Underpayment Of Uber Drivers: Challenges And Solutions
Literature Review
The underpayment of Uber drivers is one of the major challenges all around the world. There are lots of hidden costs which are unethically deducted from the drivers. Uber is one of the major and the most popular low cost transportation service and the deductions are based on taxation of different countries as well as the other types of infrastructural costs. Uncertainty is one of the major problems of the Uber drivers (de Haan 2018.). This paper will be highlighting this problem, and will also help in underlying the solution to the problem.
The motivation of this paper is that this shared business is also a part of the entire Australian economy. Since Uber is one of the most popular automobile marketplace since 2009 the service of the Uber drivers is very important for regular commuters of Australia. The concerns raised by the Australian Uber drivers are supported by the lawmakers of Australia also (Nnajiofor 2017). The Uber drivers are the main internal stakeholders of this business and they are urging the influential politicians also to have their say on this sensitive issue so that their efforts are materialized and the problems are solved.
The chosen topic is very much exciting and at the same time it is unresolved, the paper can give the readers of this document an idea about this problem which is not only common in Australia and also in other parts of the world (Brown 2018). The title of this topic is very much intriguing as it helps in understanding the actual topic of discussion of this research paper.
According to Scholz (2017), there are different issues rising all over the world due to this major crisis and the author focused on this issue with prime importance. The different reasons behind the low wage of the Australian Uber drivers are highlighted in the paper. The chosen resource has both advantages such as it specifies the reasons based on the rules and regulation of each country as well as the limitations such as the generalized format regarding the common reasons (de Haan 2017). The solution to this issue is also hinted in this resource but it should also be said that those were untested solutions as those cannot be applied fully at a time.
ü Why is this problem spreading all around the world? |
ü What are the reasons behind this issue? |
ü Why are the local politicians sometimes backing off to support the Uber drivers in the hearings? |
Table1: Created by the author
On the other hand, it can be said that instead of finding the solution of the problem the author should have focused more on finding the actual reason behind the issue. The most polar social theories and the business models should have been applied to the existing business model of the Uber drivers. The different caps which are applied to the Uber drivers by the management teams should be highly criticized. The Uber drivers are also facing different types of securities due to this issue. The chosen article provides in depth knowledge about this issue. The research questions are helpful in understanding the problem in a more detailed way (O’Rourke 2017). It can be said that the modern monetary theory which is proposed by Bill Mitchell can be effectively helped to solve this issue to a significant limit. This can be also said that that the implementation of this law can only be possible with the help of the politicians.
Research Questions
The modern monetary theory is considered while the research is conducted. The two types of data collection methods which are selected are the primary data from the Uber drivers who are facing the issues and the secondary data from the individuals who are aware of this issue (Collier, Dubal and Carter 2017). Probabilistic sampling method is chosen as the prime sampling method to increase the effectiveness of the findings so that this research paper is actually helpful to the readers as well as the Uber drivers.
Figure 1: Data collection Process
(Source: Author)
Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis method are selected to get the best possible results and decrease the limitations of this research paper. All the potential risks are mitigated due to the structured methods chosen in this paper (Lloyd 2017). Replications of results could have been a big issue regarding the efficiency of this paper and it is avoided with the help of the professional steps which are mentioned above.
Figure 2: Data Analysis Techniques of this paper
Created by the author
Based on the research findings it can be said that the Uber authority should not be calculating the commission of their drivers only on their gross fares. New pricing schemes should be rolled out for them keeping in mind that they are the chief contributors to this business. Wage theft should be strictly prohibited. The sales tax should not be taken from the drivers fare, and there should be more clarity in the remuneration structure of the entire organization s that the overall growth and development of the organization are achieved considering all the internal and external stakeholders. Implementation of improved information technology can be used by the Uber Corporation to find out the glitches in their systems, the net fare policy enacted in 2014 should be scrapped as the market conditions keep on changing with time. It was also found that some Uber drivers are also finding loopholes in these adverse situations so considering the professional ethics this act should also be solved.
It can be concluded that government and the regulatory bodies should be taking this as a severe threat to the country as these corruptions may have an impact on the other sections of the society as well if not contained at an early stage. The results of the research findings are clearly mentioned in this paper along with that the challenges and issues related to this scenario are also included in this paper.
Brown, D., 2018. Issue: The Gig Economy The Gig Economy.
Collier, R.B., Dubal, V.B. and Carter, C., 2017. Labor platforms and gig work: The failure to regulate.
de Haan, J., 2017. The Uber-Union: Re-Thinking Collective Bargaining for the Gig Economy. Charleston L. Rev., 12, p.97.
de Haan, J., 2018. The Über-Union: Re-Thinking Collective Bargaining for the Gig Economy.
Lloyd, A., 2017. Uberworked and underpaid: How workers are disrupting the digital economy.
Nnajiofor, P., 2017. The New Sharing Economy: Creation of a New Serfdom?. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 16(1-3), pp.297-314.
O’Rourke, M., 2017. THE YEAR IN RISK 2017. Risk Management, 64(11), pp.20-25.
Scholz, T., 2017. Uberworked and underpaid: How workers are disrupting the digital economy. John Wiley & Sons.