Understanding Communication: Significance, Types, And Tools
The Process of Communication
Discuss about the Research Accounts Of Communication In Business.
The act of sending messages having meanings from one person or entity or group to another person, entity or group by using signs and semiotic rules which can be understood by the person is called communication. The process of communication has different steps. At first a good communicative reason should be made. The next step is the composition of the messages, this process includes the elaboration of the internal meaning which has to be expressed. The next step is the encoding of the messages. This includes digital data, texts, speech, pictures, gestures, etc. The next step is the transmission. The transmission should be done through signals by the usage of specific channels or mediums. Noise sources disturb the communication. Both natural sources of noise or those occurring due to human activities can affect the communication procedure. It affects the quality of the signals that are send from one person to another. It reduces the efficiency of communications. Next is the reception of the signals and the understanding the meaning of the encoded message(Austin & Pinkleton 2015). Decoding of the messages encoded is the next step for effective communication. The last stage is the interpretation and making the original sense of the messages that were encoded. The study of communication can be divided scientifically into information theory which deals with the quantification of messages and also the storage and communications of the information in general. The next study is communication studies which mainly deals with the communication among humans. The last study is biosemiotics which make examinations of the communications in and among the living organisms in general(Bargiela-Chiappini, & Nickerson 2014).
Verbal communication is an important aspect of communication. The spoken or written conveyance of any messages come sunder verbal communication. Human language mainly includes symbols and grammars through which the manipulation of the symbols are done. During the childhood stage language learning are done. Most of the thousands of languages that are used make the usage of symbols and gestures (Ulmer, Sellnow, & Seeger, 2017) . This enables them to communicate them with others. The methods or procedures of languages are governed by different rules. It follows phonological rules, syntactic rules, semantic and pragmatic rules(Cardon & Marshall 2015).. The meanings that have meanings can be literal or denotative. If the meanings have feelings or history, ten it is connotative. The next is the non verbal communication. It involves the sending of messages from one person to another through the use of non linguistic behavior is called non verbal communication. Chronemic communication, heptic communication, gestures, facial expressions, boy language, eye contact and also the dresses come under the non verbal communications. The messages or acts which are done intentionally comes under non verbal communications, for example two friends after meeting after many years shake hands is a non verbal communication. Non verbal communication helps in interpreting others’ communication and it can substitute the normal messages. Non verbal communication is present everywhere so it is called omnipresent. While having a face to face talk with other face, body, appearance, touch, distance, timing and all other things are included, so it is a non verbal communication. Written communications are also a type of non verbal communication. This communication has formed an universal communication system. Smiling, crying, glaring, caring, etc. all comes under the non vrerbal communications (Certo 2018).
Verbal Communication
Active listening is nothing but a technique of communication which is used for counseling, training and to resolve the conflicts in resolution. This technique involves that the listener must listen properly and accurately to what the speaker is saying. This method is opposed by reflective listening where the listener say back all the things that are said by the speaker in order to make the confirmation that he was listening to what he said (Wang, Pauleen, & Zhang, 2016). It also involve that the listener should notice the speaker’s behavior and body language. If the listener has the ability to perceive from the body language of the speaker, he can understand what the speaker is going to say. Hearing properly the words of the speaker, the listener can paraphrase the words of the speaker. Sometimes due to ineffective listening skills conflicts among the listeners occur due to misunderstandings. Active listening are applicable in a variety of situations like advocacy, community organizations, while tutoring, medical workers when communicate with the patients, etc (Deeley 2018).
There are different communication self diagnostic tools. One of the tools is self-perceived communication competence scale (SPCC). The efficacy of people for communicating vary a lot. Some people can communicate properly at one place with some persons while he may not communicate properly at other place while communicating with some other persons. In this case my score is 81. The result has been made by making calculations considering talking to a group of strangers, talking with an acquaintance, while talking in a large meeting of friends, while talking in a small group of strangers, talking with a friend, talking in a large meeting of acquaintance, while presenting a talk to a group of friends, talking in a small group of acquaintances, talking while large meeting of strangers and while talking in a small group of friends. So I have medium SPCC while talking in public (80%), in meeting (75%), in ground (80.6%), in front of stranger (78%), in acquaintance (80%), in front of friend (85%). So the total percentage is 80.96%.( Doan, & McKie 2017).
Another tool is non verbal immediacy scale self report. Nonverbal immediacy are behaviors that mainly give positive feelings towards the person who is listening or the other persons present. This is the most updated measure for self reporting. It has much more diverse items than the previous tool and thus this measure has much more validity of face. While making this report this must be make sure that the difference in males and females is very significant from both statistically and socially. This tools make use of the gestures mainly shown by the individual while talking to any person or any group of people (Varner, & Varner, 2014).. The gestures may include using arms or hands while talking with other person or with group of people. The voice made by the speaker while talking, the position in which the speaker is sitting, whether the person is frowning or making an eye contact with the listener. Whether the speaker is tensed or leaning to the person while talking. The scores were given by giving the numbers of time the person is repeating the same gestures. Then the final value was formed by the given formula. My overall score is 93. This is an average score for a female. The limits of the scoring is above 112 and below 92. This means The gestures which I show is normal. The number of times I use them is also quite normal(Drucker,2017).
Nonverbal Communication
The next is the personal report of intercultural communication apprehension (PRICA). This tool was developed in order to address the communication in the intercultural contexts. Intercultural communication is nothing but a subcategory of the general communication apprehensions. Generally the conditions which are made for this tools includes the nature of the speaker while communicating (Evans et al, 2017). This includes whether t speaker is comfortable or not while talking with the strangers or known people, while talking with group of people or with single individuals. While communicating with persons from different communities, whether the person is calm and quite while communicating with persons from other cultures, etc. are also considered. The numbers are given by the way considering how many people are agreeing and how many people are disagreeing with the statements. Those who are neutral are also considered(Dulek & Campbell 2015).. The score of this tool is 26, which is a low score. Above 52 show high intercultural CA and score below 32 show low intercultural CA. Thus community apprehension is low, it needs to be upheld.
The next tool is talkaholic scale. Some people talk much more comparitively other. They cannot remain quite for a few moments. They find much difficult in keeping quite for a few seconds in front of other. Though the term is appearing to be a quantitative description , the tool is completely qualitative in nature. Research has found that more a person talks he will be evaluated positive in front of others. There also different conditions made like the state when a person talks while he should remain quite and vice versa. Conditions like more talkative, in generally some talk less, etc. are the cases considered. The values or the numbers are given according to the people who are agreeing or disagreeing, neutral, who are strongly agreeing and strongly disagreeing. The result was calculated by putting the values on the formula of this tool. The result is 23. The score must always be between 10 and 50. Most of the people score below 30. This means the score is average. This means the people are not much talkaholics (Fleisher, & Bensoussan,2015).
The next tool is tolerance for disagreement. This tool is designed in order to know how much a person can disagree that the individual can tolerate with which the individual believes to be true. People who are high in argumentativeness deal with much more disagreements than those who are low in argumentativeness. The questions included one’s feelings and orientations. Questions like peoples like to enjoy talking to people having different thoughts, whether the person is liking to be in the conditions where people are in arguments, etc. The values were given considering how many people are agreeing, strongly agreeing, undecided, disagree or strongly disagree. The final value is found by calculating the values in the given formula. The result is 48. Scores above 42 indicates high tolerance for disagreement. Thus the result is showing that the people have high tolerance of disagreement. Values below 32 indicated low tolerance for disagreement.
Active Listening
There are many communication issues which are responsible for poor communication in a place. There are main two communication issues which are needed to be considered. One is failure to listen. The inability to listen is the most important issue of communication. Improper listening causes in effective communications. Often people sitting next to the speaker interrupt to what he is saying. He do not even allow the speaker to end his speech and start assuming. The assumption often creates wrong interpretation among the listeners. Other distractions often occur when the other team members make their eyes rolling at the comments or just normally do the discount’s of the worker’s premises. Some people are there who are unable to pay attention (Passera, Kankaanranta, & Louhiala-Salminen,2017).. They donot give respect or any importance to the speakers. Their attention span is much small. They remain always distracted and stay on their own thoughts. Obviously all these points lead to the failure of listening. Another communication issue that I found is the cultural differences. An office or any place is the communicating ground of people from different cultural backgrounds and different cultural customs. People start indulging in the cultural practices of the other ones. When this happens the manager find it difficult to manage. Small groups are formed according to their cultures and team communication issues are created (Pearson, 2017)..
Since the last 12 months in the professional cases also I am suffering the same communication problems that I have described above. In different places specially in the workplace I find many people who do not even bother of listening to me. Some people are so annoying that that they without listening the what I am going to say start assuming the same. Without helping in creating effective communication skills they are just making the environment of the place of communication disgraceful (Lee, 2018).. Misunderstandings occur among ourselves due to incomplete listening. Sometimes it even lead to quarrel also. The second problem which I have discussed is another disastrous cause of misunderstandings among people. The cultural differences are created by the people only and not by any circumstances. In an office people from all other cultures come including all races. I find people roaming in groups. The groups are made according to their cultural differences. People from high cultured background often neglect or underestimate the people belonging from low cultured backgrounds (Goleman, 2017) .
Communication Self-Diagnostic Tools
Failure to listening is an important communication problem. It is very important for the person to listen to the what the speaker is saying. The listener need to respond as fast as possible to the speaker as he is waiting for the answers. However this also means that we are also not listening at the same time when the speeches are going on. Most of the listeners are often found guilty of critically evaluating to the things that are said by the speakers (Gudla, Bhosle, & Chandrasekaran, 2014). . This happens before the speaker finish his speech and they do not understand to what the speaker is trying to communicate with. The result of this is assumptions are made and conclusions are reached before the final decision is reached. The assumption sin most of the cases are inaccurate. Common barriers to listening are
At a same time trying to listen to more than one conservation – An example of this condition is while talking with someone or attempting to talk with someone, keeping the television or radios on. Remaining on phone with a person and at the same time talking with another one sitting beside him in the same room (Lear, Hodge, & Schulz, 2015).
Finding the communicator attractive or not – People often communicate with the specific whom he finds more attractive. They may not communicate with the unattractive person. If the person is found unattractive sometimes arguments occur.
When you are not interested – when the topic that is discussed is not much interesting.
Not focusing- sometimes different distractions occur during the communications. Activities like circling around the hair, finger, playing with the pen, etc. causes much distractions. Some people look around the windows while the communication is going on (Zheltukhina et al, 2017).
Feeling not well or felling tired – Feelings like hunger, thirst, tiredness or going to the toilet distracts the communications.
Sympathising instead of emphathising – Both the terms are not same. Sympathy us when we are feeling sorry for something and empathy means when are trying to take the place of another person.
When you are biased – Sometimes biases are made regarding gender, races, religion or any past experiences.
Previous experiences – People are influenced from different paste experiences. We mainly make response to people according to our own past experiences. Our previous interpersonal interactions play an important role in our present communications.
Preoccupations – we fail to listen when we have a lot of things going on in our minds. We remain busy in concentrating on the things we are thinking about. At tis time we feel stressed or worried (Guffey, & Loewy, 2015) .
Having a close mind – We all have our mind and thoughts. Quarrels occur when our ideas do not match with the ideas of others (Kernbach, Eppler, & Bresciani,2015)..
The ineffective communication skills must be controlled. Before the discussion is made, the importance of listening should be told to the listeners. Making the people understand about how the inattention keeps the people away from all the learning skills. Suggestion should be given about taking the notes of the discussions so that they can learn about the things later also.
In the cultural differences language barrier is one of the important cause. Though apart from the language barriers other cultural barriers are also present.
Language barriers- Language is a very complex thing as well the most important thing for communicating with other persons. People look around the world through the mode of his language only. Sometimes it becomes difficult by the skilled translators communicating in the other language. When you think that how many times misunderstanding occurs with someone speaking in the same language, then how difficult it becomes while taking with people talking in different languages (Hargie, 2016). .
Hostile stereotypes – Some people are stereotypes. In workplace the ideas from the stereotypes people causes barriers in communication. Stereotypes are nothing but assumptions made by people about the traits of the group members. As for example – a stereotypical American person is very much impatient as well as very arrogant but at the same time he is friendly and much tolerant. There is a danger while entertaining the stereotypes, that is he is having the characteristics that are due to the reason they are a part of the group. Although not all Americans are impatient and arrogant and also not all Americans are friendly and tolerant. Before communication judging of an individual causes miscommunication.
Behavior differences – The differences in behavior among the workers of different cultures lead to miscommunications in the workplace. Each and every cultures have their own guidelines which they consider as perfect. In some cultures even looking at the eyes while talking are considered as disgraceful. In term of business always to the point talking should be done. Similarly in some cultures space is given while taking to each other while in some other cultures they closely stand with one another while talking (Holmes, & Parker, 2017)..
Emotional display – The inappropriate disclosure of emotions may vary from culture to cultures. In some countries in business settings displaying of anger, frustrations or fear are considered inappropriate. People from these cultures hide their emotions and only discuss about the aspects of the situation. In some other countries, the participants are allowed to discuss, to reveal their emotions. Misunderstandings occur when the businessman displays strong emotions on the employees, who will feel that such behavior is out of place (Helfat, & Peteraf 2015). .
But this type of behaviors should be controlled in any place in order to prevent any type of discriminations. People always like to talk with people whose mentality matches. They like to move around with like-minded people or individuals or they like to share space with the others of their own cultures. They need to broke up. They should be allocated at special seats. The head of the business or any place should mix them up. At the time of brainstorming sessions the head must be make sure that all of the people are answering. If someone is not answering ask for the answers. The most important thing is to repeat back all the things heard before. It should be make sure that the understanding is clear. It will let others to understand also(American Speech 2016).
As a conclusion I have to make an action plan involving the key events and the activities that I can undertake in the next 6 months for acquiring knowledge, skills and behavior which are identified as requirements for development (Jin, Liu, & Austin, 2014).
Undertaking specific courses – Specific short courses should be undertaken in order to develop skills which are based on actual courses. As it is a business, in order to make effective management different short courses about different mechanism should be undertaken. The courses which are to be done should be based on the actual cases or incidents. For effective communication, some small trainings can be given. Those who are already working also needs trainings at time to time. All people coming at work do not belong to good families, so their communication skills are also poor. They need to be trained.
Undertaking advanced post graduate communication courses – In different institutions and CQU post graduate courses in communication should be involved. As they have no such courses in communication they cannot communicate in the workplace. If such a course is added people will be more conscious about communications. People unless are becoming well educated will not be able to adjust with the educated people. The college students if are not getting the chance of learning in post graduate courses, will not be able to make proper communications when they will go to work at industries.
A reading plan – People must be much aware about their reading habits as most of them are not involved in reading. People must learn from different communication texts. People must be familier with the books. They should be motivated for reading different journals and text books. The motivation must be given to them from the higher authorities as the workers will abide by the rules and instructions given by their masters. If the employees cannot read any of the things the higher authority people may help them in reading. They may clear all the doubts.
Maintaining of personal journals – Each and every company can maintain their personal journals which reflect on interactions in communications./There are some specific journals which deal with the interactions in communications. If the employee or any other person gets the habit of reading journals in communication interactions, the person will gain much knowledge about the different communication mechanisms. The person will no doubt acquire much knowledge about the mechanisms of communications. When one person in a group starts a habit of reading journals and textbooks other persons will also follow him and will start reading journals.
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