Understanding Changes In Consumer Behavior For Colgate Toothpaste

Survey Design

The aim of the assignment is to conduct an analysis on the understanding of changes in the consumer behavior in terms of their attitude towards availing a certain product due to the driving forces like perception, attitude, motivation, group and individual differences, culture, family and lifestyle. In this assignment, the consumer behavior is analyzed for the product Colgate that is an FMCG product with the help of survey monkey. The survey has been carried out considering fifteen customers who are involved in the purchasing of the product effectively and influence that has been gained by the customers while selecting the mentioned product.   

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Are you familiar with the product Colgate?  

  • Extremely familiar
  • Very familiar
  • Somewhat familiar
  • Not so familiar
  • Not at all familiar

Do you agree the use of the brand Colgate gives you satisfaction?

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree 

How likely you will be recommending the use of Colgate?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neither likely nor unlikely
  • Unlikely
  • Very unlikely

To what extent do you agree that the use of Colgate has been drawn from your family members’ habit of using the toothpaste?

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  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

Do you agree the commercials presented for Colgate has influenced you interest for the product?

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

What is your rating for the product Colgate?

  • Very high quality
  • High quality
  • Neither high nor low quality
  • Low quality
  • Very low quality

Do you agree that you preference to buy Colgate increases when there is an offer given?

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

How likely you prefer buying the product considering the different ways of packaging used to pack the product?

  • Very likely
  • Likely
  • Neither likely nor unlikely
  • Unlikely
  • Very unlikely

How far do you agree that there is a need change the product quality?

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

Do you agree the price of the product Colgate has been tagged appropriately?

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree or disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree 

The selection of the participants in order to generate the survey monkey data, there has been the consideration of selection of fifteen customers who are consistently using the product Colgate. The sampling techniques that has been used for the given survey is based on the random sampling technique to pride the participants, the ability to respond to the questions equally (Hox, Moerbeek & Van de Schoot, 2017).

The data collection method that has been carried out is based on the primary data collection method. The selection of the data has been carried out using primary data in order to ensure that the data that has been collected are real time data using survey monkey analysis technique (“Log in to your account”, 2018). The collection of real time data will allow the generation of outcomes that are accurate and will provide a better insight on the survey that has been conducted.

The data that has been gathered from the given survey indicates that the consumers are highly dependent on the different driving factors that influence them to buy the product Colgate. It has been noted that most of the Customers gave positive response to most of the questions that has been asked to them. However, it has been noted that the customers agree with certain negative aspect of the product like there is the need to improve the quality of the product and the customers are not driven by the different offers that are given by the company to its consumers.   

Data Analysis

Purpose of the current assignment is to critically understand the behavior of the customer to analyze the reasons which drives the consumer towards buying the FMCG product Colgate, toothpaste. Behavior of the consumers plays an important role in the psychology of marketing. Consumer behavior helps to study the nature of the consumers and their behavior towards buying the FMCG product. It makes a series of observation based on the psychological factors of the consumers based on what they feel the reason behind buying the product, and most importantly why they choose the specific FMCG product Colgate, toothpaste from all the other brands present in the market which sells similar products. Further, focus has been laid on the driving forces of perception of the consumers, attitude of the consumers, reason they prefer buying the product, cultural differences and the reason of motivating the group. The following survey has been carried out using a free online survey instrument, Survey Monkey. The survey will be carried taking a sample size of fifteen participants who recently purchased the FMCG product. List of ten questions are made using Survey Monkey that will help to determine the reasons and the preference of the consumers towards choosing the particular FMCG product.

Survey instrument refers to the tools that are used for the implantation of scientific protocols for gathering the data from the respondents of the survey. Initially the survey is carried out by preparing questionnaire which includes series of questions to be answered by the consumers. The questions prepared using the Survey Monkey will be helpful to determine the behavioral factors of the consumers for choosing the same FMCG product Colgate, toothpaste over a period of time. The survey generated will be helpful to analyze the questions been asked and given options for the respondents to give their opinions. In this survey, Survey Monkey has been used, which is a free online survey development tool based on the cloud based software service of a company. The process or steps followed by Survey Monkey in developing the survey requires the individual to create one’s account first. For this the individuals need internet connection and search for the official page of Survey Monkey. Once the official page is opened then the individual need to make an account. This process requires answering the information the site wants for generating the account. After the account is created the individual needs to choose the option of create survey from the survey options by selecting the category and giving title for the survey. This will be followed by creating the survey questions and a template needs to be selected. When the questions are generated then the collect response option needs to be opted. This selection will specify the respondents whom the survey will be targeted. Further, the process will lead to sending the survey to the respondents and the responses are being collected. After collecting the responses, the information gained are observed and analyzed. Thus, the main purpose of the carrying out the survey can be found after the whole process.

The survey that has been carried out indicates that the consumers are highly affected by the presence of their family and the lifestyle that is being followed by them in terms of using the product Colgate. It has been noted that the customers are highly influenced by the commercials that presented to them. The use of the Colgate has provided the customers the required satisfaction as more than 74% of the respondents agreed that the usability of the product is high for them. This has led to the outcome that the current customers highly prefer to recommend the product to other individuals. This has lead to the fact that more than 50% of the respondents agree that consumers are highly familiar with the existence of the product. The given data indicates that the FMCG product Colgate has been effective in gaining the trust for the customers but there is the need to make the product more quality oriented.   



Brand satisfaction given by the respondents

It was found that majority of the respondents were satisfied with the brand in question number 1.

Recommendations percentage given respondents

In question number 2, majority of the respondents responded that they recommend using the FMCG brand Colgate

Effective role played by the culture for selling of the product

Culture played an active role for the selling process was seen in question number 3.

Influence made by the commercials

Commercials influence the marketing of the brand was less affected in the question number 4.

Familiarity of the product

In question number 5, it was found that the few of the respondents were extremely familiar with the product, and other few were very familiar with the product followed by less number of the respondents were somewhat familiar.

Rating given by the respondents

Majority of the respondents said that the product was of very high quality, few of the respondents said that the product was of high quality and other few of the respondents said that the product was neither high or low quality, as seen in question number 6.

Increase of customers due to offers

In question number 7, half of the respondents were found strongly agreeing that they bought the product due to offers, while few of the respondents agreed and other few of the respondents neither agree nor disagreed

Influence of the packaging on the respondents

In question number 8, few of the respondents very likely liked the packing of the product, majority opted likely, less number of people neither liked nor unlike and few of the respondents responded unlikely

Need for change of the quality of the product

It was found that majority of the respondents strongly agreed, few of the respondents agreed, while less neither agree nor disagree and the other respondents disagree in question number 9.

Effect of costing of the product

In question number maximum of the respondents strongly agreed, other agree and rest of the respondents neither agree nor disagree

 From the survey carried out by the Survey Monkey, the results generated shows that the FMCG product Colgate, toothpaste has been able to satisfy the customers. The customers are diverted towards buying of the product. They also buy the product in more numbers when there are increases in the offers given. Majority of the respondents recommends using the product on the basis of their culture. Commercials were supposed to be affect the selling of the brand but it was found that the brand were sold more due to cultural practice. The main reason of buying this particular product shows that as Colgate being one of the FMCG products and due to its availability in the global market in large scale. The customer prefers to buy this particular product again and again. Costing of the product is also average which helps all types of customers to avail this product easily. Packaging of the product was also was able to attract customers in mass scale. 


Hox, J. J., Moerbeek, M., & Van de Schoot, R. (2017). Multilevel analysis: Techniques and applications. Routledge.

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