Understanding Early Childhood: Issues And Controversies
Children Rights and the Ethics of Childhood
Explain about the article on Understanding Early Childhood for Issues and Controversies?
The United Nation convention issued some particular sensitive rights for children to avoid discriminatory activities imposed upon them. The rights have been brought under law to certify a position for the children below the age of 18 years in their social and cultural rights. Various issues have discriminately burdened upon the minors for their mere immature age. In my opinion, children attaining the age when their expression is disclosed through language must have thier own childly cravings. The cravings of a child comes from his or her intense mental desire which has to be brought under consideration. The children in their teens have multiple transitional impacts which must be sensitively fostered by the parents through extreme care and reason.
It is my fervent psychological establishment that a child has his or her right to freely take part in childly accomplishments. In their adolescence, children have their impulsive exuberance in their activities on which the parents should have sincere observation. But they should be mindful of the fact that their child must not be devoid of their spontaneous elation because of the frequent unreasonable reprimands. This is my contemplation regarding the position of children that they should be adopted to the urgency of situation with extreme possible naturalness.
Child rights are commissioned to pursue ethical grounds in thier childhood. Parents have the utmost right for their children’s wellbeing but the consideration should not have harsh impact. Except for their academic pressures, the children have the right to execute their childly extravaganza including relaxation, playing. Freedom etc. They also have their own cultural rights. The UN convention considered the right to be effective for the children only because of thier unhindered psychological exposures. This is my opinion that a child has to have their own perspective of viewing the universe. The rights issued by convention for the children are intended for the right and timely exposure of their psychological attributes.
The right exposes that a child must have the right to have leisure period for their own relaxation. I think they must have the proper exposure of maintaining an autonomous authority where they can freely think and unveil their fragmented desires. Proper psychological disclosures are ardently necessary for them to have a healthy growth. On another note, it is their ethical and moral right to have enough time space for playing. In the article 31 of UN Convention on Child Right, it has been imposed that a child must have the ground to nurture adequate space for relaxation and playing.
Patchwork 5: Inspirations from Reggio Emilia – Passion, Pedagogy, and Empowerment
As per Penn (2014, p.78) stated that during playing, a child can mingle with various other children which increases a social flexibility. The children must enjoy the right of protection and care as they are invariably dependent on their parents and other superiors. I think this is their sole right to avail as the parents have the certain responsibility to foster. The children must have the cultural right which is also included in the UN Convention. This right issues the children’s right to participate in all sorts of social and cultural activities. In my opinion, engaging cultural rights to the children helps improving their effective mental exposures.
Patch 5: ‘No Way. The hundred is There!’
The poem ‘No Way. The hundred is There!’ expresses a requirement of free homely atmosphere for children. The poem spontaneously craves for a world for children where they can invariably show their potentialities. The children must always have their own space to envisage things to apply them in their own kind of activities. The children must not be only taken for granted for their inevitable dependency. They must have thier own universe to exuberantly express their views regarding social, cultural and polical attributes. Their knowledge may be of little importance but entertaining all those things bring extreme interests in their schooling.
The poem argues that there are hundred ways the children can express their views. The poem conveys that the children have multiple extra curricular prowess that can be extracted by the effective pedagogical approach. They must be encouraged in their way of viewing things. Children’s brains are naturally fresh to welcome every little knowledgable attributes. They are naturally extremely inquisitive about every single actions happening around them. They must be considered as competent enough to share their views regarding all granted affairs concerned to their livelihoods. This is evidently up to the teachers and guides to mingle with their emotions who initially care for them.
The children must always be kept in sheer flexibility of knowledge where they can avail the freedom to share their own emotional outputs. The poem reveals that the children have multiple ways and methods to build their own existence. In terms of knowledge, they have their own desirous procedure of playing and expressing feelings. They have their own multiple ways of sharing mirth and rejoice in their own activities. As stated by New (2010), through these spontaneous activities, the children can have the reasonable ground to construct their prospective knowledge in diverse affairs. They have the spacious room to discover their their own world. It is the sole duty of the early teachers and guides to create a friendly environment to teach and guide the children according to their natural movements. The poem has been written in the objective of accomplishing the children empowerment. Friendly and sensitive philosophical pedagogical approches must be maintained during controlling the children in their studies.
Patch 8: Thinking critically about our ideas
Reggio Emilia approaches in a different method in terms of pedagogy that is applicable to the children. The children must not be engulfed in a dire necessity based regulation where they cannot express their own desires. They must have logical atmosphere where they can nurture their decisive quality in every single aspect. Integrated learning process and adoption of sensitive pedagogy are the bridging qualities that lead to ultimate development of the children’s cognitive domain. The poem clearly tells about the futuristic vision of children who have multitudes of unlimited qualities to explore. These explorations are completely dependent on the flexible attitudes of learning process.
Patch 8: Critical Reflective Commentary
The module has an extensive proposition into the ground for imposing child rights. Children must have their own right to think and act. The UN Convention issues rights for the children in various steps. It has been proposed in the objective of making a substantial psychological development of the children. The children’s psychology is the breeding ground for different new thoughts and ideas. The ideas may be inclusive of dire social and cultural perspective. Alderson (2012) stated that children’s brains are considered to be the prospective spheres where diverse epistemological concerns are constructed. They have their own competencies to share ideological perspective according to their capabilities.
From the proposals, I have learnt that the children are not subjectified to the status of a mere recipient of illogical reprimands. They should have adequate room share their ideas and thoughts that could be of social and cultural relation. They should acquire sufficient reasons in them to construct invariable knowledges. The timely flourishes can be expected from them whether they can have the adequate exposure to nurture such things in thier adolescence. I think that the children should be open to all societal and institutional engagements to unveil their own kind of psychological outputs.
The rights have been engaged for them so that the children have a autonomous outlook in all their natures. I have learned from this particular engagement of ethical and moral rights to the children that proper space for relaxation in terms of thinking and viewing helps extracting a pacified working culture. If they have the ground for maximising their vision, they can be able to produce a better future for them. Playing is such an attribute in a child’s life where they can manifest their social culture. Freire (1970) mentionaed that children have the sole right to play for a scheduled time everyday which eases their mental stability. This can be invariably effective in the field of studies and other culture. The children in this consequence can nurture the development of culturally independent psychological prospects and an firm intellectual base.
The overall learning engages the fact regarding the pedagogical approches towards the children where the empowerment of children can be accomplished. From this proposition, I have learnt that children must be brought under flexible learning where their individual potentials can be exposed gradually. I have learnt that the children are not subject to harsh material facts rather they must be encouraged to the utmost productive way. As argued by Freeman (2013), it is primarily the parents’ responsibility to guide their children in the most sensitive way where the children can have the extreme prowess to substantiate their social and cultural existence. In terms of knowledge, the children as well as the adolescents must have their intellectual prospects to govern their further steppings.
Reference list and Bibliography:
Penn, H (2014). Understanding Early Childhood: Issues and Controversies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Freire, P., (1970). Cultural action for freedom. London: Harvard educational review.
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