Understanding Digital Forensics Technology

What is the new technology?

1. What is the new technology?.

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2. What does it do and what are the special features it has?.

3. When is it coming in the market and how much will it cost?.

4. What industry will the new technology affect?.

5. In your opinion, will this new technology be beneficial to society?.

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6. What do you learn from the critical analysis of the sources of information on this new technology?.

1. Basic technology has made the digital investigations faster by bringing intuitive and automated software. As referred by Holt, This would provide the custom solutions for the front line respondents to exploit the challenging data. Cyber Triage automates the gathering of host-based information to join heuristics, malware filtering, and a back-end database to permit the responder to effortlessly figure out whether the host is bargained or not. Here, an advent of new technology is launched to minimize the cybercrime happening continuously. With the help of Digital forensics technology, an investigation can be laid to acquire the crimes made through the network. Now, to provide an idea about what is Digital Forensics technology and what is new about it. If something would be hacked through the firewall or the network system, Digital forensics technology would try to obtain or acquire information or the location of the device IP. Under this technology, investigations have been made to study the hypothesis of criminal or civil area of electronic discovery. The technical aspect of this investigation provides a system to analyze forensic data analysis, mobile device forensics and network forensics.

Now, what special does this technology have rather than the tools made that are minimal. Since the business areas store their information mainly in the cloud network, it is easy for the hackers to steal the information. Trautman opines that Digital Forensics technology works mainly on managing the email security by validating the potential threats. This area would force the hacker for fighting with another layer of protection and generally, this becomes very difficult to assess information. Digital forensics technology also works while configuring password by the user and it fights evenly with those malicious links in the background layer. Thus, this technology works immediately on the five areas that include identification, containment, Forensic Investigation, recover data, and share the threat data. From this area, it is possible to recognize the cyber criminal offending disturbances with the targeted entities.

What does it do and what are the special features it has?

2. As explained in the above section, Digital forensics technology works on the five possible areas to secure data or information. Fairbanks gives the idea about Identification of the threat agent that hits the infrastructure while the containment area of the threat prevents the area to move laterally within the targeted infrastructure. Forensic investigation identifies the affected systems and develops a way to penetrate the generated computer system while the recovering area restores the IT infrastructure back through online process. The last area is sharing the threat area where dedicated platforms allow rapid sharing of threat data with the help of law enforcement. Hence, these areas provide a small example to observe the resilience of the system through the cyber attacks happening. This would also allow a quick recovery from the incident with prevention and recovery of the security chain. This technology is described as a broad section of the evolutionary and the current technology. While a large number of these devices have good legitimate usage for security testing and as a demonstrative guide, the system is utilized by financially accessible infiltration testing instruments that are utilized as a part of the commission of the cybercrimes. Each of these technologies is useful and has the potential for backing the criminal destinations.

Christlein opines that the most common variations under this system are related to the operating system differences and the command line with graphical user Interface. This effort has the line to evaluate the commercial differences built on the formidable threat. When a computer crime is occurred, it would be permissible to access the authority and permission of the user, legitimate access of the system if it is disabled or blocked and identify the malicious code that has been introduced in the system. Thus, when computer is the target, the analyst would look for the evidence for identifying the origin of that malicious link through Digital Forensic technology. It is greatly said, “Prevention will always be a line of defense against the cyber criminals”. Thus, the key feature of this technology is that it clarifies the penalties for the computer crimes and catches perpetrators faster. It explores the opportunities to build up the capacities to combat cybercrime with law enforcement strategies. Besides, it has a tutorial to teach the cyber ethics to the user. In other ways, it has a target network system that checks the firewalls for the configuration errors running on a remote machine. Moreover, the priorities are used to filter the network communication and improve the performance of the group users.

When is it coming in the market and how much will it cost?

3. Nelson refers that businesses can work on the assets for mainly the operations whereas the organization without a product engineer cannot deliver programming without creating the hardware equipment or create materials. The route around that is to either get the right assets or outsource the work to another person with the right assets, whether those assets needs time, cash, hardware or talent capacity. The technology may come out in the market may be in 2017-18, as the amount of cybercrimes might also increase following the events occurring day to day. Hackers do adopt social networking area that have targeted social engine for launching attacks, and spreading spam. This has been an area that should be improved by availing technologies that have buoyancy. It is estimated that hacking area has grew up to 65% and this results in loss of data and information to those multi-millionaire companies. Because of their expanded complexity and capacity to disseminate the updates of cybercrime, toolkits are incorporating at a faster rate. With a couple clicks on the keyboard, the unit engineer can send the updates to their supporters for adding new adventures under the deployed kits. In this way, the attackers with toolboxes can utilize assaults against new vulnerabilities

4. The widespread accessibility of the assault units has brought substantially more differing pool of cybercriminals. Rather than being a club restrictive to PC software engineers, newcomers do not have to know how to compose a line of code. Taylor provides an idea that technology may simply require the perfect measure of cash. Hence, the publicized expense of a toolbox of the Digital forensic technology ranges from $400 to $40000 yet known to reach as much as $80000. While the normal expense is $900, aggressors pay distinctive sums of the variant toolbox kit. While it takes cash to profit, toolboxes offer generally low cost for another surge of income. The new faces of cybercrime scene may not see precisely how their new speculations work in the engine as it were. Still, malware expansion has turned into a side interest for the conventional criminals that have practical experience in such exercises like government evasion and wholesale fraud. The general population who will purchase these toolboxes may find a simple approach to get cash and do as such in spite of wreaking ruin for honest clients. Cybercrime as of now causes enough cerebral pain. This may be feasible for the offenders to get in on the activity. Therefore, the battle against cybercrime is pushing ahead, however the dangers are rapidly duplicating.

What industry will the new technology affect?

Thethi opines that Digital forensic technology has been used to collect, extract and analyze evidence from hard disks, laptops, computers and other digital devices. In order, this technology is used in the civil and the criminal cases mainly to observe the internal investigations. Digital forensic technology has also become an asset that addresses the employee theft in IT industries, banking and defense. An advancing area of this device is used in the mobile recovery system to track the crimes related to cloud computing and mobile data recovery. Thus, the continuous advancements under the forensic technology have analyzed accurate and clear data with the multiple devices. Since growing of cybercrimes has combined the safety concern of people under the different businesses. Therefore, the advanced Digital Forensic technology assumes a vital part in counteracting web related problems and violence of organization information.

According to Sang, this new technology is quickening at a disturbing rate with the advanced legal sciences, which goes as a crucial component while advancing such culprits. Because of expanding security uncertainties, areas like law obligation, saving money, medicinal services, data innovation, and logistics have become a considerable development as of now. For example, the capacity to recuperate complex information from electronic gadgets, unique finger impression recovery from metals, DNA profiling, costs of legal apparatuses have lessened the measurable applications alongside with their business sector entrance. However, the worldwide Digital forensic has reported that the business sector is relied upon to develop at a potential rate within the timeframe from 2015 to 2021.

To provide a dimension of this new technology, this mainly affects the medical industry. The duties of the medical examiners vary due to the jurisdictions. Casey gives an idea that this technology can also misled for thinking about the work, which may be dead at times. However, the vast majority of work receives the reports of the deaths and determines the manner of the individual’s death. Issuing death certificate to the families is an area where the sole employed person may end up with death certificates. Without the death certificate, insurance will not be paid to the decreased assets that are disposed off. In order, arranging the disposition of the families can lead to burial those having public health policy concerns. Hence, affecting the workplace safety would identify the disease outbreaks and causes of the sudden increase in death. Moreover, this would also identify the potential terrorist threats like the anthrax while maintaining records meant for entering information into NamUs and NCIC databases. Taking pro-active steps would ensure the community by studying the patterns related to death and recommending legislative bodies for public issue warnings and other preventive measures.

In your opinion, will this new technology be beneficial to society?

5. Yes, the new technology to minimize the effect of cybercrime would really be beneficial to the society. Lang comments on how this technology would prevent the hackers stealing important information from the server. Digital forensic technology will come in the market as an abundant source, making its transformation to culminate those hacking elements from the server and firewall. Since internet proves to be one of the powerful tools in the business creation, a positive reputation is built for the business to have confidence over own safety of people. This technology would establish scanning software and security to protect from online hacking. Besides, the technology functions with a layer of protection guard that will manage the email security and will validate the potential threats. In case, when an individual logs on to his/her PC, he/she will observe multiple platforms have created to enforce password policies. In order, people now a day uses fingerprint scan or face screen to open the page containing information. This will be resistible when the authentication is made with extra steps to have the basic login identification and other password requirements. Hence, these settings have been made to fully understand how the privacy works for protecting the intellectual property with the business accounts. These things make a tricky way to distinguish the detection procedure of the spam and malicious links coming from either side.

In this contemporary world, individuals must stay aware of the innovation with a specific goal to lead their day-by-day schedules. Roussev opines that they are required to adjust day by day to their new learning venture while showing signs of change the way they live and work together. Today, everything from making proper contact with a companion down the road to videoconferencing with somebody around the globe should be possible electronically from home. Innovative technologies now permit individuals to do most of the tasks, for example, requesting perishables from the store to the complex exercises like performing confounded surgery, all from a different remote area and a PC associated with the Internet.

Since the beginnings of 1990s, the Internet has developed into an immense electronic system that now traverses the whole globe, and it will just keep on growing. Since individuals utilize the Internet in their regular lives, they depend on it for a protected and precise trade of data. However, with the verdict of Ruan, the personal data like social security numbers, passwords and credit card numbers are going through wires, rather than air, starting with one PC to the next. With efforts to establish safety set up to ensure this kind of data on the web, people may feel safe on the Internet and trust their own data, which will stay private. Hence, this establishes the new technology beneficial to the society in the coming days.

What do you learn from the critical analysis of the sources of information on this new technology?

6. From this new technology, the digital investigations have provided a solution that has good scope to minimize the amount of Cybercrime happening in the present world. Raghavan opines that the digital systems have enriched a way where the hackers could now be traced by implementing the system through user’s PC. My learning area would be composite in the sense that validating potential threats becomes difficult for the hackers to receive information from the third parties. From this analytical theology, Digital Forensic Technology would come in the market as a demonstrative guide to those persons who has the registration with the government ethics or to those who owns MNCs. Besides, the commercial line from this topic finds a line on the operating system differences with the command line. This is permissible to gain access from the authority. In order, the technology explores gates to target the network system that has built with errors and malicious links. When this technology is launching in the market, it is estimated that the route program would have the right assets to have good cash, hardware talent and the capacity to fulfill the market primitives. With the widespread of Cybercrime, the perfect measure is availed to estimate this technology to cost around $1000 approximately in the market. By now, replicating to the industry’s development, the advancing area lies on the mobile recovery system to access safety concerns of the people. Hence, this would formulate the web-related problems that are quickening to advance the legal science like medical services, criminal justice, data innovation, etc.

According to Patrascu, Digital forensic technology will also prove to be an efficient tool in future to fight with the cyber criminals that are offending acts through internet. As said, there are multiple ways to mitigate the impact of the cyber attacks. I have learned that this is done by testing the security systems and by protecting the network apps, protecting websites and encrypting sensitive data. With these technologies, the crime investigators, scientific researchers and cops can rapidly think about a unique finger impression with a broad virtual database. However, my verdict is that consolidation of attractive fingerprinting permits agents to get a flawless impression of fingerprints without contamination of crimes. Besides, with the help of forensic accountant, the illicit funds can analyze the software through the invaluable tool and this combines with the digital financial transactions, statistics and profiling in order to generate the possibilities of the illegal behavior.


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Raghavan, S. (2013). Digital forensic research: current state of the art. CSI Transactions on ICT, 1(1), 91-114.

Ruan, K., Carthy, J., Kechadi, T., & Baggili, I. (2013). Cloud forensics definitions and critical criteria for cloud forensic capability: An overview of survey results. Digital Investigation, 10(1), 34-43.

Patrascu, A., & Patriciu, V. V. (2013, May). Beyond digital forensics. A cloud computing perspective over incident response and reporting. In Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 2013 IEEE 8th International Symposium on (pp. 455-460). IEEE.

Holt, T. J. (2013). Examining the forces shaping cybercrime markets online. Social Science Computer Review, 31(2), 165-177.

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Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2014). Digital crime and digital terrorism. Prentice Hall Press.

Casey, E., Blitz, A., & Steuart, C. (2014). Digital Evidence and Computer Crime.

Christlein, V., Riess, C., Jordan, J., Riess, C., & Angelopoulou, E. (2012). An evaluation of popular copy-move forgery detection approaches. IEEE Transactions on information forensics and security, 7(6), 1841-1854.

Fairbanks, K. D. (2012). An analysis of Ext4 for digital forensics. Digital investigation, 9, S118-S130.

Holt, T. J. (2013). Examining the forces shaping cybercrime markets online. Social Science Computer Review, 31(2), 165-177.

Lang, A., Bashir, M., Campbell, R., & DeStefano, L. (2014). Developing a new digital forensics curriculum. Digital Investigation, 11, S76-S84.

Nelson, B., Phillips, A., & Steuart, C. (2014). Guide to computer forensics and investigations. Cengage Learning.

Pătraşcu, A., & Patriciu, V. V. (2013, May). Beyond digital forensics. A cloud computing perspective over incident response and reporting. In Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), 2013 IEEE 8th International Symposium on (pp. 455-460). IEEE

Raghavan, S. (2013). Digital forensic research: current state of the art. CSI Transactions on ICT, 1(1), 91-114.

Roussev, V., Quates, C., & Martell, R. (2013). Real-time digital forensics and triage. Digital Investigation, 10(2), 158-167.

Ruan, K., Carthy, J., Kechadi, T., & Baggili, I. (2013). Cloud forensics definitions and critical criteria for cloud forensic capability: An overview of survey results. Digital Investigation, 10(1), 34-43.

Sang, T. (2013, January). A log based approach to make digital forensics easier on cloud computing. In Intelligent System Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA), 2013 Third International Conference on (pp. 91-94). IEEE.

Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2014). Digital crime and digital terrorism. Prentice Hall Press.

Thethi, N., & Keane, A. (2014, February). Digital forensics investigations in the cloud. In Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE International (pp. 1475-1480). IEEE.

Trautman, L. J., Triche, J., & Wetherbe, J. C. (2013). Corporate Information Technology Governance Under Fire. Journal of Strategic and International Studies, 8(3).

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