Understanding Children Through Observation: A Detailed Report
Conducting the observation
The three videos that have been selected for conducting an observation on the behavioural pattern of the children are as follows:
- Draco and friends playing with Lego
- Draco and friends at a restaurant
- Draco and Jessie playing with trains
The three videos deal with the understanding of the psychology of the child and includes the details of the following particulars:
Name of the subject: XYZ
Date of birth: NA
Chronological age: 2 years
Name of observer: ABC
Date of observation: 31.07.2018
Type of setting: Playhouse
Location within the room: In the hall
Time of observation: 10:00 AM
- 02s: Draco and his friends are fondling with the Lego
- 04s: Draco and his friend try and concentrate hard on the Lego pieces
- 06s: The focus is on Draco, he tries to make up a house
- 08s: Draco builds up a base
- 10s: Draco joins more pieces
- 12s: Draco attaches the final Lego piece and creates a big house and shouts ‘I made a big house’
- 14s: Draco tries to showcase his masterpiece to everyone saying ‘A big house. I made the big house’
- 16s: He shrieks with joy and tries to grab the attention of everyone
- 18s: He keeps showing his creation to everyone
- 20s: He carefully picks up his masterpiece and calls out to his friends to notice his creation
- 22s: His friends are still busy struggling to build up something
- 24s: His friends look at his creation
- 26s: The other kids try to grab his piece
- 28s: The boy with the orange and the black t-shirt turns away and focuses on his work
- 30s: Draco wishes to show other people his creation
- 32s: He does not receive attention from his fellow friends at the table where he was working
- 34s: He tries to move away with his creation, shouting ‘aaaaaaaa…aaaaaaa’
- 36s: Another kid tries to fiddle with his creation
- 38s: Draco does not like the behaviour and moves away with his creation in his hand
- 40s: Draco handles his creation with care and tries to balance it perfectly in his hands
- 42s: Draco happily tries to move to another table
- 44s: While moving away he falls down
- 46s: His creation slips away from his hands
- 48s: The blocks fall off
- 50s: Draco tries to re-join the pieces
- 52s: He successfully re-joins the pieces
- 54s: Due to the mismatch of the sequential pattern, the pieces again fall off
- 56s: Draco loses hope
- 58s: Draco starts crying
- 00m: Draco leaves the place and gets up
- 02m: He makes his way to another table
- 04m: He reaches another table
- 06m: He meets a different set of friends
- 08m: 1 girl and 3 guys are already there at the table
- 10m: The carer points out to Draco that his house has crashed to the ground and the Lego pieces need to be picked up
- 12m: She asks Draco to help her pick up the pieces and says ‘Is this your hose that crashed to the ground? Can you help me pick it up?’
- 14: Draco listens to her
- 16m: Draco tries cleaning the pieces but sulks a bit
- 18m: Draco picks up the pieces one by one gradually
- (1.20-1.30)m: Draco picks up all the pieces and returns to the table
- 1:32m: Draco and the other kids try and make a house
- 34m: Draco tries to teach the other kids how to make a big house
- 36m: All other kids put in efforts on their own
- 38m: The kids try to make a house
- 40m: The care giver comes and tries to help the kids
- 42m: She tells them all to learn how to make a big house from Draco
- 44m: Draco willingly teaches them
- 46m: All the kids try to copy Draco and make a house
- 48m: The care giver also helps Draco
- 50m: All the kids help Draco
- 52m: Draco is unable to build a stable house
- 54m: The house falls off
- 56m: The care giver tries to help assemble the pieces again
- 58m: The care giver helps by attaching the piece
- 2:00m: The kids also help in attaching the pieces
- 2:02m: Draco makes a structure with a small opening
- 04m: Draco tries to pass a fish through the opening
- 2:06m: The fish being large does not pass through the opening
- 08m: Draco gets puzzled
- 10m: He keeps trying to push the fish right in
- (2.12-2.24)m: Draco and his friends fidget with the fish and try to pass it through the opening
- 25m: The care giver explains them why the fish is not passing through and says ‘the hole is too small.’
- 26m: She asks Draco to increase the cavity space
- 28m: She increases the space between the Lego pieces and that widens the cavity
- 30m: The fish easily passes through
- 32m: The kids get really excited and say ‘yes, the fish is fitting now.’
- (2:34-3:00)m: The kids play with the fish and try to pass it again and again through the cavity
- 3:02: Draco moves away from the table with a Lego piece in his hand
- 3:04m: All the other kids get distracted
- (3:06-3:12)m: All the kids start playing randomly on their own, the concentration of the kids get distracted
- (3:12-3:17)m: some kids keep playing at the table and Draco tries to pick up the lego pieces lying on the table and put them in an open box
In order to proceed with the recording and documentation of the anecdotal observation, the video that was considered was the second video based on the theme ‘Draco and friends’ at a restaurant, it must be mentioned that the videography of the second video is based at a playhouse setting where the kids acts like they are at a restaurant for lunch. The video has been focused on Draco and he is seated at a table with his friends. There is a kid that acts like a waiter and serves food to the children seated at the table. The food items served included fruits and vegetables that are made up of synthetic plastic. As the kid who acts like a waiter, comes up to the table and serves the food, Draco and the other girl seated beside him munch on artificial fruits and pretend like they are eating them and then in a playful manner, Draco passes the food items across the table to another kid who wears a crocodile hoodie and he takes all the items and bangs them on the table and says ‘dabi dabi dabi dabi dab’ and throws it away on the floor. Draco seems to enjoy his activity and keeps on passing him all the synthetic food items one by one. At a point in the video (1.31m), it is evident that the food items on the plate of the Draco comprises of a carrot, a potato and another vegetable that is long and yellow in colour, however is not clear. Draco pretends to munch on the bell pepper that was served to him and passes it on the other side of the table. The waiter child asks Draco and the girl ‘do you want some more food and they say yes!’ Finally, at (1.45m), Draco gets up from the chair and approached the waiter and presents his satisfaction on the food quality by making ‘omnom nom’ sound next to his ear. The waiter child can be seen over the phone, probably taking down deliver orders and at (2.17m), the waiter kid hands over a telescope like thing to Draco and the entire focus shifts to the telescope. The girl seated next to Draco is also seen talking loudly over the phone as if she is reporting something to someone and asking herself to be picked up from the place as evident as she can be heard saying,’Tuby you gotta come over..as …huni huni…mo’ (2:24mins).
It seems on the basis of the information and observation that has been absorbed from the second video which is based on the theme of Draco and his friends at a restaurant brings forward the nature of the children to imitate adults and behave in the manner that they see in their role models (Adamson,2014). The child behaving like a waiter exactly acts like a waiter and takes up orders from the other children seated at the table and also is seen receiving orders over the phone at (1.31m) and Draco seems extremely satisfied with the quality of the food and ends up munching it even more with sounds. The girl is seen talking like an adult over the phone and the boy with the crocodile hoodie bangs everything on the table and throws it on the floor. Hence, the inference can be summarized mainly on two important behaviours prevalent in the children according to the revelations made by the research studies and that includes the hyperactive nature of the children that makes it difficult to focus on one main topic and the distractions that can easily occupy the mind of the children with even a telescope that makes the entire attention shift to something new and that marks the end of the association of concentration with the present plaything (Bath,2013). Hence to summarize it can be said that the children are extremely hyperactive and can be easily distracted because of their hyperactive energy and over-enthusiasm.
Running Record Observation
It appears that on the basis of the observation as recorded after viewing the first video based on the playhouse setting when Draco and his friends engage in playing with Lego, it can be said that children that are a part of the video are supposedly all between the age groups of 5 to 8 years old and this age is an extremely vulnerable age that requires proper care. At this age group, the children are extremely energetic and according to scientific studies that deal with ELECT (Early learning imparted to the children) it is extremely important to channelize the energy of the children in the correct direction so as to help them develop into intellectually and emotionally upright adults (Bennett & Tayler,2016). In the first case, the video evidently shows that Draco tries his best to build a giant house and as soon as he finishes doing the same, he seeks admiration for the same from his fellow mates but the children do not pay much heed to his achievement and that makes him crave for attention even more and then in hope of receiving attention from other mates he tries to shift to another table and in doing so he ends up crashing his giant house. He gets extremely demoralized but it should be noted here that the moment his house crashes, he puts in honest efforts to re assemble the scattered pieces and fix them back in his giant house but sadly, when it crashes the second time, he loses all hope and finally starts crying. Another important thing that can be noted is the way, Draco tries hard to make the big fish pass through the small cavity of the new house that he created. At this tender age, children lack the ability of comprehending complications with sensibility according to the ELECT guidelines, however that does not drain their men energy which is evident from the way, Draco keeps trying again and again and finally the care giver explains to the children the fault that was responsible for the complication and fixes it by widening the gap that makes the fish pass efficiently and the kids one by one tries to pass the fish through the space. Hence, the video vividly highlights two of the most important behavioural pattern prevalent in children belonging to the age group of 5 to 8 years, the first being the hyperactive energy of the children and the second being the innocent inquisitiveness present in them (Bjorklund,2014).
In order to address this section, the third recommended video has been selected by me that represents ‘Draco and Jessie’ playing with trains. The following screenshots have been chosen from the video in order to understand the principle behind the developmental psychology of the children featured in the video.
Explanation: The first screenshot was captured at 0.27s of the video and it shows Draco efficiently joining the pieces of the railway tracks
Explanation: The second screenshot was taken at 0.43s of the video and it shows Draco running the train on the carpet
Anecdotal Observation
Explanation: The third screenshot was taken at the time interval of 2 minutes and 58 seconds of the video and it shows the care provider is helping Draco and his friends to build a smoother passage for the train to pass
According to what is being displayed in the video, the behavioural pattern of Draco and his group of friends can be discussed under the three following heads as under:
As is clearly evident from the first screenshot that has been captured from the video, at this stage, Draco is self-dependent and possesses the ability to arrange the tracks on his own without any help from the care giver or any other peers. At this point, Jessie is seen fiddling with the trains. So, it can be said that Draco is self-reliant and possesses the ability to arrange the tracks on his own and also does so with extreme perfection.
This particular duration of the video has been chosen by me as it displays the ability of the child to perform a work without any external help and also the noise going around and his playmate Jessie playing with the train at the opposite side does not cause any disturbance or do not serve as a distraction to him and he is able to carry on performing his activity with precision. He is careful with the pieces of the track and also possesses the ability to understand and reason out the pattern in which each track needs to be fitted and carefully takes out the pieces of the track and fix them with each other with accurate precision.
According to the ‘self-help’ domain of ELECT, it is advised that the child should be assigned small responsibilities to carry out his own work with efficiency, the activities could include, brushing his/her own teeth, flushing the toilet, eating the food served on their own and arranging the play things after playing with them (Campbell et al.,2014).
The second screenshot adapted from the video at the time interval of 0.43s shows Draco to run the train on the carpet and his playmate Jessie to just sit still and watch the happenings around. This represents Draco’s incapability of reasoning or the lack of basic conceptual knowledge which is not present at this age. Draco lacks the ability to comprehend the fact that the train is always supposed to run on the tracks and not on the carpet. His playmate Jessie being of the same age group is also unaware of the conceptual principle behind the same and does not communicate with Draco regarding the problem. The video further shows Draco running the train on the carpet for a while and then making an effort to run it on the track. Also during the transit the pieces of the train fall out and Jessie noticing the same, tries to extend a helping hand to Draco to fix the pieces again but Draco manages to fix it on his own and proceeds with running the train on the track.
Anecdotal Interpretation
I have incorporated this particular segment of the video at the time duration of 0.43 seconds because it represents a very important aspect of the developmental stage of the children that can be explained as the lack of analytical reasoning ability present at this stage (Chatzipanteli et al.,2014). Generally, at this stage children lack the ability of being able to apply logic to whatever they are doing and end up doing things on the basis of their whims and fancies. For instance, one extremely common whimsical behaviour exhibited by the children that depicts loss of conceptual sensibility can be determined by the way they end up colouring the sun in blue, green or even pink and drawing a man like figure with an extremely huge head and a small body (Dotterer et al.,2013). In the same manner, Draco is self-sufficient and manages to arrange the pieces of the track perfectly but lacks the minimalistic sensibility that the trains are supposed to run on the tracks and cannot run on the carpet.
Based on the domain of Language, literacy and communication it is advised to the parents as well as the caregivers to encourage the curious nature of the child, to talk to the child or read to the child and tell them about why things are the way they are (Fletcher et al.,2013). This helps in improving the speech as well as the sensibility of the child in perceiving things.
The third screen shot captured at the time interval of 2 minutes and 58 seconds Draco and all his play mates gathered around the care giver who is explaining it to them evidently that why the train is not passing through smoothly through the track placed between the junction between the carpet and the floor. The caregiver then proceeds with adding an elevated piece beneath the track that lifts up the track from the surface of the floor and as a result makes it a smooth surface for the train to pass through the track. Hence, it can be said that at this particular age group, the children possess an ability to grasp a lot of knowledge and can be said to exhibit the properties of a quick learner and hence if proper care and guidance is provided at this stage of the age it would be easier for the children to gain a lot of knowledge and that in turn would eventually help in shaping up the cognitive behaviour of the children largely.
I have chosen this particular screenshot timed at 2 minutes and 58 seconds of the entire video length because it reflects a lot about the cognitive behavioural skills of Draco and his friends. At this point it is extremely clear that Draco is confused and perturbed thinking about the possible reason that is accountable for not letting the train pass smoothly through the railway track placed in between the junction of the carpet and the floor but it must be critically noted that it does not demoralize Draco and he constantly tries his best to make the train pass through and after a span of time all his play mates assemble around him and try to help him pass the train through the track and finally the caregiver comes over and explains to them the reason behind the non-ability of the train to pass through the track and proceeds with uplifting the track that successfully makes the train pass through (Gialamas et al.,2014). The important aspect of the video can be summarized to be the keen attitude present in the children to grasp new things and go an extra mile to remember the same throughout (Gregoriadis & Grammatikopoulos,2014). This particular trait helps a lot in being able to shape the intellectual abilities of the children specifically at this stage (Heikka et al.,2013).
Running Record Interpretation
As stated before, according to the guidelines laid by ELECT it is advised that parents encourage the child to involve in activities that require minimalistic problem solving or even counting as it helps in brushing up the analytical skills of the children (McDevitt & Ormrod,2014).
From the three videos that have been selected by me to study about the cognitive behavioural pattern of the child Draco, clearly represents and highlights the three most important aspects of cognitive developmental learning that includes, self-help, literacy, language and communication and cognitive learning. As has already been discussed in an elaborate manner, the chronological age of all the three videos seem to be under a similar span and also the three videos portrays Draco to display the three most important behavioural aspect. For instance, in the first video, Draco is seen playing with team mates in a play house and he is seen playing with Lego pieces, that requires analytical ability to join the pieces efficiently and effectively create something new. Draco manages to build a giant house and shows emotions of happiness on being able to do the same and wishes to be appreciated by his peer group as well as others but the other children are busy with their own play things and do not pay attention to Draco and as a result he moves to another table in hope for appreciation and ends up crashing his giant house. At this point, it should be noted that he tries his best to fix it but it again crashes down that demoralizes him completely and then he bursts into tears. However he manages to reach another table and also when asked to assemble the crashes pieces by his care-giver does so efficiently and hence it can be said that at this stage children are excellent learners and followers. When assigned duties by instructors, they try their level best to fulfil the same but at the same time are emotionally vulnerable too. In the second video, Draco is seen enjoying with his friends at a restaurant. The video features Draco and his playmates pretending to be at a restaurant and one little child is seen taking down orders like a waiter. One kid with the crocodile hoodie on is seen behaving in an improper way at the table and is seen banging all the artificial fruits and vegetables being passed to him by Draco. Hence, it is clearly evident that at this age the children lack the ability of understanding and reasoning out the conceptual operation behind whatever happens around them which can be held accountable for their lack of knowledge. The children find great pleasure and acting like adults but at the same time do not possess the ability to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour according to the social standards (Morrison,2013). The third video clearly displays the cognitive behaviour of Draco to analyse things. He is seen fixing the railway tracks in a proper way without any external help but at the same time fails to understand the underlying reason behind the inability of the train to pass through the track placed at the junction between the track and the carpet. However it should be critically noted that at this time, the playmates arrive for the rescue of Draco and try and help him pass the train but since all of them belong to the same age group they are unable to comprehend the problem using analytical reasoning. At this point the instructor helps them pass the train through the track by elevating the track on a an elevated piece and shows them the way she found solution to the problem, however at the same time it must be clearly noted that the children do possess a feeling to cooperate with each other at the time of a crisis and come to help their fellow companion. There is no exhibition of any kind of selfish behaviour in the videos mentioned above.
Preparing a Profile
Based on the location where the video has been filmed it can be said that the play room is appropriately equipped with the stringent considerations that include the non-inclusion of any sharp objects in the room and any steep corners or edges that might cause any form of injury to the children (Moss et al.,2013). However, I would like to suggest that the tone of the room could have been a little brighter, the bluish-white tone of the room seems extremely dull to me for being incorporated in a room that would be used by the children as their play-room (Vuorinen et al.,2014).
Based on the play things and the materials provided to the children, I would suggest that incorporation of interesting things such as clay models and colours and role-plays such as teacher and student or doctor and a patient would help in shaping up the intellect of the children in a better way as this age group has been considered to be a fast learning age-group.
In order to enhance or improve the relationship between child and parent or child and another child, activities that could possibly include making a greeting card to thank parents on a special day or involving the children in various group activities such as trust-fall or partner quiz participation can help in promoting trust and friendly relations.
On the basis of all the information that has been gathered from the close monitoring of the activities of the children, the assimilated facts and figures can be used to compile a responsive plan. The responsive plan would include the following features:
Description of Experience: The experience can be defined to be broadly based on the activities exhibited by the children during their play time in an enclosed house setting. The three videos that have been chosen clearly depicts the manner in which children perceive things and participate with the fellow mates while playing. It is important to understand that children lack a sensible or a conceptual understanding operating behind a particular cause and end up doing things that they have seen being done by their elders as was evident from the second chosen video. Also, children are extremely energetic and that accounts the reason for them to be hyperactive and as a result they seem to lose their focus quickly and fail to concentrate on a particular thing for a long time. Also due to the lack of conceptual and analytical understanding, children fail to comprehend the cause of simple problems and fidget with the complication and often freak out. At this stage it is important to make them understand the basic underlying reason behind the occurrence of a particular phenomenon and also encourage them to be able to perform their work on their own, this provides an essence of self-reliance. By assigning small roles and responsibilities, like assembling the play things after playing or taking care of the play things such that they are not damaged would instil a feeling of self-dependency on little children and thereby help in shaping their personality.
The materials and the resources that would be used for the conduction of child care responsive plan would include the use of play things such as Lego pieces, blocks, miniature racing cars, toy trains, colour pencils, alphabets, plastic vegetables and fruits, pictures and flash cards, puzzles, clay material and bridge construction structures. All the mentioned activities make use of the analytic ability of the children to comprehend the activity and also helps in improving the spirit of participation by enhancing coordination between the fellow mates. Hence, according to the early cognitive development learning guidelines, children of this age-group should be highly encouraged to participate in the mentioned interactive activities to develop a better sense of responsibility and also improve their cognitive essence of behaviour.
This experience will take place either in a creshe, playhouse or a school setting where the care provided or the early development trainer would make sure that the children get an appropriate access to all the above mentioned resources and are able to display at their best the ability of cooperating with others during play time and also improve the ability of dealing with situations on their own without any external help. It is important to ensure that the procedure takes place under the strict supervision of care providers so that the safety of the children are ensured.
My role as an early childhood professional would involve catering to the emotional and the psychological need of the children placed under my care. In order to improvise or go ahead with the procedure of imparting basic early care to the children, it is extremely important to understand the psychology of each child and not to hold a general perception about the behaviour exhibited by the children because each child differs from the other in a special way. After critically accessing the behaviour, various activities can be assigned to help the children deal with their play tasks. Also, my responsibility would be to ensure that no child feels lonely or left out and that every child participates in the session and at the same time any point requiring any conceptual understanding is made easy by me through demonstrations or easier explanation. Also, it would be my responsibility to ensure that children develop a friendly bond and do not resort to any form of violence and under my supervision are able to take in good morals and ethics.
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