Unconscious Bias In Recruitment And Selection Processes

Characteristics protects people against discrimination

Discuss about the Recruitment and Selection Process in Organizations .

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Unconscious bias merely refers to the desired thoughts which help in influencing the behavior of the people without awareness. These biases are supposed to influence the preferred decision-making process of the concerned person. It becomes very important to understand the judgment, cultural backgrounds and the personal experiences of the people before making a suitable decision. The implicit bias refers to the different attitude or the stereotypes which affects the understanding, decisions and the actions of the people in an unconscious manner. It gives rise to gender discrimination, ethnicity, religion, disability, high ceiling, Langue and many more. Another definition of unconscious bias refers to that bias from which people are unaware and which took place outside of people’s control (Flew, 2015). Brain plays the most important role in this by making quick judgments and assesses the people as per the desired situation (Boateng&Boateng, 2010). The background, different cultural environment and the personal experiences plays the major role in making the bias decisions in favor of a particular person. Unconscious biases can be defined as the biases which are the social stereotypes related to a certain group of the people reflecting their own conscious awareness (“How Badly is Your Unconscious Bias Affecting Your Recruiting Skills?”, 2016). This research paper critically presents the literature evaluated by many of the well-known researchers in the past regarding the formation of the unconscious bias decisions. The research paper will help in discussing the desired aspects and the affects of the unconscious bias which is also called the hidden bias in the recruitment as well as the selection processes.

Characteristics protects people against discrimination characteristics of the 2010 equality act reveals the different aspects of discrimination of the people from the unconscious bias decisions (“Discrimination: your rights – GOV.UK”, 2016). The act evaluates the fact that the protected characteristics is against the law for discriminating anyone because of several factors. These are because of:    

  • Age
  • Being a transsexual person
  • Getting married or staying in a civil partnership
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Racisms including nationality, color, ethnic origin
  • Disability
  • Religion or beliefs

These factors critically help in understanding the desired impact of the unconscious bias decision which affects the recruitment as well as the selection processes. It has been sent ht the people working in the different countries sometimes suffers from the effects of racisms based on nationality or religion and this generates great impact on the execution of the business processes of the concerned firm. These types of the discrimination critically affect the decision making processes and give rise to Unconscious bias decisions.         

Literature Review

The past researchers have evaluated the fact there are many articles written in order to understand the desired impact and the concepts of the unconscious bias. The unconscious bias is the hidden bias which critically affects the execution of the business processes of a particular firm in several ways. It has been seen that the different attitudes and decisions of people critically affects the decision provided by other people. Moreover, the implicit biases are supposed to be more pervasive and it affects the partial and the impartial decision made by the HR managers of any of the concerned firm. The different examples needs to be evaluated in order to bring out the desired facts related to the affect of the unconscious bias from the behavior, personality and the experiences of the people. in some of the circumstances it is seen that the personality or the experiences or the achievements of the concerned person affect the decision which is going to be made by the recruiter. A different example on the influencing of the decisions of the recruiters from the affect of Hidden bias is being provided throughout this paper. The use of the past literatures helps in indentifying the desired factors which creates enormous impact o the decision-making processes of the HR managers.

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There exists a vast relationship between traditional practices of PM and the industrial relation. In the words of (Desbordes, 2013) there are two related concepts that deal with many aspects of the organization and their employees and the two related aspects are personnel management and industrial relations (Disselkamp, 2009). Personal Management can be defined as maintaining, planning as well as monitoring the performances of employees associated with a firm in order to improve their respective overall performances (Fenton, 2015). The hidden bias is seen to be growing throughout different organizations on large numbers as people gets influenced by the suggestions, activities, attitudes and the behavior of the other people while interacting with them. Industrial relation deals with the employment relationship. It has mainly three faces: science building, ethical and solving problems.

The unconscious bias crates enormous impact on the recruitment as well as the selection processes and few of the illustrations have been provided in the file mentioned below. There should not be any other bias decision regarding the recruitment and the selection process as it critically affects the growth and the expansion of the firm on a large scale. As per the 2010 characteristics equality act there are three of the important points which creates enormous impact on the recruitment and the selection process, they are:

Relationship between traditional practice of PM, industrial relation, and HRM

Sexual orientation (Gender)

Preferences to the females or to the males are seen in many of the firms and this somewhat affects the execution of the business practices. There should be rise of any unconscious bias decisions considering the gender of the people concerned.


The disability is another factor which affects the recruitment as well as the selection processes. There needs to be some considerations or seats available for the people suffering disability but the decisions of the interviewer should be hampered. 

As for Example: The case of Jordan reveals that there are two types of the people, one from the background of Palestinian who cannot work in a sensitive position within the government, whereas the original Jordanian cannot work with the bigger private firms from the owner of Palestinian (Sandvig, 2015).  The biased or the hidden decisions needs to be reduced and the employees should be selected as per their skills, talent, ability and relevant experiences (“https://www.insights.com/files/unconscious-bias-article.pdf”, 2016).


The fair selection methods need to be evaluated in order to enhance the overall performances of the firm (Kendrick, 2010).

During the interview process, if someone is having more experiences and too aged then these critically affects the selection processes (Rohm, 2014).. Moreover, it has been seen that there are people who suffers from the unconscious biased decisions because of their age. 

Another example is the “Horns” effect which reflects the bad things about the candidate appearing for the interview (“How Badly is Your Unconscious Bias Affecting Your Recruiting Skills?” 2016).

As an example: The Halo Effect is another point to look upon as it affects the recruitment as well as the selection processes critically. During the interview processes, the higher reputation of the college of the candidate and the distinction or the higher grades of marks posses by him critically affects our decision. The person is then seen with the glow of his achievement and therefore affects the decision to in favor of him.

Example: Similarity bias is another example which is see in many of the places during the interview round. If the interviewer comes across the candidate having similar personality to him or her them then the decision of the interviewer gets affected and this is one of the most useful examples of unconscious bias (“How Badly is Your Unconscious Bias Affecting Your Recruiting Skills?” 2016).

The above examples critically reveal the desired impact of the unconscious biasness on the selection and the recruitment processes. Example: Beauty Bias is another aspect which affects the diversity management practices. It is a matter of fact that people gets influenced by the most handsome person or beautiful girl and they start thinking that handsome boy or beautiful girls are considered to be the most successful for any particular business or firm (“How Badly is Your Unconscious Bias Affecting Your Recruiting Skills?” 2016). Moreover, the 11/9 backlash on Muslims reflects the discrimination against the followers of Islam.   This particularly evaluates the perception of the people regarding the Muslims living throughout America. The discrimination of the basis of the religion and culture affects the effectiveness of the workplace concerned. Every survey regarding the American society reflects no barrier to the advancement of the Muslims and this was supposed to be the major concern for the people. America is not the perfect place but it can be considered to be the safer place for the Muslims s well as for those people following the Islam (McCormick, 2016). The 11/9 incident evaluates the biased decisions that took place against the Muslims and it affected the people throughout the country.  Moreover, there are some of the issues related with the bias decisions such as the discrimination of the employees on the basis of nationality, gender, age, Culture and religion.

Impact of unconscious bias on organization

Equal opportunities needs to be provided to all of the employees associated with the firm as this helps in the reduction of the discrimination between the employees concerned. It has been that a person as well as the employees comes from diverse cultural backgrounds. As per the characteristics equality act of 2010, the following point needs to be considered in understanding the unconscious bias decisions related to diversity and equality:

Racisms based on nationality affect the business processes as well as it creates conflicts between the employees concerned. The diversity management practices are considered to be of great importance as they helps in maintaining the effectiveness of the firm irrespective of the nationality, color or origin of the candidate (Lomborg, 2015).

The diversification of the people based on

Many company or management try to motivate their employees by their pay scales or compensation but it is required to motivate them without getting influence by any other factors causing implicit bias (Girard & Girard, 2011). Proper motivation of the employees leads to giving proper result and feedback improves their overall performances (“Google’s latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice”, 2012). For instance, when recruiting and selecting staff in the public sector and the private sector organization’s in Jordan with regards to original ethnicity. Public sector organizations apparently tend to have unconscious bias by selecting original Jordanian candidate, whereas some private sector organization’s clearly tend to recruit original Palestinian candidates. Notwithstanding that both of ethnics might have Jordanian nationality.

The top three recommendations for Human Resource Management are discussed as follows:

Strategic Vision

There exists a crucial advantage from the video interviews as it offers platform for the candidates to expresses their views regarding the particular matter asked during the interview.  They are allowed to read the questions and then answer. It becomes important to understand the desired concepts and the examples reflecting the unconscious biased decisions coming from different situation which affects the recruitment as well as the selection procedures of the HR department.


The right and the appropriate amount of education along with th training, these impacts of the unconscious biases can be reduced easily. The identification of the demographic factor should be understood as this lays crucial impact on the growth of a particular firm. It is the work of the HR leaders to check company’s present image and to establish techniques in which HR workings support that particular vision of the firm. The identification of the different demographical factors will help in reducing the occurrence of the unconscious biased decisions.

Equity and Diversity

Transferring of Knowledge

Conveying of the proper knowledge and the effective means of training to the recruiters as well as the employees of the HR department will help in overcoming the impact of the unconscious bias.The transferring of the suitable knowledge helps in bringing out the correct knowledge and reduces the chances of getting influenced by the different interactions of the people concerned.

Identification of issues

The issues coming between the recruitment processes needs to be evaluated in order to reduce the impact of the unconscious bias. The desired message of equality and awareness regarding the different culture of the people will help in reducing the unconscious biased decisions which comes in favor of a particular person.


The development of the biased decisions critically affects the execution of the work processes of the firm and thus, it becomes more important to understand the desired impact of the unconscious biased decisions on the entire firm. The implicit bias refers to the different attitude or the stereotypes which affects the understanding, decisions and the actions of the people in an unconscious manner. It becomes crucial to understand the actual definition of the implicit bias and a few of its characteristics as it plays vital role in the decision-making process.  The research paper critically reveals the impact of the unconscious biases decisions of the HR managers affecting the firm and which should be equal for the employees and the motivation should be provided to all of the employees concerned. The implicit biases are supposed to be more pervasive and it affects the partial and the impartial decision made by the HR managers of any of the concerned firm.


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