UAP3 Road Type: Features, Capacity And Constraints
Description of UAP3 road type and its features
From the detection sequence, the speed of vehicles observed passing are at 8,17,7,10,9,12,10,11,8,14,10,15 and 8 m/s respectively.
Time-mean speed Vt= sum of speeds/ number of vehicles
Vt= (8+17+7+10+9+12+10+11+8+14+10+15+8)/ 13=139/13=10.69 m/s=38.48km/h
Space mean speed Vs= number of vehicles/ inverse of vehicle speed
Vs= m/s=36 km/hr
Variance over time;
Hence, variance
Miles square per sec=
From the equation;
Over the time of measurement, 13 vehicles were counted in 35 milliseconds, this corresponds to 22 vehicles per minute, hence traffic flow per hour=1320 vehicles/hr.
Therefore, traffic density at that point; k=
At 60mph vehicle speed, of the 13; all are complying with the specified speed. This is can be upheld through introduction of speed governors on vehicles and also through education and awareness on safe driving through maintaining/ driving at safe speeds.
Legislative issues are presentable inform of administration of logical inconsistencies. Planning of transport is no exclusion. The modern-day organizer is confronted by a progression of contentions, the compromise of vitality safety, carbon emanation goals, portability requests, besides financial development. The test is frequently dodged by means of embraced barely limited demonstrating practices that essentially expect the continuation of chosen patterns viewed as alluring. In 1981, the confinements of this practice on transport policy were presented over three decades back by Adams, who built a ‘ludicrous situation’ in view of a strict perusing of existing government of united Kingdom gets ready to realize ceaseless transport development. The craziness develops while reintegrating separated patterns to form a rational vision of the world. Continuously by year two thousand two hundred and five – as per official models – normal yearly pay targets are at one million pounds, at least a lorry out and about for each individual, lady and kid. Adams’ portrays such a world, in which the populace is likely to go through its time using the Lorries, perpetually meandering the English “landing area plain” in the chase for consumables.
The subsequent future seems altogether dissimilar to another legitimately ordered by the Climate Change Act 2008 enacted by United Kingdom. Such a projection is sketched out by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), entrusted as per the Act to recognize methods for accomplishing 80% cuts in ozone harming substance (GHG) emanations by 2050, and screen advance towards them. To date it has created various Carbon Budgets, incorporating an objective of twenty six percent decrease (in respect to year 2008) specific to transport discharges by year two thousand and twenty, in addition to forty four percent decrease by year 2030.
Explanation of road capacity and how it is determined
For year two thousand and fifty, the main transport-explicit target is for United Kingdom avionics outflows relied upon to come back to year two thousand and five dimensions of 36 MtCO2e, equal to twenty percent of existing transport discharges. Based on year two thousand and fifty projections of eighty percent decreases, this viably implies whatever is left of the vehicle segment, including sea, must be completely carbon free, except if different parts take up the slack.
An essential shared characteristic in reference to Adams’ logic remains be that as it may – the propagation of financial development, expanding by 62% by 2030. To stay away from the sort of biological obliteration, the Committee Climate Change necessitates a fundamental decoupling of transport outflows from Gross Domestic Product, the size of which is illustrated in figure 1. The prospect imagined by the Committee Climate Change at that point is particularly an essential element of transport request keep on developing unequivocally, while related outflows are drastically decreased. Its confining is part of the ‘feasible advancement’, succeeding the Brundtland Report (WCED 1987). The report tried to accommodate contending requests for development and ecological security.
‘A New Deal for Transport’ (DETR, 1998) has been addressed as an essential minute in transport planning of United Kingdom according to Goodwin, 1999. Further in the twentieth century, engine vehicle possession as well as utilize did expand quickly. During 1960s there was an acknowledgment; recorded in the persuasive Buchanan report ‘Movement in Towns’ (Ministry of Transport, 1963), that boundless utilization of engine vehicles couldn’t sensibly be continued, especially in metropolitan zones. Be that as it may, the strategy of building streets and related framework in direct reaction to movement development proceeded for the following three decades.
In this unique circumstance, New Labor’s White Paper seemed radical: “Just building an ever increasing number of streets isn’t the response to transport development. ‘Anticipate and give’ didn’t work” (DETR, p. 5). In spite of the tremendous interest in streets under going before governments, blockage was progressively expensive for organizations; vehicle discharges were developing, adding to environmental modification in addition to nearby air contamination; besides a portability hole enlarged between vehicle owners and the have nots. Strategy would concentrate on options in contrast to the vehicle, with upgrades to open transport, cycling and strolling offices, and cargo moved from streets onto rail and conduits. The drivers for movement request would be handled by empowering supplementary restricted work as well as administrations.
Calculation of highway capacity for 6.75m wide two way single carriageway UAP3 road
The progressions were caught in the idea of “transport request the executives” (TDM) (Ison and Rye, 2008) or, in the US, “travel request the board”, characterized as “any activity or set of activities went for affecting individuals’ movement conduct so that elective portability alternatives are displayed as well as clog is lessened” (Meyer, 1999). As opposed to constructing innovative streets, the government of United Kingdom would keep up the current system and oversee it all the more proficiently. In this regard, it looked like a large number of alternate activities of the early long periods of New Labor, especially in social insurance, which purposely embarked to turn around the past Conservative régime’s dependence on souk instruments. The White Paper’s strategy objectives encompassed giving a dimension ground to decision concerning various transport means, guaranteeing productive combination among them, besides setting focuses for supportable strategies. The innovative methodology energized multi-modular examinations, in which all types of transport, comprising strolling and biking, were well-thought-out. The change in perspective was caught by the ‘Administration’ of TDM: where ‘foresee and give’ looked to distinguish, and take into account, idle interest – following as opposed to driving business sector powers – TDM would proactively outline it as per long haul arranging objectives. This was required in view of the trouble for business sectors in disguising aberrant as well as deferred costs, for example, expanded clog and contamination.
The ‘coupling’ of transport and Gross Domestic Product has for quite some time been perceived: the high portability of individuals and products empowered by oil-fueled transport was a characterizing highlight of 20th century improvement, supporting crucial adjustments of existence right from suburbanization to globalization. During the mid-1990, World Bank evaluation established that, in created nations, cargo “[t]on-kilometers by street are predominantly clarified by Gross Domestic Product”. The reception of TDM was at last an endeavor to decouple transport or potentially related emanations from monetary development.
In the course of the most recent twenty years, the correlation seems debilitated essentially in the United Kingdom. Somewhere in the range of year nineteen ninety seven and year thousand and seven, the proportion of cargo ton-kilometers to Gross Domestic Product weakened by twenty one percent. On the other hand, the proportion of traveler km to Gross Domestic Product dipped nineteen percent by 19%. Add up to transport outflows ascended by simply over ten percent, despite the fact Gross Domestic Product ascended by thirty three percent. The aforementioned statistics demonstrate that ‘relative’ or “feeble decoupling”, development rates were sluggish in transport than Gross Domestic Product – has occurred as of late. In light of this, New Labor’s choice to forsake ‘anticipate and give’ street working for TDM may seem to have been effective. Street development demonstrates an unmistakable decrease similar with that reported in 1998 by White Paper as illustrated in figure 2. Measured nearby the sluggish degree of development in rush hour gridlock emanations in respect to the more extensive monetary setting (Fig. 3), it is anything but difficult to expect that the strategy change has extensively stifled the area’s vitality requests and carbon emanations without obliging financial development. This thusly offers motivation to be hopeful about future targets.
Major constraints on road capacity
A New Deal for Transport recognized the impacts of inconclusive development of street travel was unrealistic given the limited assets, regardless of the availability of spatial, substantial, financial, or collective endowment. Transport planning never again interrogates this. There is by all accounts a positive connection between monetary development and populace development, not minimum as far as the commitment from migration: the more financial development the UK encounters, the more prominent the populace development and transport request (Pain and Mitchel, 2003). This populace is anticipated to be more established and co-existing in an expanding figure of family units: the last strongly affects travel request (Giuliano and Dargay, 2006) and asset utilize all the more for the most part measures family units expanding by twenty seven percent to thirty three in the year twenty thirty according to the Committee on Climate Change published in year twenty ten. The Régime’s further real displaying activity expect comparable development (without a doubt more grounded development in regard of GDP): “over the multi-year time frame the populace develops by 25%, the quantity of families by half and GDP by relatively 200%” (2010, p. 34).
The United Kingdom’s present lead transport venture is High Speed 2, a two hundred and fifty miles per hour rail line that will at first associate London to Birmingham, at a normal expense estimated at twenty billion pounds. Despite the fact that it denotes a discontinuity with the street working of prior decades, it remains aforeseen and give venture: reacting to foreseen advertise request as opposed to trying to shape it. In spite of the fact that a planned 2nd phase will interface the financially slacking northern urban communities, the manufacture arrange recommends that High Speed 2 rail line is basically fixated on moving United Kingdom occupants all through London all the more rapidly and in more prominent numbers. The administration has at the same time asserted that High Speed 2 rail will advance ecological objectives: Philip Hammond, at that point proclaimed that high speed two rail would assist us with building a manageable budget – by empowering a huge number of individuals preferring vehicular transport and air travel to shift preference to use of trains. The administration’s particular record states, in any case, that its impact on transport division emanations will be unbiased. The first in the year two thousand and seven examination, charged by the DfT to deliberate the carbon ramifications of fast rail, in view of a London-Manchester course, did establish that, when development was considered, thirty five percent carbon (iv) oxide was likely to occur excess of the comparable vehicle activity.
Traffic flow per hour
Moreover, by empowering ordinary driving from Birmingham to London, High Speed 2 rail likewise makes another probability for extraordinary carbon conduct. Devoid of the entire decarbonisation of vitality source, HS2 can’t would like to contribute even to relative carbon decreases. The insight of further moving development in the region of London is unchallenged. In manageability expressions, this is the United Kingdom area with the most populace, the most noteworthy house costs, the best interest ashore for new lodging, the largest amounts of street blockage (DfT, 2010c), and most noteworthy anticipated water worries in future. Sections of the area as of now record low water per individual compared to Sudan based on the Enviroment Agency report in 2007.
As the beginning of the new, London’s traffic was ending up progressively moderate moving and ecologically hurtful. For a long time, neighborhood and state administration had examined. In addition, the state administration discussed the subject of a charging plan in central London concerning private vehicles. At the point when Ken Livingstone contended effectively for civic chairman in 2000, he vowed to present clog charging as a major aspect of his vehicle methodology. On 17 February 2003 the plan started, and it is presently an acknowledged component of London’s streets.
London has restricted street limit however an appeal for street movement. At the turn of the thousand years, “London endured the most exceedingly awful clog in the United Kingdom, with normal movement speeds not exceeding eight m/h. The city lost between approximately three million pounds consistently regarding time lost because of congestion.” The clog likewise influenced the quality of air, with elevated amounts of contamination.
Readings surveying the suitability of a blockage/congestion charge in London existed since the mid-nineteen sixty’s, for instance, the Report arranged by Reuben Smeed and his kindred board individuals in nineteen sixty four. The Smeed findings pushed ‘street evaluating’. In any case, the legislature had opposed such proposals as being as well disliked. London, however, was an exceptional case.
The Greater London Authority Act 1999 characterized the new Greater London Authority (GLA), and enabled the city hall leader of London to give direction and orders to London’s vehicle body, Transport for London (TfL). “Calendar 23 of the Act included arrangement for street client charging schemes/ plans, and Schedule 24 for work environment stopping demands.”
In November 2000, the approaching city hall leader of London, started primer counsel containing itemized data on how the projected plan may work. When the choice was considered to proceed through congestion charging, “a broad open data crusade, to illuminate the people of London and guests of the natural surroundings and subtleties of the plan, occurred between the Autumn and Winter of 2002-2003”.
Traffic density
The essential program’ aspect aimed to lessen quantity of private vehicles passing through central London and “to encourage more noteworthy utilization of transportation options, creating ecological and security upgrades and thus, raising significant net incomes”.
The plan/ scheme had critical effect from the beginning:
- A thirty seven % percent expansion in the quantity of travelers visiting the blockage charging zone by transport amid hours for charging at the primary year was noted.
- At the beginning of the year 2006, there was a noted reduced congestion at charging station by an estimated twenty six percent.
- The plan accomplished a budget effectiveness of seventy eight million pounds when all expenses and advantages were deliberated.
- The clog charge helped offers of hybrid vehicles.”
- UAP stands for Urban all-purpose. UAP3 is an urban all-purpose road type 3. It is designed to carry high proportion of local traffic hence creating an escalation at the turning movements at accesses and junction. It is can be designed for both dual carriage and single carriage roads.
In single carriage roads, UAP3 is designed with frontal access and not less than two side roads per kilometer stretch. The carriage width for two lanes is maintained at either 6.10 m, 6.75m, 7.30m, 9.0m or 10m for estimated peak hour flow (veh/h) of 900, 1100, 1300, 1530, or 1620 respectively. For a carriage width of three lanes and road width of 10m can also be used.
In dual carriage urban roads, UAP3 design for dual carriage urban roads is provided with side roads, pedestrian crossings, frontage access and bus stops. The carriage width is designed at either 6.75m, 7.30m or 11.0m for estimated peak hour flow of 2300, 2600 and 3300 vehicles per hour respectively.
Road capacity refers to the maximum potential capacity for a particular roadway. According to TA 79/99, capacity is maximum sustainable traffic flow passing in an hour, under favorable traffic and road conditions.
Highway capacity=1000v/ S,
At 17% of HGVs, based on TA 79/99; the maximum speed is 60mph equivalent to 96.56km/hr
Hence, highway capacity=[1000X96.56]/6.75=14,305
- Major constraints of road capacity include;
- Measures of Congestion; The practical preferred standpoint of giving access control on a road or roadway is the administration of the obstruction with through activity. This obstruction is made by vehicles or walkers entering, leaving, and intersection the thruway. Where access to an expressway is overseen, doors and ways out are situated under the most favorable conditions suited to fit movement and land-utilize needs and are intended to empower vehicles to enter and leave securely with least impedance from through activity.
- Traffic Flow Rate; this entails the investigation of the development of individual drivers and vehicles between two and the associations they make with each other. Lamentably, examining traffic stream is troublesome on the grounds that driver conduct is something that can’t be anticipated with 100% conviction. Luckily, drivers will in general carry on inside a sensibly reliable range and, along these lines, traffic activity streams will in general have some sensible consistency and can be generally spoken to scientifically. To more readily speak to traffic stream, connections have been built up between the three primary attributes: (1) /flow/ stream, (2) density, and (3) speed. These connections help in arranging, plan, and activities of roadway services.
- Intersections; A convergence is an at-level intersection where at least two streets meet or cross. Crossing points might be characterized by number of street portions, activity controls, and additionally path structure
One approach to characterize crossing points is by the quantity of street sections (arms) that are included.
A three-way crossing point is a node between 3 street sections: a T intersection when 2 street frame Y intersection, or a one street – the last otherwise called a fork whenever drew closer from the stem of the Y.
A four-way convergence, or junction, ordinarily includes a navigation of 2 lanes or motorways. In territories where squares exist besides in other diverse circumstances, the intersection avenues or motorways are opposite to one another. In any case, 2 motorways may go through at another edge. Considering some instances, the node of 2 motorway portions might be offset from every when attaining a crossing point, notwithstanding the fact that the 2 appearances might be understood as a comparable lane.
Five-way convergences are uncommon nevertheless they can be located at times, predominantly in metropolitan states where rectangular squares do not exist or are uncommon. A case of this is the crossing point for which the Five Points locale in Atlanta is named.
Six-way convergences normally comprise a node serving 3 roads at a given node; for illustration, an intersection of 2 contrary lanes besides a junction to junction motorway is an objectively regular kind of six-way junction point.
At least seven ways to deal with a solitary crossing point, for example, at Seven Dials, London, are uncommon.
Another method for ordering crossing points is by activity control innovation:
Uncontrolled crossing points, without signs or flags (or now and again with a notice sign). Need (option to proceed) guidelines may differ by nation: on a 4-way convergence movement from the privilege frequently has need; on a 3-way crossing point either activity from the privilege has need once more, or activity on the proceeding with street. For activity originating from the equivalent or inverse course, what goes straight has need over that which kills.
Yield-controlled crossing points could possibly have explicit “YIELD” signs (known as “GIVE WAY” signs in a few nations).
Stop-controlled crossing points have at least one “STOP” signs. Two-way stops are normal, while a few nations likewise utilize four-way stops.
Flag controlled crossing points rely upon activity signals, normally electric, which show which movement is permitted to continue at a specific time.
Others include:-
- Alignment; The geometric structure of roads is the part of expressway designing worried about the situating of the physical components of the roadway as indicated by gauges and requirements. The fundamental destinations in geometric plan are to improve effectiveness and wellbeing while at the same time limiting expense and natural harm. Geometric structure additionally influences a rising fifth target called “bearableness,” which is characterized as planning streets to encourage more extensive network objectives, including giving access to work, schools, organizations and homes, oblige a scope of movement modes, for example, strolling, bicycling, travel, and vehicles, and limiting fuel utilize, discharges and ecological damage.
Geometric roadway configuration can be broken into three primary parts: arrangement, profile, and cross-segment. Consolidated, they give a three-dimensional design to a roadway. The arrangement is the course of the street, characterized as a progression of level digressions and bends. The profile is the vertical part of the street, including peak and hang bends, and the straight level lines associating them. The cross segment demonstrates the position and number of vehicle and bike paths and walkways, alongside their cross slant or managing an account. Cross segments additionally indicate seepage highlights, asphalt structure and different things outside the class of geometric plan.
- Poorly designed roundabouts; the roundabouts ought to be carefully and well designed so as to limit deaths by road users.
- Uniform grade crossings: grade separated crossings should be used so as to prevent casualty crushes as indicated by ASRA roads, 2012.
- Failure to provide safety services such as wire rope barriers in cable barrier systems: wire rope barriers should be provided at the edge and at the road center so that pedestrian fatality is reduced (Larsson et al., 2003). This has been found to potentially reduce pedestrian accidents up to 90%.
- Defective or lack of traffic signs and signals; traffic signals and lights help to guide drivers and warn them where pedestrians crossings occur as well as control flow of traffic. This helps to reduce accidental crushes when drivers are caught unawares or due to defective traffic signs. The traffic signs and signals should be well maintained and suitable located along the road to prevent more pedestrian crashes/ accidents.
- Speeding vehicles at pedestrian crossings leads to a lot of lives each year. This has mainly arose in instances where the driver over speeds through a pedestrian crossing points hence causing an accidents. Speed signs should be installed and compliance supervised to ensure that vehicles attain to the required speed limits at the pedestrian crossing points so as to minimize such casualties.
Marked pedestrian intersections are regularly found at convergences, yet may likewise be at different focuses on occupied streets that would somehow or another be excessively perilous, making it impossible to cross without help because of vehicle numbers, speed or street widths. They are likewise usually introduced where substantial quantities of people on foot are endeavoring to cross, (for example, in shopping zones) or where defenseless street clients, (for example, school youngsters) frequently cross. Guidelines oversee use of the walker intersections to guarantee wellbeing; for instance, in a few zones, the person on foot must be more than most of the way over the crosswalk before the driver continues.
Signalized pedestrian crossing at intersections plainly separate when each kind of activity (people on foot or street vehicles) can utilize the intersection. Unsignalised intersections by and large help people on foot, and generally organize walkers, contingent upon the region. What seem, by all accounts, to be simply walker intersections can likewise be made to a great extent as a movement quieting strategy, particularly when joined with different highlights like passerby need, shelter islands, or raised surfaces.
Plain intersections may happen at any convergence, with the exception of at areas where person on foot crossing is explicitly denied. In the US these are designated “plain crosswalks.”
The most straightforward stamped intersections may simply comprise of a few markings out and about surface. In the UK these are frequently called zebra intersections/ crossings, alluding to the substitute white and dark stripes painted out and about surface. If the person on foot has need over vehicular activity when utilizing the intersection, at that point they have a motivator to utilize the intersection as opposed to intersection the street at different spots. In a few nations, walkers might not have need, but rather might submit an offense on the off chance that they cross the street somewhere else, or “jaywalk.” Special markings are regularly made out and about surface, both to coordinate people on foot and to keep drivers from ceasing vehicles in the method for pedestrian activity. There are numerous assortments of flag and stamping formats the world over and even inside single nations. In the United States, there are numerous irregularities, in spite of the fact that the varieties are typically minor. There are a few particular sorts in the United Kingdom, each with their own name.
A few crossings have passerby activity flags that permit people on foot and street movement to utilize the intersection then again. On some movement signals, squeezing a call catch is required to trigger the signal. Audible or material signs may likewise be incorporated to help individuals who have poor sight. In numerous urban areas, a few or most flags are outfitted with commencement clocks to pull out to the two drivers and walkers the time staying on the intersection signal. In spots where there is high person on foot activity, Embedded asphalt blazing light frameworks are utilized to flag movement of passerby nearness, or selective movement flag stages for people on foot (otherwise called Barnes Dances) might be utilized, which stop vehicular activity every which way in the meantime.
Survey results |
time |
P |
V |
0700-0800 |
30 |
1700 |
51000 |
0800-0900 |
40 |
1750 |
70000 |
0900-1000 |
30 |
1200 |
36000 |
1000-1100 |
5 |
1350 |
6750 |
1100-1200 |
12 |
1400 |
16800 |
1200-1300 |
25 |
1400 |
35000 |
1300-1400 |
9 |
1330 |
11970 |
1400-1500 |
13 |
1400 |
18200 |
1500-1600 |
25 |
1600 |
40000 |
1600-1700 |
45 |
1500 |
67500 |
1700-1800 |
50 |
1900 |
95000 |
1800-1900 |
35 |
1800 |
63000 |
The greater the value of PV^2, the higher the need for a crossing. This shows that, there is need for pedestrian crossings at 0700-0800, 0800-0900,1600-1700,1700-1800 and 1800-1900 where the numerical value of PV^2 is highest. Two top highest need for crossings are between 0800-900, and 1700-1800.
Based on the two highest values, the average PV^2 value= (95000+70000)/2=82500
This means crossing difficulty along the road is within levels 1-3 (82500 less than 10X10^6 as stipulated in the design manual) hence there is ease in pedestrian crossing.
Dijkstra’s calculation is fundamentally the same as Prim’s calculation for least traversing tree. Like Prim’s MST, we produce a SPT (most limited way tree) with given source as root. We keep up two sets, one set contains vertices incorporated into briefest way tree, and other set incorporates vertices not yet incorporated into most limited way tree. At each progression of the calculation, we discover a vertex which is in the other set (arrangement of not yet included) and has a base separation from the source.
1) Create a set sptSet (most brief way tree set) that monitors vertices incorporated into most brief way tree, i.e., whose base separation from source is determined and finished. At first, this set is unfilled.
2) Assign a separation incentive to all vertices in the info diagram. Instate all separation esteems as INFINITE. Appoint remove an incentive as 0 for the source vertex with the goal that it is picked first.
3) While sptSet does exclude all vertices
… .a) Pick a vertex u which isn’t there in sptSet and has least separation esteem.
… .b) Include u to sptSet.
… .c) Update remove estimation of all adjoining vertices of u. To refresh the separation esteems, emphasize through all adjoining vertices. For each nearby vertex v, if whole of separation estimation of u (from source) and weight of edge u-v, is not exactly the separation estimation of v, at that point refresh the separation estimation of v.
In this case, we have been given time in seconds hence we directly proceed as follows.
The utilization steps from the top right corner to the bottom left corner of the map using Dijkstra’s algorithm would involve use of links such as;
28+38=66 seconds
18+20+12+18+13=81 seconds
18+18+28+13+13=90 seconds
18+18+32+18+13=99 seconds
36+21+30+13=100 seconds
36+40+38=114 seconds
36+25+28+30+13=132 seconds
18+18+25+21+30+13=125 seconds
1st iteration
Node |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
final |
1 |
0 – |
0 – |
2 |
– |
81 |
3 |
– |
– |
4 |
– |
90 |
5 |
– |
– |
6 |
– |
– |
2nd iteration
Node |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
final |
1 |
– |
0 – |
2 |
– |
81 |
81 |
3 |
– |
– |
99 |
4 |
– |
90 |
90 |
5 |
– |
– |
– |
6 |
– |
– |
100 |
3rd iteration
Node |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
final |
1 |
0 – |
0 – |
2 |
– |
81 |
81 |
3 |
– |
99 |
99 |
99 |
4 |
– |
– |
– |
100 |
5 |
– |
– |
114 |
114 |
6 |
– |
– |
– |
132 |
4th and 5th iteration
Node |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
final |
1 |
0 – |
0 – |
2 |
– |
81 |
81 |
3 |
– |
99 |
99 |
99 |
4 |
– |
– |
– |
100 |
100 |
100 |
5 |
– |
– |
114 |
114 |
114 |
6 |
– |
– |
– |
132 |
132 |
132 |
7 |
– |
– |
125 |
125 |
125 |
6th iteration
Node |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
final |
1 |
0 – |
0 – |
2 |
– |
81 |
81 |
3 |
– |
99 |
99 |
99 |
4 |
– |
– |
– |
100 |
100 |
100 |
5 |
– |
– |
114 |
114 |
114 |
114 |
6 |
– |
– |
– |
132 |
132 |
132 |
7 |
– |
– |
125 |
125 |
125 |
125 |
The fastest route therefore takes 125 seconds and passes through nodes 6 and 5.
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