Understanding Life Course Development And Ecological Systems For Social Work With Children And Families
Developmental Needs of the Child
The case study has provided a detailed concept of the Askin family and has highlighted the problems that Justin faces. There are different types of factors that have currently led to the creation of different types of negative factors leading to the well being of Justin. The different factors are as follows;
- The first and the most important factor behind the negative impact of the well-being of Justin is the separation of Gill and Fred. The separation of the parents has caused a great impact in the mind of young Justin and he is quite upset with the sudden development. Justin is a Father’s boy and thus has greater affection towards his father. The separation of the parents has come as a shocker to Justin. Justin is not at all concerned about the sudden separation of the parents but rather he is more concerned about the sudden separation of his father from him. Instead of wanting his family to be reunited he badly wants his reunion with his father.
- Justin was denied by his mother to visit Fred in the initial months of their separation because of the sudden decision of Fred to end the relationship. The discontinuation of the meeting with Fred led to a negative result as because Justin developed a huge hatred for his mother while on the other hand suffered from a tremendous depression because of the decision of gill to not allow Justin and Fred meet each other.
- The separation of the parents has led to the stoppage of Justin from hanging out with his father which is one of his favorites. Justin enjoyed watching movies, having chips and drinks during such time which he has been missing for a long time. This has been one of the main factors that has caused problems for Justin and has led to the development of an aggressive behavior.
- One of the major factors behind the negative impact of Justin’s behavior is the separation of Fred and Gill. Similarly Fred’s settling down with Susie is totally disliked by Justin as because he hated Susie. The reasons behind his hatred towards Susie were not one but many in numbers. First of all Susie had the strange nature of accompanying Fred to everywhere he goes, this is also followed when Fred hanged out with Justin. Justin did not like her behavior in this case as he wanted Fred and him to be alone and hated her because of such stupidity. Justin also did not liked the behavior of Susie as he got frustrated when he had the feeling that Susie is not supportive towards his visits to his father.
- Another major reason behind the negative impact of Justin’s behavior is the hatred of Justin towards the school. Justin hates school and believes that the teacher’s thinks him to be a bully which is not true in most cases. He says that he is similarly often bullied in school which is overlooked by the teachers. This is the reason that he has stopped talking in school. Justin also adds that often in school he is occupied with the thoughts of his father, his separation from his father and the family and also footy. This makes him quite inattentive in the school and thus he fails to answer questions or fails to do things in the school which are laughed at by other students. This makes him more frustrated and thus leads to depression and anxiety.
- Another reason that can be attributed to the reason behind the negative impact of the behavior of Justin has been his much early enrollment into child care. Justin was admitted to child care at a much early age which severely affected his behavior. If he could have been under the watchful care of his parents for some more time, it could have been much better for him.
There are some basic elements that are considered to be the resources and strengths of a family. The main developmental phase can be segregated into three different types;
- Child’s Developmental Needs
- Parenting Capacity
- Family and Environmental factors
Developmental Needs of the Child
Education Needs
- Experiences of the success and the achievement of the individuals
- There should be no concerns around cognitive development
- Proper access to different books, toys, tools and many more as such
- Acquiring a large range of different types of interests and skills
Health Needs
- Staying physically and mentally healthy
- Developmental Checks and different kinds of vaccinations and immunizations
- Regular health checkups like body checkup and dental checkup
- Speech and Language development in a phased and gradual manner
- Checking appropriate height and weight
Identity Needs
Presence of a positive sense of own self and own abilities
Demonstration of the feelings of belongingness along with acceptance
The capability to express needs
Self-Care Skills
Rise in the level of competence in different types of skills involving practical and emotional purposes like feeding and dressing
Social Presentation
Maintenance of personal hygiene
Family and Social Relationships
Maintaining proper relationship with peers
Proper elation with siblings
Proper relation with the person who cares the most like parents, grandparents and if any other persons are present
Emotional and Behavioral Development
Good behavior
Ability to express empathy
Ability to adapt to change
The main types of the developmental needs have been highlighted above which can be considered to be the main resource of a normal family. However
Parenting Capacity
Basic Care
Ensuring Safety
Family and Environmental Factors
Family History and Functioning
Wilder Family
Social Integration of the Family
The establishment of effective working relationships to get a detailed understanding of the goals to achieve a well being within the family is a key factor in the achievement of sustainable goals and outcomes. Development of an open, honest and positive relationship between the child and the young person and his family members is important because;
- It helps to create a productive two way communication
- Facilitates the child, young person and the family’s active participation in the decision making process and the setting of the goals of the family
- Genuine contribution and a greater sense of control by the child and the young person or the family
The following case study has highlighted the case of Justin, a young child who is the sufferer of the sudden separation of their parents. However a greater and I depth study of the following case study has found out the different other important factors that have similar importance in the aggressive behavior of Justin. As mentioned earlier, the sudden separation of his parents and Justin being disallowed by Gill from meeting Fred created a huge amount of negative impact into his mind. The best way to improve well-being and person is to ensure the implementation of a few steps. This includes;
- Gill has to be more supportive towards Justin and make him understand that she is always there to help out Justin from the current phase of depression.
- Gill must propose going out or hanging out with Justin and others of the family in this particular case to help him make feel better.
- Fred must take extra initiative and hang out with Justin and ensure that he provides the support of the father to a son all the time of his need
- To stop his bullying attitude towards his siblings all of the family must arrange for short trips or vacations to ensure the growth of a strong bond for each other of the family.
Justin has been suffering from a number of problems since his childhood. There were problems with his behavior from the beginning. He has developed a habit of occasional stint of anger. The main problem of Justin is the absence of a friendly and supportive environment around him. The basic environment which is needed by him must be provided in his home. Both his parents must be supportive towards him and must keep aside their personal differences and do all the necessary things to help out Justin. They should provide him with all his likings and must make him feel that he is being cared for. Apart from this he must also be provided a supportive environment in the school. The school must help him with his problems and must provide extra care to make him fit to the curriculum of the school.
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