Trending Technology: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)


This report aims to discuss about the trending technology, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). The technical or business problems that the technology is intended to solve has been discussed. The limitations of the technology and the effect of the problems related to this technology are discussed in this report. One implementation of this technology in the organisation is stated. An assessment of the prospects of this technology for its success in the marketplace is discussed. Lastly, this paper concludes with an appropriate conclusion for this report.

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Radio Frequency Identification is an ADC (Automated Data Collection) technology that transfers data using radio frequency waves between the reader and a portable item for identifying, categorising, and tracking. It uses radio waves for automatically identifying objects or people from distance of some inches to hundreds of feet. (Cho, Jeong & Park, 2015).

The systems of RFID comprises of three constituents arranged in two combinations: an antenna and a transceiver that are combined as a RFID reader. A transmitter/responder (transponder) and an antenna are joined for making a RFID tag. A tag of RFID is read when the transponder is activated due to emission of radio signal from the reader and data is sent back to the transceiver (Coustasse, Tomblin & Slack, 2013).

A RFID system comprises of three basic components:

  • A coil or antenna
  • A transceiver
  • A transponder containing of an electronically programmed RF tag with some unique information.

The two categories of transponders that correlate with the two basic RFID tags are

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  • RFID tags and passive transponders responds depending on the energy that is emitted from the reader, as it has no own energy source. Consumer goods commonly use passive and cheaper RFID tags.
  • A tag or an active transponder owns an internal power source for generating a signal to the reader. The active transponder are expensive than the passive transponders. The active transponders communicate over huge areas like an ordinary radio communication (Zhang et al., 2014).   

When the transponder arrives at a read area, the reader apprehends the data and then it can be transmitted over the standard interface to the host computer, controller that is logically programmable, and printer for the storage of information (Ranasinghe et al., 2014).  

The problem of tracking the assets of the business are is solved by the use of RFID technology. The technology of RFID is more complicated than the barcoding or GPS that are commonly utilised by the software of asset tracking (Zou et al., 2014). The RFID technology utilises an electromagnetic field for automatically tracking and identifying tags that are attached to the items. The information that is stored in a RFID tag is viewed over a RFID reader using radio waves.

Asset visibility is increased in RFID tracking. The major benefit of asset tracking using RFID is the convenience and necessity of increased inventory visibility and the assets. RFID tags of the company can be read from anywhere that helps in keeping track of the location and quantity of each asset (Barge et al., 2014).

Working of RFID technology

Delay of the delivery of products can be eliminated using RFID tracking. The trouble of lack of visibility of products that are moving in different stages of production and distribution can be eliminated using the technology of RFID. The RFID technology implements the automation of all assets tracking system, which provides an analytics with real-time visibility for the production and it also remove any bottlenecks and the delivery time of the products is accelerated.

Mitigation of theft, risk and loss is achieved using RFID tracking. There is a greater transparency introduced in the business with the help of RFID technology. The RFID technology provides the live tracking of assets in a business that mitigates the risk if loss, counterfeiting, and theft.

The excess labour costs is reduced, which leads to increase in productivity with the implementation of RFID technology in the business. Several assets can be recognised and scanned mechanically with the help of RFID tagging (Perret, 2014).

Some of the basic limitations of RFID technology are:

  1. Standardisation: the strict standards of the RFID tags leaves very low freedom for the businesses to share any information that are stored in a tag. The companies that are transcending a solution that is closed loop and if they have a wish to share the application, they might face conflicts due to the need of cooperation of partners to settle in the standards of communication protocols, types of signal modulation, rates of data transmission, and frames and data coding.
  2. Cost: The cost of implementing the RFID tags in the system of business can be different depending on the type of tag. The price of semi-passive or active tags are significantly higher due to the economic application of these tags to scan goods that are of high-value on long ranges (Ajami & Rajabzadeh, 2013).
  3. Collision of signal: The situation of reading several tags at the same time can cause collision of signal and it can lead to loss of data.
  4. Deficient or faulty tag detection: There is a problem of the damage of tags due to prolong use of these tags and no proper maintenance of these tags. This can lead to failure of the objectives that were aimed to achieve with the implementation of these tags.

With the increase in the implementation of RFID technologies in several organisation, Walmart identified the need of implementing this technology in the business of the company. In the early 1970s, Walmart financed for a better distribution system for taking the advantages of the scope and scale of the economies (Frith, 2015). RFID technology uses EPC (Electronic Product Code) that is recorded in microchip, which has the ability to be read remotely, unlike the barcodes that are printed labels and it requires visibility for reading. Walmart enticed the suppliers of the organisation by offering access to POS (Point Of Scale) information in exchange of information of supplier of RFID. The ability of sending information to the suppliers will help Walmart to monitor the movements of the products that are tagged using RFID through the internal supply chain of Walmart to point of sale. The quality of RFIP of supporting the notification providing to the suppliers about the sale and simultaneously preserve the information of the sale and purchase of a product in the inventory of Walmart, and make payment to the vendor on an agreed term make it essential for Walmart to implement RFID in place of barcodes.

Globalisation, internationalisation and informatization of industries have affected the business of Walmart, increasing the needs of implementing changes in the business strategies and introduction of some new technologies like RFID technology and barcodes. RFID is used to monitor the sale and label the products, which enables the ability of storing more data about a product. Walmart is reluctant to implement RFID technology after several thorough experiments that were conducted to identify the major advantages of this technology to create innovative values of business for the retailers (Lui & Lo, 2014).

Asset tracking using RFID technology

Walmart invested heavily in the RFID technology to procure the supplies with RFID tags on each case and pallet that are coming to the distribution stores and centres. According to a latest survey, the retail giant will save over $400 million each year with the coded pallets and cases (Suresh et al., 2014). A study proved that Walmart have the potential of saving immense capitals every year by implementing RFID systems with the modified RFID tags on each item in all the stores (Shin & Eksioglu, 2015).

SC or supply chain is the set of some entities that are directly combined in the progress of the flow of services, information, products and finances to a computer from a unique source. The pipeline that comprises of several companies performing gaining of materials and alteration of materials into transitional or completed products, the distribution of completed products to the customers or retailers, and disposal or recycling in landfill is referred as supply chain. Walmart, with the use of RFID in the supply chain achieves a key prospect of reducing the costs and increase the operating efficiencies.


Therefore, it can be concluded that the introduction of radio frequency identification (RFID) in a business offers some key advantages to the business. RFID is a technology that uses radio frequency to transfer data from the reader to a portable item. The system of RFID utilises two key components, which are the transponder and an antenna. RFID technology eliminates the trouble of tracking of products and assets. The RFID technology is more complicated than barcodes r or GPS. Electromagnetic field is uses by a RFID system to track the assets of a business. Walmart implemented the function of RFID to  increase the revenue of the business and provide more efficient products to the customers.


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