Understanding Managing Diversity Readings
Diversity Management and its components
Discuss About The Understanding Managing Diversity Readings?
The productivity of every organization not only depends on the successful application of the strategies and the business building but human resource management is instrumental in serving the purpose (Bratton & Gold, 2012. Human resource management is the defined as the successful implementation and optimization of maximum utilization of the available resources and the workforce (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Diversity management in terms of human resource management is one if the crucial strategic tool of using the best practices with proven results to find and create a diverse and inclusive workplace (Harvey & Allard, 2015).
These reports define the fundamentals and the principles of diversity management in an organization and define its business rationale in terms of organizational management and productivity. In order to help understand the business rationale in diversity management an organization has been cited. CERA (Centre for Educational Research Applications) has been adopted. This report also includes the justification related with a business case for focusing on diversity management in CERA.
The purpose of this report is to explain and justify the business rational in diversity management with reference to human resource management and justify its validity.
The success and the productivity of an organization lies in the cultural diversification of an organization. Diversity management or managing the diversity refers to the strategic process of managing the similarities and the differences. Based on a special skill set and values diversity management chooses to focus and recognize the difference between the employees and the potentiality of the organization (Olsen & Martins, 2012). This process is instrumental in creating an environment that allows everyone and everything to contribute to the organizational objectives and goal, thus leading to personal growth (Cameron & Spreitzer, 2011).
Diversity management is the management activity that includes educating the group and providing support for the acceptance. It is not confined and defined by race and gender. It extends to the chronological age, interpersonal attributions, corporate backgrounds, educational qualification, functionality and individual personality (Gotsis and Kortezi, 2015). Diversity management includes the lifestyle, the sexual preference and orientation, geological origin, the duration or tenure of with the organization, excepted or non-excepted status as well as one is management or non-management.
The key principle of diversity management is the accommodation of workforce irrespective of the diverse cultural attributes. This system mainly performs to manage the people so that the potential advantages of the diversity are maximized and the potential disadvantages being minimized. Managing the diversity provides a distinctive advantage in a period where the flexibility and creativity are keys to achieving competitive advantages. In order to achieve such an organization needs to be flexible and adjustable to meet new client needs.
The key components
Heterogeneity promotes creativity and these diverse groups have been proven to produce improved solutions to problems and a superior level of decisive analysis. This can be of a fundamental advantage at a point of time when the organization is undergoing tremendous alteration and self-assessment to discover new and additional effective ways to function.
With efficient management of diversity, the organization not only develops a reputation as an organization of preference but it unleashes its ability to magnetize the finest aptitude from a dwindling employment puddle. This can be crucial since it can hoard time and funds in terms of employment and revenue costs.
The organization will accomplish its role as an unrestricted establishment by reflecting the diversity of the cultures as well as meeting the escalating order to provide culturally conversant service to growing diverse inhabitants.
In order to deal with diversity issues certain questions about policies, practice and ways of judgment within the organizational culture come up that might have discrepant blow on the diverse groups. Questions related to the organization changes that might be necessary to meet the requirements of such a diverse employees might come up as well at the same time, make the most of the potential of all the employees (Kirton & Greene, 2015).
Most people consider or believe in the golden rule of treating others like the way they want to be treated. The implied statement about how one wants to be treated is how others wants to be treated. However, with close reference to this maxim through a diversity perspective one might question about what does cultural diversification and values are meant by. The perspective depends on the individuals who share related values, such as respect and need for appreciation but the appreciation is done through, activities may be different for other diverse culture (Avery & McKay, 2010).
A strategy to achieve diversity management by the government has been implemented through Equal Employment opportunities and confirmatory actions. It is a government approach to ensure that all the individuals have equal and unbiased opportunity to be employed, irrespective of diverse physical and other characteristic features. Every individual have equal right for employment regardless race, religion, orientation and origin or nationality. The affirmative action is associated in providing quota and other form of reimbursement to compensate for the past injustice that has been suffered by the group (Podsiadlowski et al., 2013).
The strategic initiatives to conserve diversity is the development of three dimensions that needs to be taken care of while building a culture that supports and values the diversity. It can be achieved through, delineating the nature of existing culture, establishing the magnitude of the desired culture and identification of the process in which the origin of the existing culture hinder or obstructs the development of the desired culture.
Managing diversity: The strategies
Managerial strategies to support the diversity management involve the job analysis, the employment pattern and the working hours. It also includes the recruitment and the selection procedures as well as their criteria. Managerial strategies also formulate the policies that deal with the career paths, the promotion procedures and their criterion. It controls and monitors the performance management system specifically the performance training and improvement measures. It is instrumental in the controlling of the reward systems, support services that includes the elder care and the family members as well as the employment support programs.
The Operational strategies refer to the characteristics that needs to acknowledged while executing the operational policy changes. These kind of strategies is instrumental in identifying the category of preparations such as pre-training, communication and developing relationships. This is considered necessary before initiating and introducing the change. It is fundamental in determining and establishing a pragmatic timeframe and anticipation about the rapidity of the change. Operational strategies assist in the growth of practical milestones against which to measure.
Business rationale of diversity management refers to the importance and validity of diversity management in organizations. Diversity management is important since it promotes uniqueness inside an organization, obliging with the fact that every individual can contribute in a special and creative manner with new perspectives and solutions. Employees with diverse backgrounds and experience can collaborate and combine a variety of new perspectives on various issues, thus helping in increasing of the productivity and delivering better solutions. Diversity brings about different talents as well as strengths and functioning together towards a familiar and specific objective, using different skill sets that increase their efficiency and productivity (Barak, 2016).
Diversity within a workplace helps in construction of a strong trade name and this in turn makes the company further attention-grabbing and enviable employer. With a diversified workforce and employee base, an organization gains superior name and image because it is considered to have fair employment pattern and practices that is unbiased (Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, 2011).
A culturally diversified organization encourages individual development and expansion. Having experts or personnel with global background working for the organization that can help the other fellow employees to gain knowledge about new ideas, perspectives and connect competently with different individuals. This in turn enriches the employees by imparting them with a different point of view about the market and the business operations and activities. Interaction with culturally diversified employees can be favorable to gather knowledge and work in a different work culture and environment in different styles and personalities.
Government initiative
Diversification in an organization can optimize an its capability to serve the requirements of diverse market. Individuals representing a different country can be combined with individuals of the similar background, helping in creating a comfortable bridge and this might be instrumental in creating client loyalty towards the organization. To consider an example, considering an employee who belongs or resident of a definite culture or region where a pre-planned trade is to be carried out. This would supposedly be an advantage for the organization due to predefined research about the region and its cultures and the contribution of the prevalent employee of that region, working in the organization.
A culturally flexible company would attract and hold on to different talents, both fresher and professionals, in turn adding a competitive perimeter to the organization. Possession of different and unique skill sets and a good command over different and foreign languages as well as recognition due to such ability generates a familiar environment. This would result in the organization’s ability to compete and perform well in the international market and help amplify or generate a diverse client base and achieve a better market positioning.
Diversity in workplace bears benefits as well as tough challenges. Diversity Management is not just managing or handling the diversification between the employees but it also involves the recognition and the differentiation between the employees and combating discrimination and the difference in opinion (Patrick & Kumar, 2012. The managers face a crisis in combating the differentiation or dissimilarity between the employees resulting in workplace clash and conflict. The challenges might result due to prejudice and discrimination in respect to cultures, color, race, religion and orientation (Bell et al., 2011). Often clash can result in filing complaints and lawful actions that are against the organization due to these prejudices between the employees, with the organization taking the heat.
Another major challenge that is faced in terms of diversity management is regarding the linguistic differentiation. People coming from various different cultures and regions have varied linguistic representation. In such case, this difference in the verbal communication can give rise to language barriers that could result in miscommunication or misinterpretation leading to misunderstandings and arguments between employees or with the organization.
Negative attributes and behavior can prove to be hazardous for the organization since these clashes and differentiation can misbalance the social harmony and the working environment of the organization, affecting the productivity of the organization and reputation.
Negative or unethical attitudes and perspectives like prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination should never taken into consideration by the organizational management in terms of recruiting, employee retaining or termination purpose. This could be fatal and lead to filing of cost incurring lawsuit against the organization, offering a blow to the reputation and the image of the company.
Maintaining dimensions
The differentiation in the orientation could give rise to major setbacks. In order to counteract with these challenges the organization should use the policy of tolerance and make effort to understand the issues that rise.
In order to manage verbal issue or linguistic barriers a common language should be incorporated that can both comprehensible and easy to speak by the employees in terms of communication (Moran, Abramson & Moran, 2014).
Certain policies need to be implemented by the organization that enforces the employees to treat their co-workers with tolerance and with respect, of the differentiation the cultures and orientation. These policies should be strict and come up with penalization in terms of breaching.
To avert clash between the employees all the employees should have the freedom to choose and segregate themselves to the groups or teams in which they are comfortable. This would result in better interaction and higher productivity (Ghorashi & Sabelis, 2013).
The use of McKinsey 7s model should be adopted by the organization in order to manage the diversity management. The implementation of the Hard and Soft elements should be applied to achieve such. The elements of Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style and Staff can be used to achieve and maintain the diversity management of an organization (Singh, 2013).
The business rationale for the diversity management being previously discussed is convincing because it argues the importance for the diversity management in the contemporary business organizations. In the current business scenario, business organizations have to cater to diversified requirement of the customers around the world (Podsiadlowski et al., 2013). In case of CERA, they also have to cater to diversified customers around the world. Thus, diversity in the workplace will have favorable implications in their internal organizations. Effective diversity management will help to bring employees together from different social and ethnic background. It will help the organization in determining the diversity in the opinion of the employees, which will in turn help to generate more options in case of any issue. Thus, the organization will have the access of different ideas, opinions and suggestions for a certain issue.
Due to the fact that CERA operates in the international market with having presence in various countries around the world, they have the requirement of effective determination of the diverse requirement of the customers from different countries. In this case, diversity management will prove beneficial for them (Harvey & Allard, 2015). This is due to the reason that, diversity management will help to employ employees from different background and employing them according to their background will help to provide customized service to the customers. Thus, the level of customer satisfaction will be enhanced. Moreover, the effective management of diversity will help to enhance the level of motivation among the employees. This is due to the reason that, the more effective will be the diversity in the workplace, the more will be the knowledge sharing among the employees. They will have the access of more diversified ideas, which will make them equipped and motivated in facing the organizational challenges.
Managerial strategies
CERA will also get benefited from the effective management of diversity with the generation of innovative ideas. This is due to the reason that, the more will be the knowledge sharing among the employees, the more will be the probability of generation of new and innovative ideas (Bosetti, Cattaneo & Verdolini, 2012). Thus, it will be help in gaining competitive advantages in the market. Therefore, it is being recommended that, in the internal management of CERA, diversity management should be effectively initiated and implemented. However, Mark French should consider some factors before initiating the diversity management. This is due to the reason that there are some factors, which if not properly managed may create barriers in the diversity management (Patrick & Kumar, 2012). One of the key factors to be considered is the maintaining the equality among the employees. This due to the fact that, diversified workforce comprise of employees from different background and thus it is important to ensure the equal representation of all the employees in the organization. Otherwise, it will create issues among the employees being less represented. In addition, the organization should not have any inclination towards any particular social community. This may lead to the impression that, employees belonging from one particular community are getting the opportunities. Thus, these factors should be effectively managed in order to initiate an ideal diversity management.
Effective strategies in every aspect of the organizational function can be fundamental in the competitive advantage of the organization. This report deals with the diversity management of an organization. Diversity management refers to the effective managerial and flexibility of employing personnel of different cultures and aspects, irrespective of caste, class, color, sex, ethnicity and orientation.
Diversity management is crucial for a organization in terms of productivity that can help it achieve midterm and long term goals. It is an important strategic management initiative that helps an organization gather name and recognition in terms of its liberal and flexible comprehension. Apart from having a huge business rationale, diversity management faces several challenges in terms of differentiation and distinction, like prejudice, biasness and discrimination that can be harmful for both the organizational productivity and reputation. To counter such issues several strategies can be adopted to mitigate the problems. An argument has been cited with reference to CERA that helps justify the validity and the business rationale of diversity management.
The purpose of this report is to help understand and analyze the importance of diversity management in an organization, its various aspects and the business rationale about productiveness.
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