Understanding Oral Language And Literacy: Importance, Development, And Issues
Multiculturalism and Language in Australia
Discuss about the Understanding Oral Language and Literacy.
Language can be defined as a systematic form of words which is used by the people to express various types of thoughts and ideas to each other. In other words, we can say that language is a medium with the use of which one can easily communicate with each other and can share any type of information with each other. Language is a combination of words, and the method of using the words through different -different pronunciation techniques are also known as a language. By using the different type of languages orally various meaningful sounds are produced, which helps us to communicate with each other. There are various types of languages being used for the communication purpose on the globe (PDST, 2012). English is the national language of Australia and eighty five percent people of Australia speak only English. According to the Australian social trends 1999, more than one hundred and sixty languages are being spoken by the Australian people at their home. After the European settlement various languages such as Chinese, German, etc. are being spoken by the Australian people. According to a survey only one percent people are not able to speak English. A small percentage of the total population of the country who is not having good skills in English faces many difficulties in sectors like education, services, employment, etc. For decreasing these types of difficulties being faced by the people of the country, various programs have been introduced by the government of the country in schools and many other educational institutions (Centre for Public Education, 2012). According to a survey done in 1996, people above the age of five years spoke different- different languages other than the English at their own place. Italian was the one the common languages being used by the people of Australia. Two percent of the Australian people, of age more than five used to speak in Greek. Many other languages like Cantonese, Arabic, Vietnamese, German, Mandarin (b), Spanish, Macedonian, Tagalog, Croatian, Polish, Maltese, Turkish, Netherlandic etc. was being spoken by more than forty thousand people of Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1999).
Multicultural City of the Australia is Sydney and in the Sydney a large number of people use different- different languages other than English. About sixty five percent of the people living in the Sydney are not English as their language to communicate with each other. Various researches being done from time to time, shows the importance of the language for the development of the brain of a child. When the children start communicating, they use the language consisting of both the words as well as signs. Childhood is the only stage when one can understand the basics of a language being used in the area, etc. they are living. At this age they easily seeks the orders, which helps them in understanding the various basic objects related to the language (Cherry, 2016). With the help of the language, children’s also came to know about the importance of sharing any type of information (JustLanded Team, 2016). This also helps them in deciding that what type of information they should share with others. With the help of the language they came to know about different- different words and sentences. This also helps them in making use of these words and sentences at right place on right time, while describing the meaning of the several words or we can say combination of several words in the day today’s life. Use of various types of languages helps a child in describing its emotions, motions; aim, etc. clearly and easily. Children those who have good communication skills or in other words, children those who can make good use of their language can fetch more and more information related to any type of topic and on the other hand they can express it to others easily (Carter, 1997). This method will create a good interest among them for getting more and more useful information, which further supports in nourishing their knowledge skills. With the help of this, they will come to know that how to participate in each and every activity easily. Languages help in expanding the world of knowledge while observing various activities occurring around them. Knowledge about the language expands the understanding skills as well as it is responsible for creating a healthy development of a child (Achieve Inc, 2013). We know that as a child grows up, he/she starts using various types of words and gestures for expressing several views and making several comments on any type of topic. Taking about routine topics with the children helps in modifying their language skills and it will also introduce new words to them. Language has different effects on its development depending on the age of the children (Australian Government, 2016).
Importance of Oral Language and Literacy
In the early years in the school, the child starts listening new and using new words and sentences while the time of communicating and working with others. The method, by which the language is used by a child, creates an image of that child in front of the people with whom he/she is communicating. Social development of a child is directly related to the language which he/she is using for their communication purpose (N. Mather, 2001). If a child is not able to communicate well with others, then this will create a problem for him/her in giving their views or in sharing any type of information with their parents, teachers, friends and any other relatives in the society. Various issues related to the language can affect the learning skills of that child, which leads to slow down the development process of the child. Issues related to the language are responsible for affecting the emotional and psychosocial development of the child. The various causes created due to these issues, decreases the working potential of the child. According to a website working for the welfare of the children known as Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) a child must have good language skills so that, he/she can easily communicate with others and can easily represent the various views in their mind in front of others. According to the various surveys done by the Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) shows that, if a child is not able to express himself or herself in front of others or he/she faces any difficulty in expressing themselves to others, then it is nearly not to be possible for him to understand their own feeling or any type of thought in their mind. According to this society or website, the only way to keep the children far away from these types of issues is to develop their language skills, because depending upon their facts this is the only way for the welfare of the children. World Health organisation (WHO) reports tell us that the first three years are the most important years of the child life for the development of his/her brain (Bruer, 1999). According to the world health organisation, the overall development of the brain of a child is mainly dependent on the development of language skills. Several reports of the organisation show that, a child faces several problems in his/her lifetime if and only if he/she has a lack of language skills in his/her staring years. The organisation also describes various facts like if a child a greater language development issues, then surely he/she will take to develop their skills socially, because development at the early stage of life helps in developin good social relations by working with full potential (Benitez, 2016).
Development of Oral Language in Children
As we know, that the language plays an important role in everybody’s life and is very important for the successful completion of any type of task or work. For the development of these types of skills, various steps should be followed or we can say following those steps is very necessary. Nowadays, most of the children want to nourish their language skills depending upon the schedules made by themselves, but in actual for a good development he/she needs to take advises from the professionals, their parents, people senior to them, etc. The advises of their parents, people elder to them or of the professionals will help them a lot in developing their language skills by knowing the use of several new words, signs and gestures (Brannagan, 2015). If a child is facing any type of problem regarding to his/her language, then he/she should say to their parents, etc. and parents, needs to take some immediate action for resolving several issues being faced by their child. Sharing these type issues with the elders will help the child in getting an appropriate solution regarding to their problem, because the several efforts made by their elders will help them in getting appropriate resources as their solution on time without wasting much time and making delays which are responsible for increasing those such issues. While communicating with others the words, signs, gestures, etc. used by a child shows his/her actual image. The use of these signs, gestures and the words tells about that what is going in the mind of the child and creates an image in front of the other person with whom he/she is communicating or sharing any type of information. Another method of sharing any type of information with others is by using signs or by using the method of writing. Each and every child has his/her own strength of learning and developing language skills. Depending upon their strengths children use to do several experiments using different methods of the language. The future of a child mainly depends on the development made during the early stage of the life. Different- different languages are used for differently abled children. The children those who are deaf, i.e. those who are not able to hear or can only hear a small part of the complete conversation being done around them are being trained in the sign language. Special educator’s help those children in making them trained for the use of sign language so that, they can also communicate with others and can express their feeling in front of others easily (Deaf Children Australia, 2014).
Challenges and Issues in Language Development
Australia has a large number of policies introduced by the government of the country for the development of language among the children. In Australia, a large number of children are at risk related to their language development. The government makes several changes to the existing policies and it also introduces several new policies for the welfare process of the children of the Australia. As we know that language is one of the most important aspects for the development of several skills in a child (Melhuish, 2016). With the help and the use of the language a child can easily communicate with others, can express his/her feelings and emotions in front of others. If a child is able to communicate well, then only he/she will be able to actively participate in various activities being performed around them in the societies in which they are living, while expressing their views on several topics taken into consideration. If a child will actively participate in several activities then only his/her skills of solving problems can get improved. Having knowledge about the various languages being used by the people around us helps us in communicating with them easily. It also helps in learning several things happening around us, in understanding the several views made by others. Inventing new-new things and introducing those new invented things and ideas in front of others is only possible if one has a good hold on his/her language. Therefore, we can say about becoming a well-educated and literate one should firstly make his language skills, good so that, he/she can enjoy his/her language while making use of their language in several places for the betterment of their lives (Williams & Jacobs, 2009).
Achieve Inc. (2013, March 16). Understanding the Skills in the Common Core State Standards. Retrieved from https://www.achieve.org/: https://www.achieve.org/files/Understanding-Skills-CCSS-Appendix-C-ELA-Literacy.pdf
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