Understanding Media And Soft Power Strategy In Dubai Media Industry | Research Proposal
Research Aims and Objectives
The media products specifically audiovisual works have been used as soft power tools in order to shape branding the image as well as reputation of producing countries (Hertog 2017). The diplomatic platform to facilitate the international relations as well as trade are important to be considered for a nation. In this perspective, soft power strategies involve public as well as private stakeholders working in the multiple areas within a wide, complicated as well as well-orchestrated plan. On the contrary, due to the basic role of culture, the media has an important role to be played in any types of plans regarding soft power as well as strategic making process.
The research aims to understand the process of serving for diplomatic as well as soft power purposes by the media products. It has a focus on the emerging markets. On the other hand, the traditional flows of communication has moved from the western world to the different regions. At current days, the most sophisticated as well as innovative soft power plans are forwarding to the opposite direction from development of the countries to the United States as well as Western Europe (Ennis 2018). The countries like China, Mexico and South Korea are working as well as making negotiation of the process. However, the present study cover the importance and understanding the use of media strategy in order to implement soft power strategy. In the research, the Dubai media industry as well as soft power in UAE will be considered as the case study organization.
The research aims to understand the use of media in order to implement the soft power strategy. In addition, the challenges faced while using media for deployment of the soft power media strategy will be identified and appropriate recommendations will be given. On the other hand, the research will have the following objectives.
- To understand the role of media to implement soft power strategy in UAE
- To critically analyze the benefits of using media to implement soft power strategy in UAE
- To find out the issues and challenges involved with the use
- To recommend solutions for overcoming the particular challenges
The research questions can be listed as followed.
- What is the role of media to implement soft power strategy in UAE?
- How to analyze the benefits of using media to implement soft power strategy in UAE?
- What arte the issues and challenges involved with the use?
- How the challenges can be overcome?
Soft power strategies are based on the political decisions. The aim to reach the intangible goals require expertise from various research areas such as political sciences, economics as well as media studies. In light of the challenges, the research aims at better comprehension of the role that is played by the media products in the international diplomacy as the tools of soft power of developing the countries that have favor of a dialog between the scholars from different fields as well as geographic areas (Allagui 2017). It is an important to serve as the platform to discuss methodologies as well as sharing the expertise and promotion of multi-disciplinary approach.
In this perspective, it is important to mapping out the public as well as private stakeholders engaged in the process of soft power strategies of emerging markets focusing on the creative industries. The role of media within the soft power strategies regarding the emerging markets need to be analyzed properly. However, the case studies of the single countries like economic as well as cultural goals and the policies are important for the organization (Gray 2017). On the other hand, the relations of networking for diplomatic as well as soft power purposes need to be considered properly. It is also important to focus on the methodological approaches to investigate the soft power strategies as well as tangible results.
Research Questions
Development of the theory regarding the conditions where it is important to state the process that will be considered as the best method that can be helpful to apply soft power strategy and overcome the hurdles that makes attempt to make wield soft power as one of the important forces to achieve the desired results. It is also important to communicate the intended target that makes approximate process. The attitudes of specific target need casual impact on the state that attempts to develop soft power.
Assuming a potential to communicate the process effectively would be helpful to make the intended target. On the other hand, in order to make an attempt, it is important to have specific process under the conditions (Koch 2018). On the other hand, the concept of soft power has a great influence on the process. The features of making present debates surrounds soft power as well as cultural diplomacy as using the soft power. Culture, political values as well as foreign policies are considered as important aspects for the organization. There are several set of metrics for attempting the process to measure relative soft power, it tends to improve international influence. In a current overview, the relationship of soft power has an important impact on the process.
The soft power concept is treated as the foreign policy of a state as well as a specific tool for making latent governance of the international procedures. It provides an analysis of soft power as well as goals and objectives of the organization. On the other hand, hard power is considered as the key tool regarding foreign policy (Thussu 2015). Latent governance objects have international procedures as well as relations for the individuals. The process of globalization can allow the countries having limited range of conventional influence resources. The cause of soft power has tendency to refer the procedure and adequately translated to different process.
The most significant tools regarding soft power have flows of information as well as political PR intended for the audiences staying in foreign countries. It is also important to consider the method into the essence of making the category (Jenkins 2016). The hard power methods has amended procedures. Soft power has the limits for making liberal concepts and limitation. Customer preference is one of the major keys for global intervention. The barriers of civilization can be exemplified that does not accept the process. It can filter the mechanisms for interpreting the procedure of adoption of the exported economic, political as well as socio-cultural prospects.
Soft power policies enable UAE rendering active resources of external influence that may turn out the process to be more efficient in the modern world. It has coherent concept of soft power. The sales of the weapons have the process of making effective. It is significant to focus on the status of UAE as the civilization pole (Alanazi 2015). The parameters of pole in the multipolar are required to think the process as followed. The civilization resources of the organization is sustainable and indestructible as well as make consistent resources available to the parameter that are converted into soft power.
Research Rationale
Research philosophy
Realism, positivism as well as post-positivism are considered as research philosophy. Positivism philosophy can ensure legitimacy and appropriateness of the data. Positivism philosophy will be selected in order to understand the use of media for implementing soft power strategy (Siltaoja et al. 2018). The selection between positivism as well as positivism philosophy will be helpful to make the strategy. On the other hand, the developments of the process and practicing on the studies would be increase for the selection of research philosophies. On the other hand, philosophical approach taken by the research deals with the process of observing positivism philosophy will be based on the observable social entity. Positivism philosophy has the features of following the highly structured methodology for maintaining the research questions.
In research, an approach is critical for ensuring that proper arrangement required so that it leads the research successfully. A research approach can be chosen for the investigation as it is vital and inquire about development as well as leading the research in appropriate way (Ye et al. 2018). Inductive approach manages development of models and theories by analysis the existing information on the point.
In the research, deductive research approach will be selected. As this approach will give permission of the research helping the existing theories and ideas of using media for implementing soft power strategy (Huliaras and Kalantzakos 2017). Accordingly, the researcher has been capable relating the discoveries of the information with the current information in this manner, investigating its effect. The usage of deductive approach will be justified for the research as the theory will permit the researcher analyzing the existed theories and also ideas of task the delicate aptitudes. On the contrary, as inductive approach manages producing new theories and models the approach is applied of in the research. Consequently, investigating the effect of using media for implementing soft power strategy.
The research designs are important as complete tendency to produce proper conclusions. In the current research, descriptive research design will be used. The research strategy is presenting a specific strategy on the methods that are followed for answering the research questions. However, the strategy used in the research as the form of survey to collect primary data during analysis of the data available for the project (Vaioleti 2016). In the research, descriptive research design will be used and justified as the research design will allow the researcher in identification of the issues. The issues consisted in using media to soft power strategy. On the contrary, correlational research design is discarded in the reach. Apart from these, the strategy permitted the researcher explaining multiple factors using media as well as justification of selecting the research design.
The application of the strategy is appropriate as it will allow to collect raw as well as quantitative data from the respondents as well as making the process considerable on the analysis of importance of using media to implement soft power strategy. The data collection method assists the researcher collecting the data from respondents. It has results in raw as well as current data for using the specific media strategy to implement soft power in the UAE industry (Mackey and Gass 2015). In order to collect secondary data, books, journals as well as articles will be used. Primary data will be distributed among the respondents in the research.
Literature Review
The data assists perception of the research topic during helping in the process of extracting data based on the demands. Primary as well as secondary data will be considered as the sources that can provide effective materials. It is useful for collecting raw data that is directly catered as per the demands of the topic of research (Hafeez et al. 2016). The primary data collection requires the process of interpretations regarding reliability and validity. On the contrary, the secondary data will be used in order to make the process broad and the concept of research theme.
Quantitative analysis technique will be used in order to analyze the primary data gathered for the research. On the contrary, qualitative data assists in order to record the narrative form of data. It helps to develop better explanation procedure about the topic of the research. The quantitative data will be applied in the statistical data that will be helpful to analyze large sample data.
The primary criteria for the research is ensuing that the participants can join the process of data collection without any type of enforcement. In this perspective, finishing the data collection process, it is required to consider the procedure of collecting data and disclosed (Hafeez et al. 2016). The participants need to agree on the method that would be helpful to disclose as well as remain the same process that should be followed. The data will be collected from authentic sources and comprises as necessary criteria of ethical consideration. During conduction of the research work, the use of close-ended questions will be used that will include limited options for the respondents in order to share the viewpoints. Answering the provided options will be restricted for sharing the opinion of the respondents.
Main activities/ stages |
Year 1 |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Topic Selection |
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Data collection from secondary sources |
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Creating layout |
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Literature review |
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Formation of the research Plan |
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Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques |
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Primary data collection |
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Analysis & Interpretation of Data Collection |
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Findings of the Data |
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Conclusion of the Study |
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Formation of Rough Draft |
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Submission of Final Work |
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The external factors consisting of the foreign policy as well as authority in the international affairs. The position of state in global hierarchy as well as geopolitical status. The process of civilization status has national culture across the country. The factors are important to be considered where it is required to develop the procedure of implementing the strategies. However, it is important to create an effective image that can influence the governance object. The most significant tool involved with the approach can determine the strategic goals of soft power as motivation of the governance object and develops a political decision that have an impact on the process.
The idea of soft power has high influential in the present understanding of the dimensions regarding international expansion of cultural dimensions of international relations as well as providing as the practical guide stating investment in expansion of news as well as entertainment media. It has been argued that the concepts are important for the organization to make the process easier.
- The negative impact of the perceiving the process as well as domestic and foreign policy has soft power.
- Moreover, traditional components of cultural influence has an impact on the development of the country.
- Soft power is linked to the cultural diplomacy and can be defined as the subset of public diplomacy. It exists considerable conceptual confusion as well as soft power that makes the cultural dimensions well defined and understood.
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