Understanding Different Cultures And Communities Worldwide

Cultures and Communities: Differences and Respect


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Discuss about the Online Reflections & Activities for Culture.

The week has helped me understand that there are differences in different cultures across the globe based on different community, different languages and even the different skin colours (Fullan 2014). I was initially jealous of ethnic people in my university campus; however, now I understood that I should respect people of irrespective of community.

The teaching materials in the week have supplied some important information to the people across the globe. It educates on the different cultures that exist in the world. It also encourages for being courteous with the different cultures such as the ethnic groups at the different social gathering places.

The materials covered in week 2 have helped me understand that there are different communities such as black & while people, indigenous people that exist in this globe. It made me realised that I am studying with people from different cultures in my university. This encouraged me to respect the different community that exist there (Cote and Levine 2014).

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The materials covered in the week educate the entire world on the different community that exist across the globe. The teachings encourage respecting the others as they are also human beings. Moreover, respect should not know any obstacle such as community differences when it matters the most.

The week has helped me learn a new world, which can be created through the use of power and knowledge. Power and knowledge can help to find something new that has never been thought before. It made me understood that discourse is related to a new finding, which can or cannot be an established fact.

The materials have stated that discourse is conducted based on power and knowledge (Van Dijk 2015). It teaches on the importance of new findings, which means that established facts are not always sufficient. It also teaches the world the importance of discourse, which gives importance to new finding.

The week has corrected me in my thoughts about the racist activities hidden in colour wars. I came to know that while feminist should never have hatred for the black and other colours. This is racism and it would never let this happen that female is the future. White feminism is misunderstood (Hook 2012).

The week has supplied important information for the people living across the globe. It has held white feminism as one of the root causes behind the racist activities. White feminism should be correctly understood in order to let the society understand the importance of women for a brighter society.

Cultural Education and Understanding Different Communities

The week has helped me understand that there are different cultures across the globe based on colours, culture and self-desire. The materials have helped me understand that the skin colours do only represent the different community; however, the different communities need to be respected irrespective of their colours and love.

The assessment does prove that colour war should be implemented. It further states that different colours have their equal rights in society. The inequality should never be considered (Case 2012). The module has identified three important factors of conflicts such as white colour, racism and identity in societies across the globe.

The week has helped me understand the indigenous people in Australia. Earlier, I had no clues about such people. I got to know that Indigenous Australian are those who are the migrants descended from the different parts of Australia such as Torres Strait Islanders and all other parts of Australia (Boyle et al. 2012).

Indigenous people are still viewed with hatred feelings from the aborigine people in Australia. However, the materials covered in week educate on the indigenous people. It also emphasise on respecting those people. It commands that there should not be any difference based on country of origin.

The week has educated me on a fact that Australia is a country that has people from different cultures. It also helped me know that there are differences in food cultures also. It has also helped me know that Australia has a high diverse population representing the different cultures (Phillips and Spinks 2013).

The week is educative to many who are all from the different parts of world. It tells them the fact of Australian culture, which is represented by many such as aborigine people, indigenous people and the other descendents. It is a multicultural society where different group exist. 

The materials covered in this week have helped me on the multiculturalism policy implemented in Australia. The policy is for the migrants from the different parts of world. The policy is losing on its effectiveness as many migrants are now heading to the other parts of world.

The policy that once served the purpose of different cultures in Australia is now seeking for an answer to the question that whether the policy should also govern those migrating to other parts of the world. It has now become challenging to govern the migration to other parts of world (Fozdar and Hartley 2013).

Respecting People of Different Cultures and Communities

The learning covered in this week has educated me on feminism and gender. I got to know that feminism is a collection of political & social movements and ideologies that are common to each other in defining the rights of women. It has made me understood that it is a debatable topic (Eagly et al. 2012).

The materials covered in week educate the world that there should not be any discrimination doe with the women. They should be given the rights, which they deserve. Moreover, there should never be a discrimination based on feminism. Equality in rights has been preached here.

The week has educated me on the trauma that once started in the early 1980s. I got to know that gay and bisexual people, heterosexual women and men from different parts of world such as Northern Europe, Australia, Canada and New Zealand were highly influenced of the trauma (Weeks 2014).

The week has spoken about such people in the early 1980s and their connectivity with the AIDS. In those years people had frequently infected of AIDS. It reinstated that a lack of research was also responsible for such a huge number of people getting infected of AIDS.

The week has helped me learn that there exists classification based on different sex, social status and religion. The world is full of societies where differences in classification are observed in terms of sex, religion and society. It further emphasises on a fact that there should be equality to avoid any discrimination (Andersen and Collins 2015).

It has covered some educative materials for people living across the globe. The world has societies where classification is done based on colours, sex, religion and social status. Therefore, it is necessary that people across the globe understand the act and respects each other.

The week has helped me understand that Intersectionality helps in handling and managing the complexity of social life. It also helped me know that Assemblages provide a framework to resolve the social complexities of the different societies that exist across the globe (Puar 2012).

There are people that take care of the critical aspects of someone’s life either professionally or through any other possible mean. There are different levels of complexities in different societies across the globe. The framework provided by Assemblages did provide solutions against the different societal complexities.


Andersen, M. and Collins, P.H., 2015. Race, class, & gender: An anthology. Nelson Education.

Boyle, J.A., Cunningham, J., O’Dea, K., Dunbar, T. and Norman, R.J., 2012. Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in a sample of Indigenous women in Darwin, Australia. Med J Aust, 196(1), pp.62-66.

Case, K.A., 2012. Discovering the privilege of whiteness: White women’s reflections on anti?racist identity and ally behavior. Journal of Social Issues, 68(1), pp.78-96.

Cote, J.E. and Levine, C.G., 2014. Identity, formation, agency, and culture: A social psychological synthesis. Psychology Press.

Eagly, A.H., Eaton, A., Rose, S.M., Riger, S. and McHugh, M.C., 2012. Feminism and psychology: analysis of a half-century of research on women and gender. American Psychologist, 67(3), p.211.

Fozdar, F. and Hartley, L., 2013. Refugee resettlement in Australia: What we know and need to know. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 32(3), pp.23-51.

Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.

Hook, G., 2012. Towards a decolonising pedagogy: Understanding Australian Indigenous studies through critical whiteness theory and film pedagogy. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 41(2), pp.110-119.

Phillips, J. and Spinks, H., 2013. Immigration detention in Australia. Parliamentary Library, 20.

Puar, J.K., 2012. ” I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess”: Becoming-Intersectional in Assemblage Theory. PhiloSOPHIA, 2(1), pp.49-66.

Van Dijk, T.A., 2015. Critical discourse studies: A sociocognitive approach. 2015). Methods of Critical Discourse Studies, pp.63-74.

Weeks, J., 2014. Sex, politics and society: The regulations of sexuality since 1800. Routledge.

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