (2018). Iotfactory.eu. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://iotfactory.eu/lpwan-5-letters-in-the-heart-of-the-iot-revolution/

What is Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)? – Definition from WhatIs.com. (2018). SearchUnifiedCommunications. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://searchunifiedcommunications.techtarget.com/definition/Session-Initiation-Protocol

How the Blockchain Works. (2018). Rubygarage.org. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://rubygarage.org/blog/how-blockchain-works

Finley, K., Karabell, Z., Thompson, N., Finley, K., Vogelstein, F., & Hempel, J. et al. (2018). Net Neutrality: Here’s Everything You Need To Know. WIRED. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://www.wired.com/story/guide-net-neutrality/

Automation threatens 800 million jobs, but technology could still save us, says report. (2018). The Verge. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/30/16719092/automation-robots-jobs-global-800-million-forecast

What is Machine Learning? A definition – Expert System. (2018). Expertsystem.com. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://www.expertsystem.com/machine-learning-definition/

Purelang.bitbucket.io. (2018). Pure Programming Language. [online] Available at: https://purelang.bitbucket.io/ [Accessed 14 May 2018].

What Are Bots?. (2018). Us.norton.com. Retrieved 2 April 2018, from https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-malware

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