Understanding Human-Information Behavior: A Multidimensional Approach – A Case Study

The Importance of Multidimensional Approach

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Human development and behavior holds a greater value when it comes to social work context. Actually there is a multidimensional approach in order to represent the most noteworthy contribution for the social work practitioners (Walker, 2017). Generally there are three basic ways through which the approach gets accelerated in order to gather sound knowledge which is very much required for the social work practitioners. In order to run a society rather the setting of the community in the right way, ensuring all the people regardless of the age and gender are getting equal and right care, is important. Social services, human development and behavior are closely connected rather human development and behavior can get accepted as a part of social service and in order to perform this social service there are specific practitioners (Malik, 2014).

Behavioral nature of a human being can be studied either by focusing upon psychological aspects or on social set-up, which can be termed as single dimensional approach. However, in last two decades an increased interest in the study of human behavior by using multidimensional approach has been seen extensively. In case of multidimensional approach, both psychological as well as social perspective of a human being is generally taken into vigilant consideration. The importance of using MD approach to study human-information behavior is that: by using this specific approach, one can focus upon some specific or centralized concept like what factors- or variables- should be taken into consideration to understand the behavioral intension of a human being towards any specific issues or situation. In this report, Barlett Case study has been chosen with the aim to emphasis upon the use and importance of MD approach to comprehend the human-information behavior with respect to any specific situational circumstances.

In a society, there are a lot of people and each of them deals with various types social and family problems. It is noticed that sometimes the facts go too far that in order to fix the certainty the need of consulting and taking help from the social practitioners.  (Tighe & Leaton, 2016)

In the case of Bartlett Family, some problems have taken place but it can be assumed that with the proper efforts and multidimensional approaches, the efficient social work practitioners can solve the problems. In Bartlett Family there are total five members-parents (Kate who is 39 years old and Tony who is 40) and their three children (James, Michael and Emily and everyone fall under the age group of 8 to 15 years) (Goffman, 2017). Bartlett family resides in Kedron.  According to the case scenario, Emily goes to the Kedron primary school, whereas Michael and James both are in Kedron States High School.  The husband and wife are successful in their own ways and the children are too good. But their separation has left a lot of impact on the children and their own living style. On reviewing the case scenario, it can be seen that, Kate has the tendency to restrict her children from spending time with their father, Tony and as a result children, specifically James usually misses his father considerably. Though, James has the ability to cope up with these unexpected changes but the younger two children are facing great interruptions. In fact, in this particular case scenario, it can be seen that, as James is elder one among three siblings, so he has the ability to cope with unexpected situation compared to other two siblings. For instance, one can emphasis upon the behavioral approach being exhibited by Michael, who is in Grade8 of the Kedron States High School. At initial stage, he was good and attentive enough with his studies but with the time, he has been experiencing psychological challenges which in turn have impacted upon his behavioral aspects. In fact, due to this reason, Michael’s parents, Kate and tony have been called by the school principle for multiple number of times. Same kind of behavioral problem has also been noticed in case of Emily, the youngest child of the Bartlett family. Emily, an 8 years old girl does not have so much capability to cope with or deal with unpredictable and unexpected changes, happened in her family and as a result, Emily, in her school tries to get herself aloof from any kind of gatherings and programs.  The discussion will pour focus on his sufferings and way of solving the problem in order to enable a quality life for him. (Bosmans & Kerns, 2015)

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The Bartlett Family: Overview

By analyzing the overall case scenario of the Bartlett family, a thorough discussion can be carried out by taking the case scenario of Michael, the second child of the family into account.

According to the assignment criteria, this discussion has picked Michael as the person of discussion. Michael is the second child of Kate and Tony, he is in 8th grade. It is noticed that he is struggling in his performances at the school. Even he was labeled a behavioral problem and due to this his parents were called into the school (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018). Michael is neither like his elder brother nor his younger sister. In the scenario, it is mentioned that he was more difficult than James, his elder brother. He never got the required care as a baby from his parents. It is also noticed that he often makes arguments with his friends and parents. At a certain point, his parents were suggested to enable an ADHD- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder test but neither Kate nor Tony poured any attention towards this factor. On the other words, both of them were reluctant. But in order to soothe the excessive tension both of them have joined in parenting courses before the separation but that time Michael become more difficult at that phase. Kate was hopeful that his son will get familiar with that situation. (Kagitcibasi, 2017)

From the entire information given in the case study, it is getting clear that due to the separation, improper care from the parents Michael is little bit diverted and through day by day it has taken a greater form and now it is affecting the development and behavior of Michael. Actually, in order to support the growth of a baby there is the same amount of responsibility for the mother and father (Lepper & Greene, 2015). And it is also applicable here. Tony was a single child and he somehow maintained the regime but when it comes to Michael then it is prominent that he could not manage all the facts by him (Raznahan et al. 2014). The lack of proper care and attention from his parents is responsible for the present condition. Actually, after the birth of Michael, Kate pour her efforts to build her own business and just after a certain time, Emily born and automatically the newborn girl child got all the attention and care from both the mother and father and this fact also affected Michael on a greater level.

Michael’s Behavioral and Developmental Issues

Michael wants both the mother father and that’s why he could not accept the separation of his parents and that time he did not act accordingly at anywhere (DelGiudice, 2018). On the other hand, Kate did not preferred to leave his children alone with his husband as she got a letter and there was clear mentioned of some activities of his husband at his school days. And she started to think that leaving her children to him will result in something negative as Tony can continue his mischievous activities of the school days with his own children too. But Michael was not aware of this fact he just faced his dad was going far from him. He found his dad as not pleasant with his activities and he only feels comfortable with his mother, Kate. (Mouloua, 2018)

But when both Kate and Tony were trying to save the marriage and family then it is noticed that Michael was unsure about the entire fact. Due to his poor performance, often Tony blows up him but at that point Michael wants to make see his father that he is trying harder and hopes his father will not be angry at him. (Baltes, Featherman & Lerner, 2014)

Case description of Michael:

Adversity/ Events: from the case study it is clear that Michael is seriously disturbed due to a lot of factors and these interruptions were also affecting his grades, performances and even the development and behavior. According to the case study, at the very early childhood, he did not get the required care like his elder brother and younger sister. This fact has affected him. After a certain time, the separation of his parents also affected him. He prefers to stay close with his mother than the father. But when Kate and Tony decided to save their marriage then at the first move Michael was unsure but eventually he started to try harder so that his father cannot get angry at him.

Circumstances: circumstances rather the environment of growth and development of the children gets affected by a lot of factors. And this is also applicable here. Somehow Michael was found him alone as he had no friend circle like his elder brother and his mother and father are busy at their works. And all of these, in one alignment affected his development and behavioral facts.

Coping/ adaption responses: here an inequality in the care and attention from Kate and Tony towards Michael, Emily and James is prominent. Michael is the second child and he and his younger sister have little age difference. In the scenario, it was mentioned that Emily, the youngest girl child was wished by both Kate and Tony. And automatically, they offered more attention towards her and at this time Michael felt avoided and it was getting noticed in his behavioral towards his parents and friends.

Inner world: Michael is the second child and according to the scenario he is twelve years old. And he is in 8th grade. There is no mention about the serious health factors of Michael and it can be assumed that he is physically fit. But he was struggling at his school and his mother and father were suggested to enable an ADHD test for him but they were reluctant. (But they had continued a parenting course in order to guide the upbringing of their children in a better way and to improve their performances.) If it comes to the personality of Michael then a factor which needs to get mentioned here and that is he has been labeled for behavioral problem and due to this factor his parents need to visit the school for a number of times.

Outer world: according to the scenario, Michael has no specific friend circle rather he prefers to stay alone. It is also noticed that he enabled a lot of arguments between his class mates and friends frequently. And these are directly affecting his development and behavioral factors on a great level. If his parents does not enable proper care or ADHD test then it may result in some serious risk factors. For instance it can be said that the continuation of this regime, can make him aggressive at few things in near future or he can start bullying other people and young members. Most of all, this will seriously affect his academic career and ruin his future career opportunities.

Time: it can be assumed that Michael is in middle childhood and that’s why he requires proper care and attention from his parents for better human development and behavioral aspects. According, to the scenario, it can be said that at the very early stage of childhood, he did not received the proper care from his parents because his mother was busy due to her own career establishment and it is also applicable to his father. But finally, when they though to save the marriage then it was getting noticed that Michael tries to put more efforts in order to satisfy his parents.

Experiences and impact on behaviour and Development: here the selected person is Michel and the discussion will follow all the related factors of him. At the earlier section of this discussion, it is mentioned that Michael is twelve years old and is in 8th standard. The changes rather the harshness in the behavior of Michael took place due to a lot of factors. At the first move, it should get mentioned that he did not received the required care from his parents. And he could not make deep friendship with anyone as he ends with creating arguments with class mates. The most serious impact was the separation of his parents. This has left greater impact on his behavior and performance at the school and other aspects of his life. But it is also noticed that when his parents decided to save the marriage through some procedure and to save the future and upbringing of the children then automatically Michael started to act accordingly rather he started to put more efforts so that he can satisfy his parents especially his father.

Reflection: human development and behavior is a great context of discussion. It is noticed that due to the interruptions in the childhood, a lot of major problems can take place in the future time and ruin the peace and setting. Tony, the father of the family, was an only child and faced bullying in his early life and somehow managed to get part of that offensive regime. This has left a greater impact on his family. And the letter on his early life activities traumatized his wife and she did not prefer to leave the children to him. This was another reason of their separation. But all of these problems can get easily solved with the proper counseling and social program based on human development and behavioral improvements (Waters et al. 2015). There are lots of social work practitioners who are working on a regular basis in order to offer the people a greater family and social life.



As human development and behavioural changes is a matter of concern in today’s society. People belonging from different age groups are facing factors like stress, anxiety every single day (Robinson, 2012). To deal with these problems, one needs to be acquainted with the basic ideas of multidimensional framework approach of human development and behaviour. Adoption of relevant theories and concepts can be helpful to determine the complexity in this segment A particular event can affect someone in such a way that changes their perspective towards life. Such event can occur at any stage in one’s lifetime, so it is a wise decision to accept whatever comes and learn from it rather than ranting about it. Stress cannot be a way out and every individual must consider this fact in their course of life.

Reference List

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